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Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

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I wanted to create a scam crypto whose purpose and design was to be rugpulled at an indeterminant but publicly announced point in which a random number generator that generates a new number each day landed on a certain number. At first I was thinking purely cynically in that I wanted to pull an open scam on people that they would willingly buy into knowing its a scam but try to beat each other out to cash out when the number hit anyways, but then I started thinking about it some more and someone on #qa linked me litecoin's github and I started wondering more than that too.

What resources would one need to create a cryptocurrency entirely from scratch? Obviously some coding knowledge would be beneficial, but what languages do people use to make them? Also I think it'd probably be good to read up on cryptography since the security of mining and transactions is built around that, but don't know what books are good reads for that sphere of math. That's what I think the two things one would need to make a coin are, but is there more to study up on? I was also thinking that a coin in which there was a way to figure out how to just mine infinitely by cracking the algorithm would be cool too, but not sure what that would even entail or if it's possible without making mining entirely meaningless.

I'll probably spend a year on this and then at some point finish when nobody cares about crypto anymore. But I think understanding crypto at a fundamental level would be fun.


>when nobody cares about crypto anymore
nobody cares about shitcoins now unless it's endorsed by multiple super famous celebrities, it doesn't matter how original your idea is


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Yeah but now I just want to do it for fun


Well... If you do it, you should see if you can launch your scam coin on Coinbase somehow. Every now and then they do "learn and earn" things where, for completing simple quizzes about the coin, they'll give people some of that coin for free. Could give temporary liquidity and convince retards to buy it and then you can rug pull and cash out.


>launch your scam coin on Coinbase
Exchanges are pay to play. It costs millions.


or at least a market cap of a million. the initial holders have to put in a lot of initial money to make it seem like a real hype coin.

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Why did they design the Switch 2 like this? Are they stupid?
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if you're brave enough to walk around with your laptop in your hands while playing a game, why not lmao


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There must be something we're missing. It's such an oversight that it must be more sturdy than expected... somehow. Or maybe it's uhh... actually I don't know.
I hope it's backwards compatible with switch and someone is able to crack it. Oh, and somehow Nintendo stops allowing the mountains of shovelware released to its digital store every day.


>it's backwards compatible with switch
It is *with exceptions.

>crack it
Probably, the rumors that Nintendo has been on a suing spree shutting all the Switch stuff down lately because the Switch 2 will be super similar are looking true right now. If this really is just a Switch with a bigger screen and better resolution/fps, then they're competing directly with emulators.


Think about this for a bit


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i am

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¥ new "single sign-on" service gets implemented
¥ now have to go through six (6) login screens to access my workstation
¥ same password everywhere
¥ have to enter two soft tokens, tied to the same device, same app, same screen even
¥ have to wait for them to refresh and then enter them again to access the app portal even when hardlined into the intranet
When did "security" and "inconvenience" become synonymous? Are they just hoping hackers will decide this labyrinthine series of credential checks and verification pages aren't worth the data behind them and give up?
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I don't have enough accounts to need more than one page, but I know which accounts are newer which means they're further down on the page. If you have a lot of passwords you can also just get a password booklet that's alphabetically sorted if you need it.


used to store all my passwords alphabetically in my phone notes, now I use keypass


maybe a collection of cut-up index cards


You'd have to write down each password twice in case you lost your wallet.


That's probably at the core of why everyone wants 2FA these days. People have a limited capacity for good password creation so all the long-term ones are strong but used for a bunch of accounts and all the short-term ones are super weak shit at the top of any brute force list.


I'm getting really turned on....


I need a laptop like that


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>These are also decade-plus-year old panels and CCFL. Their already low brightness and kuso color is much more degraded years later.
I've got some nearly 2 decade old Dell CCFL IPS LCDs. Love them and they work great. Their only issue is there's some small flakes of dust that have managed to get between the LCD and CCFL backlight, but it's only visible on completely white backgrounds. That and early IPS panels have some minor image retention when you leave a high contrast static image up for a white, but it goes away after a few minutes of changing screens. Mostly just an issue I notice when leaving stuff like Discord open and images are on the screen for a while.

Lovely 4:3 monitor, not a stinky 5:4. Still holds up at 1600x1200 @ 75Hz. They make for excellent side monitors.

I really wish some random boutique Chinese monitor manufacturer would make new OLED 4:3 monitors. I don't wanna have to use 16:9 monitors vertically, and 16:9 is way too wide for side monitors unless you're like a sim racer or turbo FPS gamer dork or something.


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Hm, square monitors do make more sense when it comes to the side monitor. I really like my ultrawide, though. I have two of them on an L-shaped desk and it seems to work decent enough, although it feels wasteful because it hurts my neck to actually use the far side of the side one. Square screens would feel more like a natural extension, so maybe I could look into that next time in a few years...


i have few eizo monitors....


I have been hunting down one of these Dell 2007fp monitors for a while now. I really like the aspect ratio, but have only been able to come across 19" square monitors, no larger.

There are tons available online for ludicrous prices, but I really can't justify spending any more than $30 for a decade year old monitor, especially when I've gotten every other monitor I own for free.

Did some googling and it turns out some assholes on YouTube branded it a "retro gaming" monitor (despite its considerable video delay), which likely jacked up the prices. As was the case with kuso tube televisions that were being dumped at the curb only a decade ago, but at least those don't have awful delay.

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I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................
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Really it's about rendering rather than as a studio. Rendering for 3d is only ever done by distributed systems




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Two GPUs unfortunately have a hidden cost to them. I'd need a new motherboard and if I need a new motherboard then I need a new CPU. I might already need a new PSU if I'm getting a 5090, so the costs are absurd. Bleh!

Not really, or at least I doubt it. That kind of setup is for rendering farms, once you have a complete scene and you send the data over to be processed, like a Pixar movie. The performance I'd want is for rotating the camera around without stuttering in a complex scene while having other 3D programs open or even a game window. You know, "live" stuff. Multi monitor setups are less impressive when you can't make use of them for everything.


i don't even know if multi-gpu is a thing that works. when I tried to do it for video games it always had issues and the data had to be mirrored across both cards.


Don't know about gaming, but that's how they do it at the big AI training servers with 100*s of GBs of VRAM.

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So you think your so elite zomg cool hax0r uh? Well then let's hear YOUR genius strategy for hiding all traces of yourself from the glowies and other people that wanmt to spy on you?
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have you tried upgrading to power liches?


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Get on my level dorkmisers, I’m behind an army of death knights


just use tor and you’re good


>Haunted photos
I think this is genuinely the first time in my life I'm going to say something like this, but why didn't they translate it as "cursed images"? It's one of the rare cases where that kind of localization would've made sense.


thinkin bout using monero more, is it best to move between multiple wallets just to make sure your tracks are covered

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 No.491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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Nice numbers.
Doing some cursory searching, it looks like it was "uncensored dalle keys", meaning they knowingly have capabilities of producing illegal content, but it's not meant for the common man. Kind of just confirms what everyone knew about these models working differently for the "right" people.


We will see much more of the cons of AI proliferating than the pros.


Will or are? This half baked AI is far worse than competent AI


Think I'm done with AI. Tried to have a quick session with Opus today, which is supposedly the best model, and I spent 5 hours tardwrangling around the filters. It wasn't that fun at all and more frustrating than anything else. At the end I didn't even feel satsified when I was able to finish, just annoyed that I wasted so much time on it because it wouldn't work.

If I want to waste that much time joing then I'll just go read eroge or something. Will be a more productive use of my time.


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Huh, the Claude filter was usually defeated pretty easily with a prefill. Does this mean they changed things recently?

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This may be a bit too meta for /maho/, but there's a Serial Experiments Lain exhibition in VRChat until the 19th of January, 2025.

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i mean in general its recommended to use rolling release distro if plan to game heavily on linux
>the problem with my linux machine is im on linux mint debian edition... FOUR.... so my wine version is 7.17
consider using https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty
i am thinking about trying out debian sid for desktop usage as debian itself is quite flexible, i dislike systemd but apparently you can switch out the init on no x netinstall? its tempting


I've also had the same Ubuntu Mint install for 4 years without breaking too and everything is relatively up to date. I did upgrade it once, it went fine and I haven't bothered to do it again even though there's a newer Mint version and a newer kernel too, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to upgrade until I have to since I'm still getting security updates. Most distros that aren't niche are pretty good and stable. Anon should just use whatever they want.


i saw the lain exhibit but i couldn't find two of the hidden clues. i guess ill just watch a yt vid on it


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It's a mystery exhibit?


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Every day that bitcoin crashes a wave of bliss washes over me. It's been a blissful week.
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And how is this related to /jp/ instead of /win/ you offtopic shitstirring nigger?


Oh the thread moved before I realized it lol


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Calling me a nigger, but you can't read


Again this isn't /jp/ related at all and you pulling out bullshit doesn't make it /jp/.
Stupid dumb shitstirring scum


Who graduated this week?

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 No.843[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
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Jesus Christ...

At some point you have to wonder how much morals weigh out against just being a scumbag and taking full advantage of ai, this guy's making 2.6k a month doing this. And looking at his 18+ version of the account, https://x.com/HachimidesR18, it's easily visible how it's completely automated. No thought or care put into anything just the same exact poses with a pallet swap. I don't understand why anyone pays for this when they could easily just start up SD on their own and do the exact same thing.


I don't know how people could possibly pay for AI stuff. I will say at least that he must spend a lot of time cleaning up the images. It lacks creativity or personal input so it's the most inane stuff you could imagine and it's why I never do it. It's not quite manual labor, but it's very dull and repetitive.
The part that bothers me is that an AI generator person's "style" is just a combination of real artist tags, which adds insult to injury when people expect (and do) get paid for it. My opinion is that AI really shouldn't be used for anything other than a personal masturbation aid, which it is very VERY good at. Well, and making throwaway images that people look at for a few seconds to laugh.
The only paid AI stuff that could possibly make sense to me is the extremely niche stuff that has little no real art.


It's good because it's novel


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People are dumb and easy to take advantage of. I'd be a multi-millionaire if I didn't have good morals. The internet is designed now so that these people rise to the top. It's why youtube is filled with dumb people making thousands a week stealing content from people that actually put in effort and know what they're doing.

In the last year alone I've have multiple aspiring vtubers take content I released for free and shit all over it. All because they're trying to get sponsored by Funimation/CR. So they take something we worked hard on and lie about it. Last time they took something with multiple TL notes and subtitles at the top of the screen and hid them. Then presented the subtitles at the bottom of the screen in such a way that they somehow made the offical (wrong) translation look better. In that particular scene we provided two translations. One that attempted to maintain the joke being made and another literal translation. Maybe we could have handled it better. But the one that retained the joke was kind of iffy and it was really hard to do that joke in English. So we put it at the top of the screen and a literal translation at the bottom.

In another scene they either lied or made a common mistake. Obviously they don't know Japanese. But they used it as a way to claim the CR TL was better. Since whoever did it didn't understand Japanese either.

This kind of thing isn't just limited to people trying to make youtube money either. We've had multiple people try to shut us down on places like nyaa. If you dig into who's running the place now you discover the same thing: It's all CR or former CR employees. That's why they push official translations and rips so hard these days. They're the same ones that ddos'd all the anon nyaa clones as well (after they stole the code anon provided for free to run their own).

It's a really horrible situation now on the internet. People that actually do good work are shut out of everywhere with gatekeeping. Any attempt to start up a place outside of these people's control get ddos'd into oblivion and if that fails they email your hosting provider or domain provider and shut you down that way. They steal your work, claim it as their own and then get donations from clueless people that praise them for their "hard work". These people using AI are just the same thing happening with art.
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Thank you for your hard work.

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i want to game.. a pc is unlikely in this moment. i like anime games that’s wut i would play.. PSP? in 2025.. is that good? What about a steam deck? I’ve had only nintendo 3ds, gameboy and ipads becuz gaming is supposed to be a boy hobby.. (~_~;) WHATS THE BEST?!?! plz
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why the hate? typing like a retard? have some kindness i need help


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meeeeeeep tehe :3


The meeper!


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OP is Kusunoki Yua! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

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Looking at how gikopoi does some of it's media functionality...
It's been a while since I looked at how extensive browser APIs have become.

>Screen Capture API
>CSS Painting API
>Geolocation API

Browsers are practically mini operating systems.


It IS really impressive, but it's all over my head.
Doesn't surprise me too much, though, as everyone wants to add every feature to everything instead of specializing.


Javascript was a mistake


>Browsers are practically mini operating systems
Chromebooks are a thing for a reason.


Data harvesting and Google walled garden?
It's true you only need a browser if you're just gonna watch youtube and use social media though which is what most people do. Same reason why more and more children only have a tablet or a phone and no computer which is pretty sad on their behalf. They have a much harder time entering the workplace.


Smartphones/tablets are less locked-down and harvest way less data than the average school/work computer.

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I think it's time I invest in a UPS. I lost power this morning and my uptime got reset on 3/4 machines. Does /maho/ have any recommendations?
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an off the shelf one will be fine, these things will generally say X mins at full load on the packaging and you're probably not gonna run it at full load


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Off the shelf? What do you mean?


sigh cute helpless NEET...
i mean just go to like officeworks or some electronics/computer store or some bullshit and whatever brand of UPS they have you can just get it and it'll suit your needs
you dont have specialized needs
you're not a big corpo's tech guy supporting an entire server rack that needs 99.999% uptime even in hurricane season


Ohh. I thought that's what you mean, but wasn't sure. Nice, yeah, that's good to hear.


It's easiest to find used apc second hand locally and then get chink repalcement batteries.

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Are you planning on buying anything for Black Friday/Cyber Thursday?

I think I'll get another big hard drive for storing stuff and my sister is planning to buy a TV so I guess I'll look around at those, too.
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Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to be online.


Most important thing I ever learned from old men; "Never cheap out on anything that's between you and the ground".

So you spend good money on; Bed, Shoes, Boots, Tires, Tent, Sleeping bag etc etc.


I let my dad trick me into getting some $100 dollar "running shoes" because he believed they'd be better for my feet and they fell apart within a year or two, so I'm hesitant to spend anything beyond the bare minimum on shoes now.


well this advice obviously applies to things that aren't manufactured as "made in <your country>" when really they're cardboard crap assembled in China then sent over to be boxed up by locals before being put on the market to trick unsuspecting customers.

I recently had to stop buying boots from a company I've bought from for years because they're now selling $50 quality boots at $300+ coasting by on a reputation the company had built up for over 100 years before being bought out by a new parent company a few years ago.


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Man, I need a 3090. I wonder if people will throw some up on ebay or something when the 50xx series is revealed in January for what will surely be a ludicrous price. I'm not sure how many people would be jumping from 30xx to 50xx, though, but it's probably not many. The prices are just so damn absurd, and the 5080 will only have 16GB of VRAM and will probably be like $1700.
Come to think of it, if I get a 3090 doesn't that mean I could have my 3080 and 3090 in it together for 36GB of VRAM? I should look that up, but I'm sure I'd need a new motherboard.

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Been working on an Linux distro for the last 2 years off and on. Will probably be ready to release it to the wild at some point early next yet. I was wondering what people wanted out of a desktop/laptop OS geared toward the creation of content like audio production, video editing, programming, drawing and other forms of content creation. As we all know it's a huge pain to set-up systems for this currently.

I plan to provide a lot of things out of the box geared towards these hobbies (both production and consuming such content). A list of applications you use on the regular especially those you're forced to get from git repos and compile from source would be very helpful to me.

Current plans/status;
-Will run on Linux kernel. AMD64 is the only supported platform at the moment but should be easy to port to other archs. Technically, can run on them now with some simple config file changes.
-Kernel tuned for realtime scheduling along with many other performance tweaks
-Package manager that supports both using binaries and compiling from source. Ability to custom compile/run-time options. GUI to manage it if you don't want to use command line
-Multi-monitor support out of the box with GUI application to manage them
-New light DE based on Openbox along with some modifications I've made to it (can use most other DEs though if you want)
-A simple WM for "fall back" admin tasks when you need to fix something and the regular DE doesn't work. Or for people that just prefer a WM (ability to replace with anything you want of course)
-Consistent look and feel across Qt/gtk/other applications
-All dev and multimedia tools installed by default (but you can exclude stuff if you really want)
-ffmpeg/MLT/vapoursynth installed by default with a nice GUI application for editing and encoding video
-Various audio tools installed by default
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I'm still around just been very busy. I'm not to the point yet where I want to invest in infrastructure because it would sit unused for many months before things would be ready to go live. I also refactored this entire project again recently so I started from scratch sometime last month. But it was for the best because bending Portage to my will was getting old really fast and I was going to have to write a ton of code to make it do the things I want.

What I've ended up landing on in Guix package manager. Which does everything Portage did sans global USE flags. But those don't matter because you can write reproducible package definitions using Scheme. So it's just a matter of modifying each package to compile in or exclude what we want in the base system. I've been spending the last several weeks porting over my work from Gentoo/portage and finally got a booting system a couple of days ago that replicated most of the base config.

While you wait I highly suggest going through the guix documentation and maybe setting up a test system yourself. Since if you have a working Guix system switching over will be a simple process. You'll just have to clone one text file and rebuild your system with a simple command.


The docs are _really really_ good. The downside of this is they're so good you won't get many copy/paste snippets from google searches when you run into problems. Since you're expected to RTFM and the GNU guys only communicate and work together through the mailing lists. They're old school like that. That said I've not had any trouble myself switching over. I find it better than Nix because what is called home-manager and flakes in Nix actually works in Guix and the docs are much better. If you want Nix for whatever reason you can still have it by installing it under your ~ directory. Same goes for Flatpak and Docker and all that kind of stuff.

Another downside is the Guix people don't support non-libre software at all. Meaning driver support in the default installer for things like common wifi chips and GPUs isn't there. But it's a simple matter of changing a couple of lines in your system config to pull in the usual kernel from non-gnu channels. If yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Funny, I was following along and I was thinking about metioning that I wouldn't be interested unless it supported things I now consider basic features like being declarative+reproducible*, and rollback/atomic upgrades, but I didn't want to try to force you to adopt whatever my own preferences are. I use NixOS right now, but I was thinking of switching to Guix anyway because I prefer Lisp. I already use emacs, so Guix+emacs+a Lisp window manager and most of my system would have nice to look at easily modifiable code. NixOS works very well but the language is gross and I find it confusing to write at times. The real benefit of Nix and NixOS is the huge number of packages and all of the pre-existing configs that have been posted all over the internet for anything you can imagine. The tradeoff is that writing your own packages kind of sucks. I have a few extra PCs, some of which run NixOS and some of which run debian, so I'm sure I could find something to install this on.


You should switch to Guix. If you want access to Nix packages you can have it anyway inside of your home folder. The reason you should switch to Guix boils down to;
-1) Home management actually works
-2) Channels actually works
-3) The language is much better

The only real draw back isn't really a draw back. It's the same issue with every GNU project: The hostility towards anything non-libre keeping away 95% of the population. Since almost no one's computer is supported by the kernel Guix ships with unless it's already 10+ years old. If you have any kind of modern GPU you're shit out of luck unless you know what you're doing and pull-in the non-gnu channels. Which are maintained by third party channels and not allowed to be discussed at all on the main mailing list.

Another issue is for whatever reason the GNU mirrors have been really really slow lately. Can't figure out why considering how much money they're getting through donations. But sometimes their website just simply refuses to load for hours at a time.

Upside is the documentation is very good. So even though there isn't an existing config for you to pull-in you should have little trouble making your own.

Someone is going to take Guix and the non-GNU channels. Put them together and make a lot of money attracting a large user base over the next few years. Since it has already solved all the issues with NixOS at a fundamental level. Mostly because it had the benefit of being developed after Nix using a proper language.

There are some questionable defaults in the default graphical installer though. Nothing but ext4 is supported by default unless you write a config file manually (and manually partition). It uses GDM as a log-in manager by default as well. Which is really slow for some reason and refuses to pick up my ~/.Xsession. Most likely because it's Gnome and Gnome is horrible. No KDE (yet) if you're into that. The Cookbook is outdated and wrong in several areas.
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If you want to try on a system that doesn't support Linux-libre kernel (or want your GPU/networking to use the manufacture drivers). This is the best .iso/installer currently around; https://github.com/SystemCrafters/guix-installer/releases

Note that post-install you'll want to remove the pinned commits from channels.scm for the non-gnu channel before running Guix pull + system reconfigure to update.

Full instructions here: https://systemcrafters.net/craft-your-system-with-guix/full-system-install/

That should give you a system that boots. If you want file system other than ext4 I think the installer can handle that if you set-up partitions manually then return to the guided install. It'll generate a system.scm config for you based on what it finds. From there you'll need to drop back to another tty to finish installation because of the Non-GNU channels. It's pretty straight forward once you've gone through it one time.

The only other thing that's different from NixOS aside from the language used for config files is the lack of systemd init. Guix uses Shepard which is lisp-based as you've probably already guessed. I haven't found anything major that hasn't been ported over yet. I like it better than systemd (but that isn't saying much. Anything is better than systemd). It's a good init system and if you're familiar with lisp you shouldn't have any issues writing your own services should it come to that. Starting, stopping, restarting and all the usual stuff isn't hard and you can actually be sure things will start in the correct order. It isn't doing any voodoo behind your back.

You should limit what you install globally through the system.scm. You can use guix install for installing packages needed on a per-user basis inside your home folder. You can set-up temp. environments using guix shell to test packages before installing them for real. Read the docs for more information on all that stuff. If you're coming from NixOS a lot of it should already be familiar to you but it's more well though out in Guix land.

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