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I've been writing a largely custom game engine in C, C99 specifically because it's the best supported version of the language that isn't completely archaic. I'm using SDL, mostly because I want the thing to run in environments that aren't just the older version of Windows that I'm on. In doing so, I've realized two things:

First, I kind of wished I used C++. I still think C is the better overall language, and I don't exactly regret using it, but there's been a lot of situations where C++ features would've removed a lot of busywork on my end. For example, I have multiple circularly-linked lists that hold different structs but are otherwise identical in terms of access and modification, and they'd be a perfect candidate for templates. Right now, I'm handling them with a combination of boilerplate and weird post-hoc macro hacks that I put in to reduce said boilerplate when it became too much for me to manage.

Second, I've come to realize just how much of a game engine is just bookkeeping: loading data, saving data, keeping logic running at consistent speed, normalizing coordinates so the scene can be rendered, maintaining the data structures necessary for things like rendering and audio playback, etc. The problem with most of these things is that it's hard to know if they're working individually, because you need to have several of the other features up-and-running first before you get any direct feedback; I need to treat them all as one big thing, at least in the short-term, and that's a style of programming that I am not at all used to.

There is no point to this thread, by the way, I just wanted to share.
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I considered it, but it's too heavy for my liking, too much of a runtime, which is unfortunate, because I like a lot about it. I want something that's capable of running quickly on basically any hardware that's capable of running SDL. I grew up with a really crappy computer, so minimizing resource usage is important to me.

To put it into reference, rather than using a dedicated scripting language, right now the plan is to handle all scripting in C directly, with scripts being called via function pointers.

It doesn't. For that kind of thing, you're expected to handle it in something like OpenGL directly.


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This sounds pretty cool, but I don't understand any of it.


Truth be told, I don't fully get it either. This is far and away the most ambitious programming project I've ever undertaken, and it has very much been a learning experience.


You can use SDL with OpenGL. I did it once. I wouldn't ever recommend making a 3D engine from scratch though, it's a loooot of work. It can be fun, but you aren't gonna get a finished game engine or finished game out of it.

OP, is your goal to learn programming and about game engines, or is it to make a finished game? If it's the latter, I would recommend using an engine like Unity or Godot, or a more comprehensive game framework like Love2D. You'll finish it twice as fast. If it's the former, more power to you, I hope you learn a lot.


raw 3D programming is very challenging because highschools don't provide us with good frameworks towards understanding quaternions

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What video players do people use these days? I've been using mpc-hc, but the final version was released in 2017 so maybe there's something newer and better out. I know there's one some people here use with a similar name, but it has basically no UI so I don't like it.
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>not using MPV the best player ever
your old granpa fucks need to wake up


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If it's so good why doesn't it have buttons or a dropdown menu? Too convenient?


Buttons is a social construct, it's all specific areas on your screen, and mpv does have that. What do you use the dropdown menu for? I don't think I've ever needed a dropdown menu.


I use mpv for everything except iso which i use vlc for. I like mpv because its just plug and play and its a very simple media player. I had problems before with mpc-hc i think it was called. I think there was something wrong with the program causing my audio to be delayed. Very strange.
Here is my mpv config. It starts the media files at the volume 100 and at the end of the media file it loops it because otherwise mpv would just stop it which i dont like. And then the sub filter which someone else on kissu recommended to me. It removes the SDH stuff from subtitles.


>otherwise mpv would just stop it which i dont like.
You can use keep-open=yes instead.
If you prefer your subtitles to be in English with Japanese honorifics, also consider adding slang=enm,eng because some groups use the label "enm" (Middle English) to indicate an alternative subtitle track with honorifics.

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 No.387[Reply][Last50 Posts]

A thread for random tech chatter
If your talk ends up being well thought out and has lots of replies, consider crossboard-linking your discussion into a thread
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my free-spinning logitech mouse is great except it has two bullshit side buttons that i always hit making me sigh


free spin is great, but I've found the use cases are very slim. Having to turn your mouse upside down to enable it also makes it very unusable


I love my razer naga but I cringe a bit whenever I think of needing to replace it. Shits like 100 bux. I mostly use it for web browsing with media keys, video controls, alt+tab, translation, tab controls and so on


i used xbindkeys to disable those two side buttons w00t w00t
having to do whaat


my previous logitec put it on the bottom.. but I see that most of them have it on the top now

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There's now a way to play Xbox 360 games on PC. Seems pretty cool? What kind of games are there?
This is all thanks to Sonic fans apparently. If it's not bronies pushing technlogy then it's the Sonic autists. Other weirdos need to step up!


I mean there was already a 360 emulator but a lot of stuff doesn't run great on there so if this method will run stuff better that's cool. Maybe it will give me an excuse to finally play Lost Odyssey. I think most good games of that gen I already played on PS3 and a lot have PC ports these days.


Ace Combat 6 is the only game on my list of 360 games to play when emulation gets better. I guess there's Nuts and Bolts if you still care after Tooie. The gritty brown FPS era may be better than what we get these days, but it still didn't produce much that calls to me years later.

It wasn't a console with lots of exclusives and the stuff it did have has mostly made its way to PC long ago.

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I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................
68 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>That's pretty cool. It uses a vacuum or something?
If I remember right, it uses two separate pumps (one on the inlet and one on the outlet) and when the resistance falls due to a leak occurring, one of the pumps reverses flow so that the liquid is pulled into the reservoir.


I was thinking it probably doesn't help well with punctures until a certain amount of liquid has spilled


Yeah, I think it mainly makes sense as a prevention against server techs killing your $150,000 AI server (and every server below it) if they accidentally dislodge a tube off a barb fitting or something.


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For some reason the new motherboard isn't reading my oldest M2 drive which is what had my profiles on it for browsers and stuff.
Bought a $20 external M2 SSD reader thingie and... thankfully the drive is working. It makes me wonder what is wrong with the motherboard, though, maybe the M2 is too old? I moved it to different slots and even tried removing another one to see if somehow it was a bandwidth thing or something.
Kind of annoying, but at least it's a small drive and I could put some less accessible stuff on it like older AI models or something.


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absolutely incredible cats in this thread
a confluence of cats and computers
the cat blog sends you its regards

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Firefox pushed an insane ToS change
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they NEED to adapt this floppy furry as their mascot




Firefox is like one of those fat Yosemite bears that's been fed by humans for 15 years. Their instincts are shot.
Turns out 500 million free dollars every year in corporate welfare regardless of your performance doesn't inspire you to perform.
Who knew?


Isn't Vivaldi partially closed-source? That's enough for me not to want to touch it at all.

>Turns out 500 million free dollars every year in corporate welfare

In my experience, it's generally the opposite problem: corporations, by their very nature, are a) incentivized to extract every last drop of profit they can out of their customers, leading to scummy, anti-consumer practices like this, and b) are bloated and inefficient, leading to retarded anti-consumer practices.


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They're a public non-profit. The source is literally mozilla.

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MV3 just killed Ublock Origin
Now what, chromebros?
Are we screwed?
I don't want to download firefox
34 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>something not working correctly in FF
>they could break media in firefox
I don't know why my fingers decided to go full retard in that post. Sorry


It's over.... my violentmonkey and ublock extensions are gone


How did they 'gone'?


Can you still sideload them, or does Chrome not support that? (Haven't used it in years.)


IIRC, the manifest V3 thing removes support entirely. Chromium forks should be fine though afaik.

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 No.491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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Yeah. It's still a fairly good all around GPU. It's also okay-ish when it comes to Stable Diffusion. A 512x512, 30 step image takes ~20 seconds. Not crazy fast, but serviceable.


>So vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y


¥ 48 hours navigating Mt. Moon
¥ finally figures out the right path
¥ intentionally talks to the Raticate grunt looking for information
¥ convinces itself the loss teleported it past Mt. Moon and this all resulted in progress
¥ starts going backwards
At least we'll be keeping our retro game streaming jobs for a while yet.


What? That's true.


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And they had to reset it because Claude decided to live in Cerulean City talking to Slowbro for all eternity. So after years of pushing AI and billions in investment, it's still worse than a Twitch chatroom flooded with trolls. Sasuga.

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There's been a lot of chatter lately about Deepseek. In the online circles I'm in, people have a politics-colored understanding, more or less saying "American tech companies couldn't do this, but an opensource Chinese company could and American tech companies are in 'damage control'". Which... I really don't understand. If it's an open source model, like Llama was, for example, I don't see how this doesn't just cause there to be a proliferation of much more efficient and performant models -- the same way after Llama became available, sudden there was Phi from Microsoft, Gemma from Google, Mistral, and others.

What does /maho/ think?
63 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm getting in 4x48GB of RAM later this evening. I'll update with my results, but for now I can answer a few things:

>My choice of RAM is 2x32 or 2x48
I currently have 2x32GB with a 4090 and DeepSeek R1 671b-UD-IQ1_S ran at ~1 token/s (>>2445).

>with a $100 premium on the 48
If you're not too worried about the speed, these are the kits I'm ordering:

>Do you need like 200gb across GPU and RAM to load the great model?
It depends what you mean by "the great model". For the higher quantizations you only need ~88GB total between RAM and VRAM, if using llama.cpp. If you want to use Ollama, you need to merge the weights into a single file and then you need RAM + VRAM to be quite a bit more than the filesize of the model (>>2433). For lower quantizations, you need a lot more memory, and if you want to run the giant unquantized model, you need like >1TB of RAM.

I'll be trying 2x48GB and 4x48GB and seeing how much of a difference (if at all) they make towards generation speed. I kind of have a feeling that maybe when I was running DeepSeek R1 before, it was probably going out to a pagefile on my SSD since I had like 500MB of RAM leftover while running it.


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Maybe?... The people who made the quantized version of DeepSeek R1 provided an example in their blogpost showing that their highest quantized version was still capable of creating a flappy bird style game from scratch (>>2417).


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I ended up ordering a 2x48 thing, but I feel immensely ripped off by it. This is the computer I'm going to be using for the next 4 or so years so I justified the price premium to myself since I don't buy things like real clothes. The whole reason I'm doing the RAM thing is for local text gen so I'm eager to hear of your progress in it. (saw in IRC that you're having issues though...)

>It depends what you mean by "the great model".
The famous one that is a little bit below GTP4o or whatever. My assumption is that I can't run that one, but maybe the one under it? Slow 1 token/s generation is rough, but part of the appeal of all this VRAM and RAM stuff is multitasking.


The API is still fucked huh? I assume results are slightly worse than usual because of the DDoSing or whatever


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Do you use any software that other people may not know about that you like?
I started using (and eventually even bought!) this thing called Wallpaper Slideshow after trying a bunch of free ones and getting frustrated. https://www.gphotoshow.com/wallpaper-slideshow-pro.php
Basically, you give it folder(s) of your choice and it will assemble a collage image of them and make it your background. You can configure it with a timer that changes it and I have it set to 15 minutes. I had originally used John's Background Switcher that someone thankfully linked to me a few months ago: >>91800 https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/
I liked this one more because there's less wasted space, more options, and it just generally seems to assemble the image better. I turn it off before I go to bed each night though because I'm worried that it's keeping my hard drive active all day, which probably isn't good. I should maybe research that sometime...

This pairs well with something like Grabber ( https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber ) that can bulk download tags from booru sites.
Of course, this stuff is kind of wasteful if you don't have an extra monitor with a wallpaper that's largely visible, but I find myself like that sometimes so it's pretty nice.
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I can't think of anywhere else to post this, but I finally found a blender script for retopology that clicks with me. It really takes the headache out of thinking of ways to patch holes while meeting the vert requirements. Manual touchups are still needed here or there and you really do need to know how to plan out topology, but this is making retopologizing a lot less painful for me. (It's kind of crazy it made a knee joint layout by chance) It feels closer to a creative process since you're drawing lines and letting the calculations be done by the script. If only AI stuff was actually going in this direction.

Anyway, it's called Easy Patch 2 and I actually spent the $15 to buy it just because I hate this whole process so much.


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Here are some essential programs i have saved in a notepad for redownloading purposes.
I used it once for ripping a cd and it worked great.
I dont know whats wrong with windows but multiple times when reinstalling my pc i would have issues with thumbnails. It just didnt work on most files and would sometimes lag when loading it all. Icaros did fix that very annoying problem but caused another. The thumbnails werent the same as usual so you would need to tinker it to your liking. Still a good alternative if your windows thumbnails are fucked.
One of those password managers. Nothing more to say
I usually use this to check bitrate of videos or music. It basically shows you every piece of information of a video file. Its pretty useful when you torrent something to verify that the file matches whatever it said and for making your own torrents and copy and pasting the information seen there. Im not sure about music files though. I can see bitrate of music files but i havent really checked beyond that.
A pdf reader that works. I throw a epub or a pdf at it and it works. Doesnt feel like bloatware at all like what i would expect of a pdf reader.
>goldberg emulator
A steam emulator that is useful for when people share steam game folders. Does not work for games with DRM.
A swf flash player. I've only used it a couple of times but it seems to work well enough.
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>revo uninstaller
This is good if you somehow installed a kuso program that wont go away.
This is very good for formatting usbs and hard drive. I use this to format my big hard drives to fat32 for use with the wii for example.
>wii backup manager
Just a simple thing to use to transfer games to your hard drive. You can do it manually but i prefer it this way.
Must have hdd wipe tool. Always use this on a hdd if you're going to sell it/throw it away. Do not use on a ssd.
>subtitle edit
I dont really make my own subtitles. I find it useful for the batch convert option it has. Usually when downloading subs there arent sometimes "non-hi" subs, hi meaning hearing impaired. These subs are really annoying because sound effects are shown in the subs or the name of the person speaking is also shown in the subs which can cause spoiler issues. Its just annoying because i only want subs. Im not fucking deaf. So what i do is just download the subs and then use the batch convert option and then tick the option to remove the hearing impaired parts from the subs.
Old software for creating hdd ready folders from iso rips of original xbox games. I find it pretty useful but newer software might do it better.
For formatting hard drives for use with the original xbox. I've also used it for unlocking a few drives. Sometimes its just simpler than using something like the chimp app on your softmodded xbox. I just dont want to do the whole process again. If you've nulled your eeprom on the xbox then you can just lock the new hard drive with your current drives eeprom. Then you can copy every of the old drives folders to the new one one by one. Its a good program.
>chocolate doom
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>Usually when downloading subs there arent sometimes "non-hi" subs
With the correct regex you can remove all these bracketed SDH.
MPV and MPV-based video players has some functions function for this.
If you set this up it should save you the hassle.


Oh cool. I will test that out later.

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What ever happened with the teamspeak revamp? I remember hearing people make a bunch of noise about it leading up to its release and theorizing that it could be the discord killer, but it's been a few months now I think and all that talk seems to have faded away. You'd think that with it being a private alternative that groups could run outside the purview of some top level moderation that more of the piracy/privacy and such groups would move over to it instead of relying on discord, but I don't think I've seen any change in how TL groups advertise themselves.


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ts has been engaging in self-deprecating humor on xitter as a form of advertising


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Ahem. kissu is a proud ventrilo site.
I can't imagine anything being a discord killer, it's just too big. Specialization is what's needed, and I don't think privacy is enough on its own. It's kind of the problem of discord in that it tries to be everything, as true of most tech companies these days.


I assume anyone strongly against Discord simply never migrated over from IRC in the first place. Discord has been around about a decade now, anyone who has been using it begrudgingly all that time can't actually mind it that much.


People don't just switch what they've been using daily, simple as that. I still have a Facebook Messenger because my family wont(cant) switch to anything else.
Has there been any discord server of the piracy kind being raided/banned? I don't know of any incentive from discords side to move to teamspeak.


I'm pretty sure Discord deleted a few Switch freeshop and emulator servers when Nintendo got bloodthirsty a while back.

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6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Wait a minute... 512 is even more than SHA256... How long would it take a bitcoin miner to crack that...


what are you trying to get me to do here? There's no way I can get some sort of pattern out of a salted hash.


If you do though, you'll become a billionaire.


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Thank you for the replies. I am happy to see that the program is working. In case you were curious, The answer is
Have a nice day.


/maho/ just got played in some way and we shall never know

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Best keyboard


Looks like it has seen years of solid use.


those must be some rude letters to require censoring


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best keyboard

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Are you planning on buying anything for Black Friday/Cyber Thursday?

I think I'll get another big hard drive for storing stuff and my sister is planning to buy a TV so I guess I'll look around at those, too.
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I let my dad trick me into getting some $100 dollar "running shoes" because he believed they'd be better for my feet and they fell apart within a year or two, so I'm hesitant to spend anything beyond the bare minimum on shoes now.


well this advice obviously applies to things that aren't manufactured as "made in <your country>" when really they're cardboard crap assembled in China then sent over to be boxed up by locals before being put on the market to trick unsuspecting customers.

I recently had to stop buying boots from a company I've bought from for years because they're now selling $50 quality boots at $300+ coasting by on a reputation the company had built up for over 100 years before being bought out by a new parent company a few years ago.


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Man, I need a 3090. I wonder if people will throw some up on ebay or something when the 50xx series is revealed in January for what will surely be a ludicrous price. I'm not sure how many people would be jumping from 30xx to 50xx, though, but it's probably not many. The prices are just so damn absurd, and the 5080 will only have 16GB of VRAM and will probably be like $1700.
Come to think of it, if I get a 3090 doesn't that mean I could have my 3080 and 3090 in it together for 36GB of VRAM? I should look that up, but I'm sure I'd need a new motherboard.


Any reason to get 2 M2 SSDs, or is the one good enough?


Depends on the OS. I know the default QNAP OS, I believe unRAID, have tiered storage, so more frequently used files will be moved -- not copied -- from the hard drives to the SSDs. In that case, you would probably want two and set them to RAID1, so if one dies, you don't lose files that got moved to the SSDs. If you use TrueNAS, there's not really much benefit other than extra redundancy. TrueNAS doesn't have tiered storage. Instead, it tries to put files into RAM (ARC), and files that don't fit in RAM can go to the SSDs temporarily before being written to disk (L2ARC); these can be removed from a pool, or die without data loss, but their benefit is subjective.

If you want, you could also just install an OS to an M.2 drive instead of using USB.

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Is it possible to use the repos here to reprogram and create a Taiga that works on linux? I'm asking because I don't think I can possibly go back to keeping up with anime using just a notepad anymore after how convenient Taiga's been for me this whole time, and I'm not switching to Win 11 or the subscription-based 12 in the future. If I need to learn to code myself to do this then so be it, I want my convenience.
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


wow.. that's so weird... in his 1.0 version he's directly calling the windows API to generate windows. I have no idea how this sort of thing even works... I guess this is how C# does it's UI builder or something...


What does taiga have that trackma doesn't?


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Uh, hm. I'm not sure actually. Didn't really know of its existence, but it tracks manga/vns as well? That's pretty neat.


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trackma nuts


>Win 11 or the subscription-based 12 in the future.
omfg what

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