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File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (272.74 KB,1920x1080)


N-n-n-n-no w-way..... f-f-f-fagg..........


He has that isekai look. His parents should probably keep an eye on him...


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (77.48 KB,1280x720)

Yeah, bro, I told that ho to get lost so I could go play vidya with the jay.


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (252.78 KB,1920x1080)

hey wait, that's not the kissu jay... that's ota!


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (186.4 KB,1920x1080)

Huh. That seems a bit more direct than I'm used to.

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