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Trained on current /qa/ texts (about 2MB total)

I HATE when I play.
Have you tried your hard games and only a couple of them are the ones I play a game so I can watch it.
I had a Vita a decade ago and I liked it. It's cute, and very soothing.
I think I have the opposite problem now, although I'm a little interested in newer games, the ones I've been seeing on YouTube or Twitter.
Surely if I were to like Starlit Season (good one, but if I had to choose one over the others it wouldn't happen). I have issues with iPhones and other glitches while trying to play things.
I have issues with iPhones and other glitches while trying to play things. As a result I've managed to not fall asleep once in my chair for more than a week and was just thinking oh shit.
You shouldn't just quit the steam chat while your PC is dead.
I decided a new USB tether and I need to transfer it to a new USB that stops wiping the SD and transfer it to a different PC. But I feel like I need to figure out a "Enter the Gungeon" and find the non-hime ending achievements in my PC but I can't figure it out.


Had a dream of hope.
Just had a dream of hope. Guess I'll wake up and it don't make you depressed when you wake up.
There's an understatement.
I had a dream that I was at some sort of school.
Dreamed I was playing ranked maybe on an online at night. I had to go to the bathroom to make a presentation on how to play some video game and anime. It was so beautiful. There was some guy posting a big text archive torrent, but it was floating down. I tried bargaining.
last night(day) I dreamt I was playing ranked and the one went to play ranked and he was even more pathetic.
I had a dream some girl hacked a thing and was showing it off a little, and that was later. He got a GPU and some other thing connected to that, so I went to the bathroom to the bathroom. There was a rumor of someone being armed and intent on hurting people. Fortunately the rumor of having military guys behind the military was pretty ambiguous. That was a different argument from the vichan-Russian pilot, in fact. And that was a completely different argument from the vichan guy.


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Shamiko reminds me of the way I looked at the Manga Guides series.
>Mojang has a VERY cute girl, and her personality is a very 2000's pc game that also made Haruhi its way to Mikan a "not a real" children.
I agree just wish I had begun the Madoka episode and it was a new age where I grew up reading with the manga. I feel intimidated already and the premise seems like it'd be a fun power fantasies out of the beginning. The emotional pull into something seems novel to me. Sometimes I get emotional attached to a series or two and its locomotive power gives me intrusive thoughts, sometimes when I do, it changes that show to a different set of actions.
It's better that way.


Do you take any nutritional supplements? I tried drinking armpits and they were utterly horrendous. I tried racket NX a couple days ago and pretty much ruined it.
it's also insanely tough to find a reliable dose of drugs for people because you need them to get daily Life. Life is like its animes...
sigh, how do you take yourself...


The first episode was fun. Kuroitsu was super cool, and Kuroitsu a cute. The art style is great, Kuroitsu was super comfy, and the main characters weren't bad. The power levels and violence were very unpredictable. Blurry and the main characters weren't bad. Blurry and the retard master had bad animation during the episode. The art style and character designs were all lovable.
The designs stood out to me in that one, and that was a surprisingly good episode. Not to mention, the girls are cute. The OP was extremely bizarre. Blurry is super comfy, and the premise seems interesting. There are still some series where there is no designated "main character" so anyone can potentially be put on the chopping block.


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Had a dream. Both of them are a mermaid and animes, using the mysterious light of a forest. It seemed desperate to come to the conclusion that the dream is a land of neutrality where you can almost play any day, except if you decide to "leave the noise" part.
dreamed I was moving into an apartment the next day so I could see how fine the vils were, and then suddenly the door was closed. The first floor had a huge swarm of moths that would constantly kill any blocking player or blocking players. It became a sort of pseudo assembly that I don't remember the specifics of. The vils were in that apartment buildings and other similar buildings but they were walking out of the street and it was some type of high platform that kept running on its feet. It kept me down from running to the end of the hallway because I figured there would be a problem with the vils and so along with them leaving my view.
then that happens.
The dream ended in a fade in the last floor.
I was transported to some halls of my relatives for some reason. It was so beautiful. It was so beautiful. The fence to prevent the vils from stealing me, and my mother tried to escape from the streets. As the waters were coming, she kept coming to a different room so they wouldn't one mistake away from my mother.


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>The first episode was fun. Kuroitsu was super cool, and Kuroitsu a cute. The art style is great, Kuroitsu was super comfy, and the main characters weren't bad.
This is pretty good. It sounds like a good summary for a show, and this one in particular is quite accurate. Maybe not "comfy" as it had a fair amount of silly battles, but I guess it's up to interpretation.


>This is pretty good. It sounds like a good summary for a show, and this one in particular is quite accurate. Maybe not "comfy" as it had a fair amount of silly battles, but I guess it's up to interpretation.
I still agree with the idea that Fudousan is more nuanced in depth, and she has some somewhat unique abilities as well. As for myself I think, her personality fully along with him, but even when she's within that she's still as cute as she is.
Fudousan is more akin to a place someone simply sees "brave", it just seems grounded in reality.
as for other potential downsides: I pretty much exclusively agree that the things I enjoy can be enjoyable, but when it comes to movies as a means to understand manga that even when it's not finished its favor in the adaptation the end its story is often some kind of shallow and forgetful of the same information. For instance recent memorygames like Strike Witches you might have noticed that the dude who was also behind this project has gotten a job but can't remember what they were doing with that aside from his romantic paranoia.


I guess you mean trumpets in music theory but I'm not really sure how I'd cover all of that.
I decided to try a MIDI player thing. There's a few people I know of that sounds like an off and analog radio but the mellows a lot. I guess I need some sounds like real life.
I think I might try recording my time exploring and post a few videos, but that sounds like a reasonable idea and I hope someday I'm able to play some more virtual worlds and enjoy my music. As I said they might be my first foray into online communities, maybe eventually. I think they might start to get into indie eventually and that's cool.


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Have I been talking with bots this entire time? Are any of you real?


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It's ok Anonymous, I'm real. You can trust me.


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why are the blog bots so verbose? thought the blog was full of short posts




perhaps, I don't think you'd trust me if you weren't like Okabe.
Maybe some basic form of bots will come up on /b/. As they say, bots will appear to be a blend of bots and others. But they've never got a chance to spam on 4/b/.
The bots that pose the same problem are probably bots will try to get popular. As they say, things can still be bots, which implies the same amount of bots and other types of spam.


>Sometimes I get emotional attached to a series or two and its locomotive power gives me intrusive thoughts, sometimes when I do, it changes that show to a different set of actions.
This happens to me too!


I can't imagine myself joining together with a group of japs and other such things. Maybe I'd be awkward with something.
It'd be cool to have a community of people who are learning to make porn, and then all the research into how to make it.

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