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File:97735823_p0.png (708.59 KB,642x899)


Y-your milk Sir...


you forgot to bring it, dumb bitch


You're supposed to take the fresh milk yourself, god you're stupid


I'm going to die from a milk overdose.


why is ganyu the most popular genshin character in terms of art
she's just a goat


goat milk is gross


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goat cheese is good


File:4f42ebcb0d24baf0bbe02d0b6e….png (1.78 MB,1748x1828)

1. She's cute
2. Leggings
3. Boobs
4. Horns
5. Ero


Is she? I thought it was Mona. Hell, that's the only one I remember the name of because it popped up so often a few months ago. Maybe it changed..


File:88451797_p0.png (3.01 MB,1400x2800)

Mona lacks the cow udders to compete.


at least on gelbooru she is, mona's second
she has her beat by 3k pics too

i like mona's design more though


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Breasts are not important


I love goat cheese
I like them as cubes


True, but I think people liked her outfit a lot and it seems to heavily feature in most of it.
Looking them both up, it seems they both wear tights so maybe it awakened lots of people to a new (old) fetish


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True, what Mona lacks in the chest department she most certainly makes up for in the lower sections.


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She makes up for it in other areas.


That surprises me, I don't really like either of their designs.


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goat milk, huh


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feeling in a mona mood today


nice udder


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can't drink


She ate the whole box...

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