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It's that time again.


File:waterfox_GiEoZwoHoc.png (332.47 KB,654x266)

Nice, it works in ruffle!
Ah, life was so simple back then huh. Good to see mods are still doing that on /v/


sounds like it's time for the regular Ruffle update anyways


I'm always impressed how mature Ruffle is. As far as I know, every prior attempt at a flash reimplementation fizzled out pretty fast, so it's wild to see a project that's only four years old capable of playing back a lot of flashes perfectly or near perfectly.


File:R-1709082954958.png (110.78 KB,1065x117)

You say?


File:R-1709086398130.png (115.75 KB,1058x122)


File:waterfox_jio3yy0bIm.png (407.72 KB,600x386)

holy crap I DID IT! OVER 20K IN ONE RUN!


ActionScript 3 is still a hastle apparently, but yes, it's a good project using a Rust ASM


ruffle-nightly-2024_02_28-web-selfhosted added but it will take a bit for everyone's caches to update


File:R-1709189249420.png (294.22 KB,987x312)



File:R-1709190128858.png (326.92 KB,1023x318)

Holy shit!


File:R-1709215263364.jpg (29.3 KB,468x148)


File:2024_02_29_14-49__MVE.jpg (182.52 KB,1756x532)

almost got the 100k i've always wanted in this, just needed the run to last a bit longer


File:R-1709774823852.png (159.04 KB,1025x153)


I just can't break the 20k again. I really don't understand how I got that much that one time here >>498
I must have got a multiplier somewhere.. can you hit the dolphin or something?


File:R-1709777462505.png (346.99 KB,1051x348)

Have you been dashing into the stars? They build up a multiplier, and it adds up fast.


Yeah. I guess I'm not good at getting the ones that are on the, uhh, platforms or whatever you would call them. Guess it's a playstyle thing (and me sucking generally)

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