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File:hatten.swf (1.05 MB)



I remember this! Man, we (I) were so easily entertained back then


I found it shortly after I first started using the internet. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen.


Yeah, I remember lots of random stupid stuff like this and uhh.. some really weird ugly things with faces that I don't want to look at again.
Oh, and the squirrel thing with gonads and strife. That was good.


skibidi dop dop dop yes yes


to be fair you need to have a very high iq to understand skibidi toilet


being an arabic speaking person this joke was ruined for me and to this day i don't know what does it mean


File:C-1705575536070.png (63.64 KB,666x883)

Remember those kuso default gradients that everyone used to use for their buttons


The entire joke is just that it sounds like 'hat' and there's a little hat moving around. At least that's how Interpreted it. It might just be the dumb 'random' humor of the time, however, with someone using their new flash knowledge to create something stupid.

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