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File:Flandre_Chase.swf (3.95 MB)


I wonder if Ruffle can handle this...


This is amazing. Flash players newer than 2016 or so haven't been able to play this, but Ruffle can do it. WHOA!




File:1598162400086.png (76.64 KB,1199x898)


File:1509234098816-1.gif (127.21 KB,765x569)


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That was one of the last flanfly edits I ever did if I remember right. Although it's not much of an edit since I was plopped down existing edits and extracted flash avatar things


it looks awesome, sad you stopped


File:Flan DRPG.png (276.02 KB,1199x898)

I became distracted by what I would call "the /qa/ project" so it kind of just tapered off. I had spent a few years visiting /jp/ just for the ritual flanfly thread, so I wasn't really feeling any connection to the board by that point. I should try to get back into making more edits, but without a focus the motivation is hard to find.


What's the /qa/ project


Well, this was back in late 2016/2017, but it was turning the /qa/ board on 4chan back into a fun, laid back place instead of what it had become (drama, angst, complaints, etc). I don't have the patience to talk about it all now, but the end result, (although not planned ahead), was kissu which shares the same basic premise.


the quay construction initiative


File:how draw flandre.png (210.96 KB,852x923)

I think they stopped posting her at some point.

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