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File:WAN_WAN.swf (2 MB)


wan wan


I wan wann wannu


huh, ruffle works pretty well


with various modifications I made to the UI


well this one is just a video and doesn't have the "moving parts" of a real flash so it shouldn't have any issues


works fine with moving parts. It's just there are some more modern flashes that use things that are hard to integrate...

Speaking of which, there's probably a few updates by now(from 2022-06-02 to 2022-10-24 )


They added in a loading screen, so now we have my home made loading progress and then Ruffle's progress bar.


huhuhuh.... i wonder if I can get rid of my loading screen now and Ruffle will take care of that... I'll have to experiment sometime


you mean in the ruffle UI?


no, getting it to work on the site wasn't trivial.
Though I've submitted a bug report to do with the site once...


wan wan
wan wan wan

wan wan
wan wan wan

wan wan
wan wan wan

wan wan
wan wan wan

(was going to post this flash but I guess I did a couple years ago)


keep nyaa wan spirit

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