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File:nanaca-crash_v110.swf (1.81 MB)


How far can you go?


2550 AND got to hold mimi-senpai
think i win


maybe it's a good idea to link


The very first time I did this I got some insane score that I thought was normal at the time and I've never matched it, or maybe it was the katawa shoujo version. I think it was like 10000+ or something




Fun game to play while debugging ruffle-kissu integration..


File:C-1659416315334.png (625.78 KB,978x547)

i did it


File:C-1659418946732.png (484.91 KB,1050x501)



File:7654403f79.png (477.54 KB,879x542)

damn it boob monster, that was a godly run

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