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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….png (1.24 MB,1280x1440)




I'm with Satoko, I hate studying.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (86.38 KB,1280x720)

hurrr durrr im satokoooo
i hated books


can't go wrong hating studying ugh. adderall is a wonderful invention isn't it lool


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (173.88 KB,1280x720)

pat the satakotard


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Satoko is a "what you see is what you get" country girl, and there is nothing wrong with that. She is a little slow at times but we still love her regardless. After a long day of debating with other like-minded peers on Kissu, having a simpler soul such as her around helps soothe my nerves.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (120.4 KB,1280x720)

Yes, yessssssss


File:mpv-shot0097.jpg (122.92 KB,1280x720)

She's so cute when she's being evil.

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