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File:explorer_D7AfQH9Pz0.png (7.24 KB,581x148)


I need to hurry up and read Umineko before the next Higurashi anime, but uhh... I can't remember what is what. Does this look right? PC remaster port? Huh? Rondo Episode 6 is in beta? What?


File:waterfox_7CHEwlVlfD.png (22.62 KB,238x752)

and animebyte's franchise window thingie has a release in 2019? huh? That's newer than when I downloaded this stuff so it's definitely not in there...
I'm so confused


The steam release came out not too long ago and it should be easy to set up... but I can't remember if PS3 has been made moddable into it yet.


Does PS3 add new content or it is like Higurashi and it's sprites and maybe background images?


File:bern heh.png (207.04 KB,500x431)

PS3 adds a shitload of new SFX and updated avatars (some people still prefer the old but I don't) and also it's fully voiced, and believe me the VA work in it is fantastic. Couldn't get me to play it again without it. Music is the same too so there's no downside to it.


File:onscripter-ru_win_r2531_i7….jpg (551.1 KB,1920x1080)

Well, it's definitely more than 3 months old...
Does this look right? Is this the first chapter or whatever? Or are they all packed into one?


went to this 07th mod site
read FAQ and they suggested using the "Umineko Project" instead so I'm here downloading uhh... I'm not quite sure
It says I need to own them to play it, but is this like that bogus ROM disclaimer sites used to have or is it saying it's just a patch?
aaaaahhh so confusing


File:waterfox_jQvPhR2Kn5.png (35.02 KB,763x237)



nevermind, google solved this handily


035646750436634546568555050, i think


hmm this is just a bunch of data folders with no exe...
this is why it's taken me so long, just figuring how to get this stuff working is so annoying
so I download each chapter now and extract them to a main folder? is there a compilation, or is this designed to work with a specific release...



I'm using a different one, the 'Umineko Project' because of the opening paragraph here https://07th-mod.com/wiki/Umineko/Umineko-Getting-started/


File:waterfox_OwMVMCCtPF.png (12.01 KB,683x221)

wtf is this? rondo of witch and reasoning? is it part of the question arc or no? I thought question arc was like 4 episodes? why does it have a symbol next to the 6?


Look at the Umineko project releases. The beta symbol is their final release version of an episode.


bleh. I think I know what to do now.. let's see if I'm right....


oh I had it wrong, but now I have it right
I had to download an engine on https://umineko-project.org/en/downloads/


File:9c21b06722.png (12.45 KB,253x176)

For some reason I'm getting this when I try to launch the game, no idea why that happened.

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