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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (132.91 KB,1280x720)


I think we can all agree that there's no way in HELL Gou actually ends (no next season) next episode. So when do you think S2 is scheduled for


some talk that it's 30 episodes and not 24. I dunno if it holds true



It's scheduled to just keep going without a break until at least episode 30.


File:1364269233572.jpg (105.71 KB,750x600)

I'm betting on 34 episodes


it would be a miracle


It's all a matter of what sort of cliffhanger we're left on.
We'll have 3105 episodes.


Was the amount of episodes in the second season confirmed yet?


Often times the number of episodes isn't officially confirmed until a series has nearly finished airing. Can't imagine it'd've been announced already, especially with Ryukishi being as secretive as he is.

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