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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no….webm (4.21 MB,1280x720)




holy FCUK


File:Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ….png (803.67 KB,1280x720)


wow, congrats to Kaos for getting into St. Lucia


Sadly after that incident she was expelled


goldfish turds are scarred forever


did satoko get magic. how else can she snap finger and break chandelier


Magic doesn't exist, silly. She must've had an accomplice.


Small bombs in the chandelier


It's a brain in a jar simulation, I refuse to explain.


this but the jar is magical


She may very well have actually. Maybe that's also how she pulls the gun from thin air.


File:carlos.jpg (34.54 KB,600x600)

I guess you could say... Satoko snapped


god DAMMIT carlos

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