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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (134.27 KB,1280x720)


It was actually Ciconia phase 2 all along


File:red moon.jpg (192.58 KB,1920x1080)

The evidence is mounting.


I don't get it, how does this relate to Ciconia?


It's a joke, but the red moon.


File:34.jpg (228.88 KB,1920x1080)

Phase 2 was Gou all along. Bravo, Ryukishi.


Looks like it may not have been that in jest...


Uhhh, dignity




the whole channel is
thanks to whoever originally linked it


How good is Ciconia? Seems like R07 has gone completely off the deep end with it, but not sure if in a good or bad way.


I found Ciconia entertaining and the links to Higurashi and Umineko revealed this episode make it even more entertaining for me. R07 even went as far as to spoil events that happened in chapters that haven't been released yet, he's completely insane.


it's got a shitton of characters right off the bat and most of ep1 is exposition or sol, but it's promising

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