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/cry/ - When They Cry

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File:renaface1.png (552.45 KB,1280x720)


In a perfect world, girls like me would not exist...


File:renaface2.png (768.47 KB,1280x720)

...but this is not a perfect world.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (48.03 KB,1280x720)

Very well, Keichi-kun, you've had your say, now I'll have mine. You're a liar. You're a liar with no respect for friendship. No respect for anything except your fiestas.


File:1623512348689.jpg (187.08 KB,2221x1248)

It's Rena's world.


File:1625275604721.png (260.38 KB,750x750)

ding dong


why is this rena face so weird lookin


she's peering into your soul so strongly that the world warps around her


yuck she's a cutter

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