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File:Coward_way.jpg (108.26 KB,1295x640)


What are the implications of this?


File:[Kirion] Higurashi no Naku….png (354.04 KB,1280x720)

I think he's being dishonest, but not in a malicious way. He did create Gousotsu, is currently working on Silent Hill and Higurashi has a gacha so his standards aren't exactly high. He should just say he wants to take a break from it or something.


Well, if the pic is legit of course. I don't trust this stuff without sources.


That he either thinks Japan is at war right now or he was completely unaware of all the wars that were going on when he wrote his other stuff. Or maybe he was secretly eastern European all along.


i found the source for op's charred jaypeg, it's from here in the references:
it quotes a collection of western fanart they sent physically to ryuukishi that he replied to, you can download the pdf here and see the full thing in pages 83-88
the last of the replies being the one in question
anyways the general consensus was that the pandemic was what set ciconia back due to it clearly referencing that a pandemic would take place, and then it took place in real life, obviously that makes things much harder to write
ukraine and i assume palestine didn't help either but i don't think it was in this sense as impactful as 2020


Thanks. Interesting. A call for fanart on... instagram. Huh. Really cool that he replied to EVERYONE there. What a nice guy.
I'm more likely to believe his words there since he's talking to an individual casually instead of in a professional way towards a reporter.

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