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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (67.99 KB,1280x720)


explain this to me, if this were Hanyuu then why would she be portrayed in a somewhat menacing manner in the OP? If the series assumes you know it's a sequel then there's no reason as to why it would expect you to think that Hanyuu is in anyway evil. So therefore this has to be Featherine


File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (197.31 KB,1920x1080)

I don't know if you can read into the OP that much, maybe it's just how a particular character like views her. Or maybe she becomes different somehow since it would seem something else is going on in regards to the first part of episode 2.


just meaningless ambience


Takano is a witch and also Lambdadelta


But that's wrong, Takano is Lambda's piece. She's not Lambdadelta herself.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (220 KB,1920x1080)

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