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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no….webm (5.16 MB,1280x720)


This SMUG BITCH is playing with your heartstrings. And basically, you're fucking stupid.
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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (429.93 KB,1280x720)

smug witch*


Can't believe they're only going to give us 4 episodes of actual plot progression and spend the next 3 on backstories the viewer fully understands.


File:1599229793527.png (1.03 MB,1000x1300)

Just make them into seacats already and get done with it. The novelty of evil Satoko wore off a long time ago.




File:1623938299191.jpg (54.12 KB,236x233)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of this.

File:1640aef93c20d38e7cb64e2033….jpg (44.13 KB,500x350)


My witch is golden dreamer
Of magical gore bits
Nothing is on the creature
For Maria in September

Witch is golden dreamer
It's magical Gohda chef
I'm gonna piss in fire
For magical breeding power

In the brewing party
Saw every everything
There he comes, breaking the darkness
George in grief

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Can't wait for Satoko to be isolated in a world without Rika



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                   ゝ-,  /   /       ヽ  >'/ ノヽ' }
                     !_,i   l   i  i   i'、彡 /ノ< Y
                       | i  i   i  l  '、 __,',i ヽ,/! i i-{
  That's not how it goes,   i '、_'、__ゝ-`‐‐'"_,,-‐' } }-'、/
     you dingus            '、ー_.  ‐r‐tニア  !ノ  !
                         `、` ゞ'ノ    ̄ ,,,,, {!、ノ
                          ','''' ヽ     ,    }i ヽ
                      , タ.   ヽ、  ‐='"   / !'"
                   ,, ", "      ` ‐ ,,__ ,/,,// i     __
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File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (115.65 KB,1280x720)


Give up kissu, Special Agent Satoko's got you cornered now!
10 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kinda takes away from it when they established satoko's motivations last season before getting into it this one.


>I already read the VN
But these stories are separate from the VN?


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They are, but I feel that the general plot is too similar to the original mysteries. Wataakashi just felt like they replaced Shion with Mion and copy pasted the rest from the original.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (119.18 KB,1280x720)

Satoko is me
the bat is a bat
the ball is Satoko's head


File:1442955056078.jpg (52.16 KB,848x480)

You're doing the world a favor, Anonymous. Thank you for your service.

File:[Kirion] Higurashi no Naku….png (425.52 KB,1280x720)


How many Satokos do you think you could take in a fight? No traps or other trickery, just body against body.
I think I could take at least a dozen.


File:1469605911323.gif (1.27 MB,677x504)

I'm the hundred Satoko slayer, send as many as you want it won't make a difference. I'll teach that little shit a lesson.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (136.3 KB,1280x720)

It depends. Are we talking about regular, domestic abuse victim, nii-nii-loving Satoko?

Or are we talking about looping, powered-up, sharpshooter, streetwise puppet master Satoko with countless loops' worth of amassed knowledge, vast monetary resources, and the power of the mangekyou sharingan bestowed upon her by higher dimensional beings?

Because if it's the latter, I'm afraid I wouldn't stand much of a chance. You say "no traps or other trickery", but she loops and I don't. Circumventing that would be a piece of cake for fully powered Satoko.


if you beat her in a single loop you win because she can't undo reality, only move to new shards

File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (307.19 KB,1280x720)


moshi moshi


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Takano-san and Satoko are crying. Which one would you try to calm?


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They've both stopped crying!


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watching satoko be sycho isn't how it looked on paper


Psycho Satoko is saikou Satoko

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Where does she even conceal the gun at? She wears a skirt with tights. Tokarevs are kind of heavy too; all steel construction.


well, girls have two options....


Inter dimensional vagoo

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what does type-moon have to do with higurashi?
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Think it's just a doujin-guy-making-it-big kind of thing? That's a good question, but I have no idea


Oh, duh, yeah that makes sense. Huh, I figured they seemed so similar but I didn't know he did it on purpose.


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Well I mean... Ciel-sensei...


Goddamn, I never even thought about that.


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You guys didn't know about this? I assume you haven't watched the Rei OVA then. Can't make it any more obvious.

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What the hell, she strangled her to death at school in broad daylight with other kids running around a few meters away from them and carried her body around.


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She had a good angle

File:[Nii-sama] Higurashi no Na….jpg (163.2 KB,1223x1079)


Don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll help you get through that bathtub drain. Nipaa~


Stop pooping in the bathtub, Rika...


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Witches don't poop!

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Just remember, the only reason Rika lost is because they had to split her vote between TWO top 10 winners.


thought this was an ad for that godforsaken gacha..


File:Furude Rika.jpg (267.43 KB,1024x576)

Why are there three Rikas in this competition?


gonna vote for Erika, Bern and Rika


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She's too strong to be allotted one spot.

File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (178.35 KB,1280x720)


Mion is a girl!
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This explanation mark barely makes sense. I guess she's sane enough not to easily succumb to insanity, but I she didn't seem far enough gone to murder




File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (90.54 KB,1280x720)

FUCK Satoko
ugh god damn what a monster


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She's just trying to achieve a perfect world. Sacrifices must be made and experiments must be preformed. Vier understands this as a scientist.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (114.91 KB,1280x720)

I didn't think Sotsu would have me feeling as terrible about a death as this made me feel...

Really hope Satoko gets punished by the end

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File:[RESubs] Higurashi no Naku….jpg (154.13 KB,1920x1080)

Butt injections with Mion!


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You didn't say anything about who is on the receiving end.


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (204.31 KB,1280x720)

It's Mion, of course she's the one on the receiving end.


File:[Doki]_Higurashi_no_Naku_K….jpg (220.64 KB,1920x1080)


Satoko did learn how to use a needle from the butt injection master, after all. She could inject anyone's butt without them even noticing. A disturbing thought.

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Remember to clean your room and put your futon away, or Satoko-chan will scold you.


File:[Nii-sama] Higurashi no Na….jpg (699.48 KB,1920x1080)

Haahh please scold me, my lovely Witch of Certainty!


*puts fist away in satoko's face*

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