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Reaction image


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u want some?

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Has /cry/ noticed how much Satoko is starting to resemble Lambda's design in the post-kai arc?


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Their hair is about the same length, but the style is a bit different. Different eye color, too. She does look a bit closer to Lambda now, but there's still plenty of differences.

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what an IDIOT


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more like Dumbtako


So the reason Satoko holds a grudge against Rika is because she was too dumb to get into the same school as her?


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She can't even identify basic vegetables

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Was this scene really necessary?


yes, also very arousing


Takano is really cute in that outfit, so absolutely.


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It serves as a nice bookend to Satoko taking out the trash at the end of that episode.


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But WHERE did she pull that gun from?


She's a Gauntlet Knight and pulled it out of her 4th dimensional storage space.

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Do you like M. Zakky, /cry/?


Haven't read Ciconia yet so I odn't know... But he has cute hair

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So this was Satoko bonking K1, right? The rest is an hallucination. Wouldn't make any sense otherwise.
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He's a true sharpshooter


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It's the second SHAFT headtilt of the show.


Satoko was already bloodied by the time Ooishi reached the shrine, and the bat was present in Satoko's house, so my guess is this:
- Ooishi strongarmed Satoko into helping him investigate the curse, by threatening to release Teppei.
- He arranged for Satoko to invite Keiichi to his house, to also recruit him as usual.
- While carrying the bat, something went down with Tomitake and Takano that caused him to be injected with the syndrome.
- In a rage, he scrapped his plan and bonked Keiichi (who then hallucinates fighting back against Teppei).
- Then Ooishi goes to the shrine and the massacre happens.


100% speculation juice


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100% Truth Juice

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this may even be better than the bridge scene, way to go watanabe


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holy moly


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he really finds ways to outdo himself


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Mion's boobs went to Sotoko


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You know, this may have been made in jest... but you may just have been right.

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How's R07 going to outdo this cut? I think this may be the pinnacle of the series right here.
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Her will has finally been broken.


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Makes sense, Satoko was the true culprit all along...


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she knows....


I've got to say, the tension that was present throughout this episode was amazing and couldn't have been pulled off without all the excess violence and shock in the prior ones. R07 really outdid himself this time.

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Actually now that I think about it, as Bernkastel Rika saved Takano's parents... So will that end up making Takano an ally in the end to Rika?


Could be. Ever since last episode, I've been expecting Takano and Rika to join forces somehow.


I think given the recent events and Satoko's extremely suspicious speech, Hanyuu (or possibly now Featherine/another) is actively working against Rika. The two of them can probably find solace in their struggle against godly beings.


would be pretty neat to see something come out of their suspicious behavior throughout this season

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So about that censorship...

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Rika has seen some shit


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She sees you when you're sleeping

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Is it just me, or does this BGM here sound... different?


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It's the sound that played during the omake of the original S2


This reminds me that I cannot remember Irie appearing in Gou.

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Is Mion retarded? Why didn't she shoot Ooishii?
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She really is the perfect sister... I can't believe anyone would think her capable of murder. It didn't even specify her as one this episode.


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There's no perfect person, and Mion is still a human susceptible to the syndrome. It seems verrrry interesting how it's still left as a mystery even when she looks back on previous worlds. I hope this means there's going to be some exploration into the truth of what happened in that shard


>Either way she rushed ahead fully knowing she was about to die, either to buy time for others to do something or to simply join Shion in death
I think this is pretty much what she was doing. It's exactly the sort of thing I'd expect her to do, as she has a strong instinct to protect others.
I thought that the shot with the toilet casted a bit of suspicion on Mion. Who else would have the keys to the toilet but the class representative, after all? Just because she isn't a murderer in one fragment doesn't mean she isn't a murderer in another. You should also keep in mind that this is a completely new Hinamizawa with completely new rules. Ooishi suffering from HS never happened in the original and neither did Mion developing HS symptoms. That isn't so with Gou. If it's any consolation, she likely only did it to protect Keiichi, at least in her own mind.


Actually now that you mention it, it makes sense that it'd be Mion by the way she treated K1. Shion was never as kind to him as Shion was, and the toilet scene was really suspicious.


It wouldn't be murder though. She should've at least tried to incapacitate him like >>353 said. I don't know how strong airsoft guns are, but the ones that cops use on protesters are no joke.

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Probably. I doubt she's shown in the OP for no reason.


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Hanyuu sure has some big boobers now.


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She went off to be a mother.


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