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New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa

3952 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


add 15 more minutes to do the dishes


my instincts tell me that life shouldn't be so horrible


it is, we are already living in hell


do your dishes in the shower to save even more time


yeah that's why you need to cook in bulk



the cat would have to be actually big


i have more fingers than friends


big cat « or the bike could be one of these tiny 49cc ones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BClwSBATpFo



>>>/ec/14206 <-- ON TOPIC SAGER!!!


i had totally forgot about these pocket bikes. it was all the rage when i was in middle school






ACTION sighs


me too


such a stupid concept, the only good point is that you're already on the ground when you fall



streaming kizumonogatari in 55 minutes!




streaming NISEImonogatari in 55 minutes!


ohayouuuuu #qa <3



>ohayouuuuu #qa <3 <hihiyou



whatchu streamin'?


nice bg on yukkuri


he's streaming NISEImonogatari




havent watched monogatari in a while


never watched it. i stopped in the middle of the first episode because i was tired to read the subs




wait kissu streams on twitch now? instead of inside cytube


oh nvm im dumb


very dumb


zenzen ni aho


gonna shower and eat some spagbol


spag pisssss spag


spag spag spag


so we're really streaming on twtich... arent we afraid of getting DMCAed?


uhh beats me, don't think they care about anime streamed for a dozen people... probably


fuck the police


coming straight from the underground


why the FUCK does github keep forcing shit on me let me have an insecure account with insecure https connection


i dont want to fucking 2fa my account


they force these things on you for the same reason they force you to follow laws... because you're too stupid and arrogant for your own good


fyi, no one will ever tell you you're a self grandizing twerp in person so you should be thanking me right now. Preferably with a tip included


I was just thinking, isn't happyness like a drug.


fuck it fuck github


ate spicy pork ginger stir fry noodles

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