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New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa

4100 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


just uh keep it to #jp


i would rather a bullet to the skull than to be on #jp


an act of mercy even


then dont post like you belong there....


thats highly racial!


#qa should be more diverse


and more open to diversity




dot dot dot dot


trying to type "proper" hurts my hands..


not sure if carpel tunnel or just muscles being used in ways they were not before


how do you normally type?


without the right pinky


the only keys that i press with my right pink are :; '" and /?


that's called not using the pinky


ring finger is a lot longer than the pinky anyways


there's a whole slew of right pinky stuff


most of all, im trying to alternate my shift holds


left shift when the letter is in the right, vice versa


i don't really see the point of typing techniques


i'm 120+ wpm and i never thought about any of that


i just type


the typer


a typer must type


120 < im 90 on a good day (´・ω・`)


is it the same with C too?


wrong buffer..


there are some hardcore typeracing forums out there but the 1 thing that makes me go fast is always avoid using the same finger twice, like if i'm typing "decoration" i will not use middle 3 times for d, e, and c i will go middle, ring, index for d e c , for the l and o in "slow" i go ring, then middle


naruhodo, i do use the same finger


hah I cant even press the 'e' when trying to go middle, ring, index


doing it that way is uncomfortable


if i'm typing "decoration" i will not use middle 3 times for d, e, and c i will go middle, ring, index for d e c , for the l and o in "slow" i go ring, then middle < 120+ guy i do this do


why do you want to type so fast anyways


to woo an anime girl with my typing skills


huh so C++ automatically returns by copy



eh I dont believe in those


though, the "using different fingers consecutively" I agree


yeah ik there are people who claim an automatic 30% boost in typing speed switching to dvorak or whatever from QWERTY because some common digraphs or trigraphs in english like ed, ol, nu, nu, mu, cr, -zed are awkward to type because of the consecutive one finger problem, but it's sort of questionable because there are over 125 digraphs in english but only ~10 columns to spread them out over on the




C++ returns by copy « https://sigcpp.github.io/2020/06/08/return-value-optimization#2-unnamed-rvo yes, it is ok to to do `std::vector<int> getInts() { return std::vector<int>(…); }




and then do vector<int> v = getInts(); in another function


and you are right about there needing to be a copy after getInts() finishes or else the vector inside it will go out of scope






boobie < nah butte


would you rather face in boobie or face in butte



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