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 No.1[Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa



The world is wrong.


>Yuru Yuri






the norms the norms the norms the norms


>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei




>average slop




















what does that mean?




"buzzword" is also a buzzword




But is true, i prefer the word Kitsch to slop tho








Get the fuck out and never come back.


sorry, but english is not my native language. Is that word bad or something?


isn't "tho" a synonym of "but"?


tho posting isn't bad


it's though


sorry, but english is not my native language. Is that word bad or something? < it's seen as one of the 'soyteen' words


.sd hacker









and how it BROKE the internet


how i hate youtube


what did youtube ever do you





That time I got reincarnated as an idol but all I want to do is use my lvl 1 drawing cheat skills to draw manga but I'm trapped in a cafe dungeon where I must use my lvl 2 medio skills and lvl 3 idol skills to fool the Demon Lord into allowing me to leave


ohayou #qa






! forgot about my choco nanner cake. I shall save it for tonight's streen (stream)


why did all my hand have both green dragons end up in the dead wall


https://youtu.be/fxyR2bx7eGQ?feature=shared&t=116 Next leap in our evolution is becoming Goldman suits


dungeon no naka no hito anime is very cute!


wow they explained the gem you get from killing monsters and it makes sense


dungeon meshi like story?



dungeon meshi < no the currently airing dungeon anime


i mean that the dungeon meshi and this other dungeon thing seem to explore the mechanics of a fictional and naturally occuring dungeon


oh, dunno didnt watch dungeon meshi but I guess so? if they're exploring the workings (literally) of a dungeon


though, in this anime the dungeon is not naturally occuring I dont think


it's a business run by a head


the latter half of meshi and even the earlier parts treat dungeons as a natural ecosystem, like a rainforest that's governed by the equilibrium of chaos




in this anime the dungeon is governed by a cute anime girl


actually, i guess the second half kind of changes the tone...


thought dungeon meshi was going to be something like isekai shokudou so avoided it but I might have made a mistake..




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if you've never played mahjong before, today is the day to start



refrain < is this a code geass reference


thought dungeon meshi was going to be something like isekai shokudou so avoided it but I might have made a mistake.. < yes you did you moron


nooo ;_;


and you missed all the posts others and I made about it...



because I ignored it as soon as I saw that it was about an anime I avoided........


what's undead?



because I ignored it as soon as I saw that it was about an anime I avoided........ < that's what you get for ignoring anonymous


pretty good shonen flick with a great story and art, but it was marred by technical issues so they filled it with a lot of padding




no one going to start playing the tile/card game? https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=48294


oh its a yostar game


hmm, but i dont know how it works at all


it's fine. It's a fun game that's like solving a puzzle


https://kissu.moe/qa/thread/118165#qa-118168 should've known it'd be great when this post was made


i'd play


but i need to prepare for work tomorrow


come to think of it, senpai wa otokonoko is an anime with a crossdresser, a gay, and a bi


catch up on anime


and set up a computer for vacationing


i don't need a witch to join


a kuon or someone else braver than him


wish i was a cute girl (boy)


did someone join for a few seconds... someone left a few minutes ago... to watch anime


How the hell do we even have a community but can't get 3-4 people in a room at the same time....



Can't hang out at the moment too busy working on something


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waiting waiting waiting


what's strange about the food reviewer is that the taste and quality depends on state and country


so you're watching it not for the quality that he supposedly acts like, but entertainment


could go for a burger right about now


aaaaaaaaaaaaa no one wants to play video games together aaaaaaaaaa








why is my life always like this. I have to solve every problem myself while I try and impart knowledge on others. They provide nothing back. I give them everything and nothing returns


am I a fool for trying to help people and provide things for free?


you are a fool for trying helping people and expecting something in return


the point would be to help society, but if society returns you nothing then why do it?


huh... it's just a game. if it's not fun do something else


wait are you talkin about a game


so many postable anime screenshots but I dont want to saturate /jp/ with my posts....


huh, the ed for the russia girl anime is that song from kisekoi


should have gone with the tetris theme


so many postable anime screenshots but I dont want to saturate /jp/ with my posts.... < do it...


cant stop eating im always hungry


i wish i could sleep for 3 days and recover all the sleep I missed these last few years


took a nap


been up all night editing scripts


anyone want to QC noko-tan ep2?



whats QC


qality control




i understand nihongo so I shall pass (heh)


will i get listed in the credits if i qc


Everyone gets listed as anon but it's already pushed out anyway


I mean we could list you as a name if you wanted but no one else does it


I pushed to animetosho and got 30 peers almost instantly


who says you need a nyaa account


i wish i could sleep for 3 days and recover all the sleep I missed these last few years «  same but i've been sleeping so much lately... i just fall asleep every chance i get


remember reading somewhere that you can never recover sleep debt


i understand nihongo so I shall pass (heh) < ?? if you didn't you wouldn't be able to qc


yeah I realized I read that wrong but didnt care to correct myself


not so pendantic anymore are you




reminds me of the time anonymous told me to stop being a pendant


qc < I'll help the next time if I read the recuit message in time


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I'll try to remember to mention QC work next time we do something. But it was spur of the moment and usually is like that.


If any of you have nyaa account that would be helpful. Torrents are well seeded now


You can never recover sleep dept. < If this is true I'm screwed. I added it up one time but I've been awake about twice as long as a person my age that sleeps more than 6 hours a night.


i'm definitely already screwed too, if given the chance i can spend days in bed. i've been skimping on sleep for at least 10 years... average of 6 hours a night too


every time i fall asleep my natural tendency is just to sleep for >10-12 hours without an alarm clock


super sleepy after meals too


its all so tiresome


cooking lime rice


ACTION imagines a hinomaru bento but instead of a plum there is a lime


hello mudda


hello fadda




I can't sleep for more than 5-6 hours at a time these days


is that enough for you


i rarely sleep more than 5 hours


since when has hima been kill


it shows one of those parked domain pages now


lime rice was weird. too sour


i'd try but yeah sound kinds weird


that reminds me. i have a bag of natto my brother gifted me


but i don't know how to prepare it or anything


why not just say gave to you


they actually started selling pocky at the dollar store


I was going to buy something but it's over $3 a box


and no I never get enough sleep


why not just say gave to you < gomen for ESL


i try my best


gifted is fine


it should be, it was a gift


gifted is fine yeah'


it's just a little extra maybe in some situations


but that's ok


thanks everyone


anyways i looked up natto dishes and they look kind of nasty


i'm willing to try it THOUGH


time for chocolate milk


i mix my choccy milk with regular milk because otherwise it's 2sweet4me


I just buy pint of pre-mixed at a time


I can make it last days. If I drink a lot at one time I'll be in the bathroom all afternoon


I should call my imouto


i should call your imouto too


i'd try but yeah sound kinds weird < supposedly it's common in mexico. i found that lime and cilantro go well with rice but even using only half of the lime the recipe called for it was too much for me


i think lime is used a lot in vietnamese dishes. very citrusy fresh taste












i deleted my old youtube channel in a fit and i'm finding i can't put certain songs that could before go into custom made playlists, into custom made playlists


youtube is always making things worse


it's not always bad but oftentimes it is


neighbour's cat enters house, shows its head at the door of my room, refuses to elaborate, and leaves


i should keep a can of tuna in my room for moments like these


emergency tuna






seasonal stream in hour and a half and we are NOT going to start with precure and fable so be forewarned!




seasonal stream in about 40 minutes! YES!




seasonal stream in 12 minutes! https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


i don't get it. Why do people use arch?


getting anything to work is always a headache


maybe the real arch is the friends we made along the way when trying to solve our problems


I just want to get an equalizer working and pacman doesn't understand what to do for dep break


my brother stole the good TV from me and now the stream doesn't sound right


but yes arch is well known for "no sane defaults" try to get wifi working & and you'll have to manually install every single building block of the wifi stack, like wpa_supplicant, nm_applet, NetworkManager, nm-connection-editor, and a bunch of other things i forget



its the illusion of control really because it's not like there is any other usable wifi authentication system beyond WPA(3) in 2024


but perhaps the joy is to be had when you revel in your knowledge that these packages all fit together neatly like a prepared lego set


is arch for non programmers who want to pretend to be hackers.....


stream about to start! Starting with Giji Harem!


arch literally just werks


if you know what you're doing, that is


been using it since 2020 and on the same install for 2 years and i've never had a single deal breaker issue


how ofeen do you make hardware changes




though i've used arch in a variety of pcs including some old }32bit ones


ohyou #qa


dropping the madougu anime


just a shittier and boring-er version of bookworm


i remember that one about that book mancer girl


i forgot her name suddenly


yomiko readman


so hot


yomiko readman < heh


got me into nerdy girls


true nerd girls to the definition are getting sparser and sparser every day


it's a bastardized category


who's a good nerd girl in recent yeras




i have no idea


some hot autist


somewhere out there


i don't know about in anime




no wait zundamon is a boy


zundamon is not a nerf




zundamon is fat


only two types of people wear overalls: farmers and nerds


or suspenders, whatever they were called


suspend this


ACTION unzips


ACTION whips out cock


want an ononoki-chan in my life




i dont remember if I watched nihgen fushin till the end or not, or why I dropped it if not


pretty sure it was dropped. I remember someone saying they hated it


oh, not the stream but you


yeah me


hmm, Id watched it to episode 3, dont know why I dropped it after, but I will trust myself and not re-watch it


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tadaima and oyasumi




didnt realize the fat elf anime was 12 mins


fuck ningen fushin




but yes arch is well known for "no sane defaults" try to get wifi working & and you'll have to manually install every single building block of the wifi stack, < statements made up by the utterly deranged



can't sleep


got 3 hours and right back up


same but 20 minutes


thinking of letting my beard grow


smoked too much dude and now I can't sleep but I don't want to write. anyways so the story is literally just a poor man's steel ball run that might be turned into a gamebook (read: a poorer man's VN). but with like terrible choices for women being part of his group.


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Someone is having fun on wikipedia tonight: https://files.catbox.moe/d0onlr.png


Strangely that page is the only one that breaks my CSS override even in non-mobile mode


seeing the trump getting shot at video, surprised how their means of protecting him was waving their hands over his head


a good rifle would pierce through both wouldnt it


I wasn't trying to bring discussion about it here. But to me it looked faked.


I'm trying to figure out how this guy edited that page. Because multiple people are trying to revert it and can't fix it for some reason.


Oh someone fixed it. I wonder if it was a CSS explit


have to keep stuffing my face lest I fall asleep


I'm trying to fall asleep


going to have milk



been helping me everyday


They vandalized the list of attempts page to


I've been watching/listening to this guy lately https://www.youtube.com/@UCanBeatVideoGames/videos though you might not have the same comfort if you haven't played the games in your childhood


monotonous voice and old video game sounds/music does the trick for me


Neat they used some exploit that only effects the mobile site


I'll tell you what's good for sleep. Watching Star Trek TNG reruns


I drank too much milk


thre's a built in led light on my fan, thought it was a neat feature but then when I tried to use it I realized the fan is always pointing at my face and the light just shines on my face and not on something I want to get visuals on


Eat mushrooms then feature will become useful to you


give me the 'shrooms


this just made me remember, I think I dreamed about mushrooms last night



that catter looks pissed





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of course sakura is a fatass


the plumper


gotta build up that tit fat



it's too hot


how hot


30°C at 7PM


i am at 48°C...


it's 18 here ¬‿¬


atsu atsu


48°c what the HELL


i am going to die...


stay hydrated


It's 45C here


how can you survive that


i melt at 30


you can't survive that, just stay inside in a room with ac


i feel comfy at 30


30 is death


20 is peak comfort


after feeling 48, 30 feels comfy


where is it 48?


where do you live for it to be 48?




a desert, perhaps


the sun


mediterranian dry climate


mid july is the worst


haven't really had summer here


hasn't even past 20 i don't think






i almost passed out from the heat the other day


be safe anon..


I feel fine in 100F at 90% of humidity


comes from working in the fields all my childhood


just have to drink more water and wear pants and long sleeves. I don't even sweat that much anymore usually unless I'm really doing hard labor without breaks for longer than 4-5 hours at a time


We'd usually take a long break at lunch down by the creek/river where it was a bit cooler. Maybe go for a swim. Then a long nap between noon and 3pm or so. Then go back to work until sunset.


I have AC now but we didn't for the first 20 years or so of my life.


I'm inside in AC right now. House is about 75F and I'm wearing a hoodie and PJs since it's Sunday and I never work on Sundays


Also dressing in layers helps. I usually have a cotton undershirt on, t-shirt over that, then long sleeve work shirt (think Army surplus OD green). Canvas work pants which I discovered about a decade ago which are better then coveralls (jeans). Oh and leather gloves over the hands and a large brim hat to keep the sun off your neck.


I tell people I work in the fields all summer and they don't believe me because I'm kind of pale. But I learned from the old timers to never work with exposed skin in direct sun light. All my old family members ended up with skin cancer in their later years that they'd have to get cut off all of the time


When I was a kid they used to stand behind us with whips and whip us if we couldn't keep up with the tractor/horse or otherwise weren't going fast enough. People don't believe that either since I'm not black. They think whippings were only reserved for slaves but I assure you on the farms the grandparents and parents that were supervising the work used it on their own kids all of the time.


I still have scars on my back to prove it because I was a bit of a hard headed child.


wow didn't mean to rant/one-up anyone. Just never get a chance to talk about things like this. Also I'm kind of drunk already today since I decided to break my rule and have a few beers with lunch


I don't generally like alcohol but I got some bad news this morning so I had a few for the first time in uh...5 years? Something like that. I usually drink liquor when I do rarely have a drink but liquor in this heat is a big no-no. Had beer because of the water content.


Anyway hope you all are well and stay cool


that'd be possibly deadly here


I don't see how


I great up in the deep south, live in the mid-south now and worked in the direct sun/heat in FL between three major bodies of water everyday in the middle of summer for years


Your body adjusts to it. Hence the expression "your blood thins out". That's why everyone in FL wears heavy coats when it's 70F outside


IME it takes about 2 weeks maybe 3 for your body to adjust to that type of heat/humidity. Whenever we hired new guys to work at our company I always ensured they got light duty until they adjusted to the heat. I ran my own 4-6 man crew as a foreman.


We have a couple of people not listen to my advice and pass out from shock but nothing serious. Both did the same thing: Drank soda instead of water like I told them to, didn't intake enough salt and put their head under out water cooler filled with ice. The moment that ice cold water hit their head/neck they'd fall over and pass out.


I never lost a new hire to heat stroke. Some came close but I always got them into cool area or shade in time.


My best friend down there and my leadman on my crew never drank water at all. He was a native. He'd drink two tall boy cans of beer before work, another at lunch then start drinking them back to back after we finished for the day. He never drank water at all even at home. But then again he'd been born and raised in that area and was an alcoholic. Never showed up drunk though.


i wish i was that guy


I once got close to heat stroke working on the farm but we all kept an eye on each other when working in that heat. I was pretty young at that time and over did it. I was running a weedeater around our pond.


He was a really good dude but he died really young. 39 years old. The alcohol and his other habit took a toll on him and his heart gave out one day at work


Happened right after I moved back to the farm/back home. Got the call 3 months later. They'd buried him before anyone got in contact so I didn't get to pay my respects. He was a really nice guy and kept me out of trouble down there. The city we worked in and lived near was the murder capitol of the entire USA at that time. This was just before Chicago surpassed it in stats. The gang war down there were and still are really bad and most murders go unreported and


the bodies are never recovered because they throw them to the gators in the swamps.


Anyway, anyone can do it. Just have to work in the heat a lot and slowly build up your bodies ability to deal with it. I trained many out of shape teenagers that had just moved to the area. They'd be useless for the first week or two. So I'd put them on light duty. Once they could work outside doing that all day I'd move them up to working with hand tools and power tools. If they stuck it out we knew they were good hires. We only hired them in the middle of summer


to make sure.


Winter wasn't that bad of course. But after you've gotten used to the mid-summer heat anything below 70F felt like you were going to freeze to death. We'd get like 2 weeks of that kind of weather a year.


First Christmas I spent down there I was washing my car on Christmas day wearing nothing but shorts and no t-shirt.


It was so hot in summer down there we kept our AC set to 78F-82F and it felt like walking into a freezer when I got home.


I still think about this girl I saw at a gas station one time while gassing up all our mowers and work truck. She was so cute. Really short no taller than 5 foot even in those high heels she was wearing. She was dressed for an office job in business casual knee length skirt and a blue shirt. I wanted to talk to her and ask her out but I didn't want to bother her. I still hate myself for it. That's always been my issue with girls I never want to bother them (or


anyone else) in public. Always too nice for my own good. Often wonder if I missed out on having a wife. Only time I ever got love at first sight and she kept smiling at me so I'm sure she felt similar.


enough about IRL shit sorry. Going to go catch up on the 2 weeks of anime I haven't been able to watch due to lack of free time. I got a pretty good buzz going so perhaps I'll be able to sleep for more than a handful of hours this afternoon. Take care.


take care anon, I was reading by the way


i once forgot to have breakfast and lunch, and to drink water and I almost die because i decided that running under 30ºC was a good idea.


i ended up in the hospital


so guys, stay hidrated


i drink a lot


also pee a lot


cooking the 'zza


what kind


all the cheese i could find in the fridge + white sauce


had borgar ^^




had 'sta


what sauce




nice essay i read it


i want to try audiobooks but i have no idea where to start


grab an actual book and read it


is better and takes less time


you start at 00:00


i already read a lot but i cant read while doing the dishes and working out and stuff


then just choose a book you like but in audiobook version


but i want a good narrator


look for three or four options and choose the one you most like


damn you're so good at this, are you working in tech support?


the IT industry is hard these days...


it is hard job


i wish someone would pay me for writing scripts


i wish someone would pay me for jacking off


i will


I will survive


construction or landscaping?


i wonder why people in hot climates don't go nocturnal


as someone who is quite nocturnal it's not good for you


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param the vram


hayou #qa


time to binge all of tsuki michi


shouldn't you watch dungeon meshi first




hmmmmmmmmm, but I want to watch tsuki michi


if you say so


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QqT1P4VO30 Can any of you find me a BD source for this? Or a DVD?


I was going to buy a BD with it on it but it's out of stock


had forgotten the tsuki michi OP was pretty nice


a BD of an "independent production short story animation"




oh wait it does exist according to that description. huh


yeah AB has the bd


well, a mkv file and not the BD with all its file stuff


take care anon, I was reading by the way < i read it too and enjoyed the story


i really like moon motifs but tsukimichi couldn't entertain me


Starting tomorrow I will start taking myself less serious and being less of an asshole


please do remind me


you're not even bordering on my power level


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>and being less of an asshole



oh wow I remember that. /v/ had fun with the ducks and stuff, fun times


Ate too many junior mints


less mints, more banana




.sd <lora:AquaplusCosineRestartJuly:1> 1girl, smile, open mouth, white cat tail, very long hair, medium breasts, black hair, white dog ears, swept bangs, yellow eyes, arms up, confetti, party hat



although it's not upscaling, hmmm


I admire your work on customizing the image gen AI for Kuon, anonymous


I had lots of help on getting it to work here with a bot and server and stuff. I'm too dumb for that part



can feel my bellyfat growing....


please dont tell me the second season of tsukimichi is all about the yuusha people


ok good it was just the second two episodes


.sd <lora:zundamon_Pony_v1:1> 1girl, zundamon, voicevox, upper body, thumbs up, open mouth, smile



Was going to play around with GPT IRC bot but they won't let you make API keys without cell phone number


well the stuff we used was a reverse proxy thing and blahblah you'd have to read up on them on 4chan /g/. think the bot has been MIA for a little bit though


just put in your phone number


otaku: are you there?



! this must go onto the qa booru




Registration is closed. sigh


I can do it, but yeah it's probably closed because the booru network that it's a part of is on borrowed time


be sure to grab a full archive of the booru and put it up somewhere


huh thoguht I had a different username there.. weird but here you go https://qa.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=688




can feel my bellyfat growing.... < *pokers you in the tum*




fuck everyone


Freeloaders deserve nothing


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Relays dead fuck off


neighbours cat came again so i gave him tuna




go away



go away


hoped it was gone for good




if my existence can bring about mass suffering, then there is no need to end it


go away


.sd <lora:zundamon_Pony_v1:1> zundamon, voicevox, (irc, chat room, internet relay chat, chat room, text)



hoped it was gone for good < yeah...



go away


i got scammed


through what




like a retard


in the marketplace?




.sd irc



.sd internet relay chat





looks more like discord


.sd nerd, greasy nerd, fat nerd, fat balding nerd, at computer, nerd using computer



discord is on the screen holy shit


nuh uh it's an IDE and he's reading stackoverflow


huh is it


no way it is not discord


the bulk of the text is on the right not the middle


.sd computer creen, wallpaper, discord





flippin ponies


.sd nerd using computer, internet relay chat on screen


oh that's that pony character named discord isn't it



im howling at the moon


nerds sure look different these days


.sd nerd using computer, discord on screen


confirmed irc-tan has cat ears



funny, no one will be able to prompt discord the program because of the pony influence


we are cute catgirls dicksword users are weird furries


how did you do negative prompts?


.sd <lora:zundamon_Pony_v1:1> zundamon, voicevox, sitting, at computer, nerd, nerd glasses, (HUGE NERD), geek, irc, nerd, geek, nerd, geek, NERD



negative prompt is very basic with XL: lowres, signature, watermark, blurry background, simple background, censored, 3d, (monochrome:0.8)


.sd nerd using computer, discord on screen, no mlp, no my little pony


heh good luck



god damn it


yeah that's not gonna work


.sd nerd using computer, discord chat platform on screen


pony blowie


I don't think negative prompt can cancel out something that's so strong like that





i give up


it did add discord on the screen


.sd dicksword



.sd <lora:zundamon_Pony_v1:0.8> zundamon, voicevox, pony, at computer, my little pony



it did add discord on the screen < it looks like generic sns




no discord as in himself



that is me




.sd discord chatting platform not dragon



writing "not" doesn't work because it still focuses on what you did include


.sd discord chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat







i guess


the way people often tell people about AI prompt stuff is that it's like telling someone NOT to think of a pink elephant. by saying it you've made them think of it when they otherwise would not have


it's irc-tan


.sd discord chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat on computer monitor





.sd internet relay chat



.sd discord chat chat chat chat chat chat chat chat vs internet relay chat, battle, fight



WHY does it output catgirls when writing about chats


is it french?


we're all catgirls here


It's dumb as bricks


WHY does it output catgirls when writing about chats < are you not a cat?




.sd cute, girl, dumb as bricks



.sd shitting bricks, cute









yeah... assumed that would happen


not bricks


.sd cute, girl, exam paper, low score, F grade



.sd shitting bricks, cute, rectangular shit, solid shit, brick shit





why is she not shitting bricks


.sd cute, girl, exam paper, low score, F grade, RED X, wide grin



.sd 1girl, clumsy, cute, tehe~



https://puu.sh/KbdRo/06cbf1aea4.png < she's laughing at you


.sd cute, girl, holding exam paper, low score, F grade, FAILING GRADE, wide grin



.sd 1girl, shitting bricks, bricks coming out of asshole, hard solid bricks, laughing at you



is this the alabama hot pocket people talk about


hmm why does it not care about the grade


.sd cute, girl, holding exam paper, low score, F grade, low marks, result, examination, test, FAILING GRADE, wide grin


are there booru tags for F grade on paper and are there hundreds if not thousands of examples for it to learn it?



it can't even do any writing i'm not sure it's possible for it to add detail that specific


.sd big red failing grade on exam





none whatsoever


that's a BIG red


i would fail for her.....


.sd student debt, falling grades, dropout, failure, crying



.sd loan shark


.sd cute, girl, aho, idiot, baka, stupid, dumb, moron, smile, clumsy




loaned a shark


c15a55a243.png < a pipe burst on her face


id loan myself out to that shark


.sd funny looking cat


.sd loanshark








furry shark


.sd shark with hair



.sd anime shark, same



.sd killer whale









.sd spider shark



.sd hammerhead shark



.sd loaned myself out to a spider shark



why are they all so, you know


furry training


because he copied what I did and included a bunch of furry data


.sd hairy shark



well not 'copied' since he was unaware of me, I mean he did the same thing. it was a brony that made it, hence 'pony'




25a9687507.png < this stuff is pretty damn random


.sd isekai world



.sd big giant tree



.sd goofy cat



not like that...


.sd death by succubus



.sd funny looking weird cat, mreow



bleh, keeps outputting monochrome stuff


.sd funny looking weird cat, mreow, masterpiece



stop doing sketcheeeeees


.sd cat


wonder if it's something in 'cat' for some reason





.sd rooster


.sd funny looking weird feline, mreow, masterpiece






.sd dog



.sd painting, masterpiece


thats better



.sd photorealistic woman



i expected worse


not bad


.sd photorealistic rooster





.sd photorealistic cat


.sd photorealistic anonymous




dont doxx me gaiz...


.sd ultra photorealistic anime



.sd landscape, photorealistic, masterpiece, city, japan, night, high quality



.sd rooster, chicken, farm animal, bird, cockadoodledoo



neighbour's cat ate the tuna. all according to keikaku


now i just need to lather my body with tuna water


.sd anonymous, working, tired, sleepless, sad



.sd anonymous, bed, sleeping, happy, peaceful, dreaming, cuddling



stop spamming


anonymous loks like a japanese flag


japan flag is just yawn


anonymous has bonet




no i dont




.sd cute boys, boys, boys holding hands, holding hands



.sd fruit fly



.sd cute nerd bf





.sd snooze, 1girl, bed



.sd boy, in pajamas, male, boy in bed, boy ready to sleep



oyasumi #qa




sweet dreams






tantan koshi kono kono kihs kihs




File:4941796bd0fb44a409cf05306f….png (214.89 KB,962x951)

God I want to fuck this little sister


.sd fruit_juice, 1girl, squeezing





think im gonna eat some shrimpers tonight


shrimp huh


.sd (shrimp:1.2), 1girl, eating, glasses, black_hair, chewing



carrot shrimp


tried creating the keyboard matrix on a breadboard, was surprisingly easy


whatcha using for the keyboard controller that connects to usb thingimajig


probably going with the teensy anonymous posted yesterday


havent looked into mcs


currently stripped all the keycaps and switches from an old mechanical keyboard


have a layout in mind, but going to have to make do without a custom body for the keyboard


teensy is a tried and true one, and there are newer options if you so please


any mc that supports https://qmk.fm/ is the way to go



yeah, ran into qmk while browsing a few videos on youtube, all in all, ignoring the compromises, this is lookin like a doable project (hopefull I didnt just jynx it)



any kissers affected by this?


unaffected even though my j.. uses microsoft





even threw in your standard guitar solo


watching new oshi no ko


is 2.5D relly a think in little japan's animation?



The 3rd episode explains it


eating choco and drinking coffee


livin the life


oyasumi #qa


oyasumi anon sweet dreams



<[Parasite Garden (Uruh Akua, Hasui Kojika)] [Gekan] MY SWEET BUNNY CAGE - ExHentai.org>


eating ice cream




.sd ice_cream, chewing, 1girl, parasol, summer, sunglasses





.sd ice_cream, chewing, 1girl, parasol, summer, sunglasses, cum



.sd choco



eating beef broccoli ramen


beephe broocers


bifu burocori


that was tasty


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress



.sd thighhighs, garterbelt, jacket, scarf, loli, mary janes, winter, short hair, bob cut




isnt that the ps2 loading screen bgm


seems like it. well, it used cubes so it's kind of an obvious reference


a restful cube :s


people will follow stupid ass memes


i guess it may not be so bad




actrually pretty good music




"Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy" *close prompt* "Are you sure you want to exit?"



anyone else feel their life is boring?


any remedy?


quit your job


what if you don't have a job


i don't have a job


i'm about to start something tomorrow in hopes it will give me people to talk to


i have the opposite problem... so many things i want to do, so little time


i've been there


i have a bleak outlook too, so it can make things look a bit more gaunt


slowly alleviating that


being neet has made me depressed, anxious and crazy


i should say, more anxious


although it's not necessarily just because of that


i'm an anxious motherfucker too


excess time spent by myself


i would give anything to be neet


what i would give for some proper socialization


yeah me too but i'd avoid actually doing it


i need to go to this socializing spot that i found


i don't know that i'll get along there. making friends and making a presence can be a gradual process


I'll have Nokotan ep3 ready to be QCed in about an hour if anyone wants to watch it


too tired...


friends « imho it depends on what you ultimately want out of life. there are the messsenger bees of the world who thrive on being social in itself; the guy who knows a guy. there are the worker ants who talk to other ants by leaving scent trails carefully, and they get a following if their scent trails lead to yummy food or a safe hideout


hayou #qa




hai ^_^








how's isekai yururi?



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hate drama in my otokonoko anime


its all good fun


oyasumi #qa






.sd shikanokonokonokokoshitantan



interesting result


huge result


dekai kekka


Noko-tan ep3 < nice to see jp subs included




ACTION downloads immediately


.sd <lora:AquaplusCosineRestartJuly:1> 1girl, classroom, serafuku, white cat tail, very long hair, medium breasts, black hair, white dog ears, swept bangs, yellow eyes, smile, open mouth, (deer antlers)



I have improved the show


nice to see jp subs included < If there is a source for them I try to always include those. Originally, we had kana for the OP as well. But the typesetter wanted to do romaji and kana instead. I didn't want crap all over the screen so we compromised.


Our release of Onimai has Japanese closed captions for every episode as well in two different formats. One of which is really impressive. I forget where we sourced it but they put in a lot of effort. Even the background noises are captioned.


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, deer


how will I generate pictures of myself if the bot isn't online?


open up mspaint


I can't capture my own elegance and beauty in MSPaint. I'm a magical girl not an artist.



thanks SDbot!


I'm currently having soup with my crackers


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, fighting a deer





.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, saving a loli



ah yes the JC years I remember them well


ACTION fluffs sheets and pillowcase



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, flying at sunset



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, flying, moon



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, flying, hugging a rabbit





.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, poofy dress, in battle






how do you call the round sticker in the middle of a vinyl record in english


im going crazy, i read 4 glossaries and i found the name for everything from the pressing plant to the turntable, save for the name of the thing i was actually looking for










you'd think that river would be finnish with this name


ahhhhhh it's going to rain and pour all day


I'm going to get some good sleep


it's days like this where I'm happy I bought the tin roof


the noise must be nice


.sd 1girl, poopy dress



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, yukata









if anyone wants to you can sit in here for a few hours and look for video or audio errors when you're focused on something else (redid the OPEDs) https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


should it be possible to play audio out of both line out and HDMI with Arch/PulseAudio?


https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PulseAudio/Examples because I think it is but I don't know what this is asking


>Simultaneous HDMI and analog output


or is this just multi application output not mixing HDMI and lineout into the same application...


Anyone know how I do this...


pipewire virtual devices i think


so ditch pulseaudio i guess


not like any of the commands are working on pulseaudio anyways..


the case of idols with legendary songwriting ability and golden voices kept hostage by the airhead idol mafia and only allowed to air once a week on a 5am Sunday fishing channel 「Tsuribito Banzai」that only men ≥ 40 watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPLMNs4lDeI


「I'm an old man in my 40s with a rotten heart, but thanks to this song, my heart was purified and I became a beautiful man. Thank you」


ugh, i think i just uninstalled pulseaudio but i don't see any pipewire stuff


seasonal stream in an hour! another long one because you FAILED at voting!


File:C-1721509306126.png (1021.49 KB,3840x2160)


.sd 1girl, magical girl, pink hair, skirt lift, pussy, pubic hair



or does pipewire do it's commands through another way...


i hate arch so much.... why do i have to do this stuff manually when there are so many prebuilt tools already.....


for the greater good


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmNCi9wqiuU i can't believe i have to do this


if you want to use a graphical tool just install it


the graphical tool is obviously going to be missing virtual audio setup


it's not even worth my time to try it


ACTION chuckles because that has been Anonymous's exact experience with arch too, absolutely no sane defaults


i don't even fucking know if pipewire is running right now


ps -ef |grep -i pipewire


i've used other distros and that isn't the default on any of them


right, it's running and pulseaudio isn't


now i just need to figure out how to mix hdmi and lineout


to make things even more confusing there's "pipewire-pulse" which is a reimplementation of pulseaudio


oh great. All the guides are telling me to pacman pipewire pipewire-pulse


but my graphical tool for pulse isn't working so i guess it's just pipewire..


fuck it, i need a gui for this


File:C-1721509924924.png (621.16 KB,3840x2160)

Feeling like i don't even know what I installed and what pipewire is...


that's so odd. I try to link the two and it works for a few seconds, then it reverts back


File:C-1721510200682.png (868.28 KB,3840x2160)

Well, apparently I can't fix any mistakes I made, but firefox is now outputting on two audio devices


Audio is off by about 20ms, but I can fix that through TV settings...


my line out always stops working i don't know if it's hardware or pipewire


ugh, now I need to figure out how to adjust the audio delay because tv isn't able to fix it...


quite annoying becasue it's better than the monitor audio


ok.... so i guess pipewire has like zero tools because I can not figure out how to adjust audio delay and all my plasma kde tools are saying "WTF are you doing where is pulse audi"


do you have pipewire-pulse


i mean, it's not like i got any errors installing it but obviously it's not working


guess it didn't install for some reason maybe




None of the kde tools work


even adjusting the volume is suffering now




pipewire doesn't work


>[root@arch-verniy verniy]# pacman -R -force pipewire
>error: invalid option '-f'


are you -Fucking kidding me


File:17215114932372063753426450….jpg (1.44 MB,4000x3000)

I fucking broke my install by removing pipe wire


What the fucking hell does it want me to do???????


I just removed pipe wire and reinstalled pulse audio? Why is it broken?


What the hell does it want from me why isn't plasma running?


What do I even do to fix this?


stream in 15 minutes! Starting with Precure and the other returning things https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


Ubuntu and debian forever


Mint by extension




No packages






pack machine broke sorry


Fuck it. I have to use my desktop to watch the stream because Arch is such a fuck up of an OS


pacman is a failure




Whoever uses arch needs to reevaluate their world view


No, arch creates problems between person and OS. For some reason I have zero problems on windows10 and Mint


Why is it that as soon as I get onto arch my desktop env fails to even start after installing audio managers?


Why is it that no packages can ever be installed with pacman?


Why does no one have any good guides to do anything?


wakka wakka


why is it that you can't take personal responsibility


I'd blame seo and discord


because I am not so elitist that I can't defer expertise to others


I know that I'm not good at setting up OS so I get Microsoft to do that


Arch has nothing to offer ne


stop using it then...


Zilch. Nada. It's a failure to anyone who defers to others


File:17215125479475018850274525….jpg (4.51 MB,4000x3000)



I am not so elitist that I can't defer expertise to others < treating people as being responsible for your problems is a big problem of yours


are you trying to get some arch super-fan to come and help you


I help others others help me. It's how society works. Don't even try to gaslight me otherwise


Your problem is antisocial behaviour, get it checked


says the most antisocial borderline personality guy on this chat....


Society exists to cover the faults of others. Just because you live in a hut doesn't mean I have to


Don't push your faults onto me.


spastic babble


If you want to live in a civilization you provide benefits to others in exchange for compensation. Either through money as a capitalist or through goodwill actions as a socialist



go away


If you do neither you are simply a thief. A Barbarian


go away


Why should I listen to someone who will never benefit anyone's life. Go cry to 7 about how I'm meanie and don't let you walk all over me


go away


You are a waste of electricity


go away


Why does no one have any good guides to do anything? < dude the source is right there for anyone to see


damn and i tried installing arch without even knowing as much as vern how the hell do people use it


installing it and using it is easy, but things break easily and everything has to be configured through text files. The people who make utilities get nothing in return for it other than experience so they quickly abandon projects as they get jobs


so you're forced to do everything like you live in the 90s


why would anyone want to do that when the corprate backed linux OS have far better tools and developers who get paid


i think that was what attracted me to it in the first place
since like math theory i like starting at the funamentals


but then i realized i don't know anything about computer science


..... huh.....


and if i want to start programming i need to start with electric boards


what are you even talking about... you don't learn about torque before you rotate a screwdriver


you just move a screwdriver


leave the thinking to the nerds


yeah but doing a building thing is different from learning architecture


that reminds me didn't i save a playlist or sub to a channel doing exactly what i wanted...


File:__han_juri_street_fighter_….jpg (292.84 KB,1920x2500)



dunno what you're trying to do with your computer but arch works fine for me


i can't find it...


I uninstalled pipewire and plasma stopped working. I tried to reinstall plasma and it said there were errors. If you can get your system to work with Arch that's fine, but for a TV setup you need to do a lot of hardware adjustments


I'm just going to put XP on it or something


yeah i was going to try arch and learn arduino then go to circuits and coding in basic/fortran then go to actually starting with c or something then realized i want to learn jp first and so i've been doing that since


probably Mint though tbh. Since I know it works


Yes do as I say!


i can actually use the server pc and it's mint


the AI server we use is Ubuntu server dude.....




well i can use that well enough


to the extent that i use the server pc...


your desktop environment.. i dunno what it even is but it's not something that you get by default in desktop linux


although i guess i still don't really get the systemctl stuff i just have those written down on notepad with notes that they restart/start up stuff


it was the desktop environment that was supposedly the least intensive on the pc


so that it could do server stuff more than worrying about how it works


File:Linux-Mint-19.2-Cinnamon-D….png (773.51 KB,1920x1080)

Mint's Cinnamon is more involved. I'm not sure what the thing you use is called. What's the command you use to start it


File:3562 (3).jpg (70.7 KB,584x820)

how can you say you know programming if you don't know what the electric reactions on the circuit are doing for every line of code...



hayou #qa








anyone know if a way to watch age restricted youtube content without an account?


invidious doesnt work either..



nice, thanks



i am showing my asian wife #qa



oyasumi #qaa






was wondering why there was no new episode for the past two days, qbit was broken and had to restart it to get it to download again


dumb qbitard...


qbit just werks


are soldering iron sets supposed to be this cheap? like $20 or something


dont know if its generally low cost or the ones I'm looking at are bad quality ones


be careful, low quality soldering irons are useless


oh, I guess the big voltage controlling (?) block makes them heavy


heavy < expensive I mean


normally low quality tools are at least a little useful, shitty soldering irons just do not work


low quality soldering irons are useless < I'm more so afraid of burning my house down


think it was anonymous who recommended this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RVMZNYR


do I need one with that cube block


dont know how to call it


I'm more so afraid of burning my house down < don't worry a shitty soldering iron won't burn anything at all


hate that everytime I want to buy some piece of electronic I have to scavenge through heap of shit quality ones


won't burn anything at all < heh that's good i guess


scavenge through heap of shit < and watch a dozen youtube videos talking about products I probably wont find in the market here anyway, just to get an idea of what's a good quality one



soldering is already budget welding


to the point video of a guy who uses that stuff on the daily just stating his opinion




huh isnt welding the one where they connect two metal


why would you weld a wire


not always


File:C-1721539895439.webp (106.26 KB,600x600)


it's electric welding with a feed of metal



also everyone who welds seems to die at 50 for some reason


I love burning my eyes while inhaling hot metal fumes


thats why you wear the helmet sillya


the helmet isn't a ventilator though


but I'll say that after doing something for years and there's no direct feedback that you're killing yourself... probably easy to get lazy. Especially in the older days where everyone thought they were invincible to the machien


goes from 0 to custom keyboard in a single video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv__343ZwE0


irate meido


I know plenty of expert welders and boil makers that lived into their 90s


soldering is bad for your to if you inhale the fumes like an idiot and don't work with a fan blowing them away


I've gotten a pretty good puff of lead solder before and it isn't fun but lesson learned


sometimes it just isn't possible to take all the safety precautions either. I know guys that welded in some odd places. Like putting a bead behind something using a mirror to see while hanging upside down. In such a bad spot you might not be able to haul in a fan or respirator so you go in and get it done ASAP


My Dad once drilled a bore hold into a 1,000 feet smoke stack 600 feet up with no safety harness and only one point of contact with his knee hanging over a 600 foot drop. He shouldn't have done it and shouldn't have been up there without a safety harness in the first place. But it had to be done and if he came down without finishing the work they would have just sent up someone else.


just bring the oxygen bottle & take little sips from it


you going to haul it 600 feet up into the air climbing? Or shimmy it down a hole that's barely wider than your shoulders? Or hold it while hanging upside down? When you make the big money you're usually working in places that aren't ideal.


My friend does underwater welding. Now those guys typically die young. But I think it's more from the fact that they have to breath in some strange mix of chemicals while at the bottom. Or the fact that they have to sleep underwater in pressurized containers. One thing goes wrong and you're blood soup


I know some tower climbers to. They all die pretty young from cancer. Because they're thousands of feet up in the air getting their balls roasted with radiation all day.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R5HpxGI7jg My friend mostly climbs monopoles like this one. No way you'd ever get me up there.


By law they're supposed to be tied off at all times. But hanging out with those guys they all tell me the same thing. That it's a pain in the ass to do that so they mostly free climb and only tie off when they're working near the top.


I wanna go up a really tall tower someday


most of them aren't guarded so you can climb one if you want



I think I'll stay here on the ground


I'm not scared of it myself but I still can't do it. If I get off the ground like that everything starts spinning


I think I fell out of an airplane in a past life or something my body just freezes once I'm up a few stories


I can't find it right now but there is a video of them installing one of those antennas on a tower using a helicopter to hold it in place while a couple of guys bolt it down


the moon is full (real)




ACTION turns into a cute werewolf girl


.sd awoo



nice sketch but no awoo


.sd cute werewolf girl










I'm reading you



cooking stock




my ircname is test


hi test


how is weechat


i used to use irssi then switched to hexchat


going to return to the terminal


i use it it's alright


have it autostart in tmux


prefer it to irssi










https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnol9ZIIZoI My Dad's favorite album. He was VERY excited to share it with me


The Charoite is badass


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (1.58 MB,3150x4200)


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, gun



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, rifle



it has such a hard time doing hands and rifles


it has such a hard time doing hands and rifles


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, rifle



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, rifle



.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, shotgun



You know #chatgpt exists right?


Oh I'm sorry were you having a conversation?


kill yourself


I'm not the one being rude for no reason


spamming is rude


It has been 3 hours since anyone has sent anything to this channel


save the 'kill yourself' comments for 4chan


Me playing with a bot someone decided to provide access to in here is not spam


save the 'kill yourself' comments for 4chan < when you save the botspam for #chatgpt


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, heart



kill yourself < up yours -


it's spam, no matter how you cut it, fucking cunt


>durr but no one is talking


rein in the angst


you're being antagonistic just for the sake of it. take it easy


I think I'll take it easy by eating a home cooked meal with my Grandmother


you should try it sometime. It's really fun and will help you learn how to interact with people.


take care


ACTION sighs


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, waving goodbye



I miss my grandma...


both of them are dead


I am blessed to still have one alive and I try to spend all the time with her that I can because I know she won't be for much longer


i never got to know both of my grandpas... my parents had me at 35 so i didnt get to spend much quality time with my grandmas either + language barrier


The only grandpa I have left is a total cunt that ran off from my grandmother


The other died when I was too young too remember


He's a total piece of shit though, the one that's alive so its like, fuck him


both my grandmas outlived my grandpas by about 20 years


thats sad to hear but yeah best not to get too hung up on someone whose been a prick in the past


creating boot drive for mint cinamon right now


arch days are over, yorokobe apt


shine pacman


arch wo akirametara maketa


ohayougozaimasu #qa


ogenki desuka


somosomo doushite arch wo tsukai hajimetannda why did you start using arch in the first place


to install it basically


let me guess primegen or fireship hyped it up and you thought it would be fun


you dont seem very arch-like


arch is fun


if you're a maso


i haven't watched a prime video in a month. I installed it to try it. I tried it, it's a failure at succeeding of the goals of being an installer for linux


ogenki desuka « maa maa...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7eJi2hgN4 accrosslord is a league player for sure


there is nothing "installer" about the arch installation process or lack thereof


the "installer" spinoffs of arch are endeavouros and manjaro i think


but arch forums will completely refuse to interact with you if they sense you are using one of those because "not invented here"


what do you think the goal of a distro is? It's to provide utilities for linux. What does Arch give you? Nothing, it's a failure


did you read the wiki?


honest question


by read do you mean going through every article ever written?




I mean reading the installation process, there's a tutorial that walks you through it


i installed it so I read what I needed to to install it



I used arch for 3 months dude


it sucks


Then why not distrohop to something that works you silly billy




i appreciate you trying to have a discussion, but that's exactly what I'm doing right now


Oh what distro?


I always wanted to do linux shit but I keep putting it off


mint cinnamon. it's the best distro. I've tried ubuntu, lubuntu, debian, arch kde, whatever fedora is on university computers


no better time to do linux shit than today


what made you hate arch?


actually I used fedora more than that




pacman is the worst installer


What does Arch give you? Nothing « yeah i dont really know what niche arch really truly excels at. Only person i know who really pushes arch to the limit is a french math major who contributes to musl (alternative c runtime to libc)


oh, was it the dependancy thingy?


I heard that like Mint is basically the closest to windows without it being windows or something


but that's all I know




...that and maybe random old chinese singleboard computers. archlinux arm is quite popular. But they're truly behind every other distro in terms of official non-x86 support, and if you want minimal alpine linux is the way to go


I tried mint once, it failed to work with my GPU where debian worked flawlessly, never looked back at mint ever again


arch is really the florida of distros


im on arch right now and it doesnt feel different from any other distro other than the fact that I had to install it manually


and of course pacman


pacman doesn't work. it sounds like you have a very stable setup


I do


it's commands are also obtuse


I dont know, you just have to get used to it I guess? don't feel obtuse to me


obviously, it's different/harder to understand from apt that uses literal words


pacman is way too rolling release. you can't downgrade a package easily if it's already out of the cache, i remember wanting to put off upgrading to weechat 4 because the whole config file syntax changed and i wanted to stay on 3.8


why is -y the command for update, why is -S the command for install?


^ S is sync i think, u is update


also I don't think you can even do pacman -y -s


also because it rolls so quickly you have to basically Syu before you wanna install because the repos keep nothing but the absolute latest version


i `sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm && shutdown now` every night


which goes back to why its this unstable because if theres a regrssion good luck downgrading...


you dont have to do it every night...


once a week or even once in a month is fine..


im shuttign my computer off to go to sleep anyway


I am happy for you that you are so good at dealing with operating system quirks, but I've got mahjong games to play and webapps to program


-S -y < IIRC, -S only updates the repos, then -y applies the updates, add another -y and you get downgrades as well


kind of like "sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade"


i only woke up to an unbootable system once


i removed pulse audio and then KDE stopped running at startup, so I tried to reinstall it and pacman threw a bunch of errors at me and I just went "this would never happen if I were using mint"


pipewire actually, because it wasn't doing what I wanted. Just didn't integrate with kde


I've had my fair share of unbootable, but it was always because the latest graphics driver update changed my system from oss nvidia to proprietary nvidia, there's probably a way to not install prop nvidia but I just havent bothered to


I've got mahjong games to play and webapps to program < yeah, arch is not for you if you dont have time to troubleshoot and read pages of documentations


but even then, as you go problem solving, as with anything, pattern recognition makes it easier and easier


"oh this doesnt work? I've had this before, if I just do this and this, and now it works!"


the bone broth is taking shape


with dnf and (i believe) apt you can do `dnf list python3 --showduplicates` and then `dnf install -y python3-3.11.2-1.fc38.aarch64` where you can specify the exact package version


pacman -S "weechat<4.3"


error: target not found: weechat<4.3


>4.0 and >4.1 etc work


you have to go download the tarball from the arch archive and then edit pacman conf to pin the package manually, arch is truly for living completely on the bleeding edge


it's not that it makes the bleeding edge easier, it's that you have to do the exact same thing every dependency installer does... for everything...


or not even because you can just link a ppa with apt


you are referring to "i installed the pipewire gui but it doesn't work because it doesn't even pull in pipewire as a dep" right


I've had more problem with apt labeling everything as "auto-remove" once I remove something, even if they are core dependancies


yeah i agree with apt autoremove, back in the ubuntu 18.04 days on ubuntuforums / ubuntu stack exchange you can actually see complaints of it overzealously removing user data back when everything was in /var/ instead of in .local, i think ~/.local ~/.config is an xdg / freedesktop specification


no, I uninstalled pipewire through pacman and it destroyed plasma, then I tried to reinstall plasma and pacman shoved a bunch of random errors in my face even after I -y'd


I do tons of stuff on debian and ubuntu and mint and I've only ever had some odd situations where it mysql also gets removed for some reason and I have to reinstall it.


the best package manager is the one you know


sigh.. have a job interview later in the day...







pipewire destroyed plasma « that is the other side of the coin to my stance that arch has "no sane defaults". that has more to do with the packagers not doing their work rather than how the package manager resolves dependencies


especially if packages are going to overwrite files from other packages, exacerbated by arch linux handing absolute control over configuration to the user to KISS (for the maintainers)


i had to deal with arch package fuckery today, turns out vlc is a dependency in plasma now


it wasn't like that some years ago


i figured out a way to remove vlc but it was a pain in the ass


its pure illusion of choice. Realistically you have only pa, pipewire and audiobus (idk if its a actual contender) if you need sound on LInux, and a choice of a few DEs, wouldnt hurt to have some presets like "apt install build-essential" or "groupinstall"


pacstrap does that


good thing I dont use kde, always have instinctually hated kde


also base-devel


was buggy as hell when I first used it, after that everytime I had to install something that even remotely depended on kde I had to install a whole slew of other kde packages


kde « that's more a packaging problem, i think its the phonon-qt6-vlc thing (kde dragon player is just a skin over vlc / mpv)


it was phonon-qt6 yeah


KDE was my DE of choice for years, it's still solid despite some bugs


kde is a little odd but I didn't try it before 2024. I think it's probably gotten more stable


i go WM only on my main machine but needed something quick to put on this laptop


surprised youd go with kde with a wm only main machine, isnt it fairly heavy on resources?


fedora's 's phonon default is gstreamer instead of full on VLC, the rationale being that other media players likely to use a lower level library


if I had to use a de I'd probabl go with xfce4


plasma is competitive with xfce in terms of memory usage by now


it's not super heavy compared to alternatives like MATE


oh wow


sounds like they've really changed for the better in the past half a decade or so


i was using openbox half a decade ago so i don't really know


with xfce you end up having to install both kde (qt) and libgtk stuff anyways the more apps you use


yeah, always hated that


people that theme their DEs heavily use KDE most of the time too


i like its defaults good enough


yeah, that's alwways been one of the selling points for kde iirc, the customization and how easy it is


figuring out a way to take a screenshot on this laptop...


sounds like they've really changed for the better in the past half a decade or so « /usr/bin/plasmashell takes up 2.8% memory (634M RES) on a 23GB (yes) ram machine. i've said this in here bout 3 times already but KDE plasma is extremely good with enforcing modern C++ in their codebase (minimum C++20 in many parts) and they have a really good community and mentorship programs (open to anyone even old




xfce4 has virtually no new contributors at this point because its at a weird crossroads


ironic that I went to xfce4 because it boasted similar customization-ability to plasma but less buggy and heavy


to this day i am totally dumbfounded as to why gnome shell is in javascript. like the actual window management logic, the system clock, the date picker, is in JS https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/DebuggingJavaScript


and now kde is there


js < lol


given how obstinate gnome developers are what were they smoking when they agreed to this


js < lol « its as insane as it sounds, You know how you have a clock and c


alender widget or something in your taskbar right, that is literally in resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/calendar.js


i remember reading something along the lines of not being able to even move your cursor in GNOME without using js



this sudden shift to JS is also after they have their own C#-inspired language that transpiles to C https://vala.dev/


but that is dead in the water and they're promoting GnomeJS (GJS) heavily now afaik https://gjs.guide/showcase/


fuck it, sudo pacman -S spectacle


i couldn't find my screenshot script


.sd scrot






i remember reading something along the lines of not being able to even move your cursor in GNOME without using js « yes. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/merge_requests/925


actually impressive in a way


now i need to figure out a way to play files on my desktop remotely


playing mpv over sftp is slow as fuck so i'm looking into NFS


WM without a DE «  yeah but you probably want an easy way to control the screen brightness, screenshots (as you say), battery charging, clipboard manager, network manager, volume control, suspend / lid close behavior. in the early 2010s i was a fan of crunchbang linux + openbox too, probably easier on a desktop rather than laptop


crunchbang was great, i used bunsenlabs for a while which aims to be a similar thing


i only ditched it because its packages were too outdated


playing mpv over sftp « samba/cifs is easily as performant as NFS for single users, im maxing out my wifi connection to my hetzner storage box in germany mounted over smb while i live in asia


i tried mounting sftp with rclone but sftp is just not built for random access


i get something like 20 megabytes/s 64K random writes from within hetzner's network over samba which trounces lots of 5400rpm hard drives, can't complain really


thank you, i'll look into it


i only just want to play files on my laptop that are stored in my desktop across the room


need loli goddess and loli akuma in my life


File:17869d9388.png (392.53 KB,2142x301)

stop watching porn, start watching jong games


lust pales in comparision to the thrill of death


sodachi in the latest monogatari episode really took me by surprise


what a change of looks


i'm tired of lust and gluttony what are some good sins








wrath sounds exhausting and envy is for plebs. let's go with sloth


wrath is not exausting at all, it's actually very entertaining


i'd rather watch paint dry


ergo sloth


literally sloth




how is greed not the same thing as gluttony


you dont eat money


seems to me like it's more based around the pleasure of eating rather than the idea of resources


the church was against pleasure


changed my wallpaper to https://litter.catbox.moe/ipieth.png


people back then were much less smart about what makes people unhappy


lots of wallpaper-able good quality screenshots this season


broth has been cooking for 12h


File:__jeanne_d_arc_alter_and_j….png (1022.85 KB,893x1305)







eating calamari and mushroom pizza


.sd <lora:AquaplusCosineRestartJuly:1> 1girl, white cat tail, very long hair, medium breasts, black hair, white dog ears, swept bangs, closed eyes, smile, closed mouth, ainu clothes, yellow scarf, obi, (waving), hand up, forest, night



bah.. fingers mostly fixed but it still happens



well.. if you don't look at the other hand... bah


bah < we have a sheep in here


her other hand is just like that


also the time old adage "men will fap to anything"


I would never fap to kuon


do you think kuon wants you to say that




it's true that you don't look at the hands when you're fapping, it's what makes sfw stuff harder since your brain is still active


i want a cat and i want to call it maurizio


I got a lot of good cat pictures today


I need something quality checked if anyone is willing


send, send


give me about 20 minutes to finish uploading to MEGA


i want the cat pictures and i want them NOW


oh that


I'll post them in a bit



theo face


the only thing that can defeat an evil rootkit is a good rootkit


it's amazing that fortune500 companies are using windows servers


but i suppose it's more a thing of work computers


your cat pictures are ready sir



I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe ;_;


who would prevent canada from watching...


"windows is a pile of hacks on top of each other" « i rather disagree, winNT is decently engineered given its backward compatibility compared to mac & lin. A bit overengineered even, look at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/ntifs/nf-ntifs-ntquerydirectoryfile vs int readdir_r(DIR *restrict dirp, struct dirent *restrict entry,


struct dirent **restrict result); in unix


in this episode of shikanokonokonokokoshitantan, we get the shikanokonokonokokoshitantan dance in context


and it gives you second hand embarrassment


unix often just returns you an "ID" like the pid when you call fork() vs CreateProcess whereas windows goes full OOP (similar ethos as powershell vs (ba)sh )


f500 using winservers « they often use LDAP / active directory for authentication to begin with


have to keep eating to stay awake


why do you need to stay awake


anon needs to monitor the internet


because sleep is a waste of time


i don't have it in me to pull off all nighters anymore


who says im pulling an all nighter


its the middle of the day


I drank almost 2L of coffee yesterday I'm still awake and I'm jittery as heck


at some point giving in is better than fighting off the sleep demon


hate the jittery feeling of coffee and energy drinks


don't think i've ever felt that and i've had lots of cawfee



sounds like you don't drink enough coffee


oh shoot, my latte went cold while I was focusing on jong


addicted to jong


Asian gambling is fun


Western gambling is depressing. You can feel the spite of native Americans in it


European gambling is just... Strange


Betting on horses and sports teams and stuff... Strange world


^ look up keirin


Funny, I looked at a related page and playing Mahjong for money is banned


betting on ossans on heavy steel bikes with very strict requirements that must weigh 7kg and that must have 675mm x 22mm wheels


oh and which have no brakes


yeah, it seems kinda retardo. It was invented for legalized gambling too which is even stranger


i suppose when you're on a race course you don't have the ability to stop anyways


when you consider the consequences of falling off during horseback riding it makes keirin look tame. Europeans love killing themselves for some reason


Bull runs, horseback riding, rugby...


aaaa blender keeps freezing my PC when I try to enter edit mode


Came online to say thanks for the meower pickers


sigh everything so boring I feel like starting work planning at 4am


meower vidder


today's picks for best kissu meower encounter


I just found some e-celeb on youtube misrepresenting some work I did to make an official streaming site look better lol


milk the drama for all it's worth



milk the drama < He's getting a special rant this week


He even claimed we were shitting on another group. Which we were but not the one he mentioned. I have a feeling he's friends with the group we were poking fun at. Since they're known employees of the company he's trying to get sponsored by.


Oh and he cut off the top of the screen in his "review" so he could lie about two things to make CR look better


I shouldn't care about such stuff but I really hate liars and dishonest people.


sigh, cr*nchyr*ll


well, here's the cynical vermin take. Since you're on qa you were probably in the right and they don't work there because they're scummy people who were were encouraged to be let go, but that doesn't really matter because if they're getting money through youtube and social media they're the ones winning


Selling your soul for paper is not winning


I really don't want to link it here because I felt my IQ dropping watching it. But we were mentioned and I couldn't resist. But basically. This guy cut off the subtitles at the top of the screen to claim we didn't translate something in 60 characters (joke in an episode) and that CR did it right. But CR did it in 75 characters. Where our TLer did it in 60. But we put it at the top of the screen and did a literal translation at the bottom so the viewers could


understand what she was saying instead of having to infer it from what was basically a poem.


He did it twice actually. Claiming CR had a better translation for another line. When we translated what was actually being said and put in short TL note at the top to explain the name meant a type of sweets.


If you have no soul and you sell the idea you have one, then it's basically a scam, and scammers tend to win when they box outside of the law


er, within the law


Everyone has a soul. It's up to you if you sell it or not.


We all start out as untainted innocent lolis.


I'd rather be poor and upstanding person than rich guy with long list of people I screwed over in my wake.


um, no they revoke their "soul". I'd prefer we use a different word not to evoke religous connotations there... I mean at a certain point in their life they revoke any sense that they're people who exist beyond their vices


there is selling your soul, but you can also be born without one or extinguish it


I would say anyone who shares slander is one of those two cases


measuring translation quality by number of characters is like measuring how good you are at writing a novel by how fast you can type... lol


You don't understand the context of what I mean by it


I'll write up something later in more detail


As far as souls. I do not prescribe to any one religion. But I believe in my heart that we are far more than meat bags wandering around this planet. We are much more than dumb animals. History has proven that.


no this wasnt a dig at you. this was a dig at them. i think i get what you're getting at that you're trying to translate some idiomatic yojijukugo or something and you did it literally with clarification instead of the other way round which CR did




by soul i meant more like... the desire to be a contributing member of society


to push a scam is to be souless






i wish i was a loli feeding chicken soup to a younger loli


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (1.58 MB,3150x4200)



.sd loli feeding chicken soup to a younger loli



oyasumi #qa






eating chicken


.sd chicken nugget factory



wonder if that's blue archive influence or whatever gacha it was that had yellow birds in it


Yellow birds are Azur Lane


.sd 1girl, azur lane



bone broth has been simmering for 2 days




is that normal


maybe, I usually hear people doing it in a day but I'm not actually familiar with it


the recipe said between 12h and 3 days


and now it's been roughly 36h


What's the boner broth for?


to grow strong


.sd 1girl, loli, witch, broth, cauldron, bones



um you're not supposed to put those in


She's doing a reverse achilles






literally me


bird feet appreciation day (kimo)




feelin like a creep. I'm a weirdo


also just spent 430$ on glasses and yesterday 170$ on shirt,tie+accessories


and 50$ of dlsite points. And 300$ check as wedding gift to sister


and last month spun a bunch on the jong gaccha wheel


and bought food when I could have just starved


yet it's still nothing compared to the cost of owning a car!


and only the fraction of cost for housing


attending your sister's kekkonshiki i see


tamil western fussion wedding. father in law doesn't even speak english


one of dem immigrants who don't integrate!


love how Golf like mahjong tournaments are


strictly buisness


Does kissu know any famous people?


relatively speaking I've know a few...


Like uhhh, at least one degree of separation


but it's all in relation to what's imporatnt to me..


I know the drummer of Greta van fleet and Alex Rose (discus thrower)


I know the dude's dad, very nice guy, taught me how to do a pig roast, like with banana leaves and all that


never listened to these bands but that sounds flippin tasty


I know zundamon


also i think im vaguely related to some women who was anchoring the weather forecast on national tv and a cousin of mine was crowned princess of the gypsies at a gathering in Santiago de la Compostella


oh yeah i bullied the daughter of some national ping pong champion when i was a kid too




i ran behind her while throwing sand and yelling that ping pong was shit


I know ECHibiki, of kissu.moe fame


better than knowing vermin


sigh why is it so hard to eat well sigh


Oh no, a sigher encounter


i have plenty of veggies laying about but i always go for pasta or meat


lying around**


hayou #qa




going to eat noodles with meat and bean sprouts


sounds yum


the meat is kind of cheap but it should be


still 9 anime episodes before summer ends......


wtf are you talking about... why don't you just say there's only been 3 weeks of summer


only 3 anime episodes since summer started.....


now your upset that so little time has passed. Much better mindset


can AI grow weed yet


all sorts of in person social interaction exaust me jesu...


is this the karma of being a judgemental person




File:__asuna_blue_archive_drawn….png (1.45 MB,832x1181)

thinking about mount and blading




more like balding lmao


still 9 anime episodes before summer ends...... < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU9JoFKlaZ0


you know


i just realized that people talk about the us debt all the time and how we're all doomed because of it


but china and japan are super high up there too and they have an even higher debt to gdp percentage ratio so that makes there debt even worse


actually every country seems to have crippling debt issues...


how's that supposed to work out...


why do you think i do nothing all day


someone will hold the sky for us


why is it so hard to find a good music player?


what's wrong with foobar


china and japan « accurate take. japan and singapore sovereign funds hold a huge amount of foreign real estate. rockefeller group became a subsidiary of mitsubishi estate around the japan bubble years


what's wrong with foobar < it's windows only, cant share my stats and my playlists with my phone, etc etc


Debt is a spook


literally does not exist


Fuck the Rothchilds and fuck the bankers they can lick my balls


The banking class should be destroyed, delenda est


good music player < try cmus


its nice


unless you dont like tui, then maybe clementine?


Clementine works






not that anon






Man I just want to do dragon ball but I can't get over the hurdle of myself yelling at myself and all that ;_;


speaking of music players, been wanting to make a music player app for phone since the default one sucks and theres no other good one but dont want to get into the google ecosystem of programming just for that..


Man I just want to do dragon ball < do as in watch the anime or what?


do as in watch the anime or what? < write shit where its like "oh my god the protag has to collect seven macguffins"


Also I gotta reread Dragon Ball again thank you for reminding me :D


ok on screen keyboard is kinda nice can see why t uses it


there is some speculation on china's internal vs external debt. china barely borrows anything from other countries because of ridiculous income inequality. Read somewhere that a 5km meituan (ubereats-esque) delivery fee in beijing is 3 yuan (0.41 usd, 64 JPY) when the average income is 100K yuan and the median is most certainly >120K yuan. imagine earning $1 for a 5 mile drive in SF or london. Not


that the delivery driver undercaste has any hope of settling in beijing anyways because of family register laws. Poorer off provinces snap at the scraps that beijing throws them every once in while and that's where the debt lies https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/debt-laden-chinas-local-governments-scramble-rescue-small-banks-with-21-bln-2023-11-28


3-5km ubereats in tokyo is 300-500 jpy and you get boost+ on top ofit


safe enough to do on bicycle


“There is nothing a nation should avoid as much as borrowing money abroad.” So confided Ulysses Grant to Emperor Meiji during his visit to Japan in August of 1879.


.sd Ulysses Grant to Emperor Meiji during his visit to Japan in August of 1879



I could see that being him in some japanese adaptation, yeah


another night spent hoarding stuff on soulseek sigh it had been a while


i hope it never dies and i can keep doing this for 15 more years


.sd 1girl, black_hair, giant_bug, ants, crouch



I have found the ant den but I musnt disturb the ant chemtrails because they're all neat and lined up now


it's like there's an invisible road. They're so orderly


straight from the ant den up my table leg onto my table where my Taiwanese breakfast is located


86 billion neurons vs the hivemind. dare ga katsu darou?! Suruto...


think I'll take a nap first. An apex predator must be well rested


crazy how organized they are. Distance from the ant den to my table is about 20 meters in another room. That's 16666 times their body length


that would be like 30km long human chain


this would put even china to shame


National debt doesn't exist. No country has destroyed itself over debt except for the bigger ones debt collecting from smaller


Countries destroy themselves and then the debt becomes a problem


debt is le bad!


its wrong to let others borrow from you when they ask because i said so


countries that neighbor enemies are always given such extreme levels of justification for what seems bad on paper. When the US begins it's implosion plan a lot of the so called debt that foreign countries owe won't go collected but they'll begin to move in directions I can't predict


>debt is le bad! <save the generic shitpost template for elsewhere


The US can't collect on Korean debts. Can't collect on any debts because they can only enforce it through sanctions and if the US gives up it's empire status then they don't have a trade deficit anyways


The wealth that the US enjoys hinges on an idea that has been vilified


Minds that pretend to know best destroying an economy with problems just for upper class engorgement


got hot laundry out and set it on bed to organize and cat sat on it. have to be mean and destroy his new clothes bed so I can put it away


Behold cattle, you will get what you want and be slaughtered


laundry is put away, cat seemed to forget and is just lying on bed


cat is a brat who wants me to always give her food


give cat tuna


is tuna even good for them


i give her the scraps of salmon that I boil in water and some other stuff


it has mercury don't give it to them frequently


im not nearly rich enough to eat that much salmon. I think most fish are like that though


acually it was trout, but similar idea


otaku: is tuna, trout, or salmon more nutritious for cats


[Otaku-chan]|[Claude-3-Sonnet]: We couldn't get a response for you, please try again


ai will fix all problems


meanwhile at Amazon HQ...


what do those two extra keys on each side of the spacebar do on the japanese keyboard layout?


change entry mode from hiragana to katakana or japanese to eng


just going to guess that they're kata&hira-gana toggles


File:2560px-KB_Japanese_Mac_-_A….png (291.97 KB,2560x1023)

i know right is kana, but left I think is kanji


oh they literally say that on the keys


left for eng<->japanese, right for hira<->kana


hira<->kata i mean


cherry mx black vs clear




i know right is kana « 英数 on the left is alphanumeric, 英数字. this keeb layout is mac-only afaik, it switches to half-width ASCII while retaining the jp quirks so \ is still ¥, [ is still 「, etc



when you're in the romaji input mode you're still within the "jp context" so there are additional key hotkeys to switch or convert back and forth between kana


one way switch. if your textbox is empty it switches to half-width romaji, if there is it converts your kana and full width numbers to half width ASCII


this is just the abomination that is the apple "JIS" layout with control in capslock's place and all



Has 8kun had any sort of resurgence as of a last year or more recently


i dont think so. no one trusts jim


everyone left when they banned loli


you're too pure... what about the people who revel in the fact that he's corrupt and those who don't see it... the people who he made the decision to embrace by making the decisions you dislike


crypto currency scum, political activists... people who see the internet far more literally


to throw an easier question that might help me... what happened to the people who don't trust Jim


it's 2024, these people don't use imageboards anymore. much less the worst one


I would want to believe that too, but it's not something I can dismiss with some more strange information that I've found. I require something more solid than conjecture


what happened to the people who don't trust Jim < they went to the webring or back to 4chan


some went to 8chan.moe too


but really, all these people are 30+ yo now


in a sense, that is what I dread


c'est la vie. if they're anywhere near an imageboard it would be 4chan since it's the only one where they would get an answer in the 30min they have to spend


if there were anyone to fear it would be a cyber criminal who got the benefits of western education and uses it for their own cynicism. Like a lawyer who ends up taking on sham cases to scam people or a doctor who has no remorse for screwing people over... some random hood on the street with a gun will only steal your wallet or car... people who can use the system to their advantage...


such people would be on 8kun. that's my thoughts


i have a premonition that 8kun is full of white collar criminals and you can find the people posting illegal spam and other similar content there


not organizing per sey, but they're there


got hot laundry out and set it on bed to organize and cat sat on it. have to be mean and destroy his new clothes bed so I can put it away < ummmm wtf no pic?


cat is a brat who wants me to always give her food -@Kissu < piiiiiiiic??


where did she go anyways..


FIND that cat




File:20240723_062120.jpg (3.8 MB,4000x3000)

Found her


is this a rorshach test


spot the cat through the pixels of the screen door


no, you can find a cat in the patterns


rather, "the" cat


per sey < based retard


western education « all post-ww2 education worldwide might as well be western, unless you're referring to torah school or madrasahs...


i'm refering to the low quality grade tech education provided by any country other than north americans


"north american country"


if you learn about tech in russia you're just a backwater hick compared to any generic north american


like I would say any generic japanese fighting game player makes any standard american look like a hikikomori


how can I possibly expect anyone other than a Westerner to game tech in such a way that it makes people into subserviant tools


them and chinese, but chinese afluency towards tech scams is different


i cant tell if you're being sarcastic, tech is probably the worst example to use for this because of open source, let alone russia... ok you aren't



you just don't get it.


you're not the kind of person who would ever consider doing something evil with power so you can not get it.


and I don't think I can explain it either since it's just part of my cynicism and distrust towards people that others can't share without living the same life


I'm a firm believer in national exceptionalism at certain fields. Not by some believer in genetics, a belief that some groups are better than others or anything... but the culture they were raised in produces a type of person who's ceiling goes far beyond anyone else. That such a nation producing exceptional people also produces exceptional criminals. People who are criminals in all sense of the word yet still persist in positions of power or influence


In the Asian continent barely anyone can be called a mallicous e-celeb. Yet in America there are a 0.1% of people who can use their influece to sell scams to people and get away with it. Within the 0.1%, 1% of them are in power and adjust the laws to make their own scams easier


America is built on top of the national exceptionalism of selling false dreams to people, and in addition to the great education they provide to the rich this produces a feedback loop


America is a country of scammers benefitting scammers. And the best way to scam people nowadays is with tech


e-celebs, cryptocurency, speculative tech bubbles, youtube... It all circles around the idea of scams which is one of America's naitonal skills


So to say "oh there's open source that nations don't apply" is ludicrous. The US per capita is a country that educates scammers to produce better scams


Case in point. Donald Trump


yeah this has nothing to do with western (or not) education in itself, this has more to do with how the reward system in your society is set up. "George Soros ruined the world with his General Theory of Reflexivity territory" ignores the absolute billions worth of other mistakes leading up to before he got his hands involved in things (and people inclined to trust him)


Trump is a case of america valuing what appears to be verbal and social IQ in certain fields. You can see this in their grad school admission test (the gre)


math part is literally middle school level whereas english part is literature review of a research paper


America values the scammer. You just said it differently


You huddle around every single new thing, new car, new idea, new technology without doubting the person saying it


There is no skepticism or free thought. And because the US are the creators of the internet and it's culture, this means the internet and e-scams are a US dominated field


Thus, I should fear a US educated scammer more than any other. They can cause the most damage


You fear this because you are more susceptible to scammers who target americans and anglophones like yourself. the entirety of eurasia definitely rakes more profit in through e-scams by identity theft but you are not their target demographic https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/07/22/myanmar-cyberscams-china-trafficking/


a quarter of myanmar is an actual chinese vassal state where coders are enslaved there to create phishing websites and women to chat with victims


The Myanmar scams on Chinese are things that occur to women in America and have their passports stolen in Dubai, but this is just standard human trafficking stuff.


actually, shouldn't I just point out Andrew Tate when you say this?


I feel like this is the best example of a high profile influencer.. a brit.. who maintains immunity to law because he knows how to skirt it just right due to western education


The Myanmar human traffickers would just be shot by police for not paying a bribe. Tate skirts the law


if anything the western-educated russians and chinese have more to lose (higher chance to better their lot in life because their western degree counts towards being an immigrant), hence they tend not to get looped into this


you don't need to be western educated to read up on romania's extradition laws. Even the most low ranking chinpira of the yakuza can figure this out


But your random yakuza is not using the internet to his advantage because they were not raised in it. Western criminals all know how to use the internet and to use it to actually read up on extradition laws and ask people for advice


Your random yakuza does not even have a credit card


Anyways, what was I trying to say. Basically that Western culture is much more based around the internet and America knows how to raise scammers to work within the confines of the law. You can't know this because you are a sheep and I am a wolf who wishes he were not one.


You've never been scammed or tried to scam. Don't look at people with judgemental eyes. I am sure you have many friends and people who you have mutual acquaintances to. Seeing people as evil from the getgo is something that other people can't do so they will not see this view of humanity that i do.


basically I don't want to mess around with demons. People don't see the demons


the demons are not in my head


Something I also want to bring up about Asian scammers such as the Indian scammers or Myanmar is that they're very primitive systems that prey on lapses of judgement. Nothing that tries to interweeve your life into theirs. Not like it's very easy to do it, but like a Japanese cult that tries to take advantage of your problems in a pyramid scheme. Techbros have capitalized on this e-cult phenomona like no other


Logan Paul, any person selling day trading tips. RobinHood.com


People look at vtubers as a great evil while not basing it off of just how pervasive the scams around them are


Relative to all other evils, a girl playing video games is merely a distraction


There is no skepticism or free thought « on the contrary, there is too much skepticism. the number of "terminally online people" is definitely more in asia than in NA. It's 2024 and people still drop dead in internet cafes. Large swaths of NA barely even have connectivity to the point where starlink is a viable business plan. The reason why i believe anglo countries are relatively bad at building


infrastructure is common law, where all your principles have to be interpreted on the fly by cherry picking previous cases under the guise that they set a "precedent". So any NIMBY can prevent a 5G tower from being built just because "its an eyesore" or "its giving me cancer" AND THEN the skepticism is captalized upon by the lawyers you mention


you're worried about all this because english media is "the default" to you and that andrew tate will put those around you in a trance or you'll be the last one holding the potato when GME hype happens . Barely anyone outside the anglosphere even knows who both of them are. If you're going to cite the example of that one dutch politician who praised tate you might as well cite any of the meme parties



re: skepticism, you have to consider SJWs, the other side of the coin, and which i'm sure you'll agree is a "western" phenomenon. their motive is that if you give tate et. al an inch they'll take a mile, hence they are vehemently skeptical of anything which might infringe upon the rights of whoever is the perceived minority at that point in time


the other side of the coin take is ridiculous. how can you look at the state of things and say that there's anything wrong with the end result they want.


you'd be equating the desire for freedom by any means necessary with the desire to make money through necessary.


one would have to make a much more convoluted argument to say that you're pro-buisness than you are to say someone is pro-freedom since pro-buisness is a subset of the idea of individual freedom


And then you'd also have to start making the idea that scamming people is different from abortion law and projected the idea that a hypothetical life is more valuable than a real one


It's just convoluted and shines light on the supposed person who called me a white knight


i'm just commenting on your take that "there is no skepticism or free thought... 'creators of the internet or culture' ". the left plays devil's advocate to the devil. In the past nuclear energy was something that entire countries like france were proud of but now its gotten completely tangled up with enriched uranium and being unable to plan ahead of the next political power transfer


white knight is absolutely among the last adjectives i would apply to you. If i had to describe you, it would be ... wannabe collectivist perhaps


I dunno what you mean since every anarchist or leftist I know is far more interested in boots-on-the-ground style activism while the people I talk about are promoting financial scams in broad daylight with the consent of the government


and I was trying to talk more about the internet rather than whatever politics you want to tie this back to


tate and paul and trump and proud boys etc actually believe in the shit they peddle that's why its all coming down on them now. the skinny morons think they're peak alpha male and get knocked out in the kickboxing ring


they aren't even scamming it's the w*st as a whole which is inclined to idolatry. or "role models" if i may use a more patalable phrase


i wouldn't say it's exactly idols though there is a big desire to embrace them. Because there's nothing paticularly idolistic to an AI boom or a the dot com bubble


it's an idea of superiority perhaps and ego that you are part of a branch new era of tech


America is at the forefront of everything, and to do this they appoint tech leaders who are charismatic, but at the core of it is the desire to believe that a country is not just a collection of people trying to make the most for themselves or live a stable life


my point about the SJWs is that you can't say this results from "a lack of skepticism" when conspiracy theories (right or wrong) are ridiculously prominent in the anglosphere; you will find some representation for just about any viewpoint on any matter you can come up


tate and trump can hardly be considered financial scams when trump manages to run casinos with actual house odds into the ground. compared to well thought out financial scams like the dutch sandwich


or matched betting


which is interesting because it's perfectly legal and promoted to students looking to get in on the game in UK. whereas as you mentioned yesterday gambling is just taboo in asia or it's done hush-hush with tenpin in a "free" mahjong parlor


no, it is absolutely a matter of blind faith in authority. A lack of skepticism towards the people who put themselves on a pedastal. Every country in the world except Can and US have had to deal with a monarchy(or democracy in name only) run amock. The worst America has had to deal with was a mixed impression of the Vietnam war. Even Canada has had to deal with being forced as a nation to fight a war on behalf of England. Everyone else doesn't trust idols.

America pretends to be distrustful of the government while remaining obediant towards "the government in name only"


America has never experienced suffering


Ergo America is still obsessed with idols, no skepticism. They are the most brain-dead culture which is born to accept idols


God I love it when non-Americans preach about how America should die, doesn't ANYONE else? I mean it's soooo enlightening here someone who hates my country and her people preach about how it's the worst country in the world?


I especially love it when leaf faggots who are a colony of China at this point (good job by the way, you voted for it) try to preach anything to America. Go back to playing jong you fucking faggot.


At least China will still be a country by the time I die


And that's a good thing because?


Ergo America « ok now you're really shifting the goalposts all the way back to war of 1812. basically we agree. again my point is that education/ideals ≠ culture. here's an anecdote: the founding father of authoritarian singapore was pretty much completely westernized being an english colony then. the first time he went to london he marvelled that you could just put up a sign saying 10pence for


a newspaper and passerbys would honorably put their coins in even if no one was watching


america is obsessed with idols on the micro level because they're fed the "stick it to the man" underdog stereotype. Whereas in china working for a government institution is idolized more than actual idols are https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202207/09/WS62c8b6fca310fd2b29e6b5cf.html https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/china-inside-and-outside-system


influencers livestreaming how to pass the civil service exams which are worse than memorizing behavioral interview hogwash for the cult of amazon


anglosphere has changed because at once point puritanism and "kids should be heard not seen" was expected and then things like the stanford prison experiment and watergate and iran contra came about. At the same time kids were being thought to think critically for the first time in school


Though I did make the outlandish claim that there is a system of scams in the US, there are scams elsewhere.. but I was trying to center it around the internet since that's more of my domain


No there are systems of scams, there called MLMs lol


Can you say that someone who benefits off of confusicist ideals a con artist? I wouldn't say so, but is someone selling a get rich scheme in america a con artist? i would say so, because personal gain is more preditory than convincing someone that the best path to life is working at a keibatsu


I was trying to be generous by equating the private tutoring excess in Korea is equivalent to MLMs but it was disingenuous


There's like, may types of scams in the world if you wanna get frank


*many types


yes. If you were to look at scams there are scams everywhere... but I was mostly trying to center around tech scams but got knocked off at some point


Since I believe the US has a system that promotes scamming others as it has such relaxed buisness rules, and much of the internet culture comes from the US... so there's a lot of more prolific tech scammers in anglo countries. That was when I went into Tate, logan paul, etc. etc. etc.


And eventually we got knocked off when it went into some comment on SJW and greenpeace I think


Well that's more of a problem on the people and following for FOMO bullshit


Like, oh my god [big name] brand? We must consume and invest in it


korean hagwon « how about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l1pBWDkTDw


Like the tech industry is full of bullshitters and people who just want venture capitalist money; like the Tates and the Pauls of the world are just pasties in this


There's always a bigger fish you know?


5 years ago though, didn't the CCP crack down on private tutoring and the West tried to spin it as being against America


Sidebar: Tate should be strung up


Also something needs to change in America, because this like, hypercapitalist bullshit isn't working. Need more protections for the people who are citizens here, like a safety net and shit.


Like more welfare and shit, have government projects that need people to work on.


cracking down on private tutoring, against america « ok gonna need a source for that one. the most i've seen is just conceitedness like "oh how will the bugmen cope now"


or maaaybe "oh no how will we get https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_monkey jobs at https://esl.cafe and get paid 10K yuan to play with chinese kids in kindergartens"


It was the chinese emigrants from South Africa and US that ride around on Bikes. I'm sourcing it from something I head from them


Heard from them* pulling up the source will take a while but it was their opinions as vloggers



I don't think it was...finding it is hard but it was an opinion on the state of teaching english in China


I think the opinions I speak of were reused in some papers but IDK, I might be talking falsehoods


confucianism « if we're going to dig up history being truly well versed in the confucian classics was only something the merchant class and above could afford historically. The rest of the kids had to work on farms, beg or get castrated and sold into the imperial court


interpretation of the confucian analects is as subjective as the whole game that is "biblical exegesis" from my pov. God killed Nadab and Abihu because they were priests who made an offering the wrong way, and hardline christians will take that to mean not worshipping correctly is a cardinal sin, whereas some of the newer american denominations will try to find justifications like "they were


intoxicated" "they couldnt help their upbringing"


the altar to elon musk requires your blood


I always interpreted it as "They screwed up and God of that time period was an asshole."


5 years ago though, didn't the CCP crack down on private tutoring and the West tried to spin it as being against America < it did happen, but iirc the situation was preposterous. lots of scams and wasted money. i dont remember about people linking this to america though


it was the cram schools


i remember, it started around the time canada jailed that huawei executive and people tied it to that


although it may have been in talks for a while


which leads to the mockery of people saying canada is chinese owned, which is just prarie hicks talking about how they aren't the US enough


imagine being such a failed state that you let politics get in the way of buisness


truly everyone except the US represents capitalism the best


The US, Hungary, Turkey, Russia and South Africa aliance


Maybe they can let Argentina join too


We can talk about politics now? Neat


go ahead, leave a bullseye on your back




i'm sure you'll find someone who will make use of the "kick me" paper taped to your back


Rules on political discussion on the entire internet: If you agree with the TV it's fine. If you disagree with the TV you're insane and will be tortured, banned and yelled over until you get in line with the rest of the herd.




i don't even watch the same channels as you


i don't even watch any tv channels


the only thing I watch on my TV is kissu streams


i didn't subscribe


you must be smart getting your propaganda directly from paid shills on the internet instead of the paid shills on the TV


unlike you, I graduated from highschool


I know how to filter information


Wow you graduated from high school! You must be able to read on a 1st grade level


"I got 12 years of propaganda force fed to me from the state. I R smurt"


go away


I will stay and continually challenge your perception of reality for my own amusement.


I learned how to read so well I hate it. I write so well I don't care about spelling. Everything about me is native genius that you will not even be able to grasp the ingenuity of


go away



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File:__han_juri_street_fighter_….jpg (292.84 KB,1920x2500)

took like a 4 hour nap today, oha


You know you're old when they start using songs from your teenage years in the car insurance and pill commercials


I want to hire SHAFT to produce commercial for antidepressants


Depressed man takes pill and the world changes into 2D paradise around him. Ask your doctor about animulistadol today.


didn't you post about loving trump or are you somehow not andy


andy only posts through /chat/


i refuse to believe anyone else talks like him


.sd 1girl, black hair, hime cut, blue eyes, magical girl, smug



can't believe verm's watching some streamer in the exact same situation as him just one rank higher...


I can't believe anyone would watch a streamer


uhhh, no it's actually the complete opposite. That guy folds at literally the wind blowing the wrong direction while I banzai charge if I don't hold myself back


while he has to learn when to use reward, I have to learn when to use risk


are you trying to learn how to fold from him


no, I watch him for fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV5hf1UZeSg I like this guy for figuring things out because he actually has sensible comentary


oh you're that guy


maybe we should start shuffling around typing styles every 2-3 weeks, just to keep things fresh


not possible


cant do without my iconic catchphrases, sorry


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….jpg (2.74 MB,2296x2500)

On /secret/? About Trump getting shot? Yeah.


she cute


why watch 2nd best when you can go for the best


File:C-1721755349209.jpeg (245.86 KB,728x1060)


he doesn't have many videos as you can tell. also less significant but at certain skill gaps things stop making sense


like you can look at the yu_song guy and see that he's making mistakes, but the mistakes a throne room player makes are not significant enough to catch


File:C-1721755455212.jpeg (210.9 KB,728x1060)


he does have this one common beginner mistakes video that i don't understand so you'll probably find it helpful


oh it's not even beginner mistakes just mistake mistakes...


File:702863f3ee.png (114.1 KB,725x422)

that video is basically about shapes
1s discard would give you 678m 22p 45p 345s 56s 8s as shapes. The floating 8s is weak.
a 8s cut would give 678m 22p 45p 13s 45s 56s

But actually memorizing this isn't helpful. I just do about 20 examples of https://euophrys.itch.io/mahjong-efficiency-trainer when I feel like it


if the reason why it doesn't like something doesn't make sense I have to try and rational why it was so. But often times it's a difference of just one tile


File:2dfeaae3b8.png (175.73 KB,1419x701)

Something like this was probably that I didn't recognize the shapes. Rather I didn't even think about them


File:C-1721756304217.png (205.15 KB,1348x558)

Most annoying part is when a hand shifts from normal and into 7pair...


as a general rule of thumb, a 9 or a 1 is useless, except when it isn't


you don't have to memorize anything if you separate the kanchan like he says


pretty good video although some parts are too much for me


you don't always want to do that though the 13s only matters because he has a 45s along with it. The way you see groups isn't that rigid


the value of a 1 or 9 exausts quicker than others


like as soon as he draws a 7s, the 1s is useless, but the 6s maintains use with a 2s


in fact you might even get away with cutting the 1s there because getting a 2s doesn't really effect much anyways I think..


you'd still be on a 68s kenchan


34s 55s 68s which is a weaker shanpon where you're trying to build a triplet but it's still valid


overall the hand is weaker but if you wanted an entotsu https://riichi.wiki/Entotsu against the 2p that would be the route to take i suppose


as it stands with that guy's suggestion you'll get a good ryanmen wait from going 123s 456s


potentially it could end up becoming a 123s 555s


but you'll never get a 34555s to go along with the 22p to create a tricky 3 tile wait


eating cappeletti in broth








Anyone know where I can get get proxies for free


/g/ fucking sucks


Is anyone even here?


i dunno


what are you going to be using the proxies for


ohayou #qa


chatbot shit; my machine can't run local models so I have to rely on proxies to actually do anything and now I'm getting pissed because


because what???


because ya cant run 'takker-chan?


need proxy to visit ebaums at skool


^ that's actually what i thought Anonymous was referring to initially


back then it was PHP proxy sites like https://zend2.com


I dont know #qa


isekai shikkaku might actually be shit


anime shikkaku


one less anime to watch weekly


because what??? < because I can't run it locally so I have to rely on proxies on /g/ to use the chat bot


which fucking sucks because 4/g/ sucks.


So I have to use like, rentry bullshit and there's like a drought going on /g/ so there isn't a lot of fucking proxies left.


is anyone even fucking online


jesus h fucking christ


what is it


speak quickly


trying to find a job and my parents are threatening me and no one is fucking hiring but they fucking expect me to find work somehow.


I look through indeed, guess what I find, nursing jobs nursing jobs nursing jobs nursing jobs door dash nursing job nursing job


there is literally no jobs available


can't even get on ssi


Really close to offing myself genuinely.


Like fuck it, might as well die now instead of dying on the street.


apply to publix


Don't have any.


Applied to meijers, told me to fuck off.


Applied to Krogers, told me to fuck off.


Applied to McDonald's, got my hours cut to basically 2 hours a week.


So I had to quit their.


If I kill myself now at least I won't have to die on the street.


make heroine is great


well try reading or doing whatever you enjoy


watch make herione


How can I do shit that I can enjoy when the threat of being kicked out my house is looming over my head?


Fuck it, I should just hang myself now and avoid dying in the streets.


i wish i had been encouraged to move out


cant you go back to being a neet in your mother's basement


cat ate a piece of grass I accidentally brought in on my shoe, looking forward to him vomiting it up in 20 minutes


have two empty protein containers but dont know what to do with them


If I kill myself, everything will be okay


I won't have to keep living.


I won't have to worry about being kicked out.


I'm not dying on the street.


Should I slash my wrists or hang myself serious question.


suicidal anonymous, how long have you been on #qa?


I've been here for a while?


why are you being kicked out


I don't make any money and they want to start collecting rent.


is this from your family home?




surely they'll host you till you find a job


They are done doing that.


thought you were talking about out of an apartment


might as well be an apartment because they want to kick me out because I don't have any money coming in.


I tried to get on SSI but it'll take too long.


parents can say things they don't mean... I think if you've shown effort towards doing this stuff they should understand... I hope...


I don't believe a parent who hosted you all this time will just let you go like that, show them you're trying hard


Well, they are.


And no one is fucking hiring.


No one wants to read my shit.


If I kill myself now at least I can escape this crushing despair.


succeeding as a writer is tremendously difficult, yeah


have you been applying for actual jobs or part-time jobs? there should be more availability for part-timers, at least thats how it is where I live


I've been applying to part-time jobs.


no one calls back.




Not a single call


thats harsh


Suicide is looking really fucking appealing right now.


maybe you could try applying for assistance in job searching or something? I don't have experience with this


how old are you by the way?




maybe you could try applying for assistance in job searching < did that, no one called back.


not a single word, not a single email, nothing.


Not even a lette.




Not even a letter telling me to fuck off, I got dick all.


mm maybe they're swamped or something, they should at least send a reply normally I would think


Too bad for me huh


Guess I should just kill myself.




what about the nursing jobs and door dash you mentioned?


Don't have a nursing degree and I don't have a driver's license.


So I'm shit out of luck there.


Parents won't pay for the license.


I can't drive anyways.


what about bicycle?


Aren't hiring.


People like that.


Requires, point fucking blank, re-fucking-quires a drivers license.


So its not an option.


And if you still this "oh durr muh bike" they aren't hiring people on bikes.


I hope I can enter another world if I die.


maybe buy time till you get a job, like offering to do all the house chores while you search for a job


no one is hiring, everywhere I look its either nursing jobs or jobs that require a driver's license and at least a year's worth of driving. So yeah, if I off myself now at least I don't have to worry about anything. Hell maybe I'll die and be reincarnated in another world, who knows, rather try that out then live in this one.


from experience, parents usually just want to get some hint that you're trying to do better, keep off the PC for a while


File:ee197f11af09db5b712714b716….png (13.21 MB,2917x4083)

heres to hoping tomorrow will be better, even though it wont, and the threat of getting kicked out looms.




oyasumi anonymous


pinched my dick between the floor and my hip bone as my arms gave way, unable to push up for the 40th time


.sd loli, crop top, denim shorts



.sd hot loli tan



.sd loli tan





.sd loli, bicylcle shorts, tube top



.sd gym loli



very good


.sd gym loli push up





.sd bicycle shorts, loli, tube top, face down ass up



.sd loli, lingerie


.sd 2girls loli face down ass up, back to back








.sd loli face down ass up, one on top of another



.sd 2girls loli face down ass up, one on top of another



^ heh at that face


.sd sweaty loli sex



really excels at everything but the fingers


.sd mascara, pregnant, loli, fave down ass up, flat chest, sex





.sd 2girls, loli, face down ass up, stacked, sex, smug



.sd 1boy, 2girls, loli, face down ass up, sex, lesbian, kiss





.sd loli, pregnant, ahegao, flat chest, cross section, short hair, purple hair, tattoos, pregnant


.sd 2girls, loli, face down ass up, sex, lesbian, kiss



battle anob



what's the cross section tag?


shows penis in vagoo


.sd 1boy, 2girls, loli, face down ass up, lesbian, kiss





getting closer


.sd 1boy, 2girls, loli, lesbian, ass to ass



.sd 2girls, loli, lesbian, ass to ass



if you're going to prompt much more, make use of #chatgpt channel since it's there


.sd loli, sex, pregnant, nakadashi


oh yeah my bad



im on phone so


ok chargpt


you can't open other channels on sageru?


havent fapped to manga or illustrations in I dont know how long


need animations to get off now


.sd loli, pencil skirt, bubble gum, tube top, pregnant, tsundere



.sd loli, pencil skirt, bubble gum, tube top, pregnant, tsundere, flat chest



not a fan of preggo belly


.sd loli, short hair, ass, puffy nipples, sex, explosive lactation, angry



.sd loli, short hair, ass, puffy nipples, sex, explosive lactation, angry, flat chest



I'm trying to enjoy some peace and quiet here


getting the hang of freecad


I think the biggest problem with job anon is that he quit his last job for no reason. So he's manually created his own problem. Still. Work exists everywhere because people are always quitting or dying


oh he was already employeed


According to my #qa lore banks anyways


.sd qa lore bank <lora:AquaplusCosineRestartJuly:1>



also his parents probably know that he smokes way too much weed


imagine your son quits his job and now just smokes weed all day... because I'm the most empathetic person you know I might do it differently, but you can imagine the perspective of the parents here


yeah, I understand the parents perspective all to well..


used to be the useless son myself, but felt bad for them having to see their child like that so decided to do something about it


not living the best life, but still am living independant and trying to integrate into society... not that I enjoy it


do you regret it?


regret < not really, part of me misses the NEET life, but my family wasn't so well off to support a NEET and his spending habits, so working a job, I can buy most of everything I'd want


I see. nice that it seems to have worked out for you even though it's not the best


NEETs should just get security jobs.


There used to be a thread every night filled with former NEETs working third shift do-nothing security jobs where they watched anime all night and shitposted together


sounds fun...


depending on the post they just want a warm body there to make sure the building doesn't catch on fire. Basically insurance purposes


wonder if the pay is good


It pays above minimum wage most of the time. Enough to support usual NEET habits


nice, might look for a security job to neet around with the other neets online


When I did it the pay was like $12 an hour and minimum wage was $7-9


Just make sure you get unarmed post. If you get armed post they'll put you in the hood somewhere in front of an apartment building and only pay you $1 more an hour. You want to be the night watch at hospital, warehouse or other abandoned buildings


It costs like $200 to get started because you have to be licensed. But the training is really easy and only takes a couple of days.


huh, didnt know you needed license to be a security personell


You need to be licensed and you have to give the feds your fingerprints. But it's really a do-nothing job and training. If you can pass a pee test and have a 3rd grade education you can do it.


Security is filled with former NEETs, college students and old retired people. Hardest part of the job is doing patrol twice a night. Which is basically just walking around the inside of the building with a flashlight and making sure it isn't on fire. Some posts have other requirements. They want you to be receptionist while the usual one is away or check trucks coming in and out. But all you're doing is writing down information in a log book for the most part.


Lots of down time.


At my last post once a week I had to escort the guy that filled up the vending machines. He'd come at 2am or so. Gave me tons of free candy, chips and sodas. I was basically standing there to make sure no one robbed him or he didn't rob the warehouse.


No one bothers you either. When I'd come walking by on patrol all the warehouse workers that were sleeping or playing on their cell phones would jump up and start pretending to work. They think you're the police so they leave you alone. After awhile some of them figured out I was "cool" and might stop and want to talk for a bit. But I always had an excuse to move on so it wasn't bad. I basically walked around making sure none of them were dying in a stairwell or


otherwise kept them safe. I was the one that had to initiate things like getting everyone to the tornado shelter areas or otherwise to safety in the event something went wrong.


i would not have the physique to ever be looked at as suitable for that job


99% of the people that work it don't. I worked with a guy that couldn't walk and used a mobility scooter to do patrol. Everyone else was either really fat or skinny.




05:37 <Anonymous> 24 « i'm 26. this might sound completely insane but if you're having trouble staying afloat in your own country maybe try going abroad at this age. sometimes all you need is a change of scenery and some structure to your life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0YadfbhDXE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11idv6Kx6So


I wish I would have fucked off to SEA a decade ago


Cost of living is really low and you can take a trip into Japan pretty much any time you want


i get too many family benefits and I think that the government will give me a pretty decent money when I hit old age. I doubt I'd get good government programs if I ever moved to like Japan for example


if you can stomach a NEET-tier lifestyle you can quality immediately on a working holiday visa but you'll need to be able to live in flatshares with other people cuz you won't be earning the big bucks. there are other routes like the "TOPIK" test for south korea where the interview is literally say your name, age, height, weigt in korean and can you follow commands like a monkey.


much less SEA. Sure I'd be able to coast out my savings and pick up new jobs, but if I ever needed to stop working I probably would dry up and have to come back


follow commands like "raise your left hand, turn around, point to your leg, left, right, up, down, weights and distances"


if I ever moved to like Japan « yes mr. privileged and ExtremelyCharitableHibiki of course you would say such a thing, having ascended maslow's hierarchy of needs and all


I think you can still draw benefits if you live aboard


being an economic migrant is not a recomended line of action...


I know if you're an American you still have to pay the IRS every year even if you live aboard. You have to go through a long process to renounce US citizenship and last I checked it cost thousands of dollars and had a multiple year waiting period


You can take $100k to Vietnam and live like a king


you can get by quite well... but the problem is running out of money


you can retire on $100k in Vietnam though


living her best life in japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJyMXkONXY


why southeast asia and not central america


Closer to Japan. Cheaper. Less nasty. More work. Better food.


central america, where mexico has literally had dozens of politicians being shot..


mexico is different i'm talking about belize, panama, costa rica


how could it be cheap if everyone is moving there...


I know if you're an American you still have to pay the IRS every year even if you live aboard. You have to go through a long process to renounce US citizenship and last I checked it cost thousands of dollars and had a multiple year waiting period «  yes, this is the one single caveat. idk about EU but everywhere in asia makes you declare any bank accounts or holdings you have in the states when you


go open a bank account or take out a loan, and the double taxation thing


wow what the hell are they putting in these hot dogs. They're the cheapest menu item but they have 500 more calories than everything else including the meat ball sub


U.S. citizens and residents with a financial interest in or authority over foreign bank accounts or "foreign financial accounts" with an aggregate value of $10,000 or more are required to file a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) with the U.S. Treasury by October 15 every year. It is identified as FinCEN Form 114 (formerly Treasury Department Form 90-22.1).


if everyone moves to florida the price of florida gets more expensive. It becomes such that you have to start making it unlivable for natives which doesn't work out great for the quality of life where everyone has to live in walled gardens to get a semblence of good quality


meanwhile someone in Helsinki is getting the same quality at a higher price


I wouldn't be looking to move if people didn't move here and price out the locals


Blame the Californians


moving to serbia for retirement. Heard it's cheap


Helsinki « there is the opposite situation where the wait to rent, 1st hand, in gothenburg, sweden is decades (40 years) because of regulation, not because of overpopulation. it's more just raw supply and demand


london is paraded as this absolutely unlivable city but unlike other cities in EU from what i've seen you *will* actually find a place within a week unlike say amsterdam or ireland just because of raw supply. moreso with tokyo where you eternally have a variety of choices where to live and to make the commute-time : price tradeoff


people call it unlivable because the state of government programs for people who were born and raised there are poor. And the cost of living has gone up with fuel shortages and generally poor beurocracy


finding a house might be simple enough, but paying for anything with the salaries they get?


the idea that they could just leave the EU and have their economy be alright through good government leadership and negotiation turned out to be a farce. Maybe 10 years ago it was better than EU due to how they got good benefits out of it, but nowadays?


displacing the natives is completely an integration thing. i completely doubt there is a functioning place on earth where "oh no the refugees are taking my jobs". If it is easy to ascend the social ladder for someone new to the region it should be even more so for natives. If you like investing living in japan isn't for you where interest rate is like 0.5% and every single decision in every company


has to be made via nemawashi. but if you want a stepping stone to come out of mediocrity, japan, kr, and tw have actual processes for integration unlike developing SEA, and is where i'd recommend 24 year old Anonymous to just go for


"society should be judged by how well it treats its weakest, not its most privileged" tyep of thing


the state of government programs for people who were born and raised there are poor « you say that from your (and my) POV just sitting at home snoofing cat and coding 1 or 2 lines of typescript every once in a while. america has in-state tuition and out of state-tuition fees for example


in UK the difference between those is ridiculously pronounced. something like 6000 vs 20K a year


This is a bit different from the statements I was making about states or countries turning themselves into retirement towns through legislation and refusing to tax individuals leading to government defecit for the natives. If we're back to talking about economic migration for younger people looking to find work... don't recommend it... moving to a third world country as a first world person will not result in anything better...


people immigrate into the US because they live in places like Bangledash. Imagine moving to becomea Bengal as an American and how farcicle it sounds


You only move to those places to live in walled gardens where everyone treats you like a king for your money.


yes i completely agree on this point. if you want to bring up retirement towns you should bring up the retirement visa schemes of phillipines to the point where metro manila streets are full of fat old white men (have to be 50yo+ to qualify).


still, you'll probably get robbed if you don't pay off a security gaurd as part of your neighbourhood taxes


I'm not really sure what the point was then. Are you trying to say the UK has it good?


UK, which scores worse on public transit than the US...


a more dysfunctional health service than others..


Because so far I've gotten you to agree that you need to be old and retired to live in Philipines and that it probably is not best for the natives there. That you shouldn't be an economic migrant into vietnam. I guess the only point left is that you think the UK is better than the US(it's not)


In fact, I see the trajectory of the US as approaching the UK


Really, if you can't get a job in the US or Canadan, you must be screwing something up pretty bad.


in which case you can blame the inability for others to properly provide instruction and guidance to those who have trouble gaining money... a very real complaint I have


File:C-1721806628279.jpeg (236.01 KB,728x1077)

I love the distorted style of this artist


i brought up london (note: london, not UK as a whole) because it *seems* ridiculously expensive after currency conversion but dollar to dollar it is a surefire way out of neetdom. Unlimited 5g phone plan for £20 a month (no credit check needed), 650g chicken boobers for £4.7, https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/search?query=chicken+breasts , and if you ask natives (working in the trades


etc) a sensible food budget is £8 a day ( < £300 a month for single person ) . flatshare in a decent zone 3 place is £800 a month bills inc. entry level wage is £30K a month (apprenticeships often 27k with bonus, entire UK min wage is 23.8K) average london wage is £52K. (compare with tokyo 300k vs 500k.) after tax that is £2000 a month. 2000 - 800 - 300 - 200 (zone 1 to 3 tube travelcard) -


20 = £680 left at the end of the month. given that it's the w*st can easy earn a 5% interest on that. System is set up in such a way that "working for experience" is possible and doesn't force you into a dangerous, dirty, or demeaning job if you missed out on milestones in life. If you compare countries by PPP, besides USA and china, JP, DE, RU, ID, BR, UK, and FR and virtually a wash.



those 7 are just rigt behind usa and china


purchasing power parity


deamed i was hiking last night


after that i dreamed that i was stuck outside because i had forgotten my keys


reason why lcol countries like "bengal" or "slumdog millionaire" are like this is because productivity is so low that any attempt to import "working institutions" from other countries (e.g. to improve your electricity you need electrical codes and trained electricians) puts you into debt. in my country of birth an ok starting wage is 3000 units but 1 way commute on the train from the suburbs is 5


units / you absolutely need to have a car despite the country being small. quick meals that aren't soup start at 10+ units. people take out student loans for a joke of an education. internet is 100 units. 1kg of (cheapest, imported from thailand) jasmine rice is 6 units (in uk tesco its £3). electricity with a fridge and washing machine is >=100 units. rtx 4060 is more expensive than the


average monthly salary. its comical to the point where people working in skilled trades like welding or industrial diving actually come from privileged backgrounds instead of "working class"


UK, which scores worse on public transit than the US... -@Kissu « in what world do you live in. UK is an island of 66mil people the size of the korean peninsula


the british rail system sucks




f'in paywall... $39 a month


London is really the exception to the rest of the UK. That's basically it's point



the amount of people who defend nimby-ism in that article is funny to look at. The aging population really doesn't want to give up their wealth to help the future generations. It's such a problem in all western places. They blame bad birth rates on the generation that's supposed to reproduce, but at the same time the laws are guided by scamsters and old men


no one wants to give up their wealth. The government needs to put their heads on the guilotine


deep down, I wish covid was invented in a lab


Kind of obvious that when the Government destroys the family unit people stop breeding. Almost like they wanted it to happen or something.


nah, there's nothing wrong with the new generation. The problem is a lack of wealth. People can't afford half the things they could half a decade ago and no one wants to tax the old people harder to make it easier for the young ones


maybe we should like not base our entire economy on a scam.


which one though


anything but the federal reserve would be preferable


I live my life like this old man and don't worry about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u05gAMMazWY


nimbyism «  i said this yesterday, i'm 100% sure it's a common law (as opposed to civil law) problem. From what i know high speed rail 2 in the UK is this expensive because people out in bumfuck midlands think looking at trains is an eyesore, so they spend a disproportionate amount tunelling underground


i don't get it. How does changing currency make it easier for people to live in appartments or houses, make it easier to buy food so they can spend more on luxery?


You don't get it because you don't know what the Federal Reserve is. Maybe look into it some time.


there needs to be someone on the top to shuffle up income so that the best aren't always on top


i wonder how canada and the antipodes would fare on that ranking (with netherlands us uk at the bottom)


there used to be "someone at the top". Back before the meeting at Jekel Island and the entire world getting suckered into a scam during Congress's Christmas break.


well, we've got pretty decent rail and our cities are good, but you'd have to exclude connectivity to the northern areas where you have to get there by plane or long car drives...


Imagine getting your hours slashed from 20 to 2 hours a week, and then having the fucking gall to say that. Fuck you you fucking faggot


i'm surprised netherlands and spain fare this badly, given that spain has the most extensive high speed rail in europe but i guess they probably have last mile problems


you're arguing that because the government controls money there are problems, yet many countries have powerful government control and still manage to create systems where people are happy


The Federal Reserve isn't the Government


Again look into something before you start blabbering on like you know


You're blaming all your problems on the government existing and not that the government isn't killing the old people


are you really arguing that the branch of the government which controls money is not the government


is this some sort of riddle


The Fed isn't part of the government it's a corporation.


like, what walks on 2 legs in the morning and then hikes the basis points by 20


i did a bit of quick research, and yes, the president appoints the chairperson of the federal reserve. So again, you're just a shit ass libertarian who wants to blame things on the government


I swear people are dumb


we need to confiscate your wealth before you hoard it like a dragon


Let me explain how the Fed works


land reform land reform land reform


I print $1. I give it to you


At the end of the year you owe me $1.50 because interest


no worries cause I'll print $2 and you can pay the debt off with that


now you owe me $3.50


Do you see the trick now?


national debt is not a real thing. It doesn't matter


at some point I'm going to call in the debt and take every real asset you have


you can make up whatever money you want as long as you maintain your production capacity


Shut the fuck up vermin holy shit dude


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mII9NZ8MMVM I can't believe this is still on youtube


The USSR did not collapse over their fake money, but over the loss of their production capacity due to rampant corruption and poor living conditions. Rome did not collapse over immigrants or debt, but the failure of their government to cooperate


The USSR and US are/were run by the same people at the top


Money is merely a thing that the government needs to maintain in giving to others and maintaining relative income equality




it's a designed collapse. It always has been.


OK, back to reading akagi I go


good plan escape into the fantasy


anyways. hope new uk government fixes nimbyism soon https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-20/starmer-s-labour-eyes-blitz-of-uk-planning-reforms-within-weeks ... they removed lots of restrictions on building renewable energy like wind farms too


no i am not a robot


you won't get through to anyone anyway


OK, back to reading akagi I go -@Kissu, USSR « According to the Central Intelligence Agency, an average Soviet citizen consumes 3,280 calories a day, compared to 3,520 calories for the American. (1983)



bad faith argument but still makes you think a bit


According to the CIA the CIA isn't the one importing drugs into America and exporting small arms all over the world


the soviets and chinese, if nothing else, have lots of farmland


but I suppose so does the US. It's a matter of making everything corn fields



well you can put it that way, everything is a resource distribution problem


i don't think of money as being the cause of problems. If someone confiscated the wealth of all of the top elites the new geneartion could live in riches until they pass on the problems to the next generation


it does make you think about what went so wrong between "most peasants had nutrition on par with the average american" and "people in moscow lining up for the entire day to get rotten meat at state-run stores because of rationing"


I'm just shy of 40 and I've lived through 3 "recessions" that always hit at the exact right time to set me back 10 years.


well anyways. I have no idea and I can't change it. I merely play the system the best way possible.


actually 4


I don't have the money, the lanuague skills, or anything of the sort to get a job in Japan.


I forgot about when I was a kid and they exported all the factories overseas and laid off all the adults


No problem anon if you join the cabal they'll get you a job in-country where speaking the local language isn't required


What do you mean?


you dont need to read kanji to get a factory job in japan. In the news there was a vietnamese dude who failed N5 10times and got booted from "language schooL" but somehow stayed on as a fatory worker


Most of the do-nothing IT jobs in Japan are English-only


you need a degree to do IT in japan for visa purposes, or take their meme qualification (which is cheap anyways)


Okay so who do I contact if I want to get a factory job in Japan then.


Degrees mean nothing though


a friend of mine had his first job as a dishwasher




said meme qualification can be done in english. google "philnits japan IT qualification"


can you get to japan?


do you have the funds to get there and rent a cheap one room apartment?




or even for the visa


None at all.


kind of stuck where you are then...


wow great suggestion


>hey anon get a job in nippon, oh wait you don't have any fucking money go fuck yourself :D


I prefer staying on my family land and visiting when I can. But I know I'm one of the lucky ones and someday someone will come and try to take it away from me.


funny that you say someone who moved to japan's first job was a dishwasher when a guy I know on the Steamchat's first job moving into california was a dish washer


t. (You)


for what it's worth, I was not the one who sygg


suggested you go..


It seems like everyone needs dishwashers


You could just go illegally and do whatever to earn a living until you get stable. This "planning to go" phase traps most people in the same place forever.


i misspoke. he lives in the us and got his job as a dishwasher in the us


there isn't anything stopping you from going on a "vacation" then living in a netcafe for years


yeah, becoming a dishwasher is a set event when going abroad


well, the guy I know in california didn't have a job for a while and he did odd babysitting jobs then got a possition in a curry place doing dishes.


odd job guy and then got something more stable


you'd need the funds to "go on a vacation" ot begin with


stop recomending people be economic migrants... it doesn't work


I know a lot of people that just wander from temp. job to temp. job. They go out west every year to trim the cannabis harvest then come back east to over winter on the savings.


what about odd jobs like walking door to door offering to mow people'


s lawns or clean their yards etc


you could probably have a better time just working for small buisness who does that sort of thing. They have really low bars on hiring because so many people flunk out on them in hot temperatures


or offer to buy groceries for people, oh how easy life would be if I could send someone else on errands rather than going out in this heat myself


really, even in Montreal they have simple manufacturing and manual labor jobs. It's not like you'd find work in a car factory with decent benefits, but as long as people have creativity they're going to build buisnesses


building buisnesses is artistic and people need others to fulfil their visions


the real money in montreal is joining a construction union and gettinga 7 day industry wide holiday...



if my parents taught me how to play the piano, I'd be able to play publicly as a safety net


i'm 26 and i want a credible alternative to places like china or US where social mobility (getting on property ladder, possibility of working part time + studying) is impossible for unprivileged single people either because expensive or because unavailable or because regulation. DOnt need japan-tier omotenashi or proof that my apartment is free of evil spirits. At the same time willing to pay ~10%


if I learned a second language as a kid, I could be a translator


more than aliexpress prices for precision manufactured goods, for my own sake, for the sake of the wages of everyone, but not avocado toast tier. Really wonder how the japan - uk - italy defense pact plays out. Would be really interesting to see a cross continental alliance and freedom of movement in my lifetime


i watched a lot of disney channel movies instead



if monolingual brits can do it in their 40s you can too


I could be a translator myself..


but what do translators even do


but really hot take being multilingual is overrated t. multilingual


hard skills matter more. You're going to be stronger and interacting more in one language than the other anyways


well I'm stronger and interacting in two different languages daily


english for online and mother tongue for off


good for you


im learning how to play the recorder now


are you a js?




i don't know what you mean. i'm american


im not a javascript


javascript < ahh, no wonder that's all I get in the search results when I tried looking for an example image


Anonymous ga itta no wa, joshi shougakusei to omou... nihon dake no koto desune...


js as in like younger than a jk




the concept of joshi shougakusei is incomprehensible to the western mind


it simply cannot be fathomed


japanese elementary schoolers (in anime) are always found having a recorder


oh like renge




i hope i can play better than renge


obviously not



that would totally get me beat up on the streets



wish they'd make some more non non but I think the last new season was the last one


i think i sound like renge when i actually sound like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2WH8mHJnhM


sounds decent


but what do translators even do « voluntarily subtitle animes for charity


that doesnt make any money...!


but seriously dont think there's much money in translation 'takker-chan is stealing translators' jobs...


maybe specialized translation like technical terms or legal


who's takker-chan


otaku-chan (gone claude)


'takker lol


ol' 'takker....


pull yourself up from the bootstraps young'un


practice your handshake. it's all in the handshake



I relate to the Elf. I don't like heights either


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4tlVLTAlnE Nice weekly schizo documentary got uploaded. I love this channel.


ACTION drinks orange juice




I gotta back up this guy's channel because it's coming down after this video


what if he takes it down himself to make you think that someone took it down


I seriously doubt he'll do that


or what if someone takes it down to make it look like he took it down himself?


what if reality is a lie?


The guy's channel is super interesting. Also if he takes it down himself youtube will throw a different error message than if it was struck down for copyright or taken down for violation of terms of use


All I know is I've never seen a channel talk about the ADL and survive for much longer.


His normal content is about pulling hidden audio out of the ELF range of the radio spectrum. He basically figured out how to decode the "voice of God" weapon transmissions the US Army has been using since the first Iraq war.


[download] Downloading item 1 of 337


Going groundhog hunting


speaking of why the fuck haven't we changed this


that's a whole can of worms


long story short small time farmers can't make it


shouldn't we then try to subsidize things other than corn or maybe more farmers over walmart...


if we did that big AG wouldn't be able to buy up family farms for cheap


it's not like there aren't lots of farming around, but feeding a large population isn't something you want to fuck up


if something works they're going to just let it keep going regardless of if it's the best solution or not


to be honest I know little about aggriculture politics beyond various commericializations of it and how it's a very cartel like buisness


there's the concept of food security. Certain produces have to always be in high supply even if they're required or not. For example India and most Asian countries stockpile rice and will prevent export of it if things are difficult. India did this last year during some drought conditions. This is such that poor people are always fed and there's no situation where cheap food starts skyrocketting in prices. Under such situations you've got a serious issue of problems. Last time it happened in the US around the time of the great depression lots of communist movements sprung up


During the great depression my Grandparents and Great Grandparents ate good because they had small farm


the only way to resolve such sorts of situations is normalizing famine conditions like they did underst Stalin, and the various asian leaders inspired by Mao


There were lots of droughts during that time I believe.



eatig nuts


dust bowl was caused by stupid practices everyone knew was going to cause problems in long term.


haha just scared a cat


he's out in my yard hunting and I whistled at him through the open window


File:1675098166763.gif (288.66 KB,480x270)

Good thing we learned to not repeat mistakes like that again!


time to go patrol the family homested bbl


took a nap




it's so humid I was watching things rust in real time


had to come back early it started raining


bought a 3dpd picture book...


for $16


what kind of picture book


i dont know what to call them, photoshoots?


haha just scared a cat < WHERE PIC


something like the girl from the 2.5D anime is aiming to create


so it's pictures of people


sounds like gravure


does gravure imply ecchi?


never heard it to mean something not even ecchi


then no not a gravure


are they like run way models or just people in random poses?


its a single person shot in "everyday settings" as the book says


is it soulless cooperate style or artsy nerd girl in photography high school class style


I dont know what either of those look like


but it looks more like she set up a camera somewhere in her room/infront of her and took a timered pic


What's the name of the book?






Description says it's gravure




nice book


I bought peanut butter brownie cheesecake mashup cookie


wanna eat sum


.sd cute girl



.sd cute girl eating cookies



huge cookie


the cookie I have is just as big


it's really good


post a pic in the same pose


shab's gonna eat it


I've already ate half of it. It's $4 cookie


expensive cookie...


.sd peanut butter brownie cheesecake mashup cookie


delicious cookie







.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, poofy dress, eating cookie



.sd fat girl eating cookies





.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, eating cookies



Magical baker


I found Destroying Angel mushrooms growing right next to cubes on the same cow patty


sounds dangerous


Symptoms do not appear for 5 to 24 hours, by which time the toxins may already be absorbed and the damage (destruction of liver and kidney tissues) is irreversible




Chinese people that live here eat them by mistake all of the time. They look like something that's native and safe in Asia




i dont know if theres any in my area. i heard we had cubensises though


but i wouldnt pick these in the wild. they look too generic i can't recognize them and you can't exactly ask a physician for these


you take a spore print to me sure


i tried to grow some in high school but it was a complete failure. i prolly didnt sterilize the box properly


im bad with plants my lophophora died too


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, gardening



cute dress


poopy dress


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, hunting deer



cuter dress


looks like total ass.




.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, total ass



My beard is so big now


how long you been savin'?


I don't even remember


10 more minutes of peaceful time before 2-3 days of work


so hot...


getting horny by my own smell....


I'm over here reminiscing about when I lived in the murder capitol of the USA wtf is wrong with me


anonymous enjoys the thrill


apparently there's a birmingham in alabama


I thought everyone knew that


not me


it's like the only city in that state that I know off the top of my head


that and mobile or whatever it's called


New deer is out


heh, mobile alabama


alabama has some wacky names


murder capitol of the USA < which one?


damn that beats kirei cake https://x0.at/7yas.jpg


first time having my iconic milk tea in a few months




murder capitol of the USA < which one? < isnt the actual murder capital something inexpected like baltimore or hawaii


it used to be chicago at least


yeah but chicago is expected


i found a hentai panel that really made me lol yesterday







Which one? < Duval


literally where?


the bang'em where we hang'em



gun shaped gun state


You know how most cities have one bad hood? In Duval every hood is bad.


You have to duck bullets to pump gas and do business through bullet proof glass everywhere. Gas stations are built like forts.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zYuoME_IkM This dude cut grass at the same landscaping company I worked at lol


.sd 1girl, love hotel



.sd 1girl, precure, defeat



.sd 1girl, precure, defeat





precure, victory


.sd 1girl, precure, victory



.sd 2girl, precure, love hotel



mahjsoul steam client OUT


bone broth is tasty


it is


thinking about taking a nap, anyone wanna join


drink the koolaid


drink the koolaid




dama is such an annoying rule


File:C-1721850812439.png (3.61 MB,2560x1440)

Am I supposed to just give up because a certain number of turns have passed. that's bullshit. No way I'm going to do that


what's even more annoying is that my hobbies are a dead end here... guess I'm going to get some rest instead


your entire life is a dead end


stomach hurts..


You can say that all you want but passion comes from everything I do


standing around deadbeats and try to buzz up some passion is more exhausting than anything.


stomach hurts.. < what did you eat


i miss my sense of humor more than anything


such a great part of life


Nice joke




gave up on life. Now I live my dreams as magical girl. Drugs help.




some of you niggas just rotten for no reaosn


I wasn't always this way. The world infected me with its terrible attitude


I walk around waiting on someone to kill me but no one ever does. It's frustrating


try going to worse neighborhoods


I walked through the murder capitol of USA for nearly a decade if it was going to happen someone would have done it by now


should have crossdressed while doing it


not my style


where do you live?


st louis?


now? In the middle of nowhere. Back then? Duval


Duval was surpassed by Chicago about 3 years after I left it behind


Duval is so bad they don't ever solve like 75% of the murders


what's a good 4chan board to browse nowadays?


They're all bad


yeah they kind of suck


I had a bit of fun reading through the Mahjong thread on /vg/ but they don't come across as very intense even though they have larger scale tournament days


i wish i could find a community i liked again


i mean i like this place




I wish I could find a community I liked with more than 10 people is what you meant


i don't have places that feel ideal anymore and haven't for some time


well i mean not really even ideal but different flavors, place(s) i enjoy going


Most everywhere is bad. Smugloli can be okay sometimes but I find myself visiting it less and less. Along with the rest of the webring


i wish the good people would go to one website


it used to be a haven for a particular type of weirdo now it's been completely reformatted into like a fucking shopping mall


honestly i've become disillusioned with life now that i don't have my internet places to visit all the time


The 10 people in this chat are incredibly boring people


too many normals willing to put up with the blatant advertising along with their attitude that if there is no name attached you're supposed to shit the place up by default.


Nice I forgot about Magical Girl 201 and now I have three chapters to read


Oh no a boring one...


i think i just don't quite fit in anywhere anymore. have always had a place or two but now it's so hard to find anywhere


I don't want to fit-in any place I visit these days


Can you even argue against me calling you boring... You don't have to but are you even confident that you're interesting...


maybe if I could drop 50 IQ points I'd be willing


I could argue against it but I can't be bothered


i'm in the midst of a life crisis where i've sorto f lost myself


have you tried MDMA




It helps for like 3 days


i know what i need to do, it just takes time


i was satisfied in a similar position last year


Imagine needing anything more than coffee...


im thinking of starting smoking again


I don't *need* anything. But I do enjoy it maybe once every 6 years


is it something like heroin


You don't know what MDMA is?


hobbies, community « it is highly unlikely that 10 random people online share the exact same set of hobbies as you. Better to just be in 10 different focused communities all at once


Mood enhancers will not give you a passion


Mood enhancers can help me enjoy my passion or rekindle it though


No they don't... Stop trying to lead people down a bad path


I'm not trying to lead him anywhere.


Drugs kill passion


It's like saying that porn is a passion. It's just entertainment, but it's non addictive


I've tried pretty much every drug worth trying and I'm not addicted to any of them. I haven't done any of them in years either.


You'd have to be studying porn for it to be a passion. You can't study a high


You most certainly can study drugs


I know plenty of chemists that have a passion for making drugs and consuming them


You're a junkie with nothing interesting about you. You just cope with the lack of mental stimulation using narcotics


Junkie implies addiction you don't even know the words you're using


are we supposed to be impressed you've not experienced certain things life has to offer? You consume drugs everyday from the food and water you're eating.



>The neurotoxicity of MPTP was hinted at in 1976 after Barry Kidston, a 23-year-old chemistry graduate student in Maryland, US, synthesized MPPP with MPTP as a major impurity and self-injected the result. Within three days he began exhibiting symptoms of Parkinson's disease. The National Institute of Mental Health found traces of MPTP and other pethidine analogs in his lab. They tested the substances


on rats, but due to rodents' tolerance for this type of neurotoxin, nothing was observed. Kidston's Parkinsonism was treated with levodopa but he died 18 months later from a cocaine overdose. Upon autopsy, Lewy bodies and destruction of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra were discovered.


I know what I'm implying. This chat could be renamed to /drugs/ as soon as people start discussing narcotics


oh no, i injected myself with parkinson's on accident...


andy hours...


There's barely any difference between sharing porn and talking about drugs


Both need to be banned


he says on a chat room filled with people into eroge


Eroge? Really? There are people who like visual novels here?


I thought every just reads ex and spams .sd commands


Does Umineko count?


That's a single visual novel


dokidoki lit club


hatoful boyfriend


How about this... What company makes your favorite VNs?


Massive storm blowing in


katawa shoujo


Nitroplus but I'm honestly more into the fighting game


Which game is thay


>stomach hurts.. < what did you eat <potatoes and yogurt. maybe the yogurt was bad... or the bacteria ate the starch and grew or something. bleh



the bleher


Bleh, tag games


Hate tag fighters


you can play 1v1


it's a 1v1 you just get two partners


Most of the characters are just support and aren't playable outside of assists


>>150155 man I just woke up from a nap


welcome back!


ohayou #qa




The 10 people in this chat are incredibly boring people -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


you know it's bad storm when all the cats run by and are getting along


I'll be back later I have to go let all the animals in


pic them


good luck


pic of wet cats


need a tub of icecream


File:1bee1894f1411a746a46afece5….mp4 (1.1 MB,1920x1080)

thinking about playing some mfing RLcraft.


wow I just looked at radar and there are tornadoes all around us


be safe


ugghhh stupid stomach


ponpon nade nade


happy shitting


i've got an iron stomach, eat chigen and fish thats been left out for hours and never had a problem... knock on wood


chatgpt: is there a way to follow multiple substack blogs at once


[GPT4]|[Claude-3-Sonnet]: There are a few different ways to follow multiple Substack blogs/newsletters at once:


. Email Inboxes


Most people follow Substack blogs by receiving the newsletters via email. You can set up filters or labels in your email client to automatically sort and group incoming newsletters from different Substacks into separate inboxes or folders.


. RSS Feeds


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


wonder if the gpt4 easy access stuff ran out..


weird slack-like inspired paradigm where each blog is clearly hosted by the same SaaS but you have to register independently for each blog


did shinmai skip a week?




So bored....


welcome to the club


My father is such a dope talking about Reese's advertisements and YouTube videos


Drinking cheap <20$ bottles of wine


Sigh. I don't know any dumb argumentative shit posters in my life




Have you considered becoming the dumb argumentative shitposter yourself?


i would definitely win the boring competition https://files.catbox.moe/qqt0hy.jpg


very nice


I don't think Fujimoto wanted you to take that guy so seriously. It's the impression of someone who was so numbed to the idea of a normal life and was talking about the gamblers who risk it all to get rid of their debts


The latter parts of kaiji have parts that talk about how the protagonists and antagonists are so detached from reality


Also he watched everyone die in that scene and considers it natural



How do you get into 200k of debt... I barely spend 2k a month




True enough you can buy way more than you're supposed to on internet trading platforms


>The translation is off by a decimal place on one of the investors. He lost ~5M usd (not 500k) and in debt 2.9M. Thats what he wanted to use to buy a place in Gangnam wtf


I guess in the capitalist nightmare known as south Korea you can footgun your life easily


Yet why do they not have a major economic debt crisis...


People need to buy the debt and defaulting on it is an investment problem







back in the late 90s there were a series of chaebols (zaibatsu) collapsing because of overleveraged positions in forex


kia has been bailed out a few times already


>Default rates remain low and pose no immediate threat to financial stability, despite a recent uptick in nonperforming loans in both the household and corporate sectors, the analyst said.


chatgpt: explain why the south korean government bailed kia out in the late 90s


[GPT4]|[Claude-3-Sonnet]: The South Korean government bailed out Kia Motors in the late 1990s primarily because of Kia's significance to the overall South Korean economy and the potential consequences of allowing a major automaker to collapse during the 1997 Asian financial crisis.


Some key reasons behind the bailout:


. Kia was one of the largest companies and employers in South Korea at the time. Its failure could have caused massive job losses and a ripple effect on the entire automotive industry and related sectors.


. The South Korean government practiced an economic strategy of nurturing and protecting major chaebols (family-owned conglomerates) like Kia, which were seen as crucial to the nation's economic development.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use !resume to continue response.


Car companies are an important military asset






this goes back to what we said about national debt being a nothingburger if its mostly koreans falling for korean scams they can always restructure it by virtually garnishing wages >increasing interest rates


idk much about crypto but there some best korean scammer called Do Kwon with some crypto with chuunibyouppoi name called TERRA



A country's manufacturing capacity is tied to their ability to produce machinery during wartime. Car companies and steel industries need to be ready to produce tanks if required. Korea is also a democracy in name only. It's closer to a fascist state that vaguely went democratic


holy shit enough


talk about japan instead


haven't you gotten it the other way around, ability to be self-sufficient in war is due to its manufacturing capacity. tomato tomato of course


Japan is not particularly interesting outside of anime.




Japan functions so well talking about it's politics is boring


It's like discussing Canadian politics.


It's only worth discussing the politics of a country if it's barely functioning



I will do this in the next few years


further proof that #qa is boringly normal because #qa is jp and jp is boring


what are you talking about


holy fuck


listen to mommy now




good boi ;0 nyeah


thinking 'bout this cool story


like the meme cool story or an actual cool story


korea is a shithole. i remember reading about horrendous working conditions for teachers


depends on your taste but its a crossover fic because I'm a hack :D


not just english teachers mind you, koreans themselves get fucked over too


The biggest problem with discussing Japanese culture is that no one is ever going to go there, but people here are going to watch it's entertainment whenever.


Korea is shit because they base their business practices on the Talmud


how does korea measure up vs japan/china for sexpats?


I'll be frank I'd rather live in PRC then Korear





Don't be ironic


how does korea measure up vs japan/china for sexpats? < korean women are demons


Man I'd kill to be a white monkey


I'm already monkey internally so why not get paid to look like a rube for the chinaman


you would have massive trouble investing while physically in china. No one will touch you with a chinese bank account


also a hell of a time getting your money out to canada


I am man not monkiee


no remote working and snoofing cat for you


snoofin time


There's nothing for me in Japan, much less Korea or China. People go there to get a fresh look at life


I am man, but money makes monke out of the best of us


pic of snoofed cats


Honestly I'd love to live in Vietnam or Laos


i dont think japan is /boring/ it's just overly predictable. on nhk G evening there's wannabe politicians making absurd claims but in the end we know that tanaka-salaryman will continue to tatemae in the morning even as he moonlights as otokonoko hostess and gets piss drunk


i wanna snoof the neighbours cat



Now is best time to go to Japan with the massive JC runaway problem they're having


Free wives


Honestly I'd love to live in Vietnam or Laos < ped




I would probably just keep my investments in Canada and move like 40k into a jp account. But if anything I'd move to france






where's #qa gone






i live there


Best elf


I can't believe the Quebecor wants to move back to his homeland...


ive been pretty much only to places like mexico or jamaica


54 deads in gang related shootings last year



ate french butter once, it was good. country can't be that bad...


54 users in qa


take one down, pass it around


53 users in qa


the waiting room


I have UK citizenship but I don't want to move there...


the purgatory


this is boring I'm going to go translate chink cartoons




give me your uk citizenship


let's trade places


Imagine discussing translating cartoons...


>wanting to move to UK


uk is good but on some issues they're way too anal


UK is collapsing


Labour good they're bringing ocean wind turbine power and they're solving nimbyism


No one cares about your American opinion


uk really likes banning fun stuff. they're always the first to ban new drugs in europe



anyways about that crossover fic


I assume you're talking about how there's a lot of beuroceacy and lower levels of anarchy... I mean freedom... In the uk


in uk you can get jailed for castrating willing customers


It sure does suck that I can't legally murder someone for stepping on my lawn


the castrater was a norwegian though


If someone treads on my property it is my God given right to defend it


God Himself gave that right to the American people


The land does not belong to you, you merely rent it


I assume you're talking about how there's a lot of beuroceacy and lower levels of anarchy... I mean freedom... In the uk < not just that, i feel that their gov really gets in the way of mores, like they've always had ridiculous stances towards pornography


Why do Americans think God cares about their huge island... God was born on the Mediterranean coast




The land belongs to the United States government and they allow me to defend the land that I am renting.


god what the hell are you doing


this will be the death of qa


fucking spam


What spam?


This is entertaining. I'm no longer bored


lots of text coming, maybe i jumped the gun


it's not spam, just utterly generic and uninteresting country talk


This is entertaining. I'm no longer bored < :^)


You guys complain whenever /into/ topics come up but I feel like posting porn links and just blogging is hella dull


Oops /int/


Anyways God had a hand in creating this great nation, it is a Deist nation, a nation that believes in a God, but not the Yahweh God.


that's fine and it's fine that i just don't into international stuff


i guess it's even fine to talk about trans stuff


Oh we can talk about that now?


oh people do


i've only ever been to japan, china (hong kong) and china (china), and my home country, none of which are fun. But maybe i'm jst a massive coddled infant who longs for the motherly structure of five eyes big brother states


international stuff < it's fun once in a while, but quickly gets stale


trans later


it's like watching the news


int now


int people are trans people


i thought /int/ was where one goes to flee trans people


yeah let's talk about some random vtuber or whatever the flavor of the month is instead




krautchan was a good imageboard




time as passed friend




in retrospect it's a little weird that it survived that long


it was quality


The only thing I know about them was the German history video


You know the one


i helped make that


they needed english language help


Yeah, I was the idea guy






you deleted me after i wouldn't play that stupid game with you


truly autismo


Brothers kid is crying.. stop distracting me from this very interesting conversation


the cat bit him


what a little /bitch/


Actually is complaining about going to bed


beat his fucking ass


post kid




pic of the cat biting him


why has #qa lately been talkingso much about cats but no pictures of cats


50 signs to typeset


i want a cat


i have a very nice cat picture i'm not going to share (cat on bike seat)














my hard drives all died so i can't share the cat pics i had




that's no excuse you can recover that data


they're long gone


my internet days are over as far as im concerned


are you not on the internet right now


50 signs to typeset < gambatte


FUCK YOU NOSHARER < you can have this one instead https://files.catbox.moe/ihlpj6.jpg


adopt an emotional support animal


then you don't have to be gay about cat pictures


emotional support shoe


nonplussed rat


cat in hay


get your own cat to post pictures of


wanted to sneak a shot while she was asleep but accidentally woke her :(




love kujou-ane's voice in russia girl anime


File:1718857888338417.png (628.02 KB,1078x1079)




Barn cat?


chatgpt: translate 髪縫 from chinese to english and japanese


[GPT4]|[Claude-3-Sonnet]: 髪縫 (fatōnui) is a Japanese term that means "threading hair."


In English, it translates to "hair weaving" or "hair threading."


Mao mao


In Japanese, it remains 髪縫 (fatōnui).


barn find


finder keeper


losers weepers


File:Baby-porcupine-enjoying-sn….mp4 (41.36 MB,960x1704)


politics confuses me


that is not a cat


you dont need to care. democracy is beautiful in that your vote is worth just as much as someone who understands




yeah i agree, that's good


are there really people so insufferable they quote or reference a work every other word they speak?


like the nerds in the twin anime


it's really not an issue for me unless it's something that happens constantly and to a level that's not mitigable




Better than telling people to watch a YouTube video instead of explaining their opinion


there are different things that are annoying, children



what was that star trek tribe that spoke entirely in references


melon field, beneath the plums


The family guy


melon fields, beneath the plums « bare faced, facing the emperor.


Robot Chicken invented poptepik


-s and faggots


bare faced, facing the emperor < in sageru, -@Kissu.


in sageru, -@Kissu « in kissu, sageru.


in sageru did kissu khan a stately pleasure-dome decree


nice, chengyu. i didnt know how it was called


shaka when the walls fell



This isn't English I understand


need to be more diligent in updating my anki of chinese phrases



one thing i noticed is they've calqued a surprising amount of westernisms. they calqued "grassroots" as in "grassroots movement" for example


they really spent good money on the EDs for russia girl anime


new song every episode so far


It's cheap if someone wants to do it


are song licenses reallly cheap?


in that kind of tradition you can really feel the weight of scholars in their society and their love for showing off


it's like they would die if they couldnt show off


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdQcGzbpN7s the stupid political shitposter would like this episode of DS9


FUCK YOU NOSHARER < you can have this one instead https://files.catbox.moe/ihlpj6.jpg < YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!


ok now your turn


JASRAC holds idols with golden voices and legendary songwriting ability hostage in basements and give them only 10 mins of airtime fishing channels that ossans watch and anime EDs that anime watchers skipp


tfw catless :c




really want the FLAC to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMr6KDrmh5s . not even on mora.jp


first time in my life i have considered buying a song


hopefully this will be enough repentance to be let into heaven by jesus


music piracy is irrelevant, entrance to heaven is only granted by postin cat pictures


I already got in but I post cat pictures anyway because I know anon likes them


but i don't have a cat!


want to get a cat


alternate timeline 1500 where martin luther prohibits the renting out of cats for salvation


but first have to move out to an apartment that allows pets


^ i was going to say this, but that would be too boring for #qa


cats aren't pets they're family


come to the #qa mansion




France now if i understand correctly




wait is it reallhy


I hear they have lots of old castles for sale.




i dont like the french


not touching france with a 10 foot pole


fuck you too


the only location for #qa mansion is nippon


no need to talk to them if you're going to stay in the mansion all day anyway




are you telling #qa to commit mass suicide


i was going to say this, but that would be too boring for #qa < the one two above?


the two three above


were you being sarcastic


the one two above « apato not allowing petto


magic and fun can be found even in new jersey


how do you make friends with a neighbourhood cat


eating ramen


tricky question




that's just bribery


yeah. bribing my neighbours' with tuna atm


had a neighbourhood cat, fed it everytime it came to my place, never became friends




see, cats can see through your thinly-veiled attempts at bribery.


that cat played you


did feed it directly from my hand the last time it came but its been half a year now


dont mind getting played by cute cat


did you get to pet it


eating chicken soup with noodles


unfortunately not


bet a cat wishes it could be here right meow


why would a cat wish to be here


it is us who wishes a cat to be here


how many cats per capita in the #qa mansion


here's your cat pic bro http://scp-int.wdfiles.com/local--files/scp-040-jp/image0.png


you get to keep the cats you attract


no allotment of cats



cat island. 36 cats per capita



i was thinking about summoning one through a magick ritual


+1 on my list of animal places to go, have 3 already; one with foxes, one with rabbits, and now cats, and all three are in jap!


image0.png < heh


what about the one with piggers


which ones that


in the bahamas i think? pigs on the beach


isn't there a place in japan with friendly deers


oh yeah, nara


deers are curs


i think that only exists in anime


i saw a family who have a pet pig


sigh lining up with actual 'gakis in mcdonald for a sundae


they take it for walks on the beach


very shamefur


nara is infact a real place with deers


one year the pig was the size of a cat and another year the pig was the size of a dog O_O


can you pet the mesugakis in nara park?


I wish


pigs are smart pets but i heard they're assholes


like owner, like pet


are pigs even cute


piglets are


mesugaki with a pet pig


like smart but not eager to please like dogs or refined like cats


fish are cute too!




what kind










I like how it sees nothiing but food


love atri







https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqUzUQb9HUE big ass mafia now sponsoring tubers




Cute Lamb Needs Attention < cute and tasty


Are Japanese people bad at spicy


I think so


tried their 6/6 spicy rating curry, was not spicy at all


in fact, any japanese eatery I go to, the "spicy" option is not spicy at all


spice is rated on a per country scale


none of it is us because the us is an amalgamation of spice


it's 1-7/10 japanese hot then 2-8 mexican hot then 2-9 thai hot then 3-10 indian hot


their wasabi can be super spicy. it's not the same spiciness as peppers though


it's really overwhelming right from the start but it doesnt last long and it's "capped", not like peppers where the burn gets worse the more you eat


.sd 2girls, blonde_hair, america, wasabi, crying, sushi, chopsticks


wasabi isnt spicy, it something else


hits the nose but not tongue


yes, this


yeah like mustard. i dont think theres a different word for this though


chatgpt: ワサビの味を何と呼ぶ?


[GPT4]|[Claude-3-Sonnet]: ワサビの味を「カラシ」または「カーン」と呼びます。






karashi is mustard, dk what kaso is


and a merry ping pong ning nong to you too, young lasy


that's not so..


but even so, i dont know what that is


cant remember if I pooped or not


what a ugly language graphically. like pick a single set of characters and stick to it already


nah, japanese is kanpeki as it is


a-z 0-9


japanese is what you get when you improve on chinese, i.e. it is an improved version hence objectively can not be bad


you just say this because you got scammed into learning it. ofc you don't want to remove the red tape


so what's improved about it. objectively



what's improved about it < i dont know, what you think I know chinese?


so what's improved about it. objectively < nothing. chinese is also stupid but at least it looks consistent


English (traditional) < heh


it's not really true they are the same


File:1721650132959273.webm (2.96 MB,1280x720)

one is more traditional than the other


🇬🇧 (Latin (North) (Villager) and German Dialect (Saxony)) is more accurate




wastebasket > trash


>There are hundreds of local Chinese language varieties[b] forming a branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family, many of which are not mutually intelligible.


it's the bin to me but that doesnt work on computers




so wastebasket it is


nothing better than DOMS


iirc wastebasket was the translation of trash on uk mac os. dunno if that's still the case


typically literature written by brits is harder to understand but in the context of steam and UI in general it doesnt matter except for outlier cases like this one


not really a translation both words are correct one is just preferred


well i don't know if that works both ways


what makes it harder to understand?


the vocabulary a bit but it's more a matter of culture, they're less direct than americans. what they dont say is important too, and they're more likely to use strong understatement and irony and stuff like this


i've been watching brit TV and i'm caught off guard by britishms like "waste tip" (landfill). hard to point to any specfic examples but i wouldn't ever hear "felon" in british english for example


their phrasing is also kinda different especially the way normal folks talk


just gonna nip out


it's a bit nippy


ah thats a good example. "pop out" would be my go-to phrase


he passed out and then he "came to" (regained consciousness) is an americanism






Ay up duck


midlands speak





that's not so bad


my favorite is cockney


OI etc et


avin a giggle


get it down your gregory


they say the funniest shit


oi is said all over pretty sure


they even say it in japan


well you know




that's not so bad « yeah i never heard non-RP english before i went to uni, i had a professor from birmingham who would pronounce "subset" or "subway" like "soobway". found that really endearing. felt super conscious writing all my papers with "my default" pseudomerican english with -ze and nitpicky things like period after cf. e.g., et




is "nitpicky" an americanism too


you're not cool enough to have a pseudo british accent :^


it's too hard. i learned english with british english but i can't pick it up


it's ok


that's not something i would want to be concerned about anyway



my thesis advisor was pure glaswegian but i understood him perfectly from day one



although american accents aren't possible either but with all the media it's easier to sound close to that


what do you mean american accents aren't possible eitehr?



can't help but wonder if the the other MPs are taking the piss if some rando who's never been to the w*st like me can comprehend him perfectly


what do you mean american accents aren't possible eitehr? < i can do neither english accents nor us accents but i fall closer to an us accent


very nice and warm in my opinion but not very sexy


reminds me of accents where i used to live


ohhh i didn't even realize non native speakers got all self conscious sometimes about it


i will have more respect for that in the future


usually native speakers dont understand shit when i talk but ESLs have no problem


Alright bluds, no cap you must speak like a gen z


bluds lol


everything is fucking gen z oriented now


everything on youtube


it's around every corner


even car ads have synthwave visuals or whatever it's called


i think i may just dislike young people now


i don't understand a lot of their expressions. i feel old and grumpy


in my early 30s


yeah same


it's not the people i dislike. it's the culture, like they're herded towards something disgusting


it's not actually their fault


i learned english with british english but i can't pick it up «  my situation is even weirder i went to american elementary school, dropped out at 11 and have never seriously socialized with "native speakers" ever since americanisms like the flapped t "better -> "better", pretty -> "preddy", etc are 2nd nature to me, but because i've only ever gotten better at the written word since there are


tons of words that i can read but i would probably get wrong if i said them out loud on the 1st try. is the 1st 'a' in 'cadence' a long a, short a, or æ.... heck if i know



i dont really know but i admire how eloquent some latams and western europeans are in english https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eo8nz_niiM


germanon how are you typing the « thing?












i never found out, can you bottle a fart?


if so, how long does the smell last?


does it expire after a while?






i dont think the internet will survive this election




this is fart bottle chan


im just saying, american elections and their have been a disaster for the basement dwelling race. idc about whos getting elected


especially now that everyone has access to a customized propaganda generator


calm down


The internet will become nationally gated one day




File:20240725_043740.mp4 (828.45 KB,1920x1080)

Cat not letting me sleep


GOOD cat.


amazing. You have to compile everything for gento



they have optimized x86 binary packages up to v3 now too


i installed it but something went wrong and could only boot into read only


the absolute state of qa




sounds like a ban


>The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang and references specific to their own culture, says Chong,< sounds like a skill issue


“People who’ve learned other languages are good at doing that, but native speakers of English generally are monolingual and not very good at tuning in to language variation,” she says. < This statement is also very funny because it assumes Anglos aren't bilingual while others are and that it's the fault of others that they use their native language instead of what gets taught in foreign language schooling


As far as an opinion piece goes it's good, and highlights the need to communicate using more literal terminology, but to blame English speakers because you can't understand them is no problem of the speaker themselves



globlish, invented at IBM by a frenchman


Anglophones, in-jokes, slang « meanwhile here's the other side of the coin https://restofworld.org/2024/tiktok-chinese-us-ban/


“It feels like a college campus,” said Ben, who often goes to the cafeteria for lunch and sits with a group of his project teammates, who are mostly male Chinese nationals in their twenties. Common conversation topics include visa status, compensation packages at different tech companies, video games, and dating struggles in the Bay Area.


“Sometimes I feel bad for the only white guy on the team, because he cannot be part of this,” said Ben. “I try to eat with him once in a while.”



it's actually not that great


this is more like it


you know what, fuck it, I'm just going to write where its just the MC livestreaming himself playing in a SA:O knockoff, complete with dying in the machine so now he's stuck in the world.


fuck it


it isn't isekai bullshit, so at least I'm in the clear there.


is it?


Is Overlord an Isekai?







Who what?




discord is so strange. You don't get notifications for 10 minutes sometimes and if you look at activity on your phone it messes audio up.




very discordant


dont know how people can drink cans of beer in one sitting


one 500ml can and I'm full


had to force down the last 250ml


drinks are supposed to be had with food otherwise you're just a junkie


actually that isn't accurate... but alcohol is supposed to complement cooked food


no, desktop. Got a notification from someone asking me to fix something for them and took 10min before I got the sound effect.


drank it with fried chicken


next/previous navigation with j/k or n/p?


but that just adds to my "feeling full" feeling


i vote for j/k just cuz next to each other


I think the issue is that i have it open on Mint and the notifications might be messing up even though it's not even running a window right now


whatever you do dont go full mpv and have something like / *


I like how browsers do it with alt+left/right


i think chrome and ff have ctrl + [ / ] too


ctrl is kinda like word proccessor command things


alt is literally alternate function


my mind operates with an emacs vi creole and can never settle one way


not on windows to check but OS-wide previous / next tab on macos is cmd + shift + [] so you can do quite a lot with just your right hand if your left hand is... busy


otherwise you'd have to ctrl + pgup/down which is awkward on full size desktop keebs or on newfangled laptop keebs where theres no dedicated pgup/down button


hate those keebs missing useful butts


what about keebs




gotdang keebers missing important butters these days...


butt kebab




CrowdStrike sent $10 Uber Eats gift cards to thank its beleaguered contractors who are helping to manage the fallout of a disastrous software update that caused a global tech meltdown last week.




me pokes SMALL kissuer tummies that can't even hold 500 ml of beer


too big to fail? or to big?


kuon's too big


how come there's no ERP channel here


sageru's format would suit it perfectly


Because erp is bad


erp is imageboard culture


and i guess irc culture too


erp was killed when the ape became janny


erp is just annoyign to read as an outsider to the erping


it's not an imageboard activity


not an IRC activity


there are specific places on irc for it though


like the masquerade had a erp channel


i used to erp on rizon on my channel in there


private messages?


yeah sometimes


but not always


granted people would be like ugh


want to buy erp


but then again some were ok with it


i used to be really good at roleplay


just had a knack for making people cum


i don't like how trashy it makes public forums


yeah true


i feel that way too


as an owner of a public space it is not unlikely that my brother(who is a father) will wander into the site one day and see it plastered with 2D CP


i would like to find some place on some network where it's happening


such sacrifices


that's just a side note to the general idea of using public spaces for your junkie-ism


hey now with the harsh words also i don't give a fuck about your brother or anything


i feel your point about it mucking up forums is a good point


any examples?


if you're in an irc channel that isn't erp focused but allows it it's kind of like having a couple making out heatedly right in front of you at a bar, something like that


it's not an imageboard activity / not an IRC activity < these are just wrong


see /trash/, shamiko, any undernet channel


it doesn't deserve to be anywhere. You could, but it's in bad taste


you're just puritanical


we need #megu


I'm not puritanical, I believe that hedonism is a private activity


you don't need to blog about your meth addiction


cat's such a brat today


you don't need to blog about your meth addiction < there's #drugs for that






sucessfully installed gentoo


now succesfuly install anything else...




how long did the emerge take


now compile firefox


it didn't take that long because it's just the bare minimum


kernel took 27 mins




if you have multiple computers you could get a cross-compiling setup going on


i dont unfortunately


are you cute? do you have a webcam? if you answer yes to both of these quesions i will give you binaries


.sd 1girl, gentoo


gentoo seems like too much effort



damn gentoo anon is cute


gentoo seems like too much effort < it does not require effort as much as it requires patience


.sd computer nerd, gentoo, linux



still cute


it does not require effort as much as it requires patience < are the benefits worth it at least?


in my opinion, yes


snappiest system i have used




it is also really nice to be able to patch software




i'm not that tech savy to go through with it


and to be honest, after it is set up it is the same as any linux system


are you implying software patches don't exist otherwise...


i've been on arch for years


are you implying software patches don't exist otherwise... < no, but they cant be applied automatically by your package manager


use flags are kewl too


File:20240725_133403.jpg (2.86 MB,4000x3000)

Cat observes your response with interest


@Kissu « i think what Gentoonon is refering to is how if you pull in weechat-plugins on any debian-based distro it automatically pulls in the whole kitchen sink like weechat-python weechat-perl weechat-tcl. But for some reaosn you might not want old boomer languages like weechat-perl. because the entire thing is source-based you can customize it exactly to your liking in theory from the ./configure


and automate scripts




hi cat




pst pst


that sounds like torture...


but honeslty not missing out on much if you learn how to package .debs and .rpms with ppa or fedora copr or arch aur


1721928886834.jpg < that's not Arch Linux


arch was on my TV computer. I need to figure out how to mix lineout and HDMI friday night


it has mint on it now. My work computer is windows10 after downgrading from 11


my laptop is also Mint


i have arch on all of my 'puters but before that i liked devuan a lot


what init system do you use on arch (assuming not systemd if you were a devuan user)


i'm not of the opinion there's much difference between windows and linux if you're not trying to do server deployment...


oh just systemd


i'd use artix but the mirrors are far away from me


as supposed to an arch mirror that's literally like 3 hours away from me


systemd « oh lol


does anybody use slackware


devuan felt snappier than debian but it might be subjective


File:__chun_li_cammy_white_and_….jpg (3 MB,3720x5262)



also they had drivers for a super old 32bit pc i had that originally came with windows ME




hello juri


i ended up donating that pc and only keeping the monitor


logged in to say:


oyasumi #qa <3




night sweet dreams




tesuto fail




imouto succesful!


terminus font center tilde


i wish someone would make a youtube search tool that searched more specific time frames, view counts, etc


so you basically want youtube search circa 2006


there should be something like that


YouTube search uses the video transcript


the search right now just sucks


i mean the parameters aren't good enough


for my purposes


what are you trying to search for


i prefer browsing smaller view count videos


like was available an years ago


i don't have anything to look at on the site anymore


That sort of thing is found on other sites devoted to niches. The whole fan stuff is a major liability to large companies that need to maintain positive images


Even twitter, or at least the old one, functioned in that role better than contemporary YouTube


the algorithm used to keep me going but i deleted my account so i don't come across weird and inexplicable content anymore, there used to be threads on 4chan with hundreds of submissions each thread all day long


that was the kind of content that was worthwhile


Every time the web is used for topics that governments are anxious about they reduce what types of freedoms are allowed. Same thing happened on porn sites, they moved more in direction of major studios when people started complaining they were used for rape and CP


if you want community driven content it's on smaller sites which have the staff to monitor what's bad, or sites that have no concern over what is socially destructive


i fret about this sort of thing far too much but there's not much else i'm finding to do


like what sites, imageboards, textboards, static forums?


well, for one DLSite's ci-en platform is where you find all sorts of japanese people making ero games for money, newgrounds still has a forum, imageboards are possible and so on


there are equivalent platforms to ci-en for the anglophones but I'm not into that scene


for the purpose of pornography people moved to cam sites and onlyfans


the idea of a general purpose "youtube" like thing ends up becoming like TV but more decentralized


it's not even worth throwing the darts at youtube without a community backing you...


the most fun thing to do on youtube is sort by latest uploads


i've been on it a long time and i had a huge favorites list so i know there's good content, even if like a third of that went down by the time i lost my channel


thing is there are still uploads all of the time that don't get many views


and out of those there are interesting finds


that site which randomly picks a video must be better...


what's that site/




i think there was a better site but I don't bookmark stuff like that and it was a while ago


terrible that they turned jong into a slot machine game for south asians


this looks more bejeweled than slot machine



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GOTNpslY_4 so funny to see people still trying to spam tags in the description to get better impressions


search engine optimization ruined search engines


someone needs to do something about it


search engines were never good


idk there were points i can remember at least where things were easier to search for for like school etc


now it could be me but search engines have changed and a lot of people complain too







i might have been annoyed with this like 10 years ago


i don't have that much of an opinion on it


just a bad video really


idk found on that website










oh sigh you


everythings boring again


might just play a south round then think about working...


thinking about smoking some dude and playing video games


i'd be down


can't smoke anymore after the incident


what incident


you know, the incident


oshi no ko this season is prolly the only good thing


everything else seems to be bleh


you uh, taking the piss?


the incident < tell us what happened at summer camp


what happened at qa camp


the jong gods are not smiling at me today...


why are my tenpai tiles always deal in tiles


nvm... got chinitsu haneman...


should i get a thinkpad x280


just to put gentoo on it>


why even get a high powered system if it's not going to run windows10 or linux mint...


would try to get the x13 g1+ if possible. 8th gen came out in 2018 and has "only" 4 cores.


x390 and x13 is the exact same chassis but 13.3 inch screen to



why even get a high powered system if it's not going to run windows10 or linux mint... < lol, lmao even


calibre has 1,000 deps ffs


yeah it's horrible


there has to be a simpler way to upload epubs to a kobo with a unix terminal


well yeah. you can just mount it and rsync


i cant remember if kobos are picky with the structure of the library but koreader lets you do what you want in that regard


might still be tedious but maybe try running calibre in docker? At least that way you don't have to shit all over your system https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-calibre/issues/58


you could also try `chroot`


with calibre unless you want to move dozens of books at a time you dont need to connect the kobo physically


you can serve an opds catalog of your library on your computer and browse it from the kobo


via wifi


works on a phone or a tablet too




yeah it's handy. doesn't make calibre any less shitty though


rsync is comfy


i've been using it to send stuff to my laptop to watch in bed


why not just share the directory where the movie's at


i use rsync all the time but i never remember the flags and i cba to rtfm


why not just share the directory where the movie's at < i tried using sftp and it was slower than rsync


maybe there's a better solution out there that i don't know of


if setting up nfs / smb is too tiresome try sshfs


all you need is working sshd which you already have if you've been trying sftp


i can play vids over sshfs no problem


i'll look into it, seems easy enough


i said it earlier but i'm not really tech savy


arch and pacman are simple enough to understand


yeah that's what i meant by sharing the directory. i do this with sshfs all the time


sshfs -P port user@host:/directory



it's a 1 line command to mount and also a 1 line command to unmount nothing can go wrong


it will make a directory on your desktop appear as if it is on your computer


avaoid sshfs as much as possible


sshfs has been horror for me when using it outside lan


best way for remote fs is NFS secured over wireguard (both for ssl and auth in /etc/exports)


sshfs was even crashing my mpv animu stream when it was doing alive checks


without alive checks it will freeze on unstable connetions


nfs was not made to be used outside a lan, horrible advice


nfs is a very very chatty protocol not meant to be used over WAN yeah. lots and lots of round-trip ACKs. although I suppose it would be fine within the same country (<10ms ping) if you tune wireguard properly


wocaw awea netwok








nfs was not made to be used outside a lan, horrible advice < it works much better than sshfs for this purpose if secured over wireguard or kerberos


what else do we have here? samba? glusterfs? both are crappy and overcomplicated


Cat observes your response with interest - https://haiji.kissu.moe/chat/src/1721928886834.jpg -@Kissu < cute kitty meow meow meow :3


post handwriting


if you're on a high latency WAN you want to make use of NFS / SMB's underlying parallel connections feature like SMB Multichannel so you can really use all your bandwidth by connections similar to how "aria2c -x 5" works, sticking it over wireguard is just going to make you beholden to how wireguard splits up packets without any awareness of the underlying protocol


omg, is that really a putty client?


if you just need to watch 'nime might as well use WebDAV, http has very low protocol overhead and concurrent reads in http is a solved problem


wireguard is just going to make you beholden to how wireguard splits up packets without any awareness of the underlying protocol < that's actually a good thing, i even set the MTU to lower value such as 1300 so the great firewall in china doesn't block it


you're chinese


vermin since when do we have a chinatown in kissu


i am not chinese


i got married to china


and i'm neeting in my wife's apartment


vermin is this a practical joke


i'll never be a puer salesman in china making money off gweilos


anyways... welcome to #qa... unless you've already been here before


i've been here for 6 years already


just last year i moved


>living in PRC china


thank you to the anon that suggested sshfs, media playback seems to work fine




does sshfs expose itself to the internet?


i am REALLY afraid of the internet


no it piggybacks on sshd port 22


or well it depends if you exposed ssh to the internet in the first place


i need to set up a firewall to block the internet


i'm not afraid of the internet


i need to go back home to my momma


sniffing in the PRC china


we talk about frank sinatra


do you know frank sinatra? he's dead




to be famous is so nice


aaaah stuck in my head now


i wonder if someone else knows that


it's probably just the two of us


it used to be super popular in europe but it was two decades ago


frank sinatra wasn't even dead when it came out


he died some months later


good job cursing him to death



he's still alive i think. not that he remembers


yeah that song is from like 2007 or something


it'll be funny once he dies


the threads on /tv/ are funny


>living in PRC china < it's better than little japan


depends. im sure china must be great when you're obscenely rich


not obscenely rich


i am neeting in my wife's apartment


you're gonna get -ed by young master feng


how did you meet a chinese wife


in japan


do you speak nihongo with her?


ACTION eats soft rice


english, she speaks no nihongo


when we were dating outside, she did speak to staff in restaurants and shops in chinese


there was always someone who could speak chinese


group translates chapter 1 six months ago, goes mia. group 2 translates chapter 1 again three months ago, refuses to elaborate, and leaves. i am so tired of reading manga


learn kanji already


mr oizo directed Rubber. I thought that movie was funny


i want to be a translator in 2002 hardsubbing op/ed lyrics in yellow font


we talk about frank sinatra < what's your favorite song


it was a very good year. i dont know much about sinatra though


rubber was funny yeah. all of his movies up to 2015 are good. after that i dont know, i haven't watched them


his music i'm less fond of, save for the early stuff


i saw him play once it wasnt great


fly me to the moon


i was fed up with ed banger style electro at the time though, it played a lot


gonna eat 'zza


i don't have anything else to consume here


i ate nuts


because i have no food at home




you must be hungry


drank broth. ate gorgonzola


ohayou #qa




my kefir grains have grown x10 since i started with one teaspoon a couple months ago


i love drinking chunky sour milk


oh. so that's where i heard this word


been seeing it everywhere since then




lol no. kefir


i just ran into the weirdest KDE feature


if you move your cursor doing a circular motion a few times it grows comically large


yeah that's to help you find where the cursor is if you have a massive screen like an ultrawide


stolen from macos


if i keep doing it it gets even larger


it's like half the screen now


yes that's to help you find it even quicker


how do i hide nick changes in weechat



/filter add irc_smart * irc_nick * should do it


hexchat just werks


nice thanks


previous nick changes have disappeared


very neat




so hot, heat stroke warnings galore on my weather app




yoshinoya sensei in a china dress...


.sd yoshinoya sensei in a china dress



that's not her at all


.sd hime cut, green hair, green eyes, wide face, china dress



eh probably wont get the hidamari art style ever


her VA was so good


.sd yui keion


drinking kafer milk





.sd hirasawa yui, keion



doesnt work on my kde. prolly cause i have disabled all the effects


.sd hirasawa yui, keion, nude



good good


installed xfce with chicago95 today


think I want a similar but darker theme


five finger ricchan


lxqt comes looking like chicago95 out of the box heh


make sure to get the fonts right for c95


as in the fonts that were used in windows, otherwise it looks tacky


yeah with antialiasing turned on it doesn't work at all


i switched fonts to helvetica


think the actual font is called tahoma but helvetica is close enough


less rounded maybe


yeah it's tahoma and some other font




you know, #qa, I wouldn't mind a trap romance anime


there's a few good mangas


probably not mainstream enough to get animated


depends how much they bank on the chinese market


wait why the chinese market


they're the second market after the japanese market






i need to order more white tea


the chrysanthemum i got is choice sleepy time narcotic


could use some sencha to go with my 'zza now


could use some 'zza to go with my hunger now


tahoma, otherwise known as 'homer


open wide for a 'zza slice anonymous... manーma https://files.catbox.moe/fhg2ya.jpg




.sd anonymous feeding pizza to anonymous



mysterious slice


.sd pizza, feeding, chopsticks, 2girls



.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, working



love the default magic girl


she's kawaii


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, curtsy



Sailor Mars (Open source version)


plants have been watered


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, watering plants in garden



I'm confused is that a hose or a cup?


.sd 1girl long hair black hair



haha people offering to donate money to this guy that's using google translate and messing up subtitles on purpose


It's funny watching them complain about the quality. I don't think most of them even realize it. Why not just learn Japanese.


people that dont know japanese complaining about the quality of a subtitle is always funny


All your base are belong to us



I just looked they're DeepL translation from french subtitles that are already of questionable translation





why is she holding it like that though


because she's trying to pose for the camera


how does it matter to you? are you the hose police?


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, hose police





the high heel bidet hose


magical garden hose chan


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, garden hose



The dresses are so cute. I wish cute girls IRL had this kind of fashion sense


It's really too bad every girl I've met into this type of fashion is an absolute bitch


im sure they do but it seems impractical walking around a dusty city like this


unless you have a chauffeur


The benefits outweigh the downsides. If I could wear that cute stuff I would. But alas I am going to suffer a life of work boots and pants.


I don't know what the skirts like that are called but they're awesome


frilled skirt?


.sd frilled skirt



The kind with the under-wire whatever that push it away from the body


women used to wear them a lot back in the day. The kind that have the shape




.sd hoop skirt



that's it


seems like sd doesnt know about it


or under a different tag maybe


You know I've only met 2 girls IRL that wore gothic lolita dresses.


hoop skirts are huge


I love hoop skirts and the overly Victorian-era fashion



petticoats perhaps


facebook < no...


I can't right click and link the image on phone


I took my grandmother to the arcade on a family trip and there was a girl walking around in an elaborate gothic lolita dress. Grandma loved it. I should have approached her but I didn't want to bother anyone.


wish I ran into a girl in an elaborate gothic lolita dress


must be nice living in the Isekai


dont want to approach her or anything, but just watch and maybe take some pictures


It was a white one. She had the high boots on and everything I bet she wasn't even 5 foot tall


Grandma thought she was cosplaying


I'm like no some people are just into that


I was shocked anyone within 200 miles of here would even be into it. Since we live in the middle of nowhere. The worst part was some people were pointing and laughing at her.




I've heard stories that some of them don't wear it day-to-day because people throw stuff at them


"You have more class than me! Die bitch!"


throw stuff at them? that's just mean



I made the mistake of posting in the general on /cgl/ once and some mean bitch yelled at me for being a creep and started ranting about stuff like that. All I did was say I thought the dress was cool.


It looked a lot better than that one


Think Rachel from BlazBlue but in white. She had twin tails and everything.


it's definitely not a single outfit its probably petticoat + bodice + inner garment from what I can see


I like women with endless layers of clothing. It's like unwrapping a present.


frilled dresses are the best




Dresses in general these days are pretty rare


Every girl I see in public now is wearing sweat pants or those stupid high waisted jeans


not even skirts?!


I rarely see skirts and when I do they aren't being worn by anyone that should ever wear them




I thought about getting into kigu just so I could enjoy cool dresses but then I saw the price tag and decided I was better off just admiring them from afar


I want to build a kigu mask with a see through LCD and combine it with face tracking. I think people would pay thousands of dollars for something like that. But I don't have the funds to build prototype


just the regular creepy masks they wear now go for $2k+


what'd the purpose?




LARPing as anime girl IRL


hmm, you mean have a virtual avatar of your character displayed where the face should be?



ahh, as in the whole face is an LCD


sounds plausible with the new flexible OLED displays


Right. Right now they can't talk/do expressions and all that good stuff


Yeah it'd be easy to do it's just that no one has put it all together yet.


I could build it right now with off the shelf parts and software. I just don't have the time to do it.


Plus I'd have to drop $3-5k in clothing to demo it


My ultimate goal would be giving Steve Jobs like presentation wearing it while being totally serious.




I am trans-dimensional


the isekaier


I would go as far as having my legal name and sex changed to animu girl just for the lulz


the animegao stays on in the shower


seriously thought you could make good money with that product. Lots of companies would buy it just for stage shows and promotional content.


OLED is waterproof anyways.. I think, the new galaxy folds surely are


the hardest part would be stashing a battery+small computer to drive it in the costume


I thought about it and you'd probably be best off hallowing out some fake boobs to store it.


heh. id probably just stuff it in my hair, tie a fancy updo or wear a hat


That could work to but I wouldn't want it on my head. I'd want it somewhere where I didn't have to worry about it disconnecting.


You'd want two batteries just to have a backup and provide more use time


those big hats that southern belles wear idk whats the name


you'd want a HUD as well so you had battery status and would know if the screen was fucked. That was you aren't walking around looking retarded


that's better done via Bluetooth to your phone or smartwatch


Via the animegao people I learned about leather seifukus


Nah you're want it all wired. No point in using phone to break illusion when you could simply put it on the inside of the LED


one of my filthy rich cousins is unironically studying fashion at the royal art institute in br*tain and she's into wearables


You know the animegao heads are so big it actually makes the men look like female in proportions when combined with foam hip inserts and fake boobs.


The oversized head hides the wide shoulders


ACTION crawls up from the lounge chair and sits back down in front of the 'puter


hmm, yes, anime characters have bobblehead proportions


store the battery in the huge forehead


that could work. Also I hope your rich cousin is happy


cramming too much stuff into the face wil make you sweat and that won't be a good sight


Anyway I want to get one of these costumes and build that custom mask. Then I'll ride around on my street bike and get rich off youtube


you're going to sweat like hell anyway. You have to wear the zentai or whatever it's called


most costumes I've seen them wear has at least 4 layers of clothing and no skin exposed at all.




you seen the webm of the animegaos at the hotel pinning the one down and rubbing him through the costume until he cums?


fashion is competitive af she says she has no hope of getting a grad job (its a master's) that will allow her to stay on so she'll probably return to asia or try europe. its literal nepotism to get featured on a magazine like tatler, 99.99% of fashion design grads just end up slaving away making cookie cutter "high wasted pants" like you say for androgynous fast fashion chains like uniqlo or GU




yeah fashion is bullshit industry like most. It'd a do-nothing degree


That webm used to get posted all of the time. I think it was from a con or something. It was obvious all of them were dudes. There is only like 1 female animegao for every 200 guys.


hate to say this but females usually dont need kigus to be cute


Most of the animegaos are filthy rich. At least from what I've seen. Some of them have $10k in one costume alone.


zentai jumpsuits are kimo


Ironically, the female animegaos I've seen ARE cute


i mean, iono, if you aren't built like shaquille o neal you have a chance of kigging some of your oneesan 'nime chars


I know a bunch of them are into for the fetish aspect. A lot of the masks have the ability to lock them with pad locks.


Imagine locking your girlfriend up in kigu costume and not letting her out for a few days.


reminds me of the kigu sex manga


the smell


the claustrophobia...


My friend was dating this girl for like 2 years because she would cosplay for him. I'm like man just buy the sailor moon uniform and ask another girl to put it on. I'm sure they'll do it.


she didn't even look good in it


kigu sex manga < found it https://nhentai.net/g/363977/ hot


Nice I will fap to this


if i was gonna kig i'd just do the head and not the bodysuit, dont really see a point it just looks weird and skinwalkery


You need the zentai to get the proper coloration for the character


yeah there are better ways to do that like body paint


this manga is false advertising she's just dressed up in bear suit and takes it off


what they're having sex inside the kigu


and taking pics with kids


this is not doing anything for my penis


nothing hotter than hidden sex


in public


I will play VN instead and mind control girl with my alien remote while I body swap with another girl and hold hands.


oh were you expecting kigu on kigu action with no human body?


I was expecting forced kigu


the heck is forced kigu


Force girl to put it on then lock her up in it.




doujin has ruined me I can't get off anymore unless there are at least 3 forced body swaps


what's it called when you have that ball in your mouth




ball gag


I don't like those they always drool


.sd kigurumi, ball gag, girl inside, naked



sarugutuwa in jp...


no kigu


.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, ball gag



.sd 1girl loli face down ass up ball gag dildo





.sd 1girl, magical girl, hime-cut, long hair, black hair, blue eyes, poofy dress, loli





.sd kigurumi, ball gag, girl inside, x-ray



I don't think it knows what kigu is


thinking about sex




.sd kigurumi







would you transform into anime girl to have sex with anon? Not because you want to. Just because you're such a good friend.




didnt even read the second part


would you transform into anime girl to hold hands with anon who's transformed into anime girl?




I wish I could make anon's dreams come true


meet me on the astral plane


yeah yeah now kiss the both of you


ehhhh anon-kun ecchiiiiiii


kissu nante ///////////


we need body swap machine in the kissu mansion


cant wait to get rich and fund the kissu\/qa/ mansion


I will personally donate 100 acres to this project




A nice place.




it's currently pirmo farm land


good soil, good wild grass, good water sources, river runs through it, miles away from anyone


oo sounds nice


45 minutes from airport that can have us in Tokyo in 12 hours


we can erect massive wall and keep everyone out


Anon can make his dream garden


what is anon playing lately


now playing : ann lewis - Roppongi Shinjuu


Nissy - 環式行進曲


3d designing is hard...


especially when it has to work irl


irl? which touhou stage is that?


.sd 1girl, black_hair, flowchart, after_bathing, douki-chan_(douki-chan), macbook, lying, apple_inc., thinking



.sd 1girl, black_hair, rimless_eyewear, after_bathing, douki-chan_(douki-chan), macbook, lying, apple_inc., thinking



.sdC 1girl, black_hair, rimless_eyewear, after_bathing, douki-chan_(douki-chan), laptop, thinking



.sd 1girl, black_hair, medium_hair, rimless_eyewear, oversized_shirt, douki-chan_(douki-chan), laptop, thinking



.sd frameless glasses



glasses must have frames to be glasses


is this like one of those koans like "toasters toast toast?"


or like "See the buddha on the road, kill him"


classic Buddhism, joshuu kills the dog, nansen kills the cat, guizong zhichang splits the snake in half



sports teams spy on other sports teams, outrage ensues


how do you win at sport through spying...




i kinda wish i rolled more in jongsouls...


they have akagi and lelouche...


that's better than almost any girl...


not even almost


limited time characters. never coming back


and besides, it's a bonus to playing the game... if you're never going to play the game regularly they're nothing worth putting any thought into


just like I wouldn't concern myself with the hypothetical millions that could have been made by putting money into bitcoin... I never was going to think about it anyways so why would I feel anything about it...


in 2013-2015 ish i was mining with AMD graphics cards bc at that time the radeons had way more stream processors than nvidia had cuda cores. like 1440 vs 480, and sha256 doesn't need fancy instructions


was making bout 0.50 btc a week but had to reinvest most of that into the power bill...


not like i could have just froze to death and waited til the 2020s to sell either


that's different though. If you were involved then you should think about what you could have done differently. Someone who enters a field now could look back on what they could have done differently. So in that sense possibly one could argue that I should care...


i do that all the time


in hindsight i could've been a millionaire...


millionaire for what


if you have 100,000 or you have 1,000,000 what changes to you?


but then i also have to analyze what my mindset was that prevented me from making that million dollar decision and see what i can do in the future to try and do things differently if the opportunity presents itself again


uhhh a lot


100k vs 1million is huge


1mil vs 10mil is huge


it's so huge it doesn't matter


then after that not much


unless you want to get into change the world territory


then you need billions


but 10mil is probably enough to accomplish most local dreams


not really


it does matter


were i to have 10mil, or maybe even 1mil, i'd buy any anime bd/merch from things i like


instead of trying to be frugal


even jeff bezzos at the time just wanted to sell stuff out of a garage... if he didn't make a huge enterprise it wouldn't have even mattered to him. It's that the opportunity became something that it mattered


the money was irrelevant


well yeah, but the money is still relevant


it's an afterthought


because like it or not the ability to have an impact does in some cases stem from the ability to finance the things you like


happyness is local to your situation


if your situation requires little moeny you don't need money to be happy. If you have cancer or something, would be nice


only because the US is like that, in Europe medical expenses wouldn't matter


yes but if i think about the wider world then happiness is the culture you like thriving


and if you're able to materially provide for things that can have a positive impact on the cultures you enjoy then that is also happiness


say you were a billionaire and could finance japanese animation studios that promoted better working conditions for their animators wouldn't that make you more at ease than just hoping that the situation gets better somehow with time


you can't just throw money at things


leadership is worth far more than a cheq


of course you can't but there are ways to provide funding for things that's not just throwing money at them






i agree


you are just going to be burned by scammers with that mindset




not at all


because i would never put my money into something i don't trust


and i trust nothing


well i do trust some things


it's not a matter of that. You're not investing you're just doing charity


is charity not a good thing?


in a sense charity is somewhat investing in the health of the world


that's not an argument that helps your point..


i'm thinking of it differently than i'm saying it i think


because it sounds more idealistic than it should


because the ability of a billionaire to keep alive the culture they cherish should be absolutely possible


I'm trying to say that if you want to give 1million dollars to shaft to make anime it is not good or bad. You're just giving them the money and hoping they don't shut down the next year or sell out to kadokawa.


your money no matter how large is irrelevant to a company


well yeah, but if you're a billionaire you can most likely get connections and set up ways so that...


it's charity. blind faith to make you feel good


wait a minute...


in a way esg is good if you think about it... but i hate the way it's done




fuck esg


why would you attach politics to such an amazing concept


that allows it to be easily abusable by bad faith actors


no one is attatching politics to it. The blackrock firm was highly disapointed it was being politicized


no one in the industry is anyways..


i can see why if that's the case


but isn't politics in some way attached to it i forget...


https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/blackrocks-fink-says-hes-stopped-using-weaponised-term-esg-2023-06-26/ "- BlackRock (BLK.N)
, opens new tab boss Larry Fink, at the forefront of the business world's adoption of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards, has stopped using the term, saying it has become too politicized.
But the world's largest asset manager hasn't changed its stance on ESG issues, Fink told the Aspen Ideas Festival on Sunday."


i thought the social part vyes for policies


nice copy paste trash...


"I don't use the word ESG any more, because it's been entirely weaponised ... by the far left and weaponised by the far right," Fink said.


because aside from promoting social trends that make the whole thing murky and abusable, the rest of esg that promotes the idea of healthy business governance is really good


since you would certainly want to promote businesses that treat their workers well


although maybe i'm too unread on it


and mostly just seeing it through the spectre of the bad faith actors that abuse it


if you have 100,000 or you have 1,000,000 what changes to you? -@Kissu «  idk if i'm just being crass but a purely larger figure in my bank account wouldn't make me any more happy than i am, i wouldnt know what to do with you. You cant buy your way into exclusive clubs and life experiences in general, if i spent my million on a €600,000 maltese citizenship i wouldn't be any closer to the


it's just a general metric that ranks a company for it's views on conforming to environmental regulation and other regulatory forces that liberal governments want to promote. Since conservatives don't think regulation is good they want to get rid of it and since liberals like regulation they think it's good.


true EU experience than I am now


social issues to be addressed < that's where i take issue with it possibly


if you want to take issue with social issues, then consider a company like Ford and other automakers who have their entire system shut down by strikes or how they will have to get approval from the government to beat strikes through force


but on the other hand social issues could be anything...


in a country like Korea Samsung's ESG rating means nothing, but in the US it means something


because Samsung is the Korean government


ESG, weaponized « in japanese twitter theres a huge backlash against SDGs (sustainable development goals). same thing just worded differently by the UN


it's up to you if you think it's valuable or not, but the main arguments against it is that government pensions were argued to have to conform to ESG ratings. That was the main logical contention that smart people made


never really seen "SDGs" used outside of japan tbh, but its typically the same old "no one left behind (except the natives)" netouyo rhetoric


People in Japan have money to invest? News to me...


yes. You have to, when domestic interest rates are this abysmal...


because the Nikke index does so poorly I thought most of them would just do low interest saving account stuff


yeah i don't really know the ford thing


actually it beats the TSX in the 5yr trend, what do i know...


so i guess maybe i can't comment on it much


interesting, I thought people called the Nikkei a poor index, but it's not that bad compared to europe and canada


most of the social stuff i know from esg is just based in what i saw from video games and AAA companies that are soulless husks pushing whatever into their games to tick boxes that would hypothetically give them a good esg score





actually wait it's almost at its peak from 1989...


the pre bubble peak is technically higher with inflation





nikkei was asia's best performing market in 2023... massive bull run


think it was because ibm and rapidus said they were gonna set up 2nm plants in hokkaido to diversify from tsmc


why though


why not




I think of most japanese people as not being able to understand this sort of thing, but actually most of the time saving accounts get money automatically inserted from the company they're employed at and I guess the banks take care of the rest by investing it into a mix of market and foreign bond investments


rather, not just Japanese people, but most people don't understad finance.


then government employees would have a pension fund managed by the government which would be regulated to invest into local markets... I suppose it makes sense, but everyone is saying Japan is coming to an end that it makes you think otherwise


You'd think market impressions would be spooked by low birthrate stuff and weaker currency


then again, maybe now is the best time to be buying Japanese investments while you can get more of it for cheap... thus outpricing the locals




File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….jpg (8.77 MB,3132x2793)

tadaima went for a short walk


japan will not come to an end this quickly out of sheer population momentum, short of mass murder it will take centuries for the population to dwindle down to germany levels. from a sociological POV they have all the tools they need to catch up to south korea and uk in terms of per capita productivity


they're underperforming


holy fuck


i thought that the nikkei was in yen


that's dollars...


that's what all the national index look like...


actually I guess nikkei is pretty high value


yeah that's nearly dow levels


But the SPX market cap is 45.84T while the Nikkei is 4.5T. It's just less stock dillution goes on


ah true


adjust it down by 10x and it makes sense


i guess anyways


stocks are dumb, I have things to do


economics are a spook


what are you homies up to


not being able to understand this sort of thing « idk what its like in us/can but the NISA its promoted by regional governments. afaik the entire concept is based on the UK version https://www.gov.uk/individual-savings-accounts . entirely tax exempt. Rather than dick away your 30K yen a month on pachinko addiction might as well dick it away on snp500 or some of the other indexes that the finance


zaibatsus like MUFG have https://files.catbox.moe/7tzt45.jpeg






japan is super strong in raw materials e.g. chemical engineering and tokyo electron and if you work in a zaibatsu you probably just pick up on who you're supplying what to through overhearing stuff alone


debating if I should take a nap or not


ACTION chills to technology connections and LGR on the 'tube


'yassu #qa




android ads are so scummy holy flip


as if forcing me to wait 10 seconds was gonna make me click


come all ye faithful

Majsoul Friends Room 22240(4-Player South): https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=22240




File:C-1722020821400.png (3.51 MB,2560x1440)

reina is my fav


nice hand dude, you worked hard to get it




3/4 waiting for another







https://kissu.moe/secret/ /secret/ channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJQF4InPqwI | the #qa kart has become koruri-esque. stop feeding it | shikanokonokonokokoshitantan | Important catter video pls watch https://files.catbox.moe/otsr9v.mov | https://x0.at/7_Z_.mp4 quack | https://random.kitr.cat/


https://kissu.moe/secret/ channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJQF4InPqwI | the #qa kart has become koruri-esque. stop feeding it | shikanokonokonokokoshitantan | Important catter video pls watch https://files.catbox.moe/otsr9v.mov | https://x0.at/7_Z_.mp4 quack | https://random.kitr.cat/


File:1720819686741830.png (1.7 MB,1669x4096)



I'm going to go pick up my glasses so I'll remake in an hour maybe


actually, probably 2 hours I think since that's ~9AM JP time


beard is much more fluffy since i started creaming it


would recommend beard creaming


.sd loli, beard



.sd 1girl, loli, beard



File:1718589781347.png (4.36 MB,2894x4093)

recommend taking this big ass nap


i wish it did sit on my face


can someone insert kanji into chat


i am testing fonts











catch the heart-o



why do people like this game


because some people just want to be angry at the world sometimes


maybe you should try getting angry sometimes. It beats your pathetic apathy


jump in and play


we're waiting on one more


nice rock loliu


You can't even play a game with 4 tripplets anda a pair? And you admit to posting on #qa


this chat has standandards


what the fuck is this rat mumbling about?


I'm rumbling about the degeneracy in this chat


the degeneracy to not gamble


life is a gamble you know?


Sometimes you gotta wing it


oh no, you have to study block theory and all sorts of theory to live?


No you just wing it always


If I want to gamble I'd do slots and shit lol


like a real bossman :D


people pretend there's skill to slots


There isn't


You just press button and pray to god lol


isn't there a way to stop it


pray for total annihilation


praying to shiva...








making dinner. If no one plays I give up on humanity


ningen shikkaku


i'll join if you cook for me


if you prove to me that you have the game open I will give you my dinner


jong shikkaku


flip your game im gonna cook chikin skewers


do i need to like etransfer you 10$ to play or something


literally why are people so unadventerous nowadays


back on 4qa people actually gave games a try..


i'm too adventerous


nowadays people don't want to do anything except look at ex links and post sd commands


jong doesn't appeal to me


third strike anyone?


3rd strike is 7/10


how about strive?


i'd play 3rd strike if i weren't watching anime


also people have until i finish watching this part of akagi i want to watch


to join jong


qa has been reduced to a bunch of consumers...


its just seasonal anime


how about strive? < I don't like GG


3rd strike is basically gg


upgraded my x200 to 8gb memory but its not enough i need more


i've been doing fine with 2gb


^ doesn't watch anime or open firefox


im literally joing on firefox right now



everyone shut the fuck up


its kirby time




maybe i should switch to gentoo


laughable statement..


made you laugh


it wont help at all


unless you use some autistic cflags maybe? i dont think it changes anything to ram usage


having your own repo on gentoo is pretty cool though


it sounds cool


got stung by a wasp




sigh done showering but I mixed up my old and new pantsu. have to sniff them to know which ones are stale and which ones arent


or a hornet. not too sure what it is but hurts like hell


can you smell the difference?


^ not really... it's all so frustrating


.sd 1girl, pantsu, smelling_underwear, female_pervert, confused, (underwear:1.2)





ne ne #qa should I watch LoGH


Because I'm going to do it


hai hai kanarazu mite ne


hohahou #qa





holy FUCK its HOT




Oh no, a sigher encounter




8.7M views · 16 years ago · LagunaKatsu


since there are alot of You Tube users who haven't upload the full version of of this song I decided to do it myself for everyone to enjoy XD


btw I uploaded this song on megaupload so if anyone wants this song go here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0MVI4E92


sigh, bake me into a pie already


what the FUCK


the new 2.5D episode ended at the best part ;_;;;;


havent felt a cliffhanger to be a cliffhanger in years




akagi is even better on rewatch




what is that a question for...


what is akagi


the most famous mahjong manga of all time




oh wow its not on nyaa


it definitely is


cant find it


everything is 0 seeds




except for one from erai rawws


try downloading the one with 0 seeds and someone will probably connect



I have that on my server and I'm pretty sure I got it from nyaa




Lots of torrents have a seed they just haven't connected in awhile because no one has tried to download the file


you might have to wait a little bit for someone to connect but usually they do


ahh naruhodo


always skipped 0 seed torrente


just realized


i had 3 minutes of isekai shikkaku left


dropped it at the start of 3rd episode


and accidentally watched 7 episodes of akagi before finishing....




i should really try watching my backlog more... instead of seasonals...


the dreaded backlog


although stubbornness prevents me from doing that


since i want to watch the rest of my backlog raw


how does that prevent you from watching are they hard subbed or something


because i'm learning jp still




although every day now feels like i'm getting closer and closer to that goal


you should watch your backlog with jap subs


probably at some point need to just dive in and start with the aikatsus and stuff


go dive in right now


i can't


i'm bound to watch seasonals i've not caught up on...


i actually would be around halfway through if not for that akagi sidetrack...


yeah, I know that feeling


nowdays I rarely binge anime and only watch the seasonals because they're much shorter at one episode


it's funny in a way


and even if I do binge anime it's one I've already watched...


they're "shorter" but usually do take me more time to watch


yeah, not to mention the days where a couple get released together, or when I have to watch 5-6 episodes because I didnt get to watch them the day they released..


since I need to pause at times and sort out my thoughts or I get burnt out


used to take an hour watching a single episode if an anime was good enough, with screenshots clips etc, dont do it as often now though


ah yeah webms used to take time


at least before i got mpv scripts for that


what kind of scripts



the part of clipping that I hate is having to calculate the time for the clip


oo nice


yeah this cuts out that requirement


now I can get back to clipping!


ACTION eats a cuttlefish


ACTION hugs a cuddlefish


glad I don't have to bother with webms anymore


what the heck is a moonscript



what does Anonymous clip so many webms for


I clip when something is funny or cute




i dont know what for, just to let them rot in my HDD along with the other hoarded data I guess


sometimes I share on kissu


god I wish that davinci would work with webm


because then I'd be making so many more video edits


nice webm creator, now if only there was a gif creator as well


what the fuck


back to back cliffhangers with dungeon person


File:__han_juri_street_fighter_….jpg (771.34 KB,3044x4096)

watching men in black


I look at normalfag's internet via documentaries about popular viral youtubers and tiktok idiots. My God this stuff is horrible.


They keep "exposing" people that "slept with 17 year old children!!!" and calling them "groomers". I've seen at least 20 different women trying to ride that train to internet fame just in the last few minutes.


it's like we're in a pedophile boom right now


A 19 year old sleeping with a 17 year old isn't a pedophile lol


right, I meant calling-others-a-pedophile boom


she was so traumatized she waited 10 years to speak out about it


yeah that's true


we're in a accuse others with random shit so you don't have to address anything they're saying boom


yeah, sucks


ian curtis presents hypermorality




kimo topic, disengaging


adam curtis*




never heard of it


ian curtis was a tard if i am to believe 24h party people


excellent movie btw




Tick bit me and then died


I have tiger blood


dqn tick faces off against giant Anonymous...


ticks tend to do poison damage, becareful


So sick of hearing youtubers referring to themselves as having a "career"




"Content creator" aka watching someone else's video and "reacting" to it (staring blankly into camera while eating poptarts"


Some jackass downloaded something I made then showed it on his youtube channel and gave it a bad review. Problem was he didn't show most of the screen.


Then he claimed we did something incorrectly but it was correct he just can't speak the fucking language




He's desperate for sponsorship money. I'm going to email him and offer him $20 to kill himself on stream.


I look at normalfag's internet via documentaries about popular viral youtubers and tiktok idiots. My God this stuff is horrible. < I've seen some of this before and was quick to put every channel I see with it on immediate "Do not recommend channel" blacklist


nothing induces more bloodlust in me than seeing the drama hunting norms


I refuse to interact with youtube at all. I'm not feeding the beast. The day youtube-dl stops working is the day I stop using it all together.


I can't stand liars and fake people and that's all the popular people on those places are


it stings, #qa


stupid hornet. what was it doing on my chair at 2am


corner it


rub tobacco and honey on it


and then get it to tell you when silksong is


i killed it already. problem is i got bitten 3 hours ago and it still stings


sking is greying and i feel bloodthirsty


current mood: ghoulish


Tobacco and honey anon


i have honey but not tobacco


honey by itself will help


you make a paste with the tobacco and rub it into stings. The nicotine brings down the pain


you only need like a pinch of it


too lazy to travel to the kitchen


i see. i might still have some old nicotine shors lying around


arent you not supposed to kill hornets lest a whole flock of them appear


They swarm when they spray a chemical or whatever. Most likely they've already done that if they're stinging you




pheromone is the word I was searching for


it was a straggler lost in my living room. the little shit stung me by surprise and then fell on the floor unmoving until i killed it. i think it's safe


I got stung like that once in the middle of winter. I moved a heavy blanket that had been folded and laying on the other side of my bed for months. Turns out a queen was over wintering in it. When I shook it out she ended up on my foot and stung the fuck out of me.




every wasp and hornet for miles around would come into my apartment when I lived there starting in fall. They'd all try to over winter. I got stung down there multiple times over the years.


"down there" as in down there?


There were 3 or 4 hanging out by the door once and I tried to kill them all in one shot with a boot. But one of them flew down my sleeve and stung me on my armpit.




I had the bottom floor of a 4 story apartment building


havent had a bee/hornet/etc problem in years, used to have a nest or two back in my jikka


I have to knock down hornet nests every year here. They come back every spring and try to build in the exact same spot.


I let the queen establish herself for a couple of days then I spray them down with WD40 and knock them off the eve of the house with a baseball bat


Life goal: Get interview on Andrew Tate's show wearing kigu and when he's laughing at me pull out shotgun and do the world a favor


we need youtuber serial killer


once when i was a kid i got stung by a wasp on my hand when i was coming out of the pool. i was with a friend and she told me to piss on my hand to stop it from stinging, which i did. then she laughed at me


would get reported nd banned with the first video




your friend is a dick


that actually works for jelly fish btw


yeah for some plant too


remember a "friend" tossing a caterpillar on my face and it being all swollen up for i dont know how long


when I was a kid we used to camp on an island at this massive lake. There were fuzzy caterpillars that lived on it unique to that one island. They said if you touched them they could kill you


it's super dangerous. some of these can kill dogs


I'm so mad they actually have running water on that island now


When I was a kid my Dad made me haul that shit in all week


lol jelly


it's much better though. i cant shit in the woods


They had pit toilets and real toilets+showers just across the lake


We'd go over to the mainland every few days to shower.


heh the internet has a bunch of wrong information about this lake


They say it's only 100 foot deep. I know for a fact it's over 300 feet in some places and 500 feet deep at the dam


If that dam every bursts millions of people down stream will have their houses flooded.


it's the beauty of engineering


Lake is so deep our depth finder couldn't find the bottom. It would go all the way down to 200 feet


makes me wonder why terrorists dont attack these instead of shooting up schools


They actually flooded an old town to build that lake when they built the dam. On the island there was an old road you could walk on if you knew where to look.


yeah it's common. there's a lake not too far from my house where they had to flood two towns


the rumor back then was they left the church steeple up when they flooded it. If you knew where it was supposedly you could stand on it. Never did find it.


I always wanted to go scooba diving and see the old houses and businesses


yeah so do i. there's a tintin anime where he dives with a shark submarine in a lake in moldavia, i loved it as a kid


one time i went camping to a place that had showers and toilets separated and i got on the shower and really had to take a shit so i waffle stomped it down the shower drain


youtube serial killer < you know when you think about it it's pretty crazy there isn't one




i mean just thinking about the trump assassination attempt somehow that guy got past all security and nearly succeeded with the full weight of the secret service against him


there have been youtubers that have killed people


what's protecting some random youtuber?


like that one early anime youtuber that killed his family


that's not really a serial killer is it


that's just a murderer


I'm talking about someone that targets them


there's not really a reason to kill a youtuber


or to kill youtubers specifically


there are plenty of reasons


serial killers are rational people




you're talking about a youtuber who kills or someone that kills youtubers?


i'm confused now


sounds like you'd make a good youtube serial killer then




I'm talking about someone that targets youtubers and livestreamers. I'm shocked there isn't one already


speaking of witches, serial killers really fell out of fashion


probably because of how easy it is to get caught




it'll end with a single murder or two


litearlly cameras everwhere


I've tried planning a few kills but the cameras see me everywhere


75% of murders go unsolved


not really outside of europe



uk has so many camera's it's ungodly


hey #qa, what do michael jackson and the xbox have in common


yeah when i went there in 08 most of london was covered already, i cant imagine now


it's so many cameras that i heard it's been actively hurting mystery novels






we gotta find work for Sherlock to do...


someone say "what"














in the butt


both started as black, then turned white


...and both are turned on by kids


I thought the joke was going to be both of them touch kids






in the butt


it's similar


both gay


xbox is big gay


pretty funny right guise?


did I miss a conversation or something wtf


if you joined in just now probably


we're talking about Michael jackson


we're talking about hornets


been active since a day ago


hey #qa, what do michael jackson and the xbox have in common < oh completely missed this


we ignored it until anon started begging for whats


thought anonymous was going to do the "in the butt" joke with "what"


we have an entire channel for this


#qa is reserved for Linux discussion




and youtuber discussion


i remember when #linux was created. it was serious for two days, and then i got banned and when i came back it was broken


who's your favorite youtuber #qa, I like pewdiepie!


do people talk in #linux even?


occasionally someone will ask a random question


the occasional "i said" but even that's rare now


no one uses #ptg


forgot it even existed




i idled in there for a week and there wasn't a single message


#drugs gets more messages and there's not even half the amount of people


#ptg used to have some spam once or twice a day


yeah but they're mostly "smoking bong" "cool me to"


yeah and that's cool


what do you expect from drug discussions anyway




Perhaps I'm used to hanging around higher IQ drug users


what does ptg stand for


(actual answer) private trackers general




fuck em


I want to discuss the finer points like which isomer of a compound has the best effects


chemistry < there was an anon that talked about research chemicals but he hasn't been around in a while i guess


No I mean like actually making them


I used to hang out on thehive with a bunch of people that made MDMA. They'd send you precursors and glassware and everything. But then the feds shut it down. It was mostly chemistry students


everyday I regret not seriously pursueing science in school


back then it wasn't even illegal to make it from the precursors they were using


Well it was illegal. But until you did the last step you weren't breaking the law



This place


in the 00s there was plenty of forums where you could find recipes and stuff


Most all of them were just re-posts from that one I just linked


heh went from discussing hornets to hive


Most chemistry grads make LSD and MDMA in the school lab as a rite of passage.


i wanted to try making dmt. it looks reasonably easy and the ingredients arent too hard to find here


DMT is a simple extraction


You just need lighter fluid and a freezer


but the other thing you need to make changa is much harder to find here and dmt bty itself isnt worth the hassle


take it to #drugs or else HE will get mad


DMT by itself will fuck you up I don't know what you've been reading.


50mg of DMT will knock the average person stupid for 10-15 minutes


I don't suggest vaping/smoking that stuff but if you do you'd better hold on


i want to see the machine elves


Neat we have karaoke


Only 35 more signs to typeset


EP4 when


hopefully tomorrow


I have subtitles sans signs right now if you want them. We translated it in like 2 hours.


they haven't been checked over well for errors yet though


i can wait until tomorrow, i'm playing vidya anyways


thanks for the work


more people will end up watching the Chinese -> French -> English MTL though. Same thing every week haha


we decided to go back and do episodes 1-2 again. Along with a bunch of changes for an eventual BD batch release


So hopefully in the future people will re-watch it with proper translation and actual signs. Most seem okay with quick MTL or CR though


At any rate we're going to make your toaster hurt this week


playing danmaku gemu



love clubs where they don't do anything


I love the midget




she cute


EP4 looks good


The TROLLS destroyed my boobtube CAREER


please send money!



we were talking about youtuber serial killers before and I just realized


you'd think by now someone would have tried to mess with a popular streamer and gotten shot in return


I see these people going to screw with lolcows in public or at their houses all of the time. But none of the lolcows have ever shot back and murdered someone yet.


Although I probably wouldn't call it murder. But at the very least. You'd think some of these people would be more violent


I wonder if the threat of getting banned from youtube/twitch/whatever is enough to keep some of these people that live stream into getting violent. If someone came to my home and launched fireworks at it or threw bottles at me while I was in my own yard I know I'd at least threaten to kick their ass if not shoot at them depending on how unstable they seemed


well the kiwifarm freaks tend to bully the weak and vulnerable just like "real life" bullies, so yeah


That's true


i saw a vid of some tiktok prank guy getting shot at an airport


saw it on twitter and wouldnt be able to find it again


YUCK! discovered mold in my greek yogurt bowl partway through eating it




its use by date is in 2 days... its not a joke huh


!!!!!!!! taihen da


nah, you probably fucked up some how, usually they last well past the expiration date


did you just open it?




opened it when i bought it some weeks ago




did you then put it back in the fridge


or has it been open just out in the open




why would i just leave it out in the open




we have to double check because Anonymous can be quite an aho at times


have not had opened yogurt in the fridge for weeks so cant comment on if it should grow mold or not


Free antibiotics




Once you break the seal being in the fridge doesn't matter



Yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator (40 ºF) one to two weeks or frozen (0 ºF) for one to two months


Yeah when it's covered


Fridge is not magic box that prevents growth of mold


it was covered... i just take a long time to eat yoggy




also you should be stirring up your yogurt before consuming it anyway








i never do that, I like my yogurt with shape and not gooie


i do stir it but i like eating the watery parts first so i have a stiff yogurt later


heck I even freeze it a little so I can get that crisp chewing


love stiff yogurt


Should have bought sugar bomb go-gurt instead


like eating the watery parts < hate the water, avoid it at all cost


once I opened a jar of jam to see it turned completely white, never knew what happened to it




but I stored it properly...


shit happens


Currently drinking real coca-cola


It's so much better than American coca-cola


did you put ock


coke in it


its not real unless you're sniffing and being super talkative for no reason


sniff the coke


technically the real authentic traditional coca cola has cocaine in it


it has coca leaf extract


cocaine leaf extract


I don't like sniffing cocaine it's stupid drug


cocaine extract (from cocaine)


but you like sniffing coke?


I like sniffing heroin


i like snoofing cats


I like sniffing pantsu


but all my pantsu smell the same...


used and unused...


wash them


How do you tell the back from the front without the yellow and brown color




the front usually has a hole


for your pee pole


That's not for pooping?






I wanted to buy those old school pajamas with the butt flap that has buttons. I told my friend and he laughed and said that was fetish clothing for fucking in the ass.


I want to be warm when I poop in winter


.sd 1girl butt flap pajama



idk why but i have a phobia of clothes with buttons especially kids pajamas. the thought of crusty colicky little farts with crusty mouths is really unpleasant




that sentence was really unpleasant


.sd 1girl, butt, clothing cutout, pajamas, butt cutout


its the pajama hater





he made a post on kissu once saying he hated pajamas because they remind him of gross snotty little kids




ah, makes sense


People wore those back in the day because they had to poop in outhouses


They're warm and comfy


.sd 1girl, butt, clothing cutout, pajamas, butt cutout, butthole



I wonder if you could get "going green" idiots to buy an outhouse.




.sd butthole


that's an odd vagania



because its a butthole


.sd 1girl, pajamas, cute



.sd 1girl, pajamas, butthole



.sd 1girl, magical girl, pajamas



.sd 1girl, magical girl, butthole





.sd 1girl, magical girl, mouse



pantsu shot


cute mausu


.sd 3girl, magical girl, mouse, rabbit, neko




Cute mouse rabbit


.sd 3girls, mouse, rabbit, neko





.sd 3girls, magical girl, mouse, rabbit, neko


but no neko



.sd 3girls, magical girl, mouse, rabbit, cat


i really do detest pajamas. you've been marinating in your sweat and nocturnal farts all night and your eyes are bleary from all the micro mites shitting in your eyelashes and your breath smells like fermenting rotten cheese https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/beautiful-european-boy-home-childrens-600nw-1737226250.jpg



do you sleep naked?


.sd magical girl, catgirl, rabbit, mouse


I used to sleep naked now I sleep in hoodie+pajama pants


no i dress properly like i'm going out to meet someone whenever i sleep. i sleep on my bad and cross my hands over my belly so my armpits get ventilation



i also put on a bit of deodorant


optimized sleep


what has science done


on my back*


.sd 1girl, hoop_earrings, frown, miniskirt, sleeveless_shirt, crossed_arms, sleeping, high_heels, fur-trimmed_dress, on_back, black_gloves, pantyhose



is this you


I wish


what a fancy sleeper


Getting closer to finishing this week's episode


Halfway through making signs





he can clearly go through the bottom, what makes him jump...


It's fun


but can he really do the limbo though


jumping is easier than doing the limbo


I like it when cats get angry about closed doors and stick their paws under them



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