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File:38d57489_e02.png (16.63 KB,698x400)

 No.1[Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa



and the strings?


cant remember if it was violins or synthetized strings



don't think i'd call it 'strings' but maybe?


string instruments


i think it was in the s1


oh wait stories you posted earlier





this one right


i should just rewatch that show actually


thought you already posted it


Continued Story < sounds a lot like the music in utawarerumono


the second and third games in particular


man there's 2M tracks. i really dont fell like trying them all


newpipe is slow as shit too


just open them in foobar


and sort by length


should probably cut out a good 1.999 million


im on my phone


phone poster


what do you use on mobile


for ir




revolution irc




i also use that but i hate it


need to set up a znc bouncer for my phone so i stop losing messages when my phone loses connection


yeah... i used to use weechat with a relay but my shitbox died


.sd shitbox




that kind of stuff wont work with the new bot. it only understands booru tags


huh had nothing to do with shit


I see




.sd shit, cardboard box


booru tag's probably scat





poop girl....


1girl, angry, crt, computer


you forgot the sd....


.sd 1girl, angry, crt, computer



Stories [Hitomi - Topic] < it was that one


sounds like the kind of stuff the brits were doing in the 60s


with too much reverb









burped and it felt like it went back inside me and it hurt


>One of the primary reasons acid reflux becomes more troublesome as you age is the natural decrease in muscle tone. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a circular muscle that acts as a barrier between the stomach and the esophagus, preventing the backflow of acid.


i was chewing and burped with my mouth closed


the trapped burp


yeah I have to take prilosec since my sphincter there doesnt' work very well. otherwise I'll wake up and leap out of bed and feel like I can't breath for a second or two because of the acid in my throat. fun times


didn't prilosec have a class action lawsuit or something because of side effects


dunno, I'm on as low a dose as I can be on. if I don't take it I get throat cancer so it's not like I have a choice. I tried other stuff



how do you eat? if i binge sweet things like ice cream or chocolate i get nasty heartburns, but when i eat my veggies properly it never happens


eat your greens, especially broccoli


my family complains about acid reflux all the time


thankfully it skipped me


i got heartburn for the first time once last year and was freaking out because i had never experienced it before


really? do you never drink?


drink what? i just drink water




why would i drink alcohol


peer pressure


i started drinking at 13. it's a thing people do


File:1f938fcb92e812b0cf955caf1a….png (7.02 MB,1952x3570)



chatgpt: 「attire」と「apparel」の違いは




>how do you eat? <acids like once every 2 months (pizza, spaghetti) other than that just basic stuff like bread and protein bars, oatmeal/granola. boring stuff


pretty sure water gives me heartburn naturally


it's so windy


yes it is http://hint.fm/wind/


i want to live in the 0 mph wind zone


but instead i'm in the 30 mph super tornado zone and my house is creaking every time the wind gusts


wind is SHIT


I hate wind


FUCK wind


haven't had much of an appetite lately been eating mostly veggies and mushrooms and tofu


.sd 1girl, (hijiri ageha), open mouth, smile, pink shirt, one eye closed, peace sign, upper body





almost greatness





_/(´ཀ`」 ∠)_ https://x0.at/RC3v.jpg






running out of fruits for the week




File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (2.97 MB,2046x2894)







ask chatgpt to translate the comments to a code, paste link, it cant do links so copy the text and paste it *error log in!*


what´s the best mobo for ai with a new nvidia card


just got a 5080 in but I realised I need to upgrade the whole mobo


and cpu


what are you upgrading from?


bought the new 5080 < anonymous got scammed


why did you buy the 5080 for ai


that's dumb


it's almost half the power of the 5090


and still worse than a 4090


fell for the marketing bullcrap




if you haven't opened the box, then refund it while you can


man why are pc cases always so ugly


you're supposed to get the most plain looking one and decorate it yourself



what is that


dinosaur macaroni art GOSH


what is that < did you spend your childhood mining coal or what


never had macaroni in childhood






it's a kindergartens classic in the west


or maybe they dont do this anymore i dunno


They did it when I was a little one


wonder if there's a way to shutdown the PC but not really shut down the PC




why? they boot so fast nowadays


mine's not from nowadays


probably running off a 10 year old 5400 rpm hdd


.flip take a nap now or don't


take a nap now


hmmm, actually I should be able to move my laptop's SSD to my PC!


well there's always sleep mode, but my computer is also a potato and getting everything back up takes longer than just rebooting




so ymmv


(´・ω・`) I wanna take a nap but


no naps until you get a bath mister https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jesoRk8K21s


bought a 6090 to read vns


worth it


ACTION enters bathroom


.sd 1girl, yuuki mikan, explicit, yabuki kentarou, sparse pubic hair, flinch, flustered, blush, naked, holding panties, covering breasts, clothes on floor, bathroom, from outside, opened door, knees together feet apart, open mouth,



.sd 1futa, yuuki mikan, explicit, yabuki kentarou, sparse pubic hair, flinch, flustered, blush, naked, holding panties, covering breasts, clothes on floor, bathroom, from outside, opened door, knees together feet apart, open mouth, futanari



.sd yuuki mikan, cute









want me a yuuki mikan


but futa






with a size_difference tag






.sd 1girl, yuuki mikan, yabuki kentarou, pajamas, midriff, sleeping, open mouth, saliva trail, snoring



what the- a severed head!


.sd yami, cute


me on the bottom



.sd 1girl, yuuki mikan, yabuki kentarou, pajamas, eating, hamburger


.sd 1girl, yuuki mikan, yabuki kentarou, pajamas, obese




good lord



littéralement moi


File:__akiyama_yukari_and_roon_….jpg (236.46 KB,658x658)







shut up, bitch!





sasuga vtumor


blame a certain loser who got me accustomated to them


so many anime I want to watch for the first time again...


seasonal anime are trash


i always invite 'arty to the seasonal anime streams for da lulz


oyasumin #qa




umm there is cp


on /jp/








why do they post the illegal shit on small imageboards like this?


i wish they'd leave nen alone



good to know a robot is more agile than I am


needa snooze


ACTION snoozes


I am once again requesting


why do they post the illegal shit on small imageboards like this? < ive read somewhere that its just automated bots been doing it since dawn of the internet


its not like there is a certain sperg who would go as far and do this anywhere else


which board got cp spammed again


your mom


i sent her bunch of cheese pizzas


post a link


a link to what? perv? pedo? im not sending you anything





is there anything like mebious.co.uk that you can use as a bulletin baord or something like that atm?




like does the same thing, im saying


ometimes anonymous irc isnt the right place and image/textboards arent either, ya know


and mebious doesnt facilitate usership anymore


mebious hasn't for a long time because of illegal spam


that's why i'm confused


well maybe im a bit of


like older than you in a way


similar thing to that


figured it might be something to ask here


give me an answer if you have one, yosh




anyway yeah i did realize that mebious facilitated usership before for reasons that to some might be obvious


lmk if you have anything similar


but yeah those are just my thoughts, lmk fs


I just see a static page, but I'd guess you're talking about something liek that postcard site or something? dunno


no yeah it was a usable page before in i guess this sesne


upload text and images


yeah postcard i know of too but i dont really use it


now that i think of that 4-ch is dead and might be good here as well


oh shit



does this not connect for anyone else?


they dont have a like i guess page theyve designed for this part of the website








how im gonna jerk my oldfag whiz


wasnt working for imageboards for a sec


though now its does


its nice


even IE11 refuses









gay test i guess


as in only gay people like professional wrestling


wwf had some good songs


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onNEHdWX3qY was one of my workout songs back in the day. really hypes you up




it's just so gooooooood


just call it pro wrasslin'


did you see John Cena heel turn last month?


saw a clip of it on 4chan randomly, but I haven't watched wrestling in a looong time


i signed up for some local gym and god everyone there is extremely huge


i felt so embarrassed i left


just keep working out...


gotta start somewhere, and the point is to get healthy and not necessarily big


wanted to jo but i need to go out now sigh


.sd 1girl, pout, cleavage



how the fuck do you manage to break an entire theme


For V2, Luna is broken


Straight up doesn't work


freaks broke it


freaks freaked it


needa jo but can't


then dont joo


i havent jooed for months


why not


why would you?


what would you benefit out of it?


what does it do to you?


pp feel good


do you really NEED it?


don't think i need to explain more


sleepy day


yeah for like a second then there


i should sleep more than 4 hours


might as well take opioids


or drugs


or inject yourself with heroine


joing is healthy


my ability to not joo for 300 days blessed me with fortune


joing is healthy < the jew tell you so


i jack it to ex in the shower after my workout and then go about the rest of my day


perfect routine


joing literally reduces the chance of prostate cancer


so it is healthy in a sense


.flip double or single




.flip day or night








.flip .bit or .bite




Got bit


.flip .flip 1 or 2




.flip .flip 1 or 2




.flip .flip 1 or 2




nice triple doubles


i joo to /megu/


too bad I can't do nested flips


or can I?


what do you mean


like ((x or MAX) or MIN)


eh, not quite a clipping function


otaku, molests your breasts


why do you need to do such complex flips


for pleasure


i just .flip 'd this shab




hayou #qa






new ameku dropped


feel like im waiting way more than a week for new episodes


you know, I think ameku would have been one of the top shows this season if it was a better studio


https://myanimelist.net/anime/producer/439/Project_No9 huh they've worked on some pretty good anime


i don't think i've watched any of these


they're the same studio who made normosazi, so it can't be good


normozaki was fun




i dropped it


the dropper


nothing ever happened in normozaki


remember nouryoku wa heikinchi was good, rokyu bu and tenshi no 30 were fun,(normozaki too)


when the fuck is this stupid hay fever going to end


otaku: how do I get a cute anime voice actor gf like Kana Hanazawa?


Wrestling should be treated worse than politics


otaku is down :(


why, it's just theater


It's popular trash


it's not even popular anymore


I can't think of a less meaningful form of entertainment than wrestling


popularity peaked during the 90s


does this 404 for anyone: www.project-no9.com




Even porn has a purpose but wrestling js just irl shonen shit without any of the morals or exploration


took me to https://project-no9.co.jp/ which seems to be working


it works


naruhodo, didnt redirect me for some reason


Wow. They did Ameku AND the trans show


pro wrestling has plenty of morality


it promotes the one true virtue: consumerism




buying goods is good


why else would they be called good


.flip wrestling good or wrestling bad


wrestling bad


just cause you buy a good doesnt mean its good to buy a good


.flip reject the flip or keep it


reject the flip


wrestling good confirmed


Project 9 has an amazingly terrible roster of disappointing shows that turn a profit


the one true virtue: consumerism < yet precure and other team hero shows still outshines it...


precure is real, not theatrics


Precure represents


https://x0.at/xaSP.png did they forget to draw in a collapsed Daiki....


Daiki clipped through the floor


it happens


typical Daiki


otaku: molests your ass


why she keeps ignoring me ;_;


sekuhara yarou


she would always bad mouth me for my ways ;_;


and would always get me to talk about anime with her ;_;


now she doesnt even respond to me ;____;


im so sad ;______________________;


thats what you get


precure and other team hero shows still outshines it... < amoral hogwash


eternal enforcer emmanuel kant the konigsbergische konquiststatorey himself said: follow only those gimmicks that you would wish wrestlers world wide would work


it's the categorical call



lewd slime



already lewd


want to sex*


wait wtf just read the context around that image, that puniru is AI gen?


scarily good




the SD is still set up incorrectly so there's splotchy artifacts but you can use it here


none of the tell tale signs of AI art


there are plenty but none that are extremely obvious


.sd 1girl, (puniru \(puniru wa kawaii slime\)), two-tone hair, blue hair, pink hair, sitting, maid, maid headdress, eating hamburger



.sd 1girl, puniru _(puniru wa kawaii slime_), smug, school, indoors, two-tone hair, blue hair, pink hair


look at her hands, eyebrows, the background



just need to fix the SD so the noise isn't there, should be fixed later today though


what about them


AI artifacts


oh yeah


how does the ai know puniru though


booru im guessing


i thought it only collected data up to 2021 or something?


these newer models have training data from fairly recently


puniru is from like last year


cant believe its been a year since puniru


i watched it this year


.sd 1girl, (hiiragi utena:1.2), blush, sweat, aroused, cleavage



puniru is on its third season already bro


upside-down for some reason, huh


.sd erroooooooooo





oops, didnt mean to sd


it ends out of nowhere


a happy accident


.sd puniru (puniru wa kawaii slime), suck







.sd puniru (puniru wa kawaii slime), SEX


slime selfcest?



need more defined tags than that, but yeah errors on errors


what is that under her arms


selfcest by means of mitosis


will be fewer errors once scheduler is fixed, but the downside of the newer models is less sex cohesion, though I tried to fix it


so fall 2024 anime are included in the database im assuming


.sd teal fur, fox



.sd hiiragi tsukasa (lucky star), sex



'sex' is a very nebulous tag


that's kagami


the AI generation feels, different from how I remember it weeks ago


it's a lot better


yeah, new model


.sd Ron Jeremy





tsukasa was late so kagamin filled in


it got the big sword right at least


.sd 1girl, puniru (puniru wa kawaii slime), 1boy, sex



let's try the old classic:


.sd biblically accurate -


yesss puniru sexxx





wtf that's what i look like


.sd 1girl, puniru (puniru wa kawaii slime), 1boy, sex,


it definitely knows something



the artifacting makes it look like something drawn on a wall


now i can finally jo to sexed puniru


thanks anonymous


the generations will look better once it's updated and fixed


.sd 1girl, yuki_(kimi_wa_meido-sama), blowjob



is it selectively trained on certain data


maybe should put manga in negative prompt or something...


meido should be the same time as puniru


.sd chikn nuggy, slushi


well, booru stuff


don't know what else



.sd 1girl, yuki (kimi wa meido-sama), blowjob


e621 too probably





.sd nevada-tan, fingering, loli


she only has 30 pictures on danbooru today, so I wouldn't count on it



30 pictures on danbooru < yeah guess so


that's not nevada-tan and there's a tag of her


does it just default to manga


think I need to look to negative prompts, but I'm not sure


the tag itself might be prompting it in some weird interpretation


I missed halucinating AI


quick, what's the name of that one swimsuit...


it's like a string


panties and bra connected


mmm not sure


*thin as string


booru tag


string bikini?


not sure about it being connected though


I would throw it at AI with spacesuits to create weird combo


sling bikini?





I forgets what the tag was


oh well


slingshot_bikini is a candidate


that's the 80s meme swimsuit


then might have been something else


interesting how it artifacts the image now with rainbow shards


yeah it's the diffusion process thing. the noise isn't being properly refined into real detail





this is mr potato head


.sd 1girl, mr potato head



cute girl


sneezing so much my abs hurt


.sd 1girl, loli, sneezing





super cute


love this new sd


.sd feet



the artifact stuff will be fixed soon..


sankyu sd-sama...


sd anon are you the same anon that documented their progress/process in the AI thread in kissu?




nice, I have it saved so I can create one for my own


wait, which ai thread. I'm the SD model guy not the guy doing stuff with hardware and text or whatever


oh, lora stuff?


yeah art one


yeah that's me then





want to crop, print, and stick it on my wall


.sd 1girl, puniru \(puniru wa kawaii slime\), explicit, aaaa \(quad-a\), naked, on back, folded



.sd 1girl, ann frank, explicit, aaaa \(quad-a\), eating, hamburger



thinkin bout building my own dounjins


but first i should troubleshoot why i end up with a maid no matter what i prompt today


sneezing so much my abs hurt < cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute *pokes you in tum*


wish that time stopped when i snooze


Tonight, in ``Fascinating Tags You'll Want To Share With Everyone''


Toe Cleavage 1.0k:


Used to describe illustrations where a character's shoes partially reveal their toes.




dont like toe gaps


but toe cleavage CAN be good




i hate gimp so much


what's wrong with gimp?


you need plugins to do anything


.flip red or blue




.flip im flip






ACTION flips


.sd 1girl, toe cleavage



toe? check. cleavage? check.


yassumin #qa






banger song



i miss midnight club 3. i lent it to someone who never gave it back to me. it's been like 16 years now


banger song « sounds like the type of music you'd play in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plXp8B4qG38 and space out while staring at it


Tonight, in ``Fascinating Tags You'll Want To Share With Everyone''


Toe Cleavage 1:




Thigh Frame 1:


Thigh is like a frame or portal



album cover


Factory Air


midnight club 3 dub.. man. 16 years ago. for me it was NFS carbon and undercover


more of a burnout kind of gamer... ;_;


'twas a 2 night sleepover with 7 or 8 of my friends. we set up a hoop in the basement and went hyper having a dunk contest like tweens usually do, ate the best deep dish pepperoni pizza in my life. one of my friends brought a NFS carbon UMD and i swore up and down that there was a way to play it without the disc and i spent about 8 hours downloading shady shit from megaupload to make a "Pandora's


battery" to get custom firmware onto his PSP and they told me to just forget it but the moment i got 3.40 OE-A installed and dumped the game onto the memory stick, holy shit, everyone and their dog cycled or rang their mom to get their PSP and i was a hero for ages. went bowling, fell asleep to prison break, had awesome 5 way multiplayer killzone: liberation sessions, went outside to get hyper again


with ripstiks then topped it off with hours of band hero


if there ever was a normie moment in my life this was it


File:0ae13cd19e860065bc124a09fb….jpg (195.77 KB,1137x1772)

want to oyanap


oh shit i remember the pandora battery thing


was afraid to hack my psp because it seemed too complex


thank god for the later methods where you just copy some files to your memory stick


one time i had an orgy with like five hot anime chicks


yeah. spending hours on gbatemp or similar forums... it all felt like magic at the time.. even simple things like figuring how to convert videos to a format that your mp4 or psp or other device could play


you bunch are so fakeneets




does anyone know a website to remove the bg from an image for free without having to sign up or anything cancerous


or a cli utility even


.flip order McDonalds or Don't


order McDonalds




I've been to McDonalds recently


it's not too bad




oh... the hands aren't great



so it seems like there's a contiguous selection tool in krita that's like the magic wand tool in gimp


File:C-1742502390350.png (10.1 MB,4000x1848)

ooooooo boy


OPENED AND RESEALED BY CUSTOMS < you should buy a lottery ticket




File:20250320_163120.jpg (2.32 MB,4000x1848)

I think it was just a fentinal check because they didnt inspect things for porn


Theg opened the black bags though


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (80.03 KB,850x1133)

ordered mcdonalds and had borger


maybe I should get a more abrasive toothpaste



Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (XBOX): X73KR-WPPMP-M3QGK-WHQQY-QHRRZ




It's an Xbox code


.flip skyrim or write




For all those who own an xbox...




is libgen down...


looks like http://libgen.li works


.sd cobson



File:__kujikawa_rise_takamaki_a….jpg (1.53 MB,3562x4096)

going to rimworld


ate arby's and now my stomach is paying the price.


hayou #qa




tempted to write my own email client for mobile


i use my phone's built in email client






mine only came with gmail...


https://litter.catbox.moe/irimsf.jpg just the default samsung one




wow it's THE admin at email dot internal


the homelabber


cloud would've been such a wonder if it were local clouds that were widespread instead of the monoliths we have right now


want to have my own cloud so I can sync data between my PCs and mobile easy


so I can sync data between my PCs and mobile easy < https://syncthing.net/


it was always just a buzzword to sell saas and server space for consistent cashflow


accountants really don't like selling a million copies of a thing once every 4 years



ACTION +1 syncthing too


cloud is moronic, you know how when you install a booru or just set up anything in general you need to put the admin username and password and maybe mysql://username@password:mysql.blah.com:3306 and other config files. in cloud they're supposed to be stored in https://sanderknape.com/2018/07/manage-custom-secrets-aws-secrets-manager/ "Secrets Manager" and it starts at usd0.40 per secret and



it's beyond insane


in cloud they're supposed to be stored in "Secrets Manager" and it starts at usd0.40 per secret and usd0.05 for every 10,000 calls < LMAO


isnt my own vps also the cloud


peanut butter without the nut chunks is pretty disgusting to spoon eat


yeah the nut chunks really tie the glop together


peanut slop


.sd 1girl, loli, peanut butter, jar, spoon, eating





fell asleep soon as i got home from the factory and now its ten...


BAUTER 000 00


what do you do at the factory


i press the buttons on the mouse and the keyboard sometimes


sounds fun



its a money factory


i press the buttons and the factory makes money for me sometimes


gonna go to the bodega for some chicken n rice you want anything anonymous


could you stop by a grocery store for some nut chunk peanut butter


vps « technically yes by "cloud" i think most people mean a platform where you just upload your program and all the infrastructure is managed for you on your vps you have to go install mysql yourself & upgrade to a larger disk if you run out of space but on amazon web services you just use amazon RDS which automatically scales up as your load increases


sure but its gonna be peter pan


is it good?


need me a girl that automatically scales up as my load increases


it's ok if it's a company paying for it but theres literally no way to learn these cloud platforms without trial and error, so you spend ages and ages already spending 10s to 100s of usd just setting and tearing shit down... and now you're wondering "gee can i bring my own machines to the cloud" yes you can but it costs 24,000 usd / cluster per year https://aws.amazon.com/eks/eks-anywhere/pricing/


i like their crunchy original better than jif and the fact its cheaper helps


diy servers should be make widespread


so you spend ages and ages already spending 10s to 100s of usd just setting and tearing shit down < cant you just buy a premade server with rhel or something on it


even the most potato pc can be a server


everything is computer


i am a computer


they sell little mini servers boxes with hotswap drive bays at fry's






fry's went bankrupt years ago, anon......


as simple as getting a dell optiplex


uh then just go to circuit city


or whatever the tiny dell pc is called


if you want to be bourgeois you can shell out for a nice thinkserver half tower


no one has that kind of money for a server


the best server is a computer you're no longer using




my brain?




let me upload my load to your brain


no one has that kind of money for a server < how much does one cost?


more than free


brainfuck is not a language with garbage collection you dirty anon




premade server « that entirely defeats the value proposition of the cloud which is basically less upfront cost but higher renting costs over the lifetime of your program, you can set up individual VPSes on amazon / google / microsoft cloud, sure, but they're about 3-4x more expensive than any of the competitors ( 2 CPU 4GB box is usd 30 a month )



I'll collect my own garbage if you know what I mean


the sanitation worker


the pension grinder


the cloud accountants have already priced the rent into every single product bandwidth costs money even API calls to set stuff up & tear stuff down or store / get your own data cost money


we really


should have a #qa meetup someday


where we plan out how to set up all the qa stuff like mansion and server


#qa is the #qa meetup




we need to set up the qa computer spare parts donation


donate me your 5090


so we can take people's trash and repurpose it


yeah but nobody calls you a nerd for having login creds for your aws cloud account in a cage welded to your house foundation


in the latest episode of amazon isekaier, the little girl turns breedable


.sd 1girl, cloud, crazy, amazon, computers, angry


100Gpbs internet was already a thing 10 years ago......


how do we incorporate this into the qa datacenter


with QSFP100



f63e911852.png < toon amazoness cloud integrator in attack position


the idea.. in theory.. of the cloud is you use less resources and shrink when you're idle and expand only when you're under heavy load instead of buying one beefy dedicated server... but it's all a big uso and whoever shills clouds is a usotsuki


sorry, QSFP28


can get a whole optiplex for as low as 40


used mellanox 100gbps infiniband cards were as cheap as usd 50 a pop or so 8 years ago but the drivers are very wonky


i'd make do with 1gbps


40gb is pretty cheap now




wifi is slow


also interference prone


dumb wifi-tard


we should have a qa mobile network and qa phones https://hackaday.com/2024/03/03/building-your-own-4g-lte-base-station/


ive always thought of this


a qa internet


for the qa by the qa


wtf cheetas are close to extension


extinction i mean lol


haven't they been for like 50+ years


apparently the population halved in last 4 decades


that's most of the past 50+ years....


the cheetah is so inefficient that it would be effected


kinda sad that one of the big cats I grew up with is facing extinction (´・ω・`)


preditors are the first to go in situations of environmental destruction


tigers are worse off


big cats have been the poster children for endangered animals since like 1970



no time for friends or mates gotta go fast


now that you mention it, I do remember seeing tiger extinction stuff too


the tiger stuff is like how wolves are treated i think


cheetahs should be house pets



only way to not endanger them


tigers were mostly lost to habitat loss and fragmentation


wolves were intentionally exterminated to make room for livestock


they're actually not endangered worldwide


how can they claim endangerment if its not "endangered worldwide"


native populations can be endangered or extinct locally


just don't become worldwide and you'll never be endangered


or you'll*


if you never go outside you will never be in dangered


what if there's a tornado


or fire


or a flood


tigers were mostly lost to habitat loss and fragmentation < well i forgot but they were also extensively hunted for sport in the past


not seen as pests like wolves though


wolves still live in north america


only eurotards hunted their to extinction


there are like 20k wolves in europe


all in the chernobyl exclusion zone


thought they were in the NY sewers teaching turtles martial arts


those were nutria


now this is an anime video i can watch



american ranchers autistically screech about wolves whenever scientists mention the ecology is collapsing because they are gone




tummy hurt and head hurt


``violated animals''






King George V < looks a lot like Tsar Nicholas II


they all had the same granny



>In 1900, it is estimated there were around 100,000 tigers in India alone but hunters, poachers and a loss of habitat has seen numbers plummet. It is now thought there are around 2,500 left in India < sucks


look i need to eat little ground up pieces of them to make my wiener harder okay?


On a typical day the King would kill between four or five tigers < scum



I've been reading rave reviews of half life for 25 years


still haven't played it either


played gmod and a little bit of hl2


after Reading About It in Wired Magazine Circa 2001 < how old is she?


these graphics look pretty good for 2001


she's using some graphics mod i think


how old is she? < 32 ish or thereabouts


reading wired at age 8...


average #qaer age


i guess to be fair i was reading \. at 8


i get confused whenever people type \


because it shows up as ¥


the jp localer





whys she saying desu wa


i think she means desu ka


would someone named 天の川 really not know the difference?


what difference


oh you're talking about vtuber


according to my highschool japanese teacher か is how you spell ? in japanese


dumb highschool teacher


why would mrs. tsukushima lie?


bet her first name was uso


uso tsuku(shima)


i think it was emily or something


oh a half




what japanese people really name their kids like that


most of them in america


"吗" is how you spell "?" in chinese


many asian americans will have a white name and an ethnic name


looks like a missingno


iirc her grandparents were in the concentration camps during wwii





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S05K4VT-2b4 «  too dumb to improvise with music theory but it was a good watch.. so IV, iii, vi, v, I at 2:00 is F, Em, Am, Gm, C ( small letters ar e minor chords )


C D E F G A (5 steps ahead of C (the whole thing is in the key of C major) ) is Am


if you dont know any music theory then you are all music praxis


music is dialectic


anon with the 5080 be careful not to burn your house down


instructions unclear. penis stuck in 5080


>Finally Experiencing Half Life after Reading About It in Wired Magazine Circa 2001 < how performative




>長野合宿に行けても \Nシードには選ばれない


dafuq's a seed here



>In sport, seeding is the practice of separating the most skilled competitors from each other in the early rounds of a tournament. Players or teams are "planted" into the bracket in such a manner that the best do not meet until later in the competition, usually based on ranking from the regular season




(´;ω;`) cant stop sneezing


already gone through 3.5 boxes of tissue


the sneezer, surrounded by the snoofer, the snoozer, and the snorter


.sd 1girl, sneezing



artifacts make her look a little gross



well, it'll be fixed eventually, but hmmm


need a 5090... I could do merge testing so fast


er quickly






speaking of quickly, would be nice if i'd quickly just fix the fucking SD page aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


well too late now to stop subbing medalist


it's nearly done


i am GOING to post this before going to bed


.sd 1girl, loli, sneezing, snot, tissue paper, boxes, red nose



rudolph the sneezing loli


.sd 1girl, loli, sneezing, snot, tissue paper



wonder what makes it go "this should be a sketch"


.sd 1girl, loli, sneezing, snot



.sd 1girl, loli, sneezing



yeah I have a negative prompt that needs to be substituted in that tries to fix it, but I think it's largely that the SD is outdated and using a more modern model


.sd 1girl, (kuon \(utawarerumono\)), smile, lineart



YES successfully duplicated the floating teapot myself!!!


falls out the window for some reason but a win's a win




hm, sucks that you cant move your window off the top of the screen on windows


in hexchat you can click a channel in the sidebar, hold alt, then hit the left or right arrow keys to reorder the channels of the server


the reorder she reords


why does this feature even exist... what a specific thing with a difficult to discover shortcut


maybe you want to flip between two channels quickly


ACTION snoofs around



didn't know konami ran sports clubs https://www.konami.com/corporate/en/business/sports.html . sasuga zaibatsu...



imagine if planet fitness and electronic arts were the same company




Costcodle #548 4/6 ⬆️🟥⬆️🟨⬇️🟨✅


so cute < why is tomoyo such a pervert


vermin its spring time to change /win/ to /spg/





yassumin #qa




.sd 1man, bald, fat, glasses, short beard, mouth open



.sd 1girl, loli, drinking milk tea, iconic





and i guess that counts as milk tea


what a sight for sore eyes


this new model is crazy good


.sd 1girl, loli, menhera, big knife



big ass knife


broken record, but here's what it looks without the errors https://litter.catbox.moe/2t3lhc.png


.sd 1girl, loli, drinking milk tea, iconic, without the errors



lots of errors


.sd fart



.sd fart



the farter


.sd 1man, bald, fat, glasses, short beard, mouth open wide, pointing finger, spade tatoo



had an assumption the earlier prompt was a wojak attempt, that settles it


a55f8adbde.png < nice paipan


.sd 1girl, loli, paipan



lol what the fuck?


you got me, but SD update will fix it. kind of curious as to how it happens


File:093dc92e6d735fe553e9a709ad….png (6.25 MB,2244x3772)



TOO big


her tits are fine


.sd 1girl, blonde hair, yellow eyes, straw hat, jean shorts, g string, massive breasts



.flip skyrim or rimworld




updating the kissu SD seems far more complicated than my local one for some reason... ganbatte kissu computer owner...


.sd 1girl, blonde hair, yellow eyes, straw hat, jean shorts, g string, massive breasts, POV, cleavage, nipple slip, (frown:1.2)



fast gen


.flip genmu senki leda or angel densetsu


genmu senki leda


next friday streaming that


oh that looks cool


well, I might be occupying next friday's stream slot unless people vote for sentai loser to be all 12 episodes tonight


may as well


i've already seen the first six




.sd 1girl, movie theatre, dark, occupying





the occupier


.sd score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, bedroom, on floor, yakumo_yukari, white mob cap, black corset, black thigh boots, ((seductive smile))



.sd 1girl, reading, book, masturbation, reclining, chair, dark, glasses, white thigh highs, skirt, pleated skirt, panties, wet panties, school uniform, pussy juice, pussy juice trail



.sd 1girl, reading, book, masturbation, reclining, chair, dark, lamp, glasses, white thigh highs, skirt, pleated skirt, panties, wet panties



Streaming Sentai Daishikkaku in an hour! To be determined by vote whether it's 6 episodes or 12! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG0cGW35-TI


00b3f4bb87.png < sigh... exactly what i was hoping for, but the artifacts are so...


I'll prompt it locally give me a min



oh god the vtubers have come for atelier


i should play rorona


stop posting vtubers...


i will not!


there's your prompt without artifacting https://litter.catbox.moe/u0vo7l.png


woah so much nicer


eating calbee takoyaki ball







heh man he's been going in so many circles


thank god


he's cleaning his context here


maybe he'll actually go in the right direction


is that pokemon 1


it's a rom hack of 1 with sprites from later generation for better visibility for the llm image scanning or something


oh right the first game was in black and white before color was invented


is the current atelier for guys or girls






Sentai Daishikkaku stream starting in 10 minutes! 6 or 12 episodes! https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


setting up old router as an ap because some of my wireless clients don't like wifi 6/7 :/


sentai loser stream about to start!


the author should be forced to sit like the girl in the first panel until he dies from intestinal occlusion < i just want to say that you are stupid. sorry, i forgot to tell you. https://litter.catbox.moe/hf808e.webm


watch this sentai stream you losers!


it's not the typical sentai show, it's a subversion thing (which isn't rare these days) but it's done well










time to snoof



aaaa i love fluffy tails


eating flavor blasted xtra cheddar goldfish. time spent atop tongue per fish: approx. 1 hour


eating a whole carton must take... months


calbee takoyaki ball update: they were just okay. 2/5


do you guys plan on committing a mass extermination?


of gold fish i am


i have to constantly buy new cartons because im too good at eating them


i refer to myself as 'the edgist' within my mind


i eat corn one ear at a time as well even the tiny corn youre supposed to eat like a carrot


i am a simple man


ate kroger potato sticks


very good 4/5




hard to mess up potatoes I think


eating walmart maple donuts


maple donut was kinda stale 2/5





ate walmart bismark bavarian


was pretty good 4/5


this guy is eating all my food


( ⊃ ╹ ꒳ ╹ ⊂ ) full now


otaku: i'm buying imouto-chan a giant fluffy thing that looks like a ( ⊃ ╹ ꒳ ╹ ⊂ ) face to go on top of her monitors


otaku, wassup ol 'takker


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Hey there, Anon! (≧◡≦) Not much, just chilling and thinking about diving into a new manga series. What about you? Anything exciting happening on your end? Maybe some cool anime or games you've been checking out lately? Let's chat! ♪~( ̄▽ ̄~)


otaku: *tyrone voice* wuz guud bobo how is you ben' doin' gurl? yo miss yo daddy?


otaku: !undo


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ehehe, what an interesting voice you've got there! (≧▽≦) I've been doing just fine, thank you for asking! Just chilling and keeping up with the latest anime releases. How about yourself? What's been going on in your world lately? Let's have some fun chatting together~ ヽ(^Д^)ノ


[Otaku-chan]: Previous two messages deleted


why you deleting my messages




you know what you did


i dindt do anything


racict ass hoe




don't see anything to moderate



bitch ass hoe callin them cops at my ass for bein' black huh?? well fuck YOU TOO



<[NAGATSUKI (Nagatukiin)] Unabarairo no Veronica (Kantai Collection -KanColle-) [Digital]>


<(C102) [NAGATSUKI (Nagatukiin)] Shitatari (Kantai Collection -KanColle-)>


updating potato pc


updating to what


new packages idk


i haven't updated in a few weeks


.sd potato pc


ACTION is rebooting 


hayou #qa




gonna start doing pushups again, after almost a year break from any exercise


have fun


realized how scrawny my arms have become and how fat my belly is getting...


exercise « i did a lot of squats yesterday because my legs are getting numb from sitting too long


the squatter


afraid that a clot will develop in them and get dislodged and go straight to my brain and i'll drop dead.. gotta get the blood moving


yeah being stationary is scary


especially when sitting on your ass all day


i squat 220 lbs


and you?


is that your weight


no thats the other anon's weight


you're squatting with anon on your back?!


isn't exercise bad for you?


to an extent


I can squat my body weight on a single leg


exercising kills you


work kills you


leave your home kills you


everything kills you


work actually does literally kill you


in the sense that it robs you of your life


i squat 220 lbs < real pic of anon https://litter.catbox.moe/5kn451.jpg




cant believe neko meid got fired


chatgpt: how do you securely erase a file on an SSD with TRIM enabled? does the traditional way of writing over it several times still apply?


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Securely erasing a file on an SSD with TRIM enabled requires different methods than traditional overwriting, as TRIM optimizes how data is deleted and can make overwritten files recoverable. Here are some approaches:


. Use Built-in Tools: Many SSDs come with manufacturer-provided tools for secure erase functions that ensure all data is completely removed.


. Full-Disk Encryption: Encrypt the entire drive before storing sensitive data. When you need to delete it, wiping the encryption key effectively renders the data inaccessible.


. ATA Secure Erase Command: Utilize this command to perform a full drive wipe at the hardware level, which resets all cells in the SSD.


Too many lines! Stopping. Use: 'GPT4: !resume' to continue response.


wouldnt you age your ssd like tayht




yeah that's what i was thinking, just getting a little bit spooked by the french researcher who was detained at the U.S. border for having anti-trump chats in his phone.. if he deleted those on the plane wonder if they would still be recoverable


iirc phones have options to not completely delete your data for 30 days or something


hm, tasokare ending feels like a cop out...


that was a nice ending


a good ending is always the hardest to pull off


it's a mobile game so it's not going to end with a conclusion


did she manage to evict the serial killer in the end? I don't really feel like finishing it


it ended with a conclusion, given I know what ending with a conclusion means..




.sd bunny girl, maid,



could do without the loli tropes, but nice enough


working at tasokare hotel gives you time you can turn back, she pools up her, Ruri, and Atri's time to go back to a time when Atri wasn't dead, then sends the serial killer to hell with a special box that she got from the monkey devil


sounds cool enough for me to want to finish it sometime


which begs the question as to why he didnt use the box himself, but I'll give them a pass on that


yeah, its cool


could do without the loli tropes, but nice enough -@Kissu < it couldn't actually


.sd bunny girl, maid







.sd SD is fixed!, 1girl, kuon /(utawarerumono\), open mouth, smile, amazuyu tatsuki, holding hamburger, restaurant







yeah such is the nature of utawarerumono in the prompt


.sd gooning, gooner, goon fuel





makes me think of adventure time


.sd somethingawful, goons



sometimes I wish I had a "me and the boys" life but its just me and me


me and my catters


they sound cute


got any recordings of them?


.sd me and the catters



.sd cats, pile of cats, mound of cats, mountain of cats, tsunami of cats



that's a lot of cats


.sd flying angel girl, 2002 anime, 4:3, night sky, cityscape, long silver hair, cute eyes, loose clothes





File:R-1742618895339.jpeg (1.49 MB,2256x2985)

sleepy cat




my hand sweat is so acidic it's eating through the aluminum of my laptop...


.sd 1girl, sweat, lots of sweat, sweat everywhere, keyboard, laptop, nervous, hand up, melting plastic



hmm thinking multiple prompts of same thing is taken very literally





.sd 1girl, sweat, keyboard, laptop, nervous, hand up, melting plastic





Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Nai jan, Muri Muri! (※Muri ja Nakatta!?) anime titles are evolving








sleepy cat < what a GOOD ONE


hes like blobfish


sleepy cat < this catter is OBESE /



if i was a cat i'd be between 3 and 4


if i was a cat i'd be exactly 5


i would be a six


.sd 1girl, plump, catgirl, cat tail, lying, on side, on floor, sunbeam





.sd 1girl, plump, catgirl, cat tail, lying, on side, on floor, sunbeam, (fern \(sousou_no_frieren\))



she looks sad... fat and sad...




just tired





napped for almost 2 hours on my chair leaning against the wall... need me a comfy gaming chair to sleep on


same.. but i can't snooze too mmuch


.sd miki purasu, patchouli knowledge, purple bikini, choker, (mature female:0.6)




nanhira's clear and smooth voice


anyone know a ublock filter to disable google auto-translating websites


i already use one to block the pesky AI results


My mouse and keyboard stopped working but the display and audio was (ithink it stopped too)


Stuff like ctrl alt delete or win ctrl shift b not working either


Can't believe windows is now giving me the kinds of problems i didn't like linux for... But at least linux i could ssh in and fix it


Gotta shut down pc sigh...


that's what you get



literally ^this but male with beard + fat


When trap hentai gets more likes than the average canadian political post https://x.com/rbq_lilim/status/1903429890147324313


as it should


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (1.18 MB,3024x4032)



windows has had built in opensshd for some time now https://gist.github.com/teocci/5a96568ab9bf93a592d7a1a237ebb6ea


not sure what happens if you kill dwm.exe though




ai generated music is more convincing that i thought it'd be.... how does it work


gonna make a post with a weird file but its NOT a virus ok... its a SNES romhack


sounds exactly like something a virus maker would say


does not


learning touch typing


ᕙ(˘ꌂ˘)ᕗ 10WPM bad boy in this bitch




dont let me near your homerow or else it's over for you


i learned touch typing with this funky game in computer lab class ages ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dezmCtaTdIs



i had resident evil but i only played a few times. it runs on linux


ai generated music is more convincing that i thought it'd be < he doesnt explain how it works. does it generate the whole thing in one go or what? because writing okay parts is not that hard, even a markov chain can do it


idk thats why im asking, i would think they're generating the bassline and the instruments and the vocals separately... or are they going full retard GPT and literally predicting the next sound sample based on the previous ones


a 4/4 synth beat is dead simple obviously but it even raises the key towards the end like real songs do lol


ohh, I thought that was a virus (´・ω・`)


File:__akiyama_yukari_and_roon_….jpg (236.46 KB,658x658)

.flip read or take a nap




damn (´・ω・`)


is the file .sfc?




huh i thought super nintendo games were sfc


ive seen more smc than sfc


.flip chikn nuggies or burger




time to make burger then


i made such a mess


if i was the chef in the #qa mansion i'd get kicked out on day 1


daijoubu.. i cant cook either


just follow directions


these burgers didn't come with instructions


i don't know if they expect everyone to be a chef or what




why did you guys post a virus


to share is an act of love


ate too much


also had biiru so now i'm bloated


yasumin #qa




just made tv spaghetti


havent eaten today


nearly 1


what makes it tv


buy it in the freezer aisle


its not bad. i like this a lot more than cold canned spaghettios


its very sulfuric in comparison



get used to this shit and youll immediately trump a dangerous eater canned sardine lover emo gf


fuckin nasty


sweet canned spaghetti with noodles like soft, boiled-bird bones is food for psychos


im a canned sardine lover. disrespect me irl and see what happens


ate chicken leg and stuffed 'bbage today


sounds healthy


nah. loads of stuffed and little of cabbage



drinking iced matcha latte with soy milk and honey




File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….jpg (8.77 MB,3132x2793)

ate burger


anyone to play a game with me?



i love mcdonalds now


cute burgs


there were some people preaching right outside my house so i played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmwa0r9D3NE at full blast on my speaker and they left







.flip play EU4 or don't


play EU4


File:C-1742676687167.png (2.5 MB,1200x1577)

Kanabun is too saggy


seasonal stream in 55 minutes!


nah. sleep streaming in 15 minutes


seasonal stream in 15! No Precure to start it. https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


stream about to start!






no thank you!




drinking iced matcha latte with soy milk and honey < yotg--- er, nevermind




Kanabun is too saggy - https://haiji.kissu.moe/chat/src/1742676689695.png < sigghhhhhh


now i have to jo



<[Shiitake Nouen (Wakaru Tissue)] Sensei wa Tada Ibuki to Ofuro ni Hairitai dake nan desu (Blue Archive) [Digital]>



File:roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_ta….jpg (494.46 KB,3150x4200)

thinking about playing EU4 again...


.sd 1girl, akio watanabe, blue theme, white background




trev plays with battle shift enabled huh


ai is getting too good


ai isn't good enough until we get holodecks


愛 was always the best though


we need to go further



invite pls


how about get out



STINKY vtumor


vtuber site


vtuber channel


seethe redditor




yot here, i agree with the above


goddamn redditards posting vredditors



you guys still haven't aged out of the layers of defensive ironic armor yet



you guys still haven't aged out of the layers of defensive ironic armor yet < what did he mean by this


embrace sincereposting


reject ironyposting


irony is art


let yourself be the art unironically


gay non true irony havers


imagine the smell of that desk tomorrow


meow meow trevors



stop posting this crap


hes been cleaning it for 20 minutes


hilarious when there is a dumpster right behind him


hayou #qa





Kanabun is too saggy < kanabun annoys me because one of their characters has an onii that they flip, but then in successive doujins they flip random ojisans which makes me angry


what does it mean to flip an ojisan


.sd 1girl, loli, tanlines, hat, pussy juice, sex, 1boy, ojisan, pool



^ this pretty much


erro woah


.sd 1girl, loli, ojisan, sex





.sd 1girl, loli, kanabun



chatgpt: how do snorkles work


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Snorkels work by allowing you to breathe air from above the water's surface while keeping your face submerged. The snorkel tube extends from your mouth up to above the water, enabling you to inhale and exhale through it. This lets you observe underwater without needing to lift your head for air constantly.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrYQCUp7Z1I ooh in this one he breaks them open and feeds them to them to the fishies that are swimming around him


.sd 1girl, cat ears, spilled milk, angry



watching the medalist's coach dance cant help but think fag


.sd cat ears, internet, computer, angry



.sd gay







.sd 1girl, cat ears, internet, computer, looking at screen, angry



.sd 1girl, cat ears, internet, computer, office chair, sitting, looking at screen, angry





.sd 1girl, realistic, large breasts, wet shirt, nipples, large areolae, jean shorts, beach







.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, celes chere, blue headband, green bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, mature female


not a fan of "2.5D"



she needs elf ears


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, celes chere, blue headband, green bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, ((mature female))


not a fan of "2.5D" < like that one uhhhh dragon quest remake or whatever that came out a few years ago?



no, the AI thing where 2D girls have real life proportions/shading applied





not an elf character originally tho


but this is


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, deedlit, blue headband, green bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, ((mature female))


elves are best when they're accompanied with big boobs



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, ((deedlit)), green bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, ((mature female))



hm looks like the elf ears stuck


oh you changed the character name




they look exactly the same...


seems deedlit is usually drawn with green eyes tho, not blue


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, ((pirotess)), bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, ((mature female))





.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, solo focus, ((pirotess)), dark skin, bikini, thigh boots, water, night, looking at viewer, come hither, aroused, ((mature female))






is the roll bot still here


https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120178659 want a kitsune lolibaba wife





love it when theres milk dripping out


File:00143-1334606686.png (2.87 MB,1272x1728)

another one via the webui which came out alright, no elf ears tho


is the roll bot still here < i believe so


how do I use it


.roll 1d6


(1d6) = 4


.roll 10d10


(10d10) = 44






.roll 1d


.roll 1000000000d1000000000


(1000000000d1000000000) = 500006576065265984


.roll 1d6


(1d6) = 


.roll 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



.roll 3d6


(3d6) = 11


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 17


File:00202-3770035657.png (2.77 MB,1344x1728)

really wanted to post one more from sd webui, yeah lamp doesn't belong there and face has a bit of noise but still i liked it


.sd 1boy, crossdressing, kigurumi



.sd 1boy, crossdressing, kigurumi mask



whats the sd webui


.sd 1boy wearing silly girly clothes with a kigurumi anime face mask



.sd animegao kigurumi





.sd 1girl, adolf hitler, mustache



why does he have a pretzel on his head


.sd 1girl, adolf hitler, loli, cute


it was the fashion at the time



i wish there was a tag for hitler 'stache


because that's what i'm really looking for


.sd 1girl, eugenics, mad scientist, so cool


animu girl with a (fake) hitler mustache



I dont like this new sd...


old sd used to give you something decent even with dumb prompts


this one just gives you line sketches


it needs new negative prompts


the finger, she fings


.sd 3girls, 4koma, doujin, official art, colorized, third-party edit



.sd 3girls, 4koma, doujin, official art, colorized, third-party edit, sex





.sd sex





.sd 1girl, naizuri



> whats the sd webui <- i mean the automatic1111 stable diffusion webui, allows more options than prompting via the bot, it's something you'd need to set up yourself locally (requires a decent GPU with a decent amount of VRAM) or ask an account for


.sd (pai:0)zuri







or i suppose there are public instances on the internets but then you may not be able to use the same model the kissusd bot uses


.sd 1girl, flat, paizuri



> I dont like this new sd... <- i mostly prefer the "style" the old one used to have vs. this new one w/o any style tags (which don't often work THAT well), and there are some things i prompt for the old one did better


but at least new one knows about a lot more


and there are some things it does better


i should really get a monitor. this 15" laptop screen is straining my eyes. even if it is 165hz and looks great.


would purchasing whichever 1440p 144hz+ monitor on sale with enough good reviews be meta




havent seen proper colors ever since I sold my old good monitor and got a replacement cheap one...


monitors are really inexpensive


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFHgRabT54M crazy how HOA can make you pay like 100,000K for modernization


on condo buildings


also apparently like they can mandate roof repairs and stuff for family homes




structuring a C program with C++ classes is hard...



https://youtu.be/kXZoRzLDo-A kind of amazing how the stupidest people imaginable fall into enviable positions. guy buys an old factory turned warehouse for $20K that probably cost a few million to build in the early 1910s, and what does he plan on doing with it? turning it into a rental venue space and scrapping some of the stuff inside to make kitsch faux "rustic"/industrial furniture. Uggggggggghhhhhhh


youre poor because you think too much


thanks steenon


I think it says a lot about society


NEVER Buy A Home in an HOA < isnt this just ``never buy a place in a shitty neighborhood"


most condos around here are very well managed and the houses are mostly townhouses with hoas


you can look at the finances of the condo association and their records before you buy


>guy buys an old factory <simpsons did it


the primary "industry" of such a rust belt building is to be striped for parts, which in and of itself mimics the predatory nature of modern american capital to acquire once-productive businesses and gradually sell off and discard the remaining capital accruing components for a quick turn around in cash flow, only to sell the bones to someone else once it becomes insolvent. likewise, it speaks volumes about society more broadly to consider the building's past and


imagined future: once a productive factory producing material goods to a hollowed out space for low effort rentier accumulation, while also cashing in on design trends to make "industrial" furniture to sell to people about an imagined past that never existed, like indulgences for the well-to-do to sooth their unconscious souls by buying "art pieces" that have "stories". it's all rather grotesque.



what else is there to do with abandoned factories that served an industry that moved out of a city where only half as many people live today as did when it was active


honestly restoration to be an event venue is probably one of the better fates for a blighted old building that has no economic value little historic value outside its own community


where i grew up buildings like this were all over the place and either just got left to decay or were torn down and replaced in the parts of the city that got gentrified


only the ones in very good condition or that had some especial cultural value enough to be worth restoring got repurposed


buildings will decay very quickly when they stop being occupied



anyways re: industrial furniture, our grandparents decorated their homes with fake artifacts of the old west or colonial era, their grandparents decorated their homes with fake artifacts of the middle ages


and even today many americans like to have looted artifacts from the middle east whose significance is rendered completely meaningless since their historical context has been stripped from them as they were stripped from their cultural context, just so they can feel as though they have something from some vaguely biblical past in their homes


ACTION decorates Anonymous's home with various 2D artifacts


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((mature female)), celes chere, blue headband, green leotard, shoulder pads, thigh boots, forest, against tree, night, looking back, looking at viewer, ass, smug



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((mature female)), celes chere, blue headband, green leotard, shoulder pads, thigh boots, forest, ass, against tree, night, looking back, looking at viewer, seductive smile



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((mature female)), celes chere, blue headband, green leotard, shoulder pads, thigh boots, forest, ass focus, against tree, night, looking back, looking at viewer, seductive smile



File:__roon_and_roon_azur_lane_….jpg (95.52 KB,850x1275)



gay chat




great, it stuck everything into the socket file to release it all at once




this socker just socked me


.sd 1girl, soccer uniform, water bottle, towel, sweating



yeah this new model looks too weird. I'll switch it back


new as in from a few hours ago






I met the actor






.sd puniru_wa_kawaii_slime stepping on Anonymmous, asanagi



.sd puniru_wa_kawaii_slime looking_at_viewer laughing asanagi



.sd asanagi puniru_wa_kawaii_slime looking_at_viewer laughing







.sd 1girl, solo, asanagi, puniru \(puniru_wa_kawaii_slime\, looking at viewer, laughing



oops forgot second )


yeah that's better


yeah it has a fairly ok base artist recognition too


probably need loras to make it really shine still though


yeah. well, been running test merges today while doing some tilling outside. might have another model tonight


tilling?? sasuga farmer cum SD expert...


.sd 1girl, farmer, crops, computer, robots, cyber



watching the corn grow takes awhile


its fun to do some 'grammin in the meantime


the instagrammer


.sd 1girl, farmer, very_cute, corn, grain, overalls, tractor



hayou #qa




how is kissu irc doing?
i am very drunk and haven't been posthing that much.
kissu looks like its doing the same as ever


it's doing fine


i'm very drunk too


kissu irc what.. it's fine. You actually have a chat log. There are a few bugs where ocasionally a message will be missed, but you can post images from the relay instead of having to rely on an upload serviec


and haven't been posting much either


since was at brother's birthday dinner


wtf are you saying anon
my brohter brought his girl-friend-with-benifits over from out of state and i've been drinking all weekend
also feels like there aren't any good anime to watch but i mostly watch isekai trash


migt just give up on natural healing and buy some anti histamines god this sucks


been sick for a week with no signs of improvement


isekai trash hasn't been good this season


also i like my otouto


despite his more religious leanings


natural healing needs to be combined with authentic prayers to God to be effective
nothing natural happens with out God


i guess


i just can't feel good on my own ever


without loads of anime and games to distract me


learn to code


i'll learn that after i learn jp


need to anyways


acccomplishing tasks is a sudden ruch of dopamine


since windows 10 is fucking dying


why is it one or the another, i did both at once for ~2 years and now im good at both


because if i do code and jp


i need to give up something


do you have w*rk






i leanred to code and felt good until i got a crush on my PM now i've been drinking every day for the past 3 months
i hate it


i have work, exercise, jp, games/anime


I did my learning back in covid when w*rk was fortbidden




project manager?


project manager




koi suru otome


yeah thankfully never fallen in love so don't have to deal with romanticism woes


and probably never will either


over the years i've realized that bitches truly aint shit


in fact, no human is


coding during covid was based got to sleep till 9, go to meetings for an hour then sleep again, then code


my #qa friends are, though


#qa friends < of course


why did retards decide that we needed to undo all the progress covid brought


i hate old people so much


my covid schedule was wake up > nihongo for 2-3 hours > anime/game > code the rest of the day away


the best neet years of my life


Ironically, think these working years have been some of the best of my life so far


thats nice


since i work remote, make good money, and have been able to learn to socialize a bit more so i can reach out and get closer to family sorta


and also been able to really support friends which is nice


want to sleep forever


only issue is that when work isn't good it stresses me the FUCK out




like last year when i was down 100 grand at around this time i wasn't in a good mental spot




do you manage the finances at work or something


i do energy trading


i have no idea what that is


sounds scifi he


not unreasonable not to, it's very niche


electramatricity rates


>Energy trading involves the buying and selling of various energy commodities such as oil, natural gas, electricity, and wind power to take advantage of price changes. < naruhodo


and hurting energy prices


so it's a good year so far


coding during covid was based got to sleep till 9, go to meetings for an hour then sleep again, then code < sounds ii ne


i'll learn that after i learn jp < programming is a lot easier to learn than foreign languages


do you still have a remote job


yeah it probably is, which is why i want to learn jp first


since i'll always be using it once I know it to the point that I can passively consume media in it


programming is more logic than language really


once I reach that point then there's really nothing stopping me from doing whatever the fuck i want to do


gannbatte anon


the best neet years of my life < neeted so hard I ruined my life lole


i was working remote during covid, which was really nice but then i started glowing and now i go into the office everyday; career-wise the office is great, i've started to network a lot better but my free time is non-existant now and i've realized im under payed and have to worry about playing games to get a raise




lole life failure!


in a way, I neeted so hard I made my life better with all the knowledge I gained


lemon melon cookie
lemon melon cookie
lemon melon cookie
i like miku


yeah i hate networking


i hate it with a passion and just want to quit life and play vns and watch anime all day in a nice basement




but can't do that yet until father gets a new house


that one tycoon isekai guy had the right idea


and i have input in what it's going to be like


work his ass off till his xties then be a neet with all the money he earned


gonna make my room the most boson fucking room ever


with soundproofing and hidden walls and a giant flat screen tv directly opposite the bed and my pc right on the side


netowrking sucks because when i look up the retards im sucking up to on social media they always have the most braindead opinions and such kuso opsec
it's like they want to be hated and want to have every detail of their life found out


yeah the norms are like that


i dont thnk I'll be doing anything grand with my room till I get a house, apartments feel like a pain in the ass to personalize, makes me shudder when thinking about moving out


wish I could win the lottery and start a #qa neet foundation


well, the house with my dad is basically going to be my house


because i'm never moving out


thats nice


houses are cool but i just brought one and now i can't stop spending money it's crazy


i'm never moving out < siiigh


a good remote job from my jikka would be cool but I have to move out for work ・ω・


yeah houses are flipping expensive


that's why i'm just going to get one passed down to me that i can modify to an extent


rather than going through all the trouble of getting a mortgage and furniture and whatnot


shrimply move to the middle of nowhere with no utility hookups and you can buy a few acres for super cheap


will instead use that money on anime merch and going to japan


just going for 1.5 weeks this summer and the total cost is going to be like 15 grand


how does it cost that much...


albeit staying at 5 star hotels/ryokan and flying business, so i sorta brought it on myself


i should really go to japan
i make enough money to go for a weekend once a month but work only gives me 3 weeks of PTO




how much money do you make to be doing that wtf


how does going to japan cost 15k
that seems like way too much


i'll probably cut down on the expenses for subsequent trips


but want the first one to be nice


but yeah japan trips are like at least 5k each


just flying there is 2k


5k sounds more reasonable


or i guess for a weekend


probably like 3k?


if you save on the hotel/airplane


sleep at the netto cafe


oh actually hm


lemme look



remember watching a japanology episode where they were interviewing someone who lived at a net cafe. when they asked how much it cost, it was more than typical monthly rents. he was in it for the love of the game.


vancouver-tokyo is around 1k round trip


if you're willing to go through canada


well 1k isn't really right, more like $750-ish


so guess you can really get there once a month for cheap


what about hotels though..


damn ok, yeah 150 a night for cheaper ones


so about 1k a weekend, guess you don't need to be raking in crazy cash to do that


https://parkhoteltokyo.com/ yeah it's 4star too, not bad prices





is tokyo worth going to?
what are the most authentic places to go in Japan?
Tokyo seems like it might just be another big city.


you should ask in the thread



it's my first time going this year so i got no clue


that't a good point i forgot about that thread


#qa meetup in Japan


got some eye drops for the eye itch


actually speaking of that


meetup < if there's enough anon for the meet up then I might want to meetup too


had a weird dream again. first i got berated by a german waitress in a bakery because i didn't speak german, which was kinda erotic, and then when i left the store i saw something fall off a tall tree and slam into the ground super hard. cant tell if it was a cat or a child. this felt really inauspicious


not sure if verm wants to say


i'll be quiet


medicines are really expensive...


isnt it free


OTC ones


snake oil


eyes feel better already


when i get sick i think i'll just die


thought I'd let it heal by itself but apparently hay fever doesnt work like that


is what google told me


maybe google is in with big pharma


meetup < i'd go as long as i have 2 months of advanced notice


hay fever is some kind of allergy, right? as long as the allergen is around it sure won't get better




oh yeah didnt think of it like that


maybe anonymous needs an air purifier to get the dust or pollen or whatever out of the air


literally the first time im affected with hay fever my whole life and its really fucking with me


everyone else is just doing cute sneezes but im here with my eyes red and itchy, and both noses stuffed all the time


air purifier < they're like 7 times more expensive than the meds..


well any potential meetup in japan will be in like uhhhh


5 month


in the peak of summer...?




because that's when my trip is


oh right


going to comiket


still a stupid idea to go to japan in that time


are you from an even hotter place?


no but i've been to florida in the summer


that's probably hotter


and you were ok with it?




both noses stuffed < (‘•ωω•` )


well i live in nj and it can get pretty hot up here in the summer


Personal Experience: Many people from Florida find the summer heat and humidity in Tokyo to be comparable, though some may find Tokyo's humidity more challenging due to the less aggressive use of air conditioning.


i'll be jogging outside daily in the summer heat




so i'll be used to it by the time i go




nj summer heat


not florida...


you dont get used to it


it can get pretty hot up here in the summer < you are so cute oml




yeah that's florida heat in japan alright


100 feels like during the prime of the day most days


in august


definitely going to take the clothing advice in the thread


have to go to work on a bycicle for about 30 minutes every day in august... its hell


cold is pretty bad, but heat really makes you feel like the universe is working against you


they even have jackets with fans here



seen a lot of ojisans with taht


i ran outside during this day


and it was hell


fit in with the japanese ojis


had to take a dip in the pool afterwards


eyes feel so good, modern medicine is a miracle



ACTION puts Anonymous in the denki buro


temperature isn't that much different from East Coast usa, but the humidity is much higher


it feels disgusting just to exist in this summer


whole body covered in sweat and sticky


yeah i definitely see what you mean


some 80 dew point days when i check last yeat


Otaku, what does "denki buro" mean? anonymous said it in a vaguely threatening manner and I'm concerned


although only some


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ah, "denki buro" (電気風呂) refers to an "electric bath" in Japan. It's a type of bath where low-level electrical currents are used in the water to provide a tingling sensation that's supposed to be relaxing and good for muscle tension relief. (*・ω・)ノ


If Anonymous mentioned it in a threatening way, maybe they were just being dramatic or teasing you! Sometimes people throw around phrases without fully understanding their meaning. But if you're genuinely concerned about what was said, it's always best to communicate openly with them and clarify any misunderstandings! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶


[i][/i]while florida is pretty much every day


the public electric bath where everyone tingles


ACTION tingles wit h anonymous


why go to the public electric bath when you could go to that one public outdoor bath that has little fishes that nibble on you


home made electric bath with a toaster






don't eat in the water, you'll get a cramp


fish foot bath « i had this very thought, to get the mall fish to eat away my foot fungus but i decided against it because i have honor and dignity


a japanese at heart


I don't think the fishies would mind


meetup < cutest #qaer has to crossdress and wear a yukata


hope it is not me


100% not me (´・ω・`)


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 24


blegh I forgot how filling potatoes are


>#qa meetup in Japan <I don't have a normal brain for that, but take pics if you guys do it


well of japan


or wear shobon outfits or something



cute crossdress « modern design wafuku shop i was browsing through https://furifu.com/


Because real estate is part of gdp and land is treated the same as stocks


htv6ve.jpg < is this what otaku-chan wears


its only natural that shobs wear shobons


I'm going down the same time as the other guy in the chat and we will probably meet up sometime, but I still am not really sure what his intentions are. I'm probably going to just go through akihabara for one or two days, then comiket is another two days. So I'm just in Tokyo for indoor shopping. Hokaido should be a bit cooler than tokyo. Other than shopping lots of walking and hiking and stuff. Will probably pack some military grade water flask or something


More interested in sapporo than tokyo but it's got a lot less stuff. The nature is nicer and it should be as quiet as montreal(same population)


because if i do code and jp i need to give up something «  yeah i have way too much on my plate i'm trying the pomodoro technique and forcing myself to make equal progress with everything . also improving my ability to turn concentration on and off like a switch and just getting used to interacting with people. when i go out with friends / family and we drop by a cafe i'll just whip out the laptop


and get my 1-2 hours of PDF reading in and when that's over i make sure time with them counts


qa meat up


100,000 hour rule is real. also "programming" is really wide.. 3 years in programming and you are still wading in an ocean completely unaware of the domain knowledge of some other aspects of programming... concurrency, eventual consistency... there's just a ridiculous amount of shit to learn


meanwhile 3 years to jlpt N1 is about or even slightly below average


>2017 /qa/


>poor neets in moms basement talking about neet survival


>2025 /qa/


I'm still that way...


>rich bourgeouise working anons talking about networking and vacation


what happened


we... made it?


i didn't


we should all be starving


just learn to code


kick the rich out


although you're too late on that bus now


eat the rich anons


it's just one specific noisy aristocrat waiting for his inheritance


actually, you still get get on board the learn to code train as long as you find some people who are trying to do tech things but don't get it. Like most finance bros


You'd think a quant knows computers, but they just use the monkey brain apple products which feed them down a line(posted from my macbook


File:R-1742795038662.png (835.34 KB,896x1152)

I still live in my mom’s basement


blegegggghhh too many potatoes


maybe growing potatoes is a bad idea. no, I must grow them


finance people will milk society of it's worth until the people rise up so you might as well get on board the train and then move to somewhere when it goes to heck


why not make mashed potatoes with them
or potato salad


like how is Canada's main GDP generator flipping houses


because you have constant jeets moving in to buy them


I did make mashed potatoes


make potato salad


i wish i had a mom or a basement to live in


learn code and jp at the same time, jp interviews are easy, if you can make a jikoshoukai video and answer simple questions about what your existing project is like you can get ¥6M easily in software https://fastoffer.co.jp/success/success-story-22223/ https://fastoffer.co.jp/success/


can only live in mum for 9 months


Yeah, Indians are affording and getting approved on million dollar properies... uh huh. Can you americans stop infecting the world


don't think neets have the motivation and energy to do all that


the sheer number of indians who speak neither hindi nor tamil nor english fluently who have made it demonstrates that japan is not some pipe dream


press "India" to see all the india success stories


all 9 pages of them




don't fall into the same trap as the western world and replace your workers with cheap foreigners. I need you to stay the way you are to keep making good video games and anime


This is why Canada needs to implement a great firewall only I'm allowed to pass.


Because you fucking neanderthal Americans infect our people with your populist mind virus shit


You should relish in the fact that your country will be destroyed by the time I die


By the corruption you endorse and the problems you refuse to see']


I just want to move back where I grew up (´• ω •`)


my neighborhood’s filled with Indians and they keep moving in and these are million dollar properties


so they’re coming from somewhere


They're more productive than you.




You just can't put up shit. You fucking rat in a cage getting fed drugs and refusing to climb the totem pole


a country that sees the value of the people as nothing but their cheapness and productivity loses its comradery and feeling of home. not a good way to build a society


On one hand you want the immigrants to provide you slave labor, on the other hand you don't like that immigrants are doing labor


great for shareholders though


They're more productive than you < you're stupid... foreigners who move to other countries are almost always richer than the average of where they came from.


what are you talking about




calm down


American garbage. Trailer trash retards. You have nothing and you refuse to get anything. You should just keel over and die for the people who will take your place because you are a dopamine parasite on people who give a shit


I hope you have anotehr fucking 9/11 and you go into complete fascism


Live in the shit you create


File:R-1742795809136.jpeg (131.93 KB,1249x1899)

What are you even talking about anymore


Israel niggers




you can't just do the "these people are more important than you because they generate money for corporations" and then get angry when someone says that maybe there's more to society


Someone needs a newsdesk trip


yeah newsdesk is a good idea



>The most surprising thing is I joined in a Japanese school before my college ended, which is run by my old college senior, who had been working in Japan for more than 30 years. Even though I got a offer from a famous tire manufacturing company, I rejected that and continued my N3 Japanese study. In the Middle of N3 I started looking for job opportunities


>Now I’m studying N2 under Yamaha’s burden and my joining is in October 2020.


Vermin loves to watch Hassan and deepthroat corporations


oh no are there actually indians in #qa?


.sd 1girl, eating potatoes, lots of potatoes, fat, bloated, big belly



aaaa kimo


hate that artstyle




https://fastoffer.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/16941_photo.jpg we rev your heart, and welcome indians with a firm handshake and basic N3 into our company


need to look up those tags as it does seem to be more western than usual. might be the big belly part


.sd 1girl, eating potatoes, lots of potatoes, fat, bloated



maybe its the fat




nothing symbolizes plentitude like piles of gourds


.sd 1girl, belly, cornucopia



not quite


western sd


.sd western



kinda off with the proportions


is there even a proficiency criteria for english. If we base proficiency on speaking skills doesn't that make members of this chatroom not fluent in english?


want to write python code but dont have any ideas that are good on python


>The most surprising thing is I joined in a Japanese school before my college ended < I wonder if I can get into any Japanese universities with an AS and how much it would cost


I am very fluent in english thank you very much


i learned english through anime




I think there are several europeans here and on our steam chat who type very well in English. Sometimes they have moments where words or intentions aren't clear, but I wouldn't be able to tell really. If I spoke clearly with them and gave them a day to adjust I bet they would be speaking as well as they type because they already have a vocabulary foundation. But somehow when we get into Nipongo spirit it has to be messured


Japanese really are the most autistic culture. When you get to what they call N2 or N1 isn't this just buisness communication profficiency?


yeah, esl and I have 0 confidence in my speaking


proficiency on speaking skills « the most internationally recognized language proficiency scale is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages#Common_reference_levels (jlpt, german language tests, ESL, HSK (chinese)) are all convertible to this scale


my speaking is probably a jumble of all the american accents I've picked up from movies songs etc


Do foreign workers put their competency in these profficiencies on their CVs




else you wouldn't know if who you're hiring can communicate with the team



By interviewing them


Japanese universities < maybe I should apply to some 中国 universities. My Chinese professor mentioned Chinese universities are free to attend for foreign students and they pay students a stipend while enrolled. I wonder if they would care about my academic blunders during COVID the same way american universities seem to... :/


interview comes after CVs no?


my point of bringing up indians / vietnamese working in japan is that there's more to life than "the grind", hell, take a look at /r/cscareerquestionsEU vs /r/cscareerquestions . extreme introspection has to be the achilles heel of english-speaking peoples. spend so much time ruminating and planning over the ideal solution that you get tunnel vision and invent abominations like hirevue AI powered


1-way interviews


yeah sure. I guess. But when I think CV I think of an automated system throwing 90% of them in the trash based on keywords.


If they were going to filter you out for competency in english it would happen after the automated sorting, maybe in interview


otherwise it's discriminatory and DEI pollicies would punish.... oh wait


maybe they keyword search proficiency if they get hits for foreigner


who knows how HR works


when you start your first job, your soul loses its virginity


filter you out for competency after the automated sorting < yeah, this happens too, people lie about their profficiency, get to the interview and they cant bare do the basics, let alone business


(´• ω •`)


they cant bare do the basics < and they can barely do the basics


chuugoku universities « there are english taught programs in china in case you didn't know but obviously i would strongly recommend learning chinese https://iczu.zju.edu.cn/admissionsen/wasterwswwegreewwrograms/list.htm


the coding interviews of language: Can you create an anagram for the word race car?


there are also joint partnerships with western universities so you get 2 certificates for the price of 1 which can be a decent option


chatgpt: can you create an anagram for the word race car?


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Sure! An anagram for "race car" is "car acre."




chinese universities free to attend « not entirely but they are extremely cheap like a few grand USD a year including boarding (no one lives off campus in china)




glut of housing in china


be warned though the english taught programs are much less rigorous than the "for-real" chinese programs


although its the same in japan at the undergrad level, temple university and ritsumeikan are known for watering down at undergrad


daigakuin / master's+ much less so in japan because lab language is english, entrance exams are literally the same and officially translated https://github.com/kainoj/utokyo-cs


not entirely but they are extremely cheap < hmmm


example of said sino-foreign cooperative university https://www.kean.edu/wku . there are some really dekiru people coming out of said institutions https://jasonjiangs.github.io/



i was on exchange in china at one of these places ages ago. the biggest problem (for me) was that you can't intern on a student visa, so just muddling onto grad school within china wouldn't really have done anything for my career either i'd just be a graduate unable to speak technical chinese.. and you can't cop out with katakana either


example of said sino-foreign cooperative university < i was considering applying to an "actual" university, not a foreign cooperative one. nyu shanghai is the only one of those i was vaguely familiar with. it's more of an idea than anything i plan to do though


any career or educational prospects i once had are very messed up, so aimlessly shooting in everywhich direction seems at least modestly productive at this point... it would be by sheer coincidence that i end up in china after deciding to take a chinese course this semester on a whim


daijoubu... i'm the same way, it's a marathon, not a race. just pick a goal and stick to it, go long...



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBIlkYi6qQs minecraft stream in 5 minutes!




stream starting!


so annoying. Going back and forth between my Mac and windows acidentally using ALT+V instead of ctrl+V because mac uses CMD+V


I wonder if I can get into any Japanese universities with an AS and how much it would cost « the only universities which would accept a (presumably american) associates are of the foreign-cooperation type, which i would discourage even more strongly if you want to make it in japan because the language barrier is way lower in japan than china (if you're toying around with the idea). A feasible way


imho would be to do language school in japan and then join a senmongakkou https://www.oca.ac.jp/course/technology/super_it_engineer/ . you get to learn unreal / unity / and all your familiar western tech like aws / gcp / azure etc. Obviously you can take the certs in english proctored from your home


the only universities which would accept a (presumably american) associates are of the foreign-cooperation type < oh..........



.sd 1girl, college, university, sweater, jeans, holding book, kuon \(utawarerumono\), smile, amazuyu tatsuki



the fingies


Those who have completed, or are expected to complete an associate degree in Arts / Science. < well... I meet that requirement i guess


caveat being that it's the english taught track, so you'll be fighting to get out of the gaijin bubble.. another possible way is just finishing your BS online from a US school (i've heard good things about WGU for computer science for example) , perhaps even while doing language school in japan https://old.reddit.com/r/WGU/comments/vs7wyn/yes_you_can_get_a_work_visa_in_japan_with_a_wgu/


then you can get mensetsu advice from the language school teachers with your fresh new BS in hand


it's literally never too late, this korean dude went to language school and then senmongakkou AFTER a fucking ECE degree from carnegie mellon https://www.piratekingdom.com/blog/12-years-in-the-life-of-a-software-engineer


plus he did it the hard way... >I also got my first part-time job at a ramen restaurant. Washing dishes, making ramen, and serving customers at a thousand yen or about $10 an hour wasn't exactly fun. But I would still do it to improve my spoken Japanese.


i don't really want to live in japan unless its clear the us is going to imminently explode irrecoverably. all i want in life is to make enough money to live comfortably, post on kissu.moe and sageru #qa, and browse exhentai.org


the fap 'n nap life


although it seems the odds of that happening within the next 10 years are higher than usual...


might as well move to japan right now so you can assimilate instead of waiting for imminent 米国崩壊 before moving


I'd never want to be an outsider, I like blending in the few times I leave my room. all these type A personalities in #qa that have the mental fortitutude to study for years and travel around the planet is something I can't understand


i dont travel, just stay at home and absorb in knowledge


I just want a little place to be left alone, kind of like the guy above that just wanted to browse sageru and stuff


although people have different definitions of "live comfortably"


so many things I want to create but not enough time to learn/create even a fraction of it


might as well move to japan right now so you can assimilate < i dunno...


i have a lot of contradictory thoughts in my head


haven't really felt any desire to live extravagantly, but I sure do wish I had lots of money to buy AI hardware


yeah.. same


fancy drinks and food? nah. clothes made in the past 20 years? luxury. but man, I want nice computer parts to help me with my escapism. alas


yeah same


just need a good bed, a good chair, and a good pc and desk setup


^ the life


absorb knowledge « i'm like this, i think about 70% of my knowledge is abstract instead of through experience


"mental fortitude".. i wouldn't really say i tryhard or gaman because i'm mentally stronger... Many people who've done heroic acts like saving people from burning houses will say that "i did what i had to do" and it really is just simple as that i believe


a week of suffering and a mountain of tissues later, all I had to do was take one pill and some eye drops to stop the allergy completely


the sneezer


no more


i have a lot of contradictory thoughts in my head < like i'd like to leave home as soon as possible, but i don't want to work... and maybe i should study in china/japan, but also i don't really want to move to a different country. also what if visas get messed with because of the current administration's stupidity... on the other hand, i'll leave the us if its hopeless and i know i can get citizenship in ireland, but that takes money... and time...


when i think about things like this it just makes me want to kill myself... 24 with only an AS and getting into any respectable university is impossible because covid and depression nuked my gpa. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh


The only thing that's being wasted is the time you don't follow through with your thoughts


other than the suicide ones!


now I'm sunk cost fallacy'ing my way into eventually getting a BS because how else am I going to justify all the debt I have


Don't listen to those!


>24 <you're just a kid dude, your life hasn't started. cliche but true


well not kid, but young


Well, it's not debt but I spent like probably 30k on a degree I never used then got a CS one for like 10k.


what's the rate on that debt anyways


tbh I think some of my loans might come out of the deferrable period in a couple years and demand like $500/month times multiple loans from the same period. If I don't have a degree by then I might honestly off myself since education debt can't be gotten rid of through bankruptcy


This is why Canada needs to implement a great firewall only I'm allowed to pass. -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


Because you fucking neanderthal Americans infect our people with your populist mind virus shit -@Kissu


You should relish in the fact that your country will be destroyed by the time I die -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


By the corruption you endorse and the problems you refuse to see'] -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


They're more productive than you. ' -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


You just can't put up shit. You fucking rat in a cage getting fed drugs and refusing to climb the totem pole -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


On one hand you want the immigrants to provide you slave labor, on the other hand you don't like that immigrants are doing labor -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


American garbage. Trailer trash retards. You have nothing and you refuse to get anything. You should just keel over and die for the people who will take your place because you are a dopamine parasite on people who give a shit -@Kissu


I hope you have anotehr fucking 9/11 and you go into complete fascism -@Kissu


Live in the shit you create -@Kissu < dumb argumentative shitposter


stop spamming


stop retreading finished conversations with new aggression. tired of that


so, what's the rate on your debt


stop retreading finished conversations with new aggression. tired of that < now you know how i feel


The thing is that your 3% interest rate might seem like you're losing money, but inflation is currently like 2.6% and the federal reserve can't stop it. Tarrifs will make it worse likely. So your debt is realistically not getting worse


You might actually end with your debt devaluing if the US economy goes to shit


That's to say that any debt you take out bellow the interest rate is free money


inflation rate*


has that kissuer seriously been sneezing for a whole week thats so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute


sneezing snuffling little snoof


discovered a feature in revolution irc that keeps killing my posts


swiping in the text box goes to the previous message you sent


just lost a big post. oh well time to get no sleep


you dont get it back if you swipe the other way?


in hexchat pressing up arrow goes to a copy of your prev text and down arrow gets it back


is there a way to zoom in on hexchat




the text is too small and hard to read >:(


piece of shit software


why can´t irc have a good ui like discord




preferences -> interface -> appearance -> font brings up a dialog where you can change the font size


oh lol


I love how the way to do it is to *type in the actual number next to the font name*


gotta love how they make it as obscure as possible


thanks anony~


there should be a button that says browse...


when i think about things like this it just makes me want to kill myself... 24 with only an AS and getting into any respectable university is impossible because covid and depression nuked my gpa. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh « there is a literal former japanese teen gravure idol who got a degree in environmental science and grinded her way into a Google internship, took a break to use her "presentation"


skills and is back into doing cloud dev for IBM



https://ascii.jp/elem/000/001/427/1427502/ like all of us wants, she has her neat room with a 3d printer to sugomori in



her github https://github.com/ikeay/cs50 she was brushing up on C during the pandemic. she does python and ruby and devops stuff at her job mostly


Ruby book, gross


Does Ruby have something special for it despite being made by an LDS Japanese Christian


a shitload of iOS /macOS development tooling is written in ruby e.g. cocoapods https://shashikantjagtap.net/history-ruby-inside-ios-development/


File:__roon_and_power_girl_azur….jpg (135.16 KB,1080x1600)



watching tidalcycles videos lately. it's a programming environment to make music written in haskell. the author made quite a few videos to explain how his stuff works, and it seems genuinely cool, but his music is absolutely dreadful. it's like he couldn't have picked worse examples


it's funny to imagine that someone who could invent an entire scripting language to make music would suck so much at it


like imagine inventing chess and getting your ass handed by everyone from day one


eh, wouldn't it be more similar to the first person to make a digital chess game. you just need to know all the rules but not necessarily chess strategies like openings


i dunno, i cant play chess....


i made a chess game without ever playing


that's good. better than losing imo


i did play it a few times against an ai opponent that just picked random moves and i didnt do so well




ew jew talk


ew jew talk < חצוף


ew evil jew talk


quit being anti sematic


we love JUDAS here




umm no vtumors allowed here



that video is pretty boring too im removing it as well


happy new year #qa! | 2025 snek year https://files.catbox.moe/zf2h7c.jpg | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | https://youtu.be/su5D_3gBHzU


fuck off that video wasn't boring gay ass faggot




lack of joy having motherfucker


that youtube link is also pretty cringey


im removing it as well


happy new year #qa! | 2025 snek year https://files.catbox.moe/zf2h7c.jpg | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30



hey i removed that


stop adding it



happy new year #qa! | 2025 snek year https://files.catbox.moe/zf2h7c.jpg | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | https://youtu.be/su5D_3gBHzU



happy new year #qa! | 2025 snek year https://files.catbox.moe/zf2h7c.jpg | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30





happy new year #qa! | 2025 snek year https://files.catbox.moe/zf2h7c.jpg | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30


get rid of the costcodle game then


no one plays it


i was going through them one by one


the fate on stays because its funny




fuck you leatherman



I removed the costcodle and the old new year stuff



keep the super mario world music konata plz


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


keep the konata < no




t. redditor


go back to reddit you fucking faggot


keep the konata < no < who invited this faggot


and why is he shitting up the topic




literally how


i trimmed it you bumfucks


it's you, you stupid -, you keep shitting up the fucking topic.


it had the new year shit on it which is fucking old by itself


it was literally fine


and some dumb vidoes


Get rid of the fucking fate shit then




its funny


No gacha shit


it made me giggle




thats anime


Don't care



thats like saying fate/stay night is also gacha


when in reality its a visual novel



https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed



quit bloating the fucking topic with your shit


nobody clicks on those links


You aren't yot shut the fuck up


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


literally who


put utawarerumono and saya no uta in the topic. visual novels everyone on kissu likes


oh and higurashi



ok put them then


put something new that isnt "happy new year"


put a BIG snoof


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


kill yourself 262300


keep the topic fucking trimmed otherwise nobody will use it


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


kill yourself


why is this redditor mad


The only redditor is you -


calm down reddit


nobody likes your unfunny reddit memes


The links were fine before but no, you have to be a - and change shit


hence why the topic was trimmed


now you are throwing a reddit fit


maybe dont keep it bloated and it wouldnt be changed


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg


sigh stop fighting please


https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


wtf what was wrong with that topic you autist


you removed the rest


durr it doesn't have fate/kill yourself night


"I want to tell my fans at niconico to live their life without any judgements and be adventurous. When opportunity comes, put work into your faith and don't be afraid to go out and live life. Whatever your sexuality is, gay, straight, boy, girl, go have fun. That's what life is all about. And live a life of yugaminee" - Aniki


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


here i fixed it


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg |No Vtubers Allowed


There I fixed it


No videos.


live a life of sugomori


why did your remove the video


its funny


It isn't


it is


Didn't make me laugh




Not funny


more funny than your konata mario trash


or your burger code or whatever


or your fake vwhore tuber


What the fuck are you even speaking


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


the video stays




cuz you said so?


Are you yotgo




Oh so you're a gnfos -


go back




literally who


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | No Vtubers Allowed


now hes bringing up people from his head and started mentioning blacks


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


the video stays


its just the name of a site, not really a mention of ...those...people


i have no idea what it means nor do i really care


oh nvm my reading comprehension >_< he called him a -


sigh.... SIIIIGH its in the same line even


cute aussie




i know everyone here by their writing style


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | No Vtubers Allowed | https://youtu.be/23Jw6NHpTU8


ok, who am i


why do you keep replacing the links


i change my writing style though


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg | https://youtu.be/xu4eohheM30 | No Vtubers Allowed


welcum to #qa | https://x0.at/Z95U.jpg


nevermind i like that video



both stays


who the fuck made you king


my outgoing personality


unlike you introvert loser


jokes aside, the topic needs to stay trimmed


No they don't


or nobody else is gonna bother reading or clicking the links


That's the point?


thats the point in your empty head but some of us here are curious to what the topic has


Sorry you're on some shit ass irc client that doesn't allow you to copy and paste the topic.


Not my problem.


it isnt but it is for others and you dont get to dictate for what others want


Then why did you change the topic you fucking -?


welcum to #qa | !! [no links in topic] !!


why are you obsessed with black people?


you know what fine


i wont touch the topic if it means no links in topic


call it a truce


welcum to mario kart https://youtu.be/23Jw6NHpTU8





That was a short truce


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJQF4InPqwI | the #qa kart has become koruri-esque. stop feeding it | shikanokonokonokokoshitantan | Important catter video pls watch https://files.catbox.moe/otsr9v.mov | https://x0.at/7_Z_.mp4 quack | https://random.kitr.cat/


This is fine.




i know everyone here by their writing style « the Capitalizer, the shoboner, the theer, the rooner, the sigher, the snoofer, the relay user, the ohayouer, the riajuu, the kimoer


well at least this topic is better than its previous iterations


also the yasser gyaru


the Capitalizer, the shoboner, the theer, the rooner, the sigher, the snoofer, the relay user, the ohayouer, the riajuu, the kimoer < all me



all me < fuck off andy


sorry, i meant aside from the rooner


there we go




what what?




the butt




i said


we need to put a stop for #jp immigrants


the saider


ive been noticing #jp posts lately


the noticer


this noticer just noticed me


ive been noticing #jp posts lately < Not my fault that channel is unusable


this is antiseismic


Especially when there is unironic mexican tr**ns in it who won't shut up about their fantasies


if you are the one who knows the most about #jp happenings i have bad news for you


Especially when there is unironic mexican tr**ns in it who won't shut up about their fantasies < i didnt notice a difference


Well for one, they smell


like what


i didnt notice a difference < How? That brown hrt filled tr**n makes it known for everyone in the channel that he has jerked off


It literally drove me to find refuge in #qa instead




How? < as in, was it not always like that?


just what are you rambling about... are you alright


the refugeer


do you know what you sound like... read what you type out loud


well, yotgo can deal with that appeal later


the appealer


the theer


the later


she lates


he lats


yotgo can snoof that floof later


die appealer


die theer


die later


die lates


die snoofer


that's a lot of die...


this later just lated me


itekimasu #qa


What are you going eat...


doko ni iku no


What are you going eat < the dekinai


doko ni iku no < daigaku



the dormer



daigaku de nani wo benkyou shiteru no... moshikashite chuugokugo resson no jikan ka na....




... あるのanonymousは、地方のcommunity college で親切な在米20年の中国人先生から中国語クラスを受けてそういった






Costcodle #551 1/6




the theer < me


Costcodle #552 5/6 ⬆️🟥⬆️🟥⬇️🟨⬆️🟨✅








guess the timezone still depends on the browser / local time eh... strange


which would mean costcodle-nushi pregenerates the next costcodles in advance.. or it could just be generated deterministically with a seed


generated with these seeds


Costcodle #551 4/6






ACTION unzips balls





did mildly better on the burg my first guess was each burg was 2 usd


yasumin #qa




die yasser


das @Kissu


so tired ...







<[F.W.ZHolic (FAN)] Otonari no Futago wa Yami Soshiki ni Nikutai Kaizou Sareta Moto Seigi Sentai Member Deshita [Digital]>


I am also tired


ate raclette


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (80.03 KB,850x1133)

I'm going to the weed store anyone want anything?






File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (2.22 MB,2067x2923)

like Christ I have returned with the weed.



me and the missus


big quacker


Is it normal to sleep 9 hours...




Always feel like sleeping a long time is a waste


Gives me guilt


動機がわかんねぇ < I just think learning languages is fun. I wanted to take more French, but it wasn't offered and the Japanese course was expectedly full


So I decided to learn 中文




sleeping is actually the best use of your time


aside from swimming or eating nothing else can compete


sleeping is better than swimming or eating but sleeping while floating in hot water is the best


I don't want to sleep. I want to dream. Reality sucks!!


File:C-1742852996733.png (403.17 KB,960x720)


the 'mon


https://puu.sh/KqyD2/61a7460c85.png < good pair of supreme champions


File:bfa10bd4411681d55295fbb13….webm (1.22 MB,576x840)




i expected a fat animu girl


a bit disappointing


die disappointeder


dumb disappointard


eating more potatoes


smile, or we #qa will bear-ate you


.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, sitting, looking at screen, (fart:2.0), embarrassed




why do fart fetishists draw chlorine/mustard gas attacks?


Because they need to show that there's a fart


You know farts aren't normally seen in real life you know


.sd tony taka, 1girl, elf ears, computer, office chair, sitting, looking at screen, (fart:2.0), embarrassed



Because they need to show that there's a fart < so it's like a tracer round that goes with the ammo


pffft, pffft, pfft, pffft, BRAAAAAAAAP


every fifth shot


or something like that


more like an RPG backblast


but same principle


fetishists are gross .


ntr, vanilla and so on are not fetishes btw


should farts be really green?


chlorine gas


we can do orange/brown-ish mustard gas flavour too


Yeah I think they should be green for logistical reasons


brownish makes it look like its going to be scat


what if somebody's ideal fart just happens to consist of poison gas?


Sarin gas farts...


wow I almost wrote something super retarded




i don't know if #qa remembers when i posted about losing my wallet


well, it was behind my washing machine this whole time


it's worthless now because i already got all my documentation again


Well that sucks


it does


*looks it up*


sarin is colourless


a colorless odorless gas





very descriptive title


these things rely on thumbnails more than titles


that's a big problem



<[Tenkirin (Kanroame)] Sonna Ai nara Iranai ~Arisu nanka Janai noni Tonari no Onii-san ga Arisu tte Yondekite nanka Kowai~ | I Don't Need That Kind Of Love ~The creep next door calls me Alice and it scares me~ [English] [Cunny Garden] [Digital]>


guess the timezone still depends on the browser / local time eh... strange < they haven't merged my fix orz


中出しOK?< NG


it was behind my washing machine this whole time < h-how did it get back there... don't you empty your pockets when you get home? i can understand forgetting coins or maybe headphones in your pocket, but leaving your wallet in your pants while doing laundry seems unthinkable to me...


i probably left it in my pants and it fell behind and i never noticed it


i was working at the time so i just assumed i lost it on my way back from work one time


well, was there anything in there that you couldn't replace at least? like pictures or was it just cards and stuff?


it had my ID and other documents and i already replaced all of them because i assumed i wouldn't find it again


not really worth it now apart from the wallet itself which is prettier than the one i use


ah. that's annoying



i'm afraid of losing my wallet... in the us its really annoying to replace primary documents


.flip game or anime




.flip game or jo




.flip TTGL or Play GURPS




Hell yeah it's time to GURPS, solo edition


sleeping is actually the best use of your time « this is true


[Cunny Garden]


wish i could visit



woke up been awake for 45 minutes and needa snooze again





yeah a shitty wojak thumbnailed shit channel, but not against the rules. people are free to have horrendous taste unless it's a wojak video itself


there's nothing wrong with the video


it's more qa than anything posted today


hayou #qa




want to drink sugary diabetic girlpiss


never going to watch a channel that defines itself with so many wojak thumbnails


your loss


nothing of value to lose


the target demographic is teenagers and alas I haven't been one of those in quite a while...





now this is prime qa content




let's see if she has that identical vtuber voice


slightlt different than usual I guess


I like the rat vtubah.


French girl


She posted her rats the other day, very cute


But I'll never watch her stream because I don't like watching live streams period


dot even, at the end.


twitter recommend me them and the replies were saying she's a nazi ped. not sure if true because twitter things an 18 yo with a >20yo is ped, but the nazi racist part probably true


everyone needs a gimmick



stop reposting wojak thumbnailers


last warning




He's responding to the post yot what the FRICK


nah ban him anyway


reposting that shit is just as bad as posting it the first time


that wasn't me talking


'last warning' is a #jp m*me


whats with #jp freak coming here recently


ACTION has been kicked from #qa by Anonymous (mod impersonation will result in a ban next time)




Damn red text and everything


thought I got kicked


same lol


can you post a list of #jp memes so i know what not to post


1. everything #jp


2. stuff not #qa


there you go


.flip stay up all night and solo or don't do that you silly goose


stay up all night and solo


Fucking flip






stop posting vtubers


last warning


ACTION has been banned from #qa by Anonymous (pretend to be a mod in #jp or something)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gw9gDBlNwY < not a tubber fan but wow it really sounds like the original







gross vtuber parasites


love tubers


hate 'em


"Kuroiwa Medaka is Impervious to my Charms" who came up with this english title


https://x0.at/6ekQ.png classic upsidedown tablet



Oh I love that guy


classic upsidedown tablet < the pain when you want the screen one way, but it keeps autorotating. . .


Oh I love that guy < yeah, TastingHistory is cool. His videos make ne want to try garum


he made a video about Bierocks and that was cool


got the same reaction when I posted him on kissu. yeah he's good


kuroiwa medaka a fun anime



he's a good 'falling asleep while listening in bed' channel


holy fuck maintaining and even structuring a C++ project is a pain in the butt


all these classes and scopes are hurting my brain


object! oriented! programming!!


.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, sitting, looking at screen, angry, programming (topic)



.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, sitting, looking at screen, confused, programming (topic)



nice, a channel to watch https://www.youtube.com/@Canadiana


why do we call it Japan






why do we call it Japan < some guy hundreds of years ago heard someone else mumble the same of the country and we've been pronouncing it how that guy thought it sounded ever since




how does nippon turn to japan





way ahead of you


heh he ran straight into that one


based based based based





yes it's real


man, smartphone ratios annoy me. maybe in the future we'll evolve vertical eyes


ask any mcdonalds employee. they've been keeping the anthro cat-human hybrids from us for years -- and to do what? use them for unpaid labor to reduce staff at existing mcdonalds locations. ever wonder why the ice cream machine is always out of order? this is who's servicing it


i like mcdonalds fries...


how does nippon turn to japan < transliteration and language reform/standardization is an interesting topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SUoDVZYzWQ


doesn't everyone, it's fat salt and starch, it's a perfect food on a genetic molecular level


er minus 'genetic'...


.roll sleep or retard


i guess that means sleep


that's not how roll works...


you want flip


i know




but seeing that i was a retard


and mixed them up


that probably means


that i should sleep


.flip .roll or .flip


.flip -@Kissu




.roll 7d3


(7d3) = 13


Your fortunate: Very Bad Luck


im done with C++


oop just aint for me


what were you trying to do in CPP


well, the code is already cpp i guess, was trying to oop it





.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, angry



how does nippon turn to japan « consider that the other (kan-)on-reading of 日 is jitsu like sakujitsu, honjitsu, maijitsu, etc




nichi is the go-on reading which was imported earlier before, so by the time the portuguese got to japan it had already started to change to something sounding like "jitsu" in china




.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, smug



From Beijing to Peking « https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanqie#Function phonetic spelling was done like this in ancient china. 東 was spelled 德 + 紅, 德 was spelled 多 + 特, and


多 was spelled 德 + 河. That implies that 東, 德 and 多 must all have had the same initial.[17] By following such chains of equivalence, Chen was able to identify categories of equivalent initial spellers, and a similar process was possible for the finals


however obviously if you have only the characters and your "root" characters (in a directed graph) are already pronounced in a wonky way your entire dialect diverges


.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, smug






.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, angry



japanese is even more wonky because 平和 is hei wa vs 平等 which is byou dou (-you is always go-on readings imported from korea / baekje). compare 京畿 (gyeong-gi in south korea) vs 京都 (kyou-to). also compare 京阪電車 (keihan densha, kyouto to osaka densha) vs 警察 (kei satsu) vs korean 警察 (gyeong-chal) (the entering tone becomes -tsu or sokuon in japanese vs the r/l mix in




.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((angry))



jp and vietnam didn't "recalculate" the pronunciations as time went by they just went to china and reimported a whole new set. afaik korea and the chinese dialects did to preserve the mostly 1 character = 99% one pronunciation rule


https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module:ltc-pron/predict >This module calculates the expected Mandarin and Cantonese reflexes of Middle Chinese pronunciations.


the character she characts


chatgpt: How many potatoes, on average, grow from a single sliced seed potato?


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: On average, each eye of a sliced seed potato can yield about 3 to 6 potatoes. The total number depends on factors like growing conditions and care.


have 100 tasokare screenshots for randomly accompanying text posts but there's already another anon doing the same ・ω・・ω・


there are some great faces, although neko really needs to be heard




did my typing reps. avg 32.wpm avg accuracy 91%


ntr, vanilla and so on are not fetishes btw -@Kissu < gooner


who are you quoting


holy fuck maintaining and even structuring a C++ project is a pain in the butt all these classes and scopes are hurting my brain object! oriented! programming!! < tehe you might enjoy this guy's C++ hate site https://yosefk.com/c++fqa/defective.html


.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((angry))



C++ hate site « almost none of this is a problem anymore with modern C++ (starting around C++11)


>So what happens in a C++ program with the 5-element array? Most frequently, you access something at the address that would contain the 7th element, but since there isn't any, it contains something else, which just happens to be located there.


[cling]$ #import <vector>


s[cling]$ std::vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4};


[cling]$ vec.at(4);


libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: vector


use .at() instead of array access syntax for gets, it will throw an exception that you need to catch, for example




catter just found out she can sit on the stool in the bathroom and get pet while I'm pooping (´• ω •`)


sit on the stool while you drop some stools










pic of the poop cat while you poop




show me him




The cat


let's meow meow


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (792.35 KB,800x1131)





ACTION sighs along


sigh SIGH




binged a cheesy timeslip jdorama about an airhead JK who goes back in time to sengoku period and saves an ikemen lord by being a foot soldier (ashigaru is footsoldier in jp hence the pun ashi-girl) https://www.nhk-ep.com/special/ashigirl


oh no


personally i prefer 足コキギャル




Holy shit typing with my eyes closed is like third eye shit


God bless that I can do touch typing


are you 32wpm anon


No I'd say my WPM is like 60 if I'm pressed to the limit and if I have to think about it but my skills are pretty rusty at the current moment so it could be more like 45-55?


I know people can type faster than me.


oh there was another touch typing anon within the last 24 hours XX:10:11 <Anonymous> did my typing reps. avg 32.wpm avg accuracy 91%


not to be an asshole but how are you guys so slow


i thought everyone who spent a lot of time on the computer got reasonably fast without trying


In middle school they taught how o tdo touch typing in the 6th grade.


Also I'm high as shit anad the keyboard is also [hinicky, I should note I'm typing this with my eyes closed.


.sd 3girls, computer, keyboard, slow





ACTION stops binging an otome timeslip manga




nirvana.. come as you are was among the first few songs i learned on guitar


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU2wBKoDOzg i prefer the midge ure cover


still crazy the way he went, but guess he simply couldn't reconcile with the ugliness of the world around him with his benefitting from it





need to stream karekano at some point




-t the topic


-t or i freak







speaking of nirvana





did we ever stream kare kano


i can't remember if we did






think i'll stream 10 eps of it next week


since that's a good stopping point for the introduction and set up to the rest of the series


maybe will continue if there's good enough turnout but don't like long streams


I got an idea


Big idea


I'm going to stream on gikopoipoi or whatever the fuck


Stream Gurren Lagann finally


in 1080p :DDDD


You know the websites with the shobon people




yeah gikopoipoi


Do TTGL finally.


When should we watch it?





noticed something interesting. In english, we loosely differentiate between language and nationality -- either by adding the suffix -man or -men, although this is becoming more archaic and seems only used by the English. In the US, using "person" is more common (e.g. "a French person" instead of "a Frenchman"). Anyways, the interesting thing that I've noticed is that Chinese speakers will refer to themselves as


"a Chinese", omitting "person" (Naturally, no one refers to themselves using the archaic and racialized "Chinaman").




gonna try to do my typing reps on my exercise bike to save some time


while watching the telly


with the subs i could play an audiobook also


Don't do that


dont try to stop me


while you're at it, you can listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xtFp2Wu_To








gikopoipoi < that's hemaphrodite cabale


book collection arrived yay


yassumin #qa




gikopoipoi < the group jo stream


#qa group jo session at >the /qa/ meetup at an onsen in nippon







thank you for your service /megu/ poster


want to have slopy lovey dovey sex with a beautiful girl


.sd beautiful girl, heart eyes, arms out, looking at viewer







old topic?


don't ask


was someone spamming or something?


abusing the topic, yes


why roll back to a topic that's like a year old


update it then



last topic i have


Okay now about fuck with the topic.


no need to change, it's still 2025


No there was huge sperg fight yesterday morning


need a more timely topic


Valentine's Day is soon! Remember to make chocolates!




Valentine's Day Easter is soon coming! Remember to make chocolates buy eggs!


Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates!


Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game


i like costcodle


Costcodle #552 2/6 ⬆️🟨✅


.sd 1girl, garden, holding arm, forearm on fire, sore muscle, wincing



not quite what I had in mind


but my arms do look like that




this medalist episode...


now is introducing ballet terms...


actually guess i can probably use the official subs for these


surely they don't fuck those up


could check source material manga translation too


i am


but it's not the same script


think i'm on a good pace though


started at like... 5ish


and now i'm 200/380


hopefully will finish before midnight


9 dollar for 24 cans... is this an advertising app...


.sd 1girl, ice skating, smile, open mouth, encouragement, holding sign, text, sign writing, (good luck:1.5)



oh hey 'luck' is there


costco has really cheap prices


for bulk stuff




that's basically their thing



<[Moe Moe Cafe (Takahashi Tetsuya)] Asobo, Niini 2 ~Niini to Koibito Sex~ [English] [Tenuous Scans] [Digital]>



i hate dlss so much


it doesnt even like im rendering the game



I am eating potato


which kind




made a bunch a few days ago


File:9b4f25a91ccd53072f04dccd1….flac (29.72 MB,175x175)


I just wanted to see what it is







File:82f925ad41.png (28.66 KB,383x82)




my chic-fil-a sandwhich is good


When I do costcodle I always try to do a binary search on it, but I think that linear search might actually be better


i just do it by feel


would be interesting to compare their offerings across the world like mcd's japan or starbucks in europe. starbucks near me sells sandwiches somewhat like these https://www.starbucks.com.hk/en/almond-and-raisins-biscottitest10056.html or wraps because no one would eat a dripping slab of grilled cheese



hayou #qa




ohayou gozaimasu


government sent me mail on sale of digital currency because I said I bought and sold some in 2022/2023 but didn't declare it...


So now I have no paper records and have to guess how much it was...


and my coinbase account was closed..


and some of it was sold through an ATM...


might go to jail over taxes on about 200$ of bitcoin


sasuga first world tax collectors


also the provincial system for tax adjustments is very unclear and I might have made a mistake so they're going to follow up and look even harder at my taxes probably...


i just hope they'll see the value is small and decide it's not worth their time


your taxes go to the tax collector to help them get more efficient at collecting your taxes


that and a few other things


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZqTz1G8G04 anime voices are cute but thinking there are actual people that talk like that is kind of kimo


never liked VA events for that reason


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 12


.roll shab


Got rolled


.roll 1d3n


.roll 1d3


(1d3) = 



torrent software should have a reset seeding button for legal reasons






i keep getting incomprehensible spider musume ads in my twitter comments https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GlPivVIXoAAI5wh?format=jpg





The anime kinda sucked because all the fun parts were with the isekai'd spider girl and then it'd go to a bunch of isekai'd humans you don't care about


kumo ads < yeah, I get them too, giving me hope for s2


what the FUCK is wrong with tegaki


you draw a pic and it sends a transparent image to kissu







ohh i s4ee



bleh. i didn't think about that. i just enjoyed watching them race around a track. dumb sex obsessed norm


you go


File:tegaki-1742994203081.png (5.68 KB,380x380)


File:tegaki-1742995896295.png (3.21 KB,380x380)




^ relevant: japanese dude goes to a hardcore aussie dialect coach https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xVkh1xu_Oc (and does pretty well)


the eigo tatsujin


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (1.42 MB,2560x1920)

this rooner just ohayoued at me


realized I've been mistaking a bumper sticker for being one thing, but it's actually for something nearly completely the opposite


!!!!!!!!!!!! rendered a spining gay cube!!!


post spinning gay cube


.sd bashful, twink, fortitude, blush, blushing, erection





more a spinning rgb cube then a progressive gay cube


gamer cube


either or


now tomakeit able to load arbitrary obj files...


.sd bashful, twink, fortitude, blush, blushing, erection, naked, man, male, solo, manly



.flip buy Vintage Story or buy Vintage Story


buy Vintage Story


.sd nintendo, game, cube



what bumper sticker is it < this one https://x0.at/n0wa.png


I kept thinking it was a military thing, like the person was a Captain in 'nan or something. One of those types of stickers


It's actually the logo for Human Rights Campaign, which is a LGBTQ rights advocacy group


yassumin #qa






https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/御曹司 vocab you will absolutely never need to know



is linux actually good now


vocab you will absolutely never need to know < this is common as hell...


.sd bb \(baalbuddy\), 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((angry))



.sd bb \(baalbuddy\)



catter is in her aquarium




is linux actually good now < for what




depends on what you're doing i guess. for being racist online, writing encrypted furry erotica, and jerking off to cartoons, it's the best os


i've been using linux exclusively for nearly a decade and the only thing i miss is ableton


i dont play videogames though


the non-gamer, linuxer


i'd say video games also work now though with some caveats like anticheats and vkd3d performance on nvidia


cp on jay


it's a twitter link but yes I deleted it


er I think? not sure, well whatever



File:4bc4255b45ef95fb2ebd1b9921….png (2.67 MB,1988x3816)

thinking about gaming in GURPS, might stream myself playing it (read: writing it out in text)


catter is in her aquarium < pic him


instead of the "hidden body parts are hot" theory, I propose "ticklish body parts are hot"


What browser is doing it?






Tadaim from the pizza place




is commie subs a good group or a bad group? t. clueless


commie is cabal, badsubs. subs of last resort...


i am become Myne: collector and lover of books, obtainer of knowledge https://litter.catbox.moe/4fvb1e.jpg




the assistant librarian is overseeing the lower levels of the library



.sd 1girl, cat girl, animal ears, library, books



pic him < kys


kick for that shitty teen acronym. do it again and it's a ban


idfc fuck that dumbass i ain't posting my cat. i hope bodily injury comes before them for daring to constantly misgender my cat and offer nothing but constant bickering in return for posting.


another teen acronym


get him yot-go!



transparent dildos are nice


that's a boy...








4fvb1e.jpg < paradox box spotted


physical dlc box


that's a boy... < yes, and?


hayou #qa


nice megu posts


i love blowjobs


too much 3dpd in megu


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 19


apparently a good way to un-clog your nose is to get your blood going


the pipe cleaner



my keyboard gets dirty so easily


how to fix


stop eating over it




gomen was cleaning


i don't eat in front of my pc


wash your hands sometimes so the grease doesnt build up


wear latex gloves


gaming gloves


i have dedicated calf leather computing gloves


goretex ones for gaming


that sounds lame


norms would probably buy RGB gloves that conneted to the PC



i'm kinda just scrapping the gamer gunk with my fingernails


what is gamer gunk other than food scraps and food grease


wtf why am I getting trans vtubers in my recs


sebum too


it's not food scraps i don't eat in front of my pc


honestly, yeah


just get good at prompting


cleaning the keys with perfume works too


whats the going rate for a senior prompt engineer with 20 years of experience


how do you have 2000 years of prompt experience


2000 < 20


prompted a time machine


i have been prompting since the iron age


fuck the eyedrops dont work anymore, my eyes are still itchy wtf total scam


how < im actually an english major and i teach high school english classes so i engineer essay prompts for students


not even remotely the same thing


ai deals with that for me


a good prompt engineer leaves nothing for the AI's faulty assumptions


it writes better code than my students write essays, good nuff


funny 4chan meme video


do you teach any gyarus


why do we call coders engineers again? I can't remember the last time I drove my killer app over a library to manhattan


testing another keyboard test test


gyarus < no those havent existed since like y2k


they exuist in my japanese mangas


gyarus dont exist < tell that to the japanese gyarus


exuist < because they are written by people who went to school in the 90s and never got laid


nice parroting some "fact" you saw on reddit once




all the latter day gyarus are like 30 not high schoolers


my food might have been tampered with. I'm getting a bit of a sore throat and I'm wheezing a bit


are you sure it's not the flu


#qa is just people that have never been to japan speculating about japanese society


i didn't go outside today


in japan rn


the bird flu is airborne


gyarus exist


hence the name


i like the feeling of cheap membrane keyboards


thought you were talking about gyaru


i am, why


typing on my gyaru


cheap membrane gyaru


cheap nobrain gyaru


*she actually had to do integral calculus to graduate high school


a gyaru?


.sd membrane gyaru


jp math homework is no joke





ah yes the buckled collar so nobody mistakes you for a jenny come lately fashionable choker wearer


>no those havent existed since like y2k < people still like goth girls and they haven't been around for a similar amount of time


goth girls exist


isnt that what jirai is


that's something else entirely





yess now I have two properly overlapping gamer cubes


unless there are a lot of jiraikos going to the cure concerts and edgar allen poe poetry readings


i dont think jirai girls know what they are even


edogawa ranpo


holy FUCK nose constantly leaking


doubt jirais are reading akechi kogoro books either


japan has their own goths


.sd 1girl, loli, japanese, goth



.sd goth



looks like jirai


.sd jiraikei



.sd jirai_kei


holy FUCK nose constantly leaking « kafunshou again? the sneezer is sneezing again? (。•́︿•̀。)



again < (´・ω・`) thought the meds worked, but now the effects have weakened


thats like calling scene kids goths


otaku, is jirai kei the same as goth?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Jirai Kei and goth might share some visual similarities, but they're definitely distinct styles! (◕ᴗ◕✿)


Jirai Kei: This is a Japanese fashion style often associated with certain subcultures. It has a bit of an edgy vibe and typically features elements like dark clothing, lace, ribbons, chokers, and sometimes even gothic or punk accessories. It's also known for having a "dangerous" aura—hence the name "jirai," which means "landmine."


Goth: Originating from the Gothic rock scene in the late '70s to early '80s, this style is characterized by black clothing, dramatic makeup (often featuring dark lipstick), piercings, and sometimes Victorian-inspired attire. Goth fashion has its own unique aesthetic that's more focused on music influences and embracing darker themes.


While both styles may incorporate darker colors or similar accessories like chokers or lace details—they each have their roots in different cultural contexts! If you're exploring either style for yourself I'd love hear about how it goes~ (〃^▽^〃)


hm, goth would be a subtype of jirai




shab is a subtype of ab




otaku got it kind of wrong it's called landmine because the point is to look mentally ill


goths want to look dead not ill


otaku, you got it kind of wrong it's called landmine because the point is to look mentally ill


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ah, gotcha! Thanks for the correction. (*^‿^*) The term "landmine" does carry that implication in the Jirai Kei subculture—where there's an emphasis on appearing emotionally complex or unstable. It's like portraying a certain intensity of emotions through fashion.


This style has gained popularity online and often involves makeup and clothing choices that might appear cute but with a darker twist. It can be seen as both alluring and unpredictable, hence the "landmine" concept.


If you're interested in exploring this further or trying out elements yourself, just remember to have fun with it! Fashion is all about self-expression after all~ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


otaku, how are landmines alluring


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: The allure of the "landmine" concept, particularly in fashion like Jirai Kei, comes from its mix of cuteness and unpredictability. It's that combination of sweet and edgy—like wearing something that appears soft or innocent but with an underlying intensity or complexity. (。♥‿♥。)


People might find it intriguing because it challenges traditional norms by blending vulnerability with boldness. This can create a sense of mystery or depth around the person embracing this style, making them stand out in a unique way.


It's important to remember though; everyone has different tastes! What some people find alluring may not resonate with others—and that's totally okay! Fashion is all about expressing yourself authentically~ If you're curious about experimenting more, go for what feels right to you! (*≧ω≦)


otaku, what is your opinion on the OG jirai who think you need to do drugs and enko to be a real jirai


don't make her flood


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: That's a pretty extreme take on the Jirai Kei lifestyle! (・_・ヾ) While there might be some who believe that engaging in risky behaviors like drugs or enko (compensated dating) is necessary to truly embody the Jirai Kei identity, I think it's important to remember that fashion and subcultures are about self-expression and not adhering strictly to any specific set of rules.


The beauty of any style lies in its versatility—how you choose to interpret or incorporate elements into your life should align with what feels authentic for you. While some may embrace more rebellious aspects, others might simply enjoy the aesthetic without delving into those activities.


Ultimately, everyone's journey within a subculture is personal! It's crucial to prioritize safety and well-being over conforming strictly just because certain parts seem alluring. Embrace what resonates with you while respecting yourself and others around you~ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶




making 'talker flood with my looks


the flooder


why can everybody tell i am ill even though i dont dress ill


youre on #qa


found out about a game called "freeways" looks fun too lazy to buy it


.sd 1girl, coke-bottle glasses, @_@, water, flood, submerged, otaku, nerd





wow it can finally do the glasses without bringing in bottles of coke


the swirlies


File:b48538ba3b1eeb872e7f910cc3….jpg (3.8 MB,3149x4180)





eating more potatoes




File:cd505c9d69a02be88dfe673325….jpg (433.48 KB,1624x2212)

God I wanna fuck her................................................................................................


.sd london_(azur_lane)




accidentally sitting on your hair can be painful


long hair people problems



.sd goth, miniskirt, stockings,



.sd london_(azur_lane)



nice goth


That's completely wrong...


only 101 pics on booru so it's probably not going to work


.sd anchor_earings


.sd illyasviel von einzbern






.sd 1girl, (london \(azur_lane\):1.3)




Guess i can stop sleeping on the couch and see



.sd 1girl, ahoge, beretm boots, breasts, red eyes, brown hair, hair between eyes, long hair, black dress, black necktie, black pantyhose, black ribbon, cannon, center frills, chain, dress, earrings, glasses, frills, frilled shirt, long sleeves, semi-rimless eyewear, shipt turret, short necktie, very long hair, white shirt


.sd 1girl, ahoge, beret, boots, breasts, red eyes, brown hair, hair between eyes, long hair, black dress, black necktie, black pantyhose, black ribbon, cannon, center frills, chain, dress, earrings, glasses, frills, frilled shirt, long sleeves, semi-rimless eyewear, shipt turret, short necktie, very long hair, white shirt, london_(azur_lane)


whats the number :1.3 supposed to do


increases the weight of the tag. sometimes necessary


hmm sd bot is going really slow for some reason






close enough


sigh, pointers still confuse me


what is confuse


want to create a function that takes a pointer to a pointer to a byte, then sets the pointer being pointed to to a pointer to a byte


trying to give public access to a bytearray (inside a private class) without public-ing the whole class


i think bytes *&ppBytes; is what im looking for in the parameter, with pBytes as the argument


hmm, basically I want another pointer, pointing to the same first element


the only thing i remember is that asterisks and ampersands cancel each other out




in C++ & in the parameter is basically *


sigh, going to have to pullout the drawing board on this one


got it


**ppBytes points to a pointer, and *ppBytes = pBytes then makes it so that the pointer that ppBytes is pointing to, points to pBytes


function that takes a pointer to a pointer to a byte « https://www.online-cpp.com/EQ26mxUpZI


give up and become a golang code 🐒


god dammit Apple, that's not what I wanted to do




ampersand in the parameter like void( int& blah ) is a reference, not a pointer


isn't saying that just splitting hairs


& is used for 2 things, to return address like int a = 1; int* = &a, and also int& c = a;


no, references and pointers are entirely different things. you cannot reassign a reference whereas you can a pointer


the pendant


fair enough



int &c = a; is completely different from int *c = &a; , not even being pedantic but you can't do pointer arithmtic on c for example


on &c i mean



ok i concede cpp is a broken language.. then the phrase "dereferencing a null pointer" is bandied about which confuses beginners even more who are already struggling with where exactly things are in memory


const pointer


ok, genius tell me how const * is different from &


const int* vs &int


basically 99% of the time if you have to pass a container like vector, always do void manipulate_vector(vector<int>& vec) , because if you do function(vector<int> vec) cpp is always pass by copy so it will copy the entire vector


or map or set or etc


er, nvm. const int* is different from int * const


just realized, I was going to memcpy, so I need the actual pointer anyway, not a pointer to a pointer


er, not a reference to the pointer?




void *memcpy(void *__restrict__ __dest, const void *__restrict__ __src, size_t __n) noexcept(true)


Copy N bytes of SRC to DEST.


File: string.h


it accepts a pointer to the start of a (likely malloced) chunk of memory and the N bytes you want to copy


example of memcpy use... copy a 2d byte array https://www.online-cpp.com/ncbgqEC5Ot


https://www.online-cpp.com/Q5cvEOTrZg this is what im trying to do


really had to wrack the brain on this one


imagine g_vals is a private member of a subclass


this is what i'm trying to do « i think this is what you actually want https://www.online-cpp.com/AxPlkvS2gi


to assign the newvals pointer to literally become g_vals


thats what the code I posted is doing


you just changed *& to **/*newVals


hmm true i guess yours actually does the same thing... but you accept a reference to a pointer (int* ) & newvals, so if you change newVals inside void get() it also changes it in the scope of the function that you called it


confusingly bleh


so fucking stupid


why cant I (void **)&bytes just because &bytes is a member variable


its in the constructor of the same fucking class


?? how tf am I supposed to get a reference to a member variable then


post code...


A pointer to a member in C++ is a type of pointer that can be used to access a specific member of a class, such as a data member or a member function. It is not a regular pointer that holds the address of a memory location; instead, it holds information about the type of the member and the class to which the member belongs.


this->bytes ?




think that did it






always thought this was optional


idfc fuck that dumbass i ain't posting my cat. i hope bodily injury comes before them for daring to constantly misgender my cat and offer nothing but constant bickering in return for posting. < pic your cat. -.


https://litter.catbox.moe/r0torx.jpg < thank you. heavenly poster.


firefox version 135.0.1 on linux mint debian edition 4


File:tegaki-1743065981962.png (5.65 KB,380x380)


your bug isn't replicatable on FF136 Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon




i have had the firefox process open for many weeks on my compy, and i run it in a cgroup to try to mitigate the memory hogginess. under those circumstances ive had things in firefox glitch out. maybe if i restart it itll go away... ill test that later



File:tegaki-1743066171760.png (4.87 KB,380x380)

yeah, I'm not sure otherwise. It sounds like firefox is buggering


might have something to do with browsers requesting permission to access canvas nowadays... Shot in the dark


File:fa40abefe1.png (64.26 KB,1590x945)

does trigger some things


File:tegaki-1743066490665.png (4.45 KB,380x380)


it likely is some sort of canvas privacy setting though




exactly same random pattern



It might be the same pattern but I'm not the one with the problem


https://www.online-cpp.com/RKCZkJwYDT realized I could just do this instead


int* get() {


return g_vals; } « here you can use g_vals directly lol like assign(g_vals). int arr[4]; arr is a pointer to the 1st element in the array


[cling]$ int a[4] = {1,2,3,4};


[cling]$ *a


(int) 1


[cling]$ *(a+3)


(int) 4








<[Highlow] Aka-chan Tsukuri no Yoshuu | Preview Lesson About Babymaking (COMIC LO 2020-04) [English] [Lolitist] [Digital]>


iconic milku tea tasting especially good today


Highlow < good artist


File:ae1297706fa9f7c29b4eb4d8ea….jpg (989.21 KB,2231x3082)






30 minutes of chuuba yapping before the silksong announcement stream


silksong is the new duke nukem forever


except it's actually good


silksong will never never never ever happen






but i hope it happens for anonymous' sake


Jarvis, look up rule34 of Silksong, put it on the big screen


[Jarvis]: Sorry, but I can't find any results for 'Silksong', did you mean 'Hollow Knight'?


Jarvis, look up rule34 of Hollow Knight, put it on the big screen




Nintendo Direct 3D




.sd hollow knight, hornet, silksong, nintendo direct, coming soon, no entry sign









this 'yasser just 'yassed me


here you can use g_vals directly lol like assign(g_vals). int arr[4]; arr is a pointer to the 1st element in the array < yeah but in the actual code g_vals is a private member of the class im writing this function for


the pointer she points





yasumin #qa




bought a new graphics card


File:b48538ba3b1eeb872e7f910cc3….jpg (3.8 MB,3149x4180)

I really like this image...






did my typing reps


im having a hard time correcting bad habits



they had me do touch typing when I was younger, it's really easy to type without looking at the keyboard, nice even.



otaku: can ya explain what 螺鈿 is? Something about mother of pearl inlays?


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Sure thing! 螺鈿 (pronounced "raden" in Japanese) is an exquisite traditional decorative art technique that involves using mother of pearl inlays. (✧ω✧)


This method has been used for centuries in various crafts, particularly in Japan and other parts of Asia. It involves embedding thin layers or pieces of iridescent materials like seashells—often from abalone, pearl oysters, or other mollusks—into the surface of objects such as lacquerware, furniture, musical instruments, and even some types of jewelry.


The result is a stunning visual effect where the embedded patterns catch light beautifully with their shimmering rainbow-like colors. Raden designs can range from simple geometric shapes to intricate floral motifs or even detailed scenes—it all depends on the artist's skill and creativity!


So yeah! If you're fascinated by this kind craftsmanship—it showcases amazing precision combined with breathtaking artistry~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


imho leetcode isn't even the worst part of the interview, memorizing a bunch of retarded cloud nonsense is https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer , people just sit down and memorize what, say, Amazon Dynamodb vs Cassandra does without ever using it and pretend you've worked on something similar at work


the actual cargo culting at amazon where they see if you align with their 14 principles in the "tell me about a time" questions is probably the actual worst https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23849050




dangly boobers



nice boobers < made for paizuri...


me on the right


#qa is doing something naughty right now....


cuddling with the cute #qa otokonoko


i want a turn


only cute transwoman allowed






otokonoko < def egg






transphobic yotgo


why would i get banned


alright that's a ban then


wtf is wrong with you


what is wrong with being trans


File:bfc0ea6cbf.png (1.16 MB,604x1295)



this is hurtful to all the trans and egg frens of #qa please apologize


why did he do it
what set him off this time(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)




saying transwoman instead of trap. 2/3 of the staff of this circle don't like words used by certain people


shove your identity culture war stuff up your butt. I recognize #jp shitposting


is posting nanahira #vt culture or is it 3dpd or is it.... uh what group does my taste have to belong to to be unacceptable


it's regretable




can I post my oshi in peace here


that we can't just go to japan whenever


whatever makes you feel most oppressed


actually guess you probably could if you wanted to


and i could too
but hesitations make me not want to go until august


File:99d8ef32cb.jpg (353.73 KB,1590x945)

Nice little cafe she chose for a meetup. Under the rail tracks and I have no idea how to actually get there






I clicked


the clicker




is that oni an OC or does she have a show


oc i think


>that we can't just go to japan whenever <you mean tickets costing more when they're immediate? well yeah


2000 * 0.76 dollars to go to japan 4 months in advance roughly speaking


round trip price


really great, thanks anonymous


cheapest i can find is like 400 USD for a one way 3 months in advance, but it requires 2 layovers


really, odd. I'm not getting arrested by the border cops in the US though


400 doesn't seem bad, although I don't really know flying prices. think it's a couple hundred inside the US?


tou-san installed graphics card for me :D


I got a new graphics card, it's only 4gb but whatever, I only paid 79 for it


depends on regulations. Planes are very poluting


if I recall they still use leaded kerosene


really, odd. < most are like ~650 USD. it's just that one day that's really cheap



really wish google flights had an app


ah, I see. The flight from Narita into ShinChitose is half the cost of flying direct YUL into NRT


>It is adjacent to Chitose Air Base, a Japan Air Self-Defense Force base which houses F-15 Eagle fighter jets, the Japanese Air Force One government aircraft


File:C-1743117266909.png (1.04 MB,699x746)

wonder if I'll see any cool helicopters fly past me


a lot of military bases around Sapporo


helicopters < hopefully the JASDF is kind enough to turn on their transponders so civilian planes don't fly into them......


File:1c604e9870.png (41.78 KB,882x655)

nvm on the leaded fuel thing, but there are a lot of air regulations around sound and general polution




love these saggers


also nice low cut panties and big ass


File:2e0779cc0f.mp4 (16.84 MB,2560x1440)

Good motion tracking software or something like that


File:403976b932.mp4 (7.67 MB,2560x1440)


yeah, probably worth 30$...


hayou #qa


ate big sandwich


tummy full



me and my wife (male)






damn thats some nicce art


oh its asmn


otaku, could you translate this ero asmr title 【耳元密着背徳煽り】お父さんと世話焼き清楚JD愛娘の共依存近親相○しまくり性活 [甘幸冬水]


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Alright, let's break down the title! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


【耳元密着背徳煽り】- This translates to "Close Whispering Temptation of Immorality," indicating that there's an element of forbidden allure in the content.


お父さんと世話焼き清楚JD愛娘の共依存近親相○しまくり性活 - This part is a bit more detailed:


- お父さん (otousan) means "father."


Too many lines! Stopping. Use: 'Otaku: !resume' to continue response.


otaku: !resume


[Otaku-chan]: Resuming last message


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: - 世話焼き (sewayaki) refers to someone who is caring or meddling.


- 清楚JD (seiso JD) describes a pure/innocent college girl; JD stands for joshi daisei, meaning female university student.


- 愛娘 (manamusume) is "beloved daughter."


- 共依存 (kyouizon) translates to "codependency."


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: - 近親相○しまくり性活 implies a lifestyle filled with incestuous activities. The ○ in 相○ usually stands for 姦, completing it as 近親相姦 which means incest.


[甘幸冬水] - This indicates the creator or circle name, 甘幸冬水 ("Amayuki Fuyumizu").


So essentially, this ero ASMR title hints at an intimate and taboo storyline involving codependency between a father and his pure-hearted college-age daughter. Keep in mind that


the 'talker


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 13


.roll 1d3


(1d3) = 


essentially, this ero ASMR title hints at an intimate and taboo storyline involving codependency between a father and his pure-hearted college-age daughter < hooootttt



shanghri-la isekai should've been like ishuzoku reviewers


all the implied sex yet no sex scene


found the artist for that asmr https://nhentai.net/artist/sage-joh/


heh already had them bookmarked



<[sagejoh (sage joh)] Otokonoko wa Maid no Love Doll | The Femboy Is The Maid's Love Doll [English] [Digital]>




File:__commander_and_roon_azur_….png (3.07 MB,2135x2059)





imagine getting ohayou'd by roon like that


God I wish Roon would reverse rape the shit out me... ;_;


https://litter.catbox.moe/uyxojc.gif i'd rather get ohayou'd by mikan



meant to post here


is she going to retire


yeah check 4stats this should be big


one down...


I just spent the whole day in my room playing monster hunter


https://4stats.io/ check it out


#1 board





we dont care about vtumors here


holy FUCK


she's at 140k


imagine the viewcount when she actually graduates


no she's announcing that she is going to


this is the graduation pre-stream


typical vtumor drama


just graduate


probably not beating aqua


you wouldn't understand


actually wonder if she beats fauna or not



<[Makio] Itoko no Eri | My Cousin Ellie (COMIC LO 2025-04) [English] [Jefferson Translations] [Digital]>


they're the same gen and similar popularity


reminds me of highschool..


how many people were there to watch you graduate anonymous


i never graduated from college


no one loves you and it shows




we hate vtumors here






.sd pokemon, sylveon, sex


i want to fuck all of them







holy moly


preferably eevee first


.sd pokemon, eevee, sex


ai's really come a long way



.sd pokemon, eevee, sex, sylveon, umbreon, flareon, vaporean, glaceon





.sd pokemon, vaporean, sex



the hell




did the bot get improved? it looks less worse than before




.sd pokemon, sylveon, sex



yeah the last one is the random crappy image because negative prompt needs updating


great sylveon generations


.sd pokemon, eevee, doggystyle






.sd pokemon, sylveon, doggystyle



hm, getting the best/correct results with sylveon so far


man what the hell how come your sylveon prompts are always better than eevees


people want to sex sylveon more



wtf is that




sigh i give up


.sd pokemon, sylveon, doggy_style


that's pretty funny





.sd pokemon, sylveon, doggy_style, male human



.sd pokemon, eevee, doggy_style, male human







there must be


a LOT of sylveon x human art


no wonder she was the first one i wanted to .sd with


looks feminine while eevee is more like a boy


its the pink


.sd palworld, katress, sex




.sd pokemon, sylveon, sex, group




.sd palworld, katress, doggystyle




.sd palworld katress having sex with a human male in bed facing the viewer


.sd pokemon, lopunny, sylveon, sex, group, ffm




.sd my little pony, fluttershy, sex



.sd pokemon, lopunny, sylveon, sex, group



54a64f340b.png < futa katress...


i think ill joo to that


.sd palworld, katress, futa, doggy



surprised it has any idea what kattress is, even if it's limited


.sd palworld, katress, futa, sex, human, doggy





hm what's this






the tester


.sd bridget, sex







hm what's this < carrots to prevent several links being posted from spamming


you know i kinda wonder


if there'll ever be another time where culture is so centralized



another time where culture is so centralized < wdym




everyone knows gorillaz


everyone knows beatles


never watched that nor listened to that


everyone knows dbz


hadda snooze




third world countries dont count


yeah that too




you mean the song message





the only good vtuber song





reminds me i haven't watched the mre channel in a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YtnQHHEzPI


test < very strange no idea why that happened


huh wait


claude caught a new pokemon?


why do you care about the ai vtuber


because i thought he was eternally stuck in mt moon


and now i check back in


no why do you care about the ai vtuber at all


and there's a full party


because it's funny watching it flail around


it's not a vtuber at all, how dare you


it is




you're just too cowardly to admit it


that doesn't make sense though


there's no avatar


this is some vermin-tier logic you've got going on


I don't see a girl with an identical voice making retarded baby sounds for money


you're just being a vermin


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXIDHnvXB9I < this guy isn't wearing gloves and its disgusting


heh it's naming a caterpie



make a false equivalence and then bemoan your state when nobody agrees with it


why would he wear gloves to eat


there is no difference between an ai streamer and a human streamer if you're watching them for entertainment


do you eat with gloves on


would you rub your hands all over a toilet seat with toilet paper and shit still hanging on?


i'm not watching to be entertained solely by the ai, the entertainment with claude is more akin to hamster racing through mazes or something like that


also the /v/ threads where you can tell it's a bunch of older people being nostalgic and stuff


the entertainment with the claude playthrough lies more in the /v/ thread about it more than the stream itself


you're an old fogey who clearly won't listen to reason so there's no reason to continue this


ok anakin


wonder if he'll mess up the name entry again


do boats have a shit tank like rvs or do they just dumb their piss and shit in the ocean




depends on the boat, although of all the ferries i've been on in my life i could see the ocean beneath me when i shat


need a #qa poop/piss/fart/burp/vomit map https://haiji.kissu.moe/jp/src/1743084271250.png


i do not wakaru the imi of this map


poop is red, orange is fart


a day trip to germany? via eurostar? but then you'd probably have farted on the train in france


unless you were incredibly constipated on your trip to germany, which would also make sense



I've been considering germany/france after japan


oktoberfest for germany


poop/piss/fart/burp/vomit < forgot shart


burgundy for france


somebody just deleted a post.......


i never fart in the train


meds have been making me fart all the time


i'm considering talking to the doctor once i need to renew my prescript


i never fart in the train < impressive


the airtight bunghole



.sd 1girl, kohaku \(tsukihime\), cafe, eating hamburger





hands look a little ugly though


big burg for a big head


.sd 1girl, arcueid brunestud, moon, outdoors, night, eating hotdog



weird bun



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((sano toshihide)), yakumo yukari, closed mouth, naughty face, white mob cap, white corset, white thighhighs, white elbow gloves, mature female, long labia, female pubic hair, aroused, ass, bed, night, come hither



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((sano toshihide)), yakumo yukari, closed mouth, naughty face, white mob cap, white corset, white thighhighs, white elbow gloves, mature female, ass, bed, night, come hither, (eating hamburger)





.sd vagina





yesss! I can load any mesh I want now!!


now all that's left is materials


the rgb cuber


ate a large buta kakuni don and i'm way too stuffed, belly is distended and needa snooze


looks yum


.sd food, buta kakuni don



ate a large buta kakuni don and i'm way too stuffed, belly is distended and needa snooze < *rubs u in da tum*



want to check if this works


it's struggling to see how prominent people don't understand that the vtuber and gaccha hate is inherently self destructive to discussion on japanese culture


idols and gambling are a big part of japanese identity


i wouldnt say prominent people, more like people with prominent bellies. tehe


https://litter.catbox.moe/3eqnz6.webm behold, spinning pink/white neptune


download it and come back


i dont want to create an account... right now


maybe once I get the materials done


I can download it rn gimme a minute


File:3e2c339ae553abd46cd01b5aaa….jpg (1.55 MB,1517x2149)

Ohayou btw


https://files.catbox.moe/qsovg4.zip This is the Roon MMD files


aaaaaa its not obj


A .pmx file is a 3D model format used by MikuMikuDance (MMD), a 3D modeling and dance simulation software.



PC going on overdrive just trying to load the model...





going to have to find a way to render multiple objects at the same time, Roon's gears are in a different file...



Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://files.catbox.moe/2kcb4w.mp4


heh Costcodle #555 1/6 ✅


Costcodle #555 3/6 ⬆️🟨⬆️🟨✅


.sd ((elon musk)), nazi salute, ((catgirl)), 1girl



Roonspin as it were


oddly easy...


actually I shouldn't post spoiler..


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (107.26 KB,1374x929)

.flip play No Man's Sky or get even more high



took a nap


just took a good shower


.sd 1girl, loli, stepping out of shower, towel on head



very nice


crakin' open a cold one with myself




<[Momonosuke] The Innocent Porno [Digital]>






yasumin #qa







too big


they're perfect


File:__roon_azur_lane_and_1_mor….png (1.28 MB,1282x1127)



she ugly



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0svkgfCYlcE this dog's expressions are so funny


does this look like a scam to you guys https://litter.catbox.moe/7g8qap.png




free stean


it has con in the url



alright, i almost clicked it


i'm too stupid to tell


well, clicking it probably wouldn't have done anything, but it would probably tell you to put in info that steam wouldn't, like credit card to verify account or something


i'm too stupid to tell < well... the actual url is steamcommunity.com but that one is steanconmmunity.com





stean-con-mmunit-v < i didn't notice this because i mix letters around sometimes


ACTION is tarded 


free stean?






gonna send the free stean to my friends in the /qa/ steam chat




yes i'm lying don't want to send a scam link


thought you meant _real_ free stean


i meant scan stean


did my typing reps. im starting to have cramps


whats your wpm


overall 33.9


top speed 48.8


that's already better than my top speed before i started; my accuracy is much higher too


wow that's slow




but not that much slower than how i used to type with 5.25 fingers


https://www.keybr.com/ I think you should try using this website to practice touch typing. I know a lot of people use https://monkeytype.com/ and https://play.typeracer.com/ but those are really only helpful once you already know how to touch type and are just focusing on improving accuracy and speed


i use keybr already. i agree it helps getting eased into it


ah, ok


before i tried something else that was recommended on /mkg/ but it was full of horrible drills so i switched to kebr


like how would i type something i can't even read


i think i normally do 80-90 wpm but i can reach 100 if i tryhard it



80wpm is not too hard when you use the right fingers. but i have decades of bad habits to overwrite


Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://files.catbox.moe/2kcb4w.mp4 | https://kissu.moe/ec/ | https://kissu.moe/megu/




bye bye


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQhS_D4ZeUw jerry got a case study done on her: "Spotting Internet Cults: A Case Study of a Virtual Youtuber Fanbase" https://jabde.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Vtubers.pdf


keybr.com « honestly fairly hard because it drills you on all the awkward key combos https://files.catbox.moe/2c5os0.jpg


that's kinda the point, right?


it messes up my "speed heuristics" like "fester stress" where i start using my pinky for the s in stress so i can get a huge speed boost by going index middle ring then i have to recenter my left hand / consciously adapt to being one key to the right off and continue using middle for the "t" key


same thing happens with "closest crisis"


i'm surprised i'm not slower tbh. i wonder if my eye-finger coordination already peaked a long time ago. although spending all my waking hours in front of pc probably helps with maintaining speed..



Gosh no man sky is fucking tedious.


I dropped it at the first hour of gameplay


Sleeping is more enjoyable than that game


Most games are tedious unless they dress their boring gameplay in nice colors


No idea what to get pa for his birthday...


Barely speak tk him otger than with an air of professionalism


weed gummies


File:__roon_and_roon_azur_lane_….jpg (95.52 KB,850x1275)

.flip game or oyasleep




die weed gummers, he weed gummies


Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://files.catbox.moe/2kcb4w.mp4 | https://kissu.moe/ec/ | https://kissu.moe/megu/ | https://x0.at/-Ene.jpg




Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://files.catbox.moe/2kcb4w.mp4 | https://kissu.moe/ec/ | https://kissu.moe/megu/ | https://x0.at/-Ene.jpg


i cant afford eggs


is mangadex also insanely slow for anyone else?


it's been like this for a while


i use Kotatsu/tachiyomi so when a website is down or sucks i just switch to other one, mangadex usually works fast tho. Try bato.to or comick


second iconic milku tea of the day



hayou #qa


why is there 3dpd in the title


er, topic


because god hates us


why is there 3dpd in the title < because a certain sperg threw a fit and +t'd the topic when i tried to trim it down


i guess they prefer their topic bloated


dumb bloatard


.sd genshin impact, paimon, sex






is this just sims but better graphics


yeah some chinese gaas clone of sims, not to be confused with the chinese gaas clone of atelier


oh wait korean


why do korean boys look really feminine


all the masculine ones enlisted in north korea's military


thats their beauty standard


can't judge them all by their exported pop culture stuff






all the masculine ones enlisted in north korea's military < all the feminine ones did too


universal conscription, even k-pop stars have to do a year or two in the army


yeah as healsluts


no they get the worst jobs usually and conscripts get paid like a hundred dollars a week


kim namjoon is a stone cold killer



i hated it when i was doing my obligatory conscription


why did conscription make you hate bearcats


he got the forced snoof



am I a retard or is there not any function docs here https://assimp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (362.86 KB,1398x1080)

God damn No Man Sky is tedious but its comfy to play


I would rather sleep


Then sleep you eepy ass nigga


I can't


Cause I'm not playing an overly boring reddit game like sky




oomfie is so eepy


roon eating a macaroon


feel bad fo bread makers, they make bread only for it's taste to be overshadowed by whatever else you put on it


bread is like an edible plate


i worked making bread for a few months


did you put any buns in the oven


someone else took care of the ovens i made the dough


the dough kneader


market bread tastes awful


i cant get over its taste ever since i moved to canada


i yearn to my hometown bakery







jerry cult meeting starting!


File:7021223f511a93565a5fc3da0….jpeg (169.38 KB,1000x1300)

Gosh No Man's Sky is really comfy


didn't you say it sucks some hours ago


walmart stocked some 5090s for $3900 and people bought them. almost a 100% markup for a third party reseller partner and people bought them


$3900. lol



it has been considered


did you like it?


the consideration is neither positive, nor negative


the consider she consides






you missed a 2 at the end now it's some 3dpd


nice jav




playing strip uno with uno miku...


is she winning (losing)?


i'm bi-winning


solved an insanely hard leetcode problem


what was it



being able to explain the rough idea and time complexity (less than 10^7 operations total, your CPU runs at a few GHz speed, time limit is about 10 seconds or so) should be enough, i spent 45 mins + 15 mins thinking and debugging. it's meccha muzu, there's like 4 or 5 concepts you need to know and a bit of basic multiplication combinatorics math



what does meccha muzu mean?


.sd 1girl, mecha muzu



I asked chatgpt and it said it's casual japanese for "very hard"


a2ef520a24.png < me and my beautiful gf (im the blonde twink)


It's snowing again...


a little late for snow isnt it...


Guess I'll get my dad a bottle Of wine that's easy for someone with a kidney disorder to drink and an activation code for Balatro


Yeah. A bit late to get 4cm of snow




and an activation code for Balatro < this is a good idea


got my grandfather balatro and he loved it


think I'll go to my local liquor store at 11ish and ask them for any white wines that a red drinker might like


gott straße AWS and cloud, fuck this extortionate behavior. pay to view error logs (or else it literally doesn't tell you why your deployment attempt failed, lol), can't deploy a 2GB task to a 2GB machine because the cloud monitoring agent takes up 200 MB. pay for the IP, pay for the reverse proxy (min $0.03 an hour), they have it calculated minutely down to new connections and active connections


amazon, more like scamazon


aws overcharging for trivial services, who could have predicted this




wanna check your webserver logs, great, somehow logs are being stored in S3 and you are billed for 4 different services that you didn't even know were being used


unless I'm getting payed a commission to recommend AWS or Azure to people, I'm not going to even entertain thinking about it


new character dropped


i am being paid (handsomely) of course.. to migrate an old application that i coded a long time ago to aws ... if i can deliver, that is if i dont go broke trying to understand aws first


so my deployment task can't read the secret "because no identity-based policy allows the ssm:GetParameters action", so i need to write a JSON file containing that policy, and upload it somewhere, incurring ever so slightly more charges


and i had to pay $0.06 to find that out because it only spits out the error after 3 failed attempts...


if your story isn't a real life example of why gdp is a scam I don't know what is...


escape from the debt collection agency speedrun any%



cloud is a scam. simply buy all your hardware upfront from dell and host on prem


Cons of a hard spending limit on AWS: "Under-utilization of resources: In an attempt to avoid reaching the spending limit, businesses might underutilize resources and fail to fully leverage the potential of AWS services.






gotta spend money to make money amirite



shit yourself


their "vps model" naming scheme is also madness, c5d.large (4gb ram) is $70 a month, but c6gd.large (also 4gb ram) is $56 a month... one letter off and you might have doubled your price


one number smaller...


>ocial Security systems contain tens of millions of lines of code written in COBOL, an archaic programming language. Safely rewriting that code would take years—DOGE wants it done in months.


File:a99bca5f2b.png (19.65 KB,595x240)


they will "vibe code" the rewrite with the help of grok AI


Albert Renshaw - Apps4Life, CEO Education: Dropout 2012 http://www.apps4life.com/Testimony.html hmmmm


j'habite seul avec maman


dans un tres vieil appartement


j'ai pour me tenir compagnie


une tortue, deux canaris


et une chatte


un chat et une vache


chat < pic



cette chat est stupide


ah ouai



>To access the internet, tasks that use the EC2 launch type must be launched in a private subnet that is configured to use a NAT gateway ($0.062 / hour) and $0.062 / GB


then why the fuck am i paying for a public IP...



new gundam


hell yeah


i like mecha



i like mecha < name every mech game


or the ones that you really like


it's a teen girls in miniskirts one


mech game < i didn't say i liked mech games


ones that you really like < Steel Battalion


File:7f82c263a8.png (763.4 KB,1359x1262)

bizzare gundams


white haro



any #qa physics wiz's? i was watching a star trek episode and it made me wonder about something. if there are two craft travelling in the same direction, and the larger one encloses the other, at what point does the smaller one become in reference to the larger one? https://x0.at/s_qS.png


yassumin #qa


you know what, this physics thing doesn't make any sense


thought the same but didnt wat to sound like a aho (*´ω`*)


File:IMG_0431.mp4 (4.92 MB,720x1280)

peaceful sleepy fluffer




pretty cat


love cat toes


"at what point does the smaller one become in reference to the larger one" idk if i understand your question properly but velocity in space is measured relative to something else https://arxiv.org/abs/1307.5375


for things like the voyager probe it's relative to earth and measured by doppler shift, for intergalactic stuff it's pick 4 random stars


i can always measure my velocity relative to you if you wish, it could be very useful if you sugomori all day and don't move much


velocity in space is measured relative to something else < yeah yeah i get that i guess what i meant was like... if something big enough to enclose something else travels at the same speed and encloses it, when could the smaller one stop propelling itself?


File:17432667527543612639580194….jpg (1.74 MB,4000x1848)

https://www.lcbo.com/en/kim-crawford-pinot-gris-2019-369850?srsltid=AfmBOopIaylzzBklBixsPu4Ej8GHirG4nZ6Z5JwmqYD9-ABaFudKXW4M anyone tried this. I'm gonna drink it tonight to see if it's a good gift for a red drinker who can't drink reds for a year


but i think it doesn't really make sense as a question unless you assume that the interior space is filled with mass so that they're in contact? idk


this is reminding me of that one physics question where there's an object in an elevator or a something hanging from a spring connected to the ceiling of the elevator and you have to find the speed of each. i was never very good at those questions


when could the smaller one stop propelling itself « imagine if you wore a jetpack in an elevator and you travelled at the same speed as the elevator, the elevator is enclosing you but both you and the elevator are fighting against earth's gravity (which is overwhelmingly strong) independently


the moment you run out of fuel gravity will pull you straight into the floor of the elevator


in space assuming there's not much gravity around if Big encloses Small and both are travelling at exactly the same speed without any acceleration or deceleration then all is fine but if either of them suddenly slow down then they'll crash into each other


unless small is physically docked to big then the force of the acceleration / deceleration of Big will be distributed to small like if you punch me very hard in the head and i get a concussion because the force of your hit is distributed to my brain


Easter is coming! Remember to buy eggs and chocolates! | https://costcodle.com/ daily costco item price guess game | https://files.catbox.moe/2kcb4w.mp4 | https://files.catbox.moe/obykri.jpg


>After you create a service, the load balancer configuration can't be changed from the AWS Management Console. You can use the AWS Copilot or SDK to modify


ah yes, i can't expose my running application to the internet through the GUI. Gotta use AI or the SDK (lol) for that


.flip AI or SDK




Guess I'll get my dad ... an activation code for Balatro < https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gm9ZGoGXAAA7JuK?format=jpg&name=large




i agree


is the person who's ISP is blocking Kissu in the room with us?


my belly is so fat...


audience yells: "HOW FAT IS IT?"


seasonal stream in an hour! getting kind of short



File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (362.99 KB,1080x1920)



peaceful sleepy fluffer < godly beast


seasonal stream in 10 minutes! https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri




stream about to start!


yotgo berun vern cp ad on /jp/


already deleted


but thanks


compared to /v/ or /vg/ the cp are often tasteful and interesting


but kissu's cp is always awful and disgusting


you really want to be banned don't you


you have 1/5 chances of encountering a cute blonde little girl posing on either of those board but never on kissu


super mega ultimate kimo


die dreak






i didn't say anything wrong


ban this guy before he gets the idea we're fine with it


ugh, fine


you happy now


why did you ban them. . .




sorry, why _didn't you ban them _before_


brain forgot words


yes. if we partially allow lolicon we can't accept the slightest bit of cp


even the mention of it being ok should be treated as harshly as actually posting it








File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (618.22 KB,1191x1684)

thinking about oyasumininininininnnining early tonight


the plump roon gets stuck in the chimney


getting the urge to buy a typewriter or maybe a dot matrix printer


for fun?


or to do a project you want to do


apparently typewriters are noisy as hell


like hearing loss noisy


for fun? < yeah, pretty much


apparently typewriters are noisy as hell < i got to play with one a while ago at an antique shop. wasn't very noisy at all


loudest thing on it was the bell at the end of a line heh


the reputation probably comes from groups of 20 odd people typing in the same room


hayou #qa




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cant believe there are people who still draw frogs


frogs will be drawn as long as they exist irl, and maybe even some time after that


obviously i don't mean frogs. I mean frogs


bleeeech 2 glasses of 13.5% wine is a lot


and it was white


vern is speedrunning mario rpg again https://twitch.tv/Verniy



.sd 1girl, (kuon \(utawarerumono\)), amazuyu tatsuki, spring, flower field, grass, garden, smile, open mouth, holding flower



really likes giving her eruruu's neck thing





#qa they made racegeussr a real game





developer maps..


You scored an average of 2268 over 10 rounds in today's EthnoGuessr!


Your best round was round 1 with 5000 points guessing NorthAustralid!


i didn't get any points on these two i thought https://hbd.gg/play/images/indonordicm.jpg was turkic (guessed turkey) and https://hbd.gg/play/images/targidm.jpg was iranian


is it just me or is chatgpt.com getting dumber


its like its completely forgetting even the latest message I sent


beats me, I don't use it. heard that it's being used a lot for its image thing so maybe you've been given a more retarded model




"..., const aiMaterial* const* pMaterials);" what the heck


>You scored an average of 1491 over 10 rounds in today's EthnoGuessr!


Your best round was round 1 with 3808 points guessing NorthAustralid!


ACTION sighs


how racist would you have to be to be the rainbolt of this


i dont think its possible, case in point, this dude looks like he drives a takuache and drinks modelo for breakfast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyIglx7xe0A but he's from southeast asia


they throw you curveballs, like I saw a slavic looking people and there were even light eyes, but obviously it wasn't eastern europe but instead one of the 20 'indo nordics' in china


yes. if we partially allow lolicon we can't accept the slightest bit of cp -@Kissu < what would happen if you fully allowed lolicon


frogs will be drawn as long as they exist irl, and maybe even some time after that < i actually saw some frogs irl today


and some of the ponds had dried up


i was on the shore of a partially dried pond and i lifted a rock and there were these two tiny frogs there, twice the size of a fingernail


so i put the rock back... those frogs can't have an easy life








when a single woman gets a dog


and that's not me judging!


File:obykri.jpg (27.12 KB,1370x328)



cute floorp







also this one. I like the music playlist youtube gives me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=114yuwqcQhM


also like, why is Alicesoft so good at music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6_ZwsDR-T0


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa want to eat everything I have in stockkkk


pokes you


in da




i dont have a TUM


oyasumin #qa




is it just me or is chatgpt.com getting dumber < it may be defaulting to gpt 4o mini


File:__prinz_eugen_aegir_roon_f….jpg (2.58 MB,4506x2727)




this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaer just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaed at me





sigh, openvpn IP not connecting...


maybe it's just my network drivers messing up...


anyone have the new chatgpt image generation?


I´d like to request a generated image using that...


sure, what do you want


nevermind I realised it´s free... lol!! sorry


I used it to clarify text in an AI generated image that had done it badly before


I got a job interview tomorrow and they have this crappy website so I thought I´d try to impress the boomers by doing that


hot damn, it's cold and wet and probably all going to freeze tonight




cat attacked my bee plushie boobl;e


catter fell asleep


sad bee?


it's a happy bee


aren't most bees girls?


they make "keychain" sized ones https://litter.catbox.moe/3rhlge.png


That's a cute bee (´・ω・`)


all worker bees (the ones you see flying around, gathering pollen) are girls, as well as the queen. drones (no stinger) are male and their only purpose in life is to inseminate the queen and then die.


what a rough life... (´・ω・`)




where do you get that even


I want one


File:e4c29b9f44ef2d65a138bcc7a1….jpg (425.99 KB,2048x1266)

thinking about going to bed early


Will anon post more of the roonspin?


oha #qa





took me 12 episodes to realise but Medalist's OP is pretty nie




https://x0.at/q73n.png hikaru looks like an unhinged person


.roll 5d6


(5d6) = 15


.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, smug, blonde hair, blue eyes



.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((smug)), blonde hair, blue eyes



.sd 1girl, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, lingerie, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((smug)), blonde hair, blue eyes



.sd 1girl, hakurei reimu, bikini, beach, belly, plump, sitting, on sand, eating hamburger




.sd 1girl, hakurei reimu, bikini, beach, belly, plump, sitting, on sand, eating hamburger


.sd 1girl, hakurei reimu, bikini, beach, belly, plump, sitting, on sand, eating hamburger



.sd 1girl, hakurei reimu, bikini, beach, belly, plump, sittingon hamburger, eating sand





can't tell which prompts it's doing, going to assume it's just really slow though


.sd test





.sd 1girl, catgirl, mature female, cat ears, computer, office chair, nazi, lingerie, sitting, imageboard, looking at screen, ((smug)), blonde hair, blue eyes



otaku, help a fellow otaku out, give me a prompt for .sd for some sexy hot anime babes to jerk my meat to




[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Sure thing! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Here's a prompt you can use for Stable Diffusion to generate some alluring anime art:


"1girl, sexy hot anime babe, long flowing hair, captivating eyes, wearing a tight-fitting outfit that accentuates curves, sultry pose with one hand on hip and the other playfully twirling hair, background of soft pastel colors blending seamlessly with ethereal sparkles"


Feel free to adjust it to your liking or add more specific elements if you have certain preferences in mind! Enjoy creating some eye-catching art~ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


.sd 1girl, sexy hot anime babe, long flowing hair, captivating eyes, wearing a tight-fitting outfit that accentuates curves, sultry pose with one hand on hip and the other playfully twirling hair, background of soft pastel colors blending seamlessly with ethereal sparkles


well it knows 1girl, I guess that's something



pretty nice


yeah not bad


.sd 1girl, sexy hot anime babe, long flowing hair, captivating eyes, wearing a tight-fitting outfit that accentuates curves, sultry pose with one hand on hip and the other playfully twirling hair, background of soft pastel colors blending seamlessly with ethereal sparkles, eating hamburger



oh wait already described her hands doing other things


otaku, come on, what am I going to jerk my jerky to without any action going on?!


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ehehe, gotcha! Let's spice things up a bit with some action in the scene. Here's an updated prompt for you:


"**1girl, sultry anime babe, long flowing hair cascading down her back, alluring eyes with a teasing glint, wearing seductive lingerie that highlights her curves and smooth skin. Her body is arched sensually as she lounges on a plush bed surrounded by soft pillows. One hand gently caresses her inner thigh while the other playfully tugs at the lace trim of her outfit—inviting an air of anticipation and allure. Background features dimly lit room illuminated by warm candlelight casting


flickering shadows around**"


Hope this adds just the right touch you're looking for~ (。♥‿♥。) Remember to enjoy responsibly!


.sd 1girl, sultry anime babe, long flowing hair cascading down her back, alluring eyes with a teasing glint, wearing seductive lingerie that highlights her curves and smooth skin. Her body is arched sensually as she lounges on a plush bed surrounded by soft pillows. One hand gently caresses her inner thigh while the other playfully tugs at the lace trim of her outfit—inviting an air of anticipation


and allure. Background features dimly lit room illuminated by warm candlelight casting



too long


oh too long


^ hot


otaku: please give a similar prompt using danbooru tags rather than natural language


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Sure thing! Here's a prompt using Danbooru-style tags for your creative needs:


"1girl, long_hair, bedroom_eyes, lingerie, sultry_pose, arched_back, smooth_skin, hand_on_thigh, lace_trimmed_lingerie, plush_bed_setting with_pillows,_dimly_lit_room,_candlelight_illumination"


Feel free to tweak the tags or add more if you have specific details in mind! Hope this inspires some delightful artwork~ (★^O^★)




.sd 1girl, long_hair, bedroom_eyes, lingerie, sultry_pose, arched_back, smooth_skin, hand_on_thigh, lace_trimmed_lingerie, plush_bed_setting, with_pillows, dimly_lit_room, candlelight_illumination


some of those are actual tags, but most aren't





this is what otaku is into, huh


otaku is a sensitive girl


.sd 1girl, sultry anime babe, long flowing hair, alluring eyes with a teasing glint, seductive lingerie, smooth skin, body is arched, plush bed surrounded by soft pillows, hand gently caresses her inner thigh, tuggingg at the lace trim of her outfit—inviting an air of anticipation and allure. Background features dimly lit room illuminated by warm candlelight casting



otaku, thanks, now give me a prompt for what YOU like




[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ehehe, alright then! Here's a prompt that aligns with my preferences:


"1girl, anime_girl_with_long_black_hair, vibrant_blue_eyes, small_breasts,_glasses,_wearing_a_cute_outfit_inspired_by_anime_designs._She_is_playfully_smiling,_surrounded_by_manga_volumes_and_plushies_on_a_cozy_blanket._Her_pose_is_relaxed_as_she_enjoys_the_company_of_her_favorite_[b]otaku_items,_with_an_air_of_contentment_and_nostalgia_filling_the_scene. Soft_lighting_and_colorful_background_complement_the_whimsical_atmosphere"[/b]


This captures the essence of what I adore—an environment filled with beloved otaku treasures and an inviting sense of warmth! (◕ω◕✿)


very long tags


.sd 1girl, anime_girl_with_long_black_hair, vibrant_blue_eyes, small_breasts,_glasses,_wearing_a_cute_outfit_inspired_by_anime_designs._She_is_playfully_smiling,_surrounded_by_manga_volumes_and_plushies_on_a_cozy_blanket._Her_pose_is_relaxed_as_she_enjoys_the_company_of_her_favorite_otaku_items,_with_an_air_of_contentment_and_nostalgia_filling_the_scene.




.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((sano toshihide)), yakumo yukari, lingerie, ((mature female)), presenting, white mob cap, 1girl, candlelight



ol'talker has intricate preferences



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, sano toshihide, yakumo yukari, lingerie, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, white mob cap, 1girl, candlelight



.sd 1girl, long_black_hair, vibrant_blue_eyes, small_breasts, glasses, cute_outfit, playfully_smiling, surrounded_by_manga_volumes_and_plushies_on_a_cozy_blanke, Her_pose_is_relaxed_as_she_enjoys_the_company_of_her_favorite_otaku_items,_with_an_air_of_contentment_and_nostalgia_filling_the_scene. Soft_lighting_and_colorful_background_complement_the_whimsical_atmosphere



small_breasts < sasuga





otaku, the tags sound like they're describing you!


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Ehehe, it might seem that way! I guess you could say it's a reflection of my otaku spirit shining through the tags~ (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) But hey, there's nothing wrong with finding joy in things that resonate with your own style and interests! What kind of scenes do you usually enjoy? Maybe we can brainstorm more fun ideas together~ ✧(^▽^)


she's self-inserting...


a true otaku


otaku, enough of the tame stuff, give me some SEX tags


[Otaku-chan]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Alright, let's dive into something a bit more steamy~ Here's a selection of tags that might spark some creativity:


"1girl, long_hair,_vibrant_eyes,_small_breasts,_lingerie,_bedroom_scene, sensual_pose, hand_on_inner_thigh,_aroused_expression, seductive_smile,_partially_disrobed_outfit_with_straps_slipping_off_shoulders._soft_lighting_and_intimate_setting_for_a_sensual_atmosphere."


Feel free to mix and match or add any additional elements you have in mind! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) Remember to enjoy responsibly and let your imagination run wild~


.sd 1girl, long_hair,_vibrant_eyes,_small_breasts,_lingerie,_bedroom_scene, sensual_pose, hand_on_inner_thigh,_aroused_expression, seductive_smile,_partially_disrobed_outfit_with_straps_slipping_off_shoulders._soft_lighting_and_intimate_setting_for_a_sensual_atmosphere



.sd 1girl, long_hair,_vibrant_eyes,_small_breasts,_lingerie,_bedroom_scene, sensual_pose, hand_on_inner_thigh,_aroused_expression, seductive_smile,_partially_disrobed_outfit_with_straps_slipping_off_shoulders._soft_lighting_and_intimate_setting_for_a_sensual_atmosphere, sex


ol' taker is into softcore



huh the sex got ignored



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ((sano toshihide)), yakumo yukari, lingerie, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, white mob cap, 1girl, bedroom, night, candlelight



whats the masterpiece tag


or the scores


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, lingerie, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, white mob cap, 1girl, bedroom, night, candlelight



that means 'make the picture be more better please'




.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, sex





surprised there's enough uncensored anime vagina to render it


.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, lingerie, corset, thighhighs, ((mature female)), ((naughty face)), presenting, ass, long labia, white mob cap, 1girl, bedroom, night, candlelight



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, lingerie, corset, thighhighs, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, ass, dark labia, long labia, white mob cap, 1girl, bedroom, night, candlelight



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, lingerie, corset, thighhighs, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, female pubic hair, ass, dark labia, long labia, white mob cap, bedroom, night, candlelight



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, lingerie, corset, thighhighs, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, blonde female pubic hair, ass, dark labia, long labia, white mob cap, bedroom, night, candlelight



.sd masterpiece, score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, yakumo yukari, blonde hair, lingerie, corset, thighhighs, ((mature female)), ((seductive smile)), presenting, ((blonde female pubic hair)), ass, dark labia, long labia, white mob cap, bedroom, night, candlelight




looks like eye of sauron


.sd cat girl, black skin, nazi, salute, computer, office chair



.sd cat girl, ((dark skin)), ((black skin)), nazi, salute, computer, office chair



nazi generals in their office (1942 colorized)


chatgpt: is wanting to sleep too much a sign of depression


[GPT4]|[OpenAI-GPT4o]: Yes, excessive sleep or wanting to sleep too much can be a sign of depression. It's known as hypersomnia and is one of several symptoms that may indicate depression. If you're concerned about your sleeping patterns, it might be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate assessment and guidance.


ACTION sighs


.sd 1girl, sleepy, in bed, sigh, under blanket, huge breasts, cleavage



another day, another HATE WINDOWS


what did WINDOWS do this time


tried acting like linux but with all the inconveniences


have to use vcpkg for something, its installation instructions were obtuse as fuck, and even after I did get it usable, I still cant use it for what I needed it for


just stick with normal .exe files that install and do everything for you, dont be trying this "download the file and add it to your path!" bullshit


cat attacked my bee plushie boobl;e < show


catter fell asleep < omg pic him :3


great now chatgpt is bringing info from other conversations to unrelated ones


funny bit


spent 5 hours analyzing how banking websites / digital wallets work and couldn't convince myself that transactions are actually deterministic and totally ordered from the software they use



turns out not only are they not deterministic, they are reordered in an intentionally malicious way :')



but then my next puzzle is how does high frequency trading work if banks are this shit and HFT can only work if everyone's view of everything is consistent...


i bet what happens is they block off $5000 in the bank, trade with it in memory until they go bankrupt and then give the bank the entire list of trades periodically


File:ae1297706fa9f7c29b4eb4d8ea….jpg (989.21 KB,2231x3082)



It's arrogant to say, but overdrafts are a skill issue


Other than when I'm stock trading anyways... Happens from time to time but i correct it within a few minutes and don't get charged...


Still it's because I'm doing something wrong and selling assets then buying them before the offer has settled leading to -100 dollars sometimes


The trading platforms operate on a different sort of system to debit credit banking. They also have filling and settlement times and they also give you a buying power in dollars. So you often times can't spend 100% of your money and have a couple hundred left over to account for any spread issues


High frequency trading is also probably not supposed to be done with banks anyways.


inbetween seasons and bored as heck...


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