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File:38d57489_e02.png (16.63 KB,698x400)

 No.1[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa

3999 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


slightly sleaker JS with some hypothetical intersting customization, but it just bloats the DoM with elements and the customizations don't seem to work properly. It might just be the React wrapper they wrote though.





File:c4pkff.png (284.14 KB,512x512)

 No.580[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for /chat/
Connected in relay to Sageru #chatgpt

4115 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


. Clannad - While the main game itself is not eroge and leans more towards a profound and moving storyline, it's worth playing for its deep emotional impact and memorable characters. It's a great choice if you're looking for something with significant depth and heart.


. Grisaia no Kajitsu (The Fruit of Grisaia) - This title follows the life of a high school student who is the only male in a school full of girls with complex pasts. It combines intriguing narrative with elements of drama and romance.


Remember to check the content descriptions to make sure they fit what you're looking for! Enjoy diving into another world tonight—may your adventure be thrilling and just what you need to stave off the loneliness! 🌟💖


huh katawa shoujo? that's interesting that it would have it listed at all


its pretty popular actually

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