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Three IPs have gotten warnings.
As soon as these people do something explicitly against the rules I am banning you and you better hope that one of the mods contests it.(Idiot)


Three whole IPs!?


Seems like I'm getting denied from executing people and they removed my warnings.


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Kuzu want the site to degrade to a point where mods have to act rather than acting on preventative measures.
Coward staff don't want to act without the userbase begging them for action.


not sure i understand what they did wrong
not that i read the rules but somebody raging about drug users doesn't seem that bad
ive seen people tard out over less


Vermin's going through a mood swing where after a period of hibernating and being reasonable he all of the sudden wants to moderate more again


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There aren't any bans. Just, uhh...
Well, things were going to blow over and they still are, it's just uhh...
bleh I'm just gonna go make a stupid thread again


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The fools judge on a metric inadequate for the security of the imageboard. Not able to see the evil within the hearts of man.


laughing at how the site would be a smoking crater without people tardwrangling hibikid at every turn


Not kicking people on the premise of a moderator's judgment will eventually result in a situation where someone infiltrates the system and causes instability.


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Ahem, a moderator's judgment is typically the flashpoint for instability. If anyone has or will "infiltrate the system", it will be someone who does not claim to represent the views of the community, but who makes emotional and impulsive decisions based on their judgement at the moment. If the views or aims of the community are at odds with that of moderation, it should not be a matter of personal discretion to determine fault. This is the role of having set guidelines, so that each knows what's expected of them. Forsaking the rules, and relying on personal judgement is impulsive and emotional and only leads to resentment, causing more issues down the line. When the rules are ignored, faith is lost in either party breaking the rules. "Trust is built in drops and lost in buckets". When faith is lost in moderation there becomes little reason for users to follow rules, even if they might recognize their actions are, in hindsight, detrimental.

Moderation can either be sheep dogs leading a herd to greener pastures or wolves chasing the herd off a cliff. If you want a site to flourish, keep the herd happy.


If you want a website that ends up the way as 4chan, with /b/ or /pol/ controlling the site from the background(clawing it's way into positions of influence) then you should go ahead with your ideas. Fair power structures that appeal to your emotions are easy to subvert.

Unfortunately for you, this website's power structure does not appeal to your feelings and, in the case where I view my mods as being subverted by malicious individuals who seek to upset the power balance, then I will overrule them. Until then, I simply voice my concerns with them. That's the way it works.

Simply put, it is a presidential veto or executive orders which can at any time overrule the house and senate


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>- has threatened to ban evade and will speak in riddles, hinting he is schizophrenic
remember this little part about the copypasta about you? it's funny that you still do that to this day.


>If you want a website that ends up the way as 4chan, with /b/ or /pol/ controlling the site from the background(clawing it's way into positions of influence) then you should go ahead with your ideas.


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Diversity of opinions makes a site go forward, but compromising the site's identity shouldn't happen in the process. Many people have many ideas. But many people seek to fulfill their own goals. There is only the one chairman and the others are acting out it's goals and interpretting it's vision

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