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File:c3957a4d5e3fdd9782697fb8d4….png (87.38 KB,430x425)


Has anyone actually ever failed a captchouli because they didn't know the character?


A couple times in the past, sort of. You can just recognize which character is repeated. I can't remember who it was. well, obviously...


What's stopping you from googling the name anyways


Nope. At first there were a few names I didn't recognize, but it was obvious through proxess of elimination from knowing all the others shown.


same as anon above, but sometimes it can get difficult with the images they choose.


The goal isn't for it to be difficult but I think it's clear.
Captchouli is a speed limit on spam rather than a deterance. The Kissu-UI being a fully JavaScript UI negates essentially all primitive web bots to our top ranked pages on search engines and linked from other sites.


Yeah. I think the ones I mess up most often are probably the blep :P or pout ones.


Sorry I'm such a newfag, but where is captchhouli used?
I found the github repo(https://github.com/bakape/captchouli), really cool concept, but there's no captcha on kissu, so is there some other website related to kissu that uses it?


I've modified the filter system (Flood Detected) to use a captcha instead of outright rejecting the post. Users fill out the captchouli captcha and it bypasses the flood warning. But the parameters only get adjusted by me if the site is in a situation where it's required. Otherwise you probably won't notice unless doing imagedumps(in which case I have a purchased-pass system that allows you to bypass it that have been given to ~10-12 people).

The captcha itself hasn't been adjusted in probably a year, but I can decide what sort of tags to use and pollute the database with junk that will never be used to make it harder to solve. However, it's such a rare thing because we try to only let mature people post and have automatic systems to block tor and some proxy/vpn.


$1[s glowpink][/s]


yes because I've been outside recently

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