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File:73069494_p12.jpg (614.88 KB,912x912)


It would be nice to have a board that is specfically dedicated to all kinds of Touhou posting.
Besides of 4/jp/ we don't have a lot of active Touhou boards in the imageboard-realms, and we all know what a piece of shit 4chan is.


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What activity would make up this Touhou board that wouldn't already work as threads on any of the other boards? And to that point how much activity would you actually expect this board to bring in to justify its existence as a separate entity from the rest of the boards on the site?


But you can already talk about Touhou in virtually any /a/jp/-derivative board, I don't understand why you'd need a dedicated one.


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Why bother? There is nothing stopping people from posting Touhou on the already existing boards.

And besides, I don't think you can call 4/jp/ a Touhou board anymore.


Well I believe if you make a dozen threads about the various aspects of Touhou, the games, the fan works from doujin to music works; it would be better off on a Touhou specific board where the only other threads it could bump off would be other Touhou threads so that way people would be freer to post about such topics. What would be seen on such a board is basically what you would see on other boards such as 4/jp/ (on a good day) or the other countless /2hu/ or /jp/ boards there are.


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Yeah, I have the same question as the first reply. Kissu doesn't have an exclusive Touhou board, but I don't think anyone has felt the need for one. You could make 50 stupid throwaway Touhou threads on /jp/ right now if you wanted to, or create some serious threads on /qa/ and use them for years. You can post Touhou-related files on /f/, or dump thousands of cute or sexy 2hu images on /ec/.
Currently a thread on /jp/ has a lifetime of about a month without a bump and on /qa/ it's about half a year. I think there's certainly enough space for more threads if you so desire.

Personally, I don't think it's beneficial to isolate things into their own area when it comes to something like this. It's good for people to be exposed to new things they may enjoy, and I think imageboards work best with a shared community across all boards.


>And besides, I don't think you can call 4/jp/ a Touhou board anymore.
Really? I haven't been there in years other than taking an occasional look at the VN thread, but I just did a quick scan and more than a third of the board is Touhou. It makes sense that it would be the most prominent topic on the board, since Vtubers have their own board now, and most "/jp/ topics" were banned or condensed into generals a long time ago. (the Touhou threads themselves are mostly generals, anyway)


I don't think it would be that much of an isolation, the overboard is a thing, and you could make good use of that feature by expanding the amount of boards that you could browse through it.


> a dozen threads about the various aspects of Touhou, the games, the fan works from doujin to music works

I'd be fine with all of those threads on existing boards. The only thing I'd be against is if you made them as generals, which would also be the case on a hypothetical touhou board.
A thread like "what touhou doujin stuff do you like?" or "I just listened to ___ and it's good" are great threads, but something like "touhou doujin music thread, all music discussion goes here" would be detrimental.

>people would be freer to post about such topics
Maybe this is the crux of the matter. Do you not feel free to create as many touhou threads as you want as-is? We (kissu users) really want people to make threads to share their thoughts and interests so this is something to fix.


Have you tried making any Touhou threads OP? My Touhou doujin music thread on /qa/ got some talk and links going on. You just need to start a discussion if you want to see it.
I think it's something worth trying

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