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File:3c5544f97d0b9428a635888794….png (1.5 MB,1470x1610)


Referring to the post at >>>/poll/1597 you can use this thread to request statistic information about your current IP.

Items such as post counts and etc.




12 on ip, 267 on whitelist token


can't believe I have 12 on this IP
thank you


lay it on me



do me. i'm curious


but you have posts on the site since 2020. Can only count what's on the site right now.




Hey that's more than I thought.







I lost the SQL to do it. Ask me again if you want me to remake it so it gives a full site count.

mysql> select count(*) from posts_qa where wl_token="
| count(*) |
| 270 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from posts_jp where wl_token="
| count(*) |
| 53 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from posts_ec where wl_token="
| count(*) |
| 332 |


you can do the query using php like this:

function calcToken($wl_token){
$boards = listBoards();
$query = 'SELECT SUM(`top`) FROM (';
foreach ($boards as &$_board) {
$query .= sprintf("SELECT COUNT(ip) AS `top` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `wl_token` = '%s' UNION ALL ", $_board['uri'], $wl_token);
$query = preg_replace('/UNION ALL $/', ') AS `posts_all`', $query);
$query = query($query) or error(db_error());
return (int)$total = number_format($query->fetchColumn());




ahem... 4


only 4? thats a bit strange, I’ve lived in 3 different places since I started using this site so I knew it would be low but I recently went back to the place where I first started. I mostly lurk but even then 4 seems more like the total number of posts since I moved back instead of total at this place. Maybe something has changed in the internet since I’ve last been here


I can only see what's on your current IP and what still exists on the site


like right now your IP just changed so you're back to one post


If I count up what I think is your IP range it's something like 16




108 currently


That's not a lot, I need to spam.


numbers come from slow boards where posts don't get bumped off much


File:__hakurei_reimu_touhou_dra….jpg (294.45 KB,1165x1320)

How many do I have?





Tracking your VIP token
90 + 1095 + 1 + 47 + 21 + 16 + 254
Without it: 1


>Without it: 1


File:982cae352c2d7673998ebc46d9….jpg (56.19 KB,876x876)

I probably should be working harder...


Pretty sure my IP is dynamic and changing a bunch now... How many do I have?


tracking the token

| count( * ) |
| 145 |
| 141 |
| 131 |
| 154 |
| 100 |
| 241 |
| 1679 |
| 269 |
| 175 |
| 39 |
| 760 |
| 11 |


Been using this token since March 4, how many posts have I made with it since then?


Curious again, how many do I have? IP/token


I hope I have the sql query somewhere


select tokens.board , tokens.qty as "Token quantity" , ip.qty as "IP quantity" from
(select "poll" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_poll where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "sum" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_sum where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "spg" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_spg where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "aut" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_aut where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "win" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_win where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "jp" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_jp where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "qa" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_qa where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "cry" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_cry where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "secret" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_secret where wl_token like "TOKEN"
union select "trans" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_trans where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "ec" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_ec where wl_token = "TOKEN"
union select "f" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_f where wl_token = "TOKEN") as tokens
join (select "poll" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_poll where wl_token = "IP"
union select "sum" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_sum where ip = "IP"
union select "spg" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_spg where ip = "IP"
union select "aut" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_aut where ip = "IP"
union select "win" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_win where ip = "IP"
union select "jp" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_jp where ip = "IP"
union select "qa" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_qa where ip = "IP"
union select "cry" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_cry where ip = "IP"
union select "secret" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_secret where ip = "IP"
union select "trans" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_trans where ip = "IP"
union select "ec" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_ec where ip = "IP"
union select "f" as board, count( * ) as qty from posts_f where ip = "IP") as ip on tokens.board = ip.board ;


| board | Token quantity | IP quantity |
| poll | 78 | 0 |
| sum | 8 | 0 |
| spg | 77 | 0 |
| aut | 0 | 0 |
| win | 19 | 0 |
| jp | 128 | 2 |
| qa | 752 | 1 |
| cry | 37 | 0 |
| secret | 110 | 0 |
| trans | 4 | 0 |
| ec | 9 | 0 |
| f | 1 | 0 |


Thank you.


File:1546320454450.gif (448.81 KB,500x282)

It finally happened... my IP was changed after years of use because of a blackout...

What did I manage to score on it in the end? I bet it wasn't even that high compared to what it would've been a few years ago when my posts were all over the site.


count my bans freak


File:C-1739874994562.png (266.68 KB,1574x1269)

could always be worse... maybe...


how can the ban counter be at almost 2 million when the total post count over all boards isnt anywhere close


hmm... when you ban IP ranges does that count as like 65536 bans for 123.123.*.*


vpn bans

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