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File:Review.png (102.3 KB,547x514)


My rating algorithm needs some work it would seem

Kissu: 0.71 (B)
4/qa/: 0.44 (D)
Ota: 0.38 (F)
Nen: 0.56 (C)
GN: 0.55 (C)


File:[SubsPlease] Peach Boy Riv….jpg (114.79 KB,1280x720)

I can't agree with including 4/qa/, even if it's a pre-existing template image. Its score should be FFFFF or Z or something. So uh, how does the rating thing work? It must be including speed if a 4chan board isn't automatically the worst score possible.


I agree with the F for "Fuck ota."


It's a letter grading system used in GPAs
By chance there were no A+ or A-, only A


how the hell did ota get lower than gnfos and 4/qa/
feels like this rating is broken


Yeah, exactly what I mean with my questioning of the rating thing upthread. Speed must be be worth a lot of points, even if it's copied posts and templates or just general 4chan buzzword spam

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