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File:clover.png (11.14 KB,183x179)


what if i put kissu here?


it would make browsing from my bed much more convenient


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What this.


Well, considering Clover doesn't show every single imageboard in existence to the people who download it, I wouldn't necessarily mind Kissu being added. I would probably consider using it. But, uh, hasn't it not been updated in like 2 years? So, would this be a fork, then?

Clover. It's an Android app that is mainly designed for browsing 4chan and a few other imageboards that are hardcoded in.


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Considering kissu has mods, it doesn't sound bad.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (325.37 KB,1920x1080)

Well, do we want more activity or to focus on good activity? Personally I think we're still assimilating some new people and we should refrain from the 'wide net' approach.


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> It's an Android app that is mainly designed for browsing 4chan and a few other imageboards that are hardcoded in.
No thank you!


It's not like a drop-down that says "Add Lainchan", for example. To add sites other than 4chan you have to go into the settings and manually type the URL of the website. The only way to even find out what other sites are supported (other than checking URLs manually) is to check the Github and go through a few pages where you see what sites are supported by being redirected into the folder structure of the project showing the folders of supported sites.

I think it's safe to say, not many people will find out about Kissu's existence from just being added. And it most certainly won't be noticed if it's added as part of a forked version.


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!!!! It worked


i did that over a year ago, i made a thread on /b/ at that time
it's for kuroba not clover
can't push code to kuroba without effort, last time i updated i spent hours merging and rewritting everything because they changed everything
that was like 6 months ago, i don't feel like doing it again right now
if anybody is interested i might do it when i have more time on the weekend
also have gn and hima support because they have the JSON api


I like the site phone UI, I don't think I will use clover.


I do kind of agree as well. Missing out on seeing banners, or UI changes throughout the year would be a bit of a bummer even if an app would be more convenient in some circumstances.


the site should be as mobile-hostile as possible; mobile users bring nothing but trouble


A teen on a phone is less of a hastle than a teen on a desktop. Best the phone user can do is get his network or user agent banned and be unable to do anything about it... desktop user can do about anything to get around bans .


but how am I supposed to post on kissu when im smoking outside?


File:how to fix the mobile mena….png (8.12 KB,640x480)

get an extension cord and put your computer on one of those desks with wheels and wheel yourself outside.


I get where you're coming from, but I often post to kissu at work, and making the site more mobile hostile would make that a pain.


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