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File:Tsukuyomi -MOON PHASE- - C….jpg (47.98 KB,720x480)

 No.7514[View All]

Project thread for the banners.kissu.moe system
Source code: https://github.com/ECHibiki/Community-Banners-2.0
Feedback on banners: https://feedback.kissu.moe/public/forms/Banners_Feedback/10

Original TextWe should make banners or something, or rather someone other than that one guy that makes 90% of them. Do you have any ideas? We should think of new stuff to add to the clickable longer banners, too.
Or maybe if you're lazy you can come up with ideas and other people can make them.

56 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I made a banner just now.


that one should be a wide


File:[LoopSubs] Machikado Mazok….jpg (474.17 KB,1920x1080)

Board-specific banners are available for creation for everyone now.. or something. I was told to say this.
This means you can have a banner only exist in a pool for a specific board, like /jp/.


A /jp/ -vs- /qa/ edit for this might make a nice banner.


Hmm not a bad idea


File:R-1654426018554.jpg (527.65 KB,1920x1080)

/jp/ and /qa/


File:R-1654572897303.png (3 MB,1920x1080)

idea taken from 4chan


i quite like this idea, hmmm


File:doggy.jpg (66.7 KB,300x140)

A banner for Furry Patchouli


File:hires.jpg (434.13 KB,1200x560)

Hi-res version if needed


I think this one might be too big


What resolution do you need?


Oh, sorry. I was making a joke about the "hires" one being too big because it's 1200x560


File:correct transaltion.png (268.46 KB,1447x508)

I hope no one noticed that I misspelled "kissu" in the Zetsubou Sensei banner because I don't want to redo it.




File:1605880209437.jpg (66.37 KB,1024x576)

No that's a glottal stop, I spelled "キス" wrong, although technically "キッス" still works. I thought I had spelled it the way "kiss" is written in Japanese, but the way I spelled it can be used for foreign names and ideas like the band KISS, or in this case the imageboard Kissu.


Akshually, the sokuon only represents a glottal stop when used at the end of a word, after a vowel. Its more common form is that of a geminate archiphoneme. Either way, キッス works, there's plenty of gairago that geminates just because the English word is written with two consonants.


what's the reasoning behind being unable to attach links to small banners?


because they're public site logos and clicking on those is to cycle through them


Maybe the one "Goodbye Kakashi-Nenpo" banner should point to the new nen link at https://www.kakashinenpo.com/


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (273.34 KB,1920x1080)

The problem then becomes that it's a regular banner link to a functioning community website, and that opens up a can of worms about who or what gets exemptions to have genuine advertisements instead of joke links or videos like the rest of the banners. The only winning move is not to play


someone can do it if they want then i'll remove the one that's under my name


I prefer keeping them as is and treating them like historical monuments like >>10812 said.



if anyone wants to collect archive.is or archive.org links of whatever is 404 then please do. Also tell me what banners they connect with beforehand



related posts


The very first banner was literally a link to /what/, wasn't it? And the whole thing was/is slated as community advertisement, right?


File:1211679541869.jpg (206.81 KB,550x880)

Rika banner!


I'll see about changing this starting in about 3hr


I wonder who's been making hay about board-specific banners when I'm the only one who's ever used the feature.


It was asked a few times over a long enough time, but not really used. Probably because I paywalled it for a bit but no one made a fuss either way.


Board list updated


yes hello i'd like to report a bug is this hotline open



Not quite related to making banners, but I'm curious about how banners are displayed to the user; as in, is it purely random, or is there some method to the madness? Because I swear I see some banners way more often than others.


File:1677696934219.png (84.87 KB,300x140)

ah well you see sir i'm over here trying to create a benner, yes? the one i made before
but i have run into a weird issue that stops me from creating it

In short, /megu/ and /secret/ aren't functional as options. Trying to make a banner for them gives the following message:
>The given board is invalid
On the other hand, /trans/, /test/, /win/, Kissu, and /ec/ all work. I used the exact same file every time.


uh hm... odd...


Hell, I went ahead and tested all the other boards as well, I can confirm that only /megu/ and /secret/ give the above error. Dunno y.


because i forgot to set the board in the json config file

works now




File:C-1679012245350.png (10.77 KB,529x144)


it's appearance chance is kind of low. That might be another bug


mm, nvm I get it a bit. Maybe I want to tune it so that specific banners are chosen more often... I'll consider this as a future plan since I might end up rewritting hazuki.kissu.moe into Rust anyways


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (333.57 KB,1920x1080)

I have a question to people: Has any particular Elle image anyone has posted jumped out to you as kissu banner material? (She has a thread on /ec/ >>>/ec/10984 ) You might have a good screenshot, too?
Her little floating hammock thing has potential because I could do a curved font around it and it's her unique form of transportation, but her cutest faces are outside of it.
There's also something like pic related where I could edit the book to say 'KISSU'.

Hmm... decisions, decisions...


>>>/ec/13100 has a nice uhhh composition but it's got rainbow colors so I dunno
maybe it'll be best to wait until the show ends


I'll make a banner when inspiration strikes, you don't need to do a big vote or whatever.


File:boson baby banner.png (78.95 KB,300x140)

in fact here you go



File:shogi.png (65.13 KB,300x140)

Dear insertusername,

What would you think of changing the current Kotoko banner with this one? It says kyuuei, and I think it would better match the shogi piece. (I just really like 久永, y'know?)


File:[Inu] Kyokou Suiri - 02 [C….jpg (103.81 KB,1280x720)

I guess? I'll take your word for it since I can't read any of that stuff


Awesome, thank you.
It basically means eternity, 永久 inverted, but it also sounds like /qa/ and that's funny.

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