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File:1596342433646.png (1.67 MB,1800x1900)


did v make it so that when you hover over a post number it opens the mentioned post in a small box no matter where you are on the page?
could have sworn it only used to do this if the mentioned post was off the page


I don't think I did put that sort of logic in, but it sounds like something that should be


its really annoying because in the vast majority of cases im hovering over the post number to see where the post is on the page so i dont like that instead it brings up the whole post in a separate box
not to mention that reading a post in a thread is better than a separate box
dont fall for the modern ui meme even further


File:a3f3b3b8b2.png (2.85 KB,251x58)



are you running the same settings as 3 months ago. You can turn off the secondary box >>7412 like that and it's off by default.

I already acknowledged that it should be in >>7410


thank you


File:imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-….jpg (1.67 MB,3839x3653)

imi wakanai


im not sure I understood your problem then. The issue of boxes showing up even if the base thread is in your view is something I need to add to the site.

The problem of clicking on a link and it opening up a new box can be changed by turning cite chains off


>The issue of boxes showing up even if the base thread is in your view is something I need to add to the site


File:imgonline-com-ua-Posterize….png (116.89 KB,1920x1080)

nice website, its how i did image editing on my phone


added: Kissu-Fr 3.9.0

confirm if it's what you meant then i'll move it into the main thread


im just seeing this now sorry
anyway this is exactly what i was asking for thanks

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