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File:IMG_20210508_004623.jpg (1.67 MB,2976x3968)


you're watching a video when suddenly your web pages won't read cookies and localstorage anymore...

you type reboot into console and it won't shut down
you restart and it locks up
it tells you to run disk fix


File:16204495144875873337499575….jpg (4.48 MB,2976x3968)

mash git push because you realize you haven't backed up your progress in a week


all is fine


this is what tanasinn is like


File:[Commie] Bishounen Tanteid….jpg (317.06 KB,1920x1080)

It was the world reminding you it's time to back up


I cast magic missile at the darkness


linux handles fucked mounted volumes so badly when you try to reboot
easily in the top 10 things I hate the most about it, especially when dealing with nfs shares

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