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Why was my post deleted? This stupid fucking teen admin never understood the point of /qa/ or /jp/ yet tries to inject himself into it whenever he can. What a fraud.


Hi, I am the OP of this thread. Regardless of what verm thinks, if you couldn't contain your politishittery, I would have deleted the thread myself. Count your lucky stars Verm acted before I did, you ungrateful cretin.


Hi retard! I wasn't the one who brought up America "collapsing". I was simply replying to that post. The point I was trying to make was that America collapsing isn't that big of a deal as reactionary retards make it out to be, like who the fuck cares and why would it be a bigger deal than possible extraterrestrials making themselves known? (which is what the thread is about)

But I'm guessing because I used the word "commie" it set the stupid fucking teen retard admin off. Literally what's the point of making an imageboard and basing it off /qa/ if you're going to police the place so strictly? Of course the admin wouldn't know because he was always a newfag teen. So dumb.


It doesn't matter what your intent was. If your post reads like politishit it will be treated as such.


Why are you (everyone in this thread) so insistent on derailing a thread?


I have a bad habit of feeding trolls.


Kill yourself teen.

No it didn't. My post was neutral if anything. Also how can you complain about politics when trying to discuss UFOs? UFO sightings could be atributed to foreign craft (althrough I don't believe this). It can also be the result of US government fuckery. Our military is known for doing a bunch of shady shit. Its selfish to ask for no politics discussion whatsoever when you're dealing with a topic that will eventually end in politics. You're just childish.


I can't see the post you made since verm's tarded and forgot to put /trans/ back on before deleting, but Andy's /pol/shit was completely unrelated to the thread and deserved to be nuked. When talking about UFOs sure it's selfish to expect people to not talk about conspiracies related to foreign countries in their theories. At the same time it's not selfish to expect people to not act like "FUCK THIS SHIT MAN YOU GOTTA FOCUS ON THE REAL ISSUES CHECK OUT MY REAL HARD POLITICS". I mean that's just expecting common decency.


UFO sightings don't have a direct relation with politics, nor does (military) technology created by contracted aviation companies. You can easily talk about both of them without referencing your opinion about the direction of the USA or any other country.
If you are becoming this angry about it it's all the more reason it needed to be deleted since you are feeling emotionally invested in derailing the thread when it should instead be people taking it easy and talking about conspiracy theories, aliens or technology. It's not a personal attack against you, it's just a post or two getting removed so people can enjoy the thread and have another front opened in the political internet wars


everything is politics but not everything should devolve into politics


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Define "politics"


More important question: Why was /trans/ turned off?


because I forgot to turn it back on after correcting a bug.


yeah i noticed the staff here is really strict and tries to control the where the conversations are going at every moment
it helps with dealing with garbage but it's very stifling.

better to use other /jp/ spinoffs or other sites, if that's an issue for you


Please go back to freech and stop concern trolling.


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die tard. /qa/ was never /jp/


the what?
well, /qa/'s certainly going the way 4/jp/ did


yeah man, look at all the generals on kissu and how isolated every board/thread is. It's as if we don't even have an overboard or a recent feed or any good features that exist to keep people from staying in one thread their entire life


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This crops up a couple times a year. Someone talks about something political, feels slighted when their post is deleted, and prophesies the death of kissu as a result. It's not an attack on you or your beliefs when a post is deleted, it's just getting the thread back on track.


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Bump to spite the insecure admin that deletes everything he doesn't like including past posts and threads archiving the history of his plain evil unconscious and conscious misdeeds as an admin and to answer some posts.
Posting this as someone who started using /qa/ and then moved on to kissu until I could no longer bear the awful arbitrary moderation of the site.
Wikipedia definition
>Politics (from Greek: πολιτικός politikos, meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a global, civic or individual level.
The (wrong) definition they taught me as a kid was >Caring for the well-being of people outside of your family
Every person in a position of authority will eventually fuck up unless their rules are fair and not enforced in an arbitrary manner. The ¨founding father¨ of kissu is still alive so this shouldn't be a problem. Except it is because the founder is a literal emotionally co-dependent, immature teen.
Concern trolling is something useful idiots and wilful ignorants use to cope with a declining website when other users are expressing their legitimate concerns.
You are either lying in this post or not but that doesn't concern me because I don't trust you and other anons cannot trust you because of your previous actions.
You have never apologized or posted a PSA about your actions, you decided to brush it under the carpet but you forgot the internet never forgets. Call me edgy if you want but the truth eventually comes out. Kissu died the moment kissu/jp/ began. You cannot have your ¨fuck the mods and janny¨ shitposting culture in a website where the mods and jannies are not pretending to be retarded. Like 4chan. Like Kissu. The worst part is that you forced that culture here in the first place digging the grave of your own site and your own grave as a teen on the internet. Just like moot. Except you won't work at google or do anything good IRL because you're a fake and a fraud.

My Final suggestions-
-Keep the site as it is and rename it to pissu
-Remove /qa/ and try to disassociate this website from 4chan altogether and rename it to pissu
-Remove /jp/ and keep the kissu brand adding an ¨about this site¨ documenting the history of how this website came to be and rename it to pissu
-Keep everything as it is, document the history of this website, apologize in the same post and publish it on the news section. Let the thread open forever for people to criticize whatever you've done for themselves and let them give their side of the story.

Suck my cock dude. Peace.


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This thread's a year old and we moved on from your meta shittalking. Get a fucking life, dude


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If you use imageboards your highly likely a loser and you should get a real life. The collective ego of individual idiots that unconsciously attach their identity and loyalty to a website like you is fake. You and the others can cope harder projecting me as being a loser all you want ITT when I don't even have to bother justifying myself with a shitty blogpost.
The thing you can use be sure about the people that use imageboards is that they are 2 faced, either IRL or online and you can't trust them.
Post a reply and watch me ignore it because I don't waste time arguing with retards on the internet like you or Vermin.


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>Post a reply and watch me ignore it
Like I already did yours? Sure.


rename it to pissu


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hibikid is a mentally unstable admin who has to be constantly restrained by his other two mods. this thread really cleared any of my doubts regarding that: >>9758 at least they do a goob job at restraining him though.

please take a break from moderating when you are like this. your mind is clearly not in the right place right now.


Bumping a year old thread chain was moved out of a different thread does not exactly make you a reliable source of opinions



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