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File:73c3b2e02fded99dc040653ad5….jpg (1.55 MB,4093x2894)


uh oh, looks like this site will be ruining a few CPUs




nice sustainable green electricity, produces even more than this crappy energy source https://www.websitecarbon.com/website/himasugi-blog-jp/


what does sustainable even mean in this context? i would think if the electricity source was renewable, they would say renewable instead, so does it just mean that they plant trees to offset the carbon dioxide or something? that'd require a lot of trees


using the latest in pressurizing and chemical methods we are able to make more coal and oil


>does it just mean that they plant trees to offset the carbon dioxide or something?

I remember reading that some countries rent their forests for this purpose.


Oh, really? I knew about carbon trading, but I didn't realize you could get credits for actually planting trees.


75% of the sites I've tested on this thing just give errors.

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