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File:d9ed06acc884654da8c09c0d74….png (4.3 MB,2132x2480)


Identifying people because they use certain functions, such as noko, isn't healthy to neutral people who decide they want to use said functionality, but get caught in the crossfire of the reputation of an outspoken individual. There are several other cases of this occurring on other image-boards such as associating the enter key with reddit.

Though you often can't remove functionality to make something better I've decided to make noko not a visible feature. If someone chooses to add the word nokomaster to their options field then it's basically a name, but functions should be reserved for functional purposes.

Though you might instinctively jump onto the mindset that this is just like moot removing visible sage, and the arguments for or against it, I consider this better since I don't want kissu to be about staying in a single thread but viewing the entire site(exception being /ec/ for image dumping). Staying in one thread is reserved for special cases, hence why I would rather noko be something of a hidden aspect rather than visible.


No this won't make any one person less identifiable, but it will make noko not a thing that people can target for promoting pointless tribalism, but focus on meaningful differences in culture.


I mean I've never seen the point in visible noko anyways, seemed like a dumb feature from the onset. No idea why it was a thing for this long.


This honestly.


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I am okay with this, but the image you chose makes me uncomfortable. whyyyyyyy


I'm cool with that


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>Identifying people because they use certain functions, such as noko
>There are several other cases of this occurring on other image-boards such as associating the enter key with reddit
i'm sorry to say but you're wrong about this, vern, it's never about these details
the only reason these are even mentioned in the first place is because someone doesn't like the post/poster but can't or too lazy to think of any counterargument so they blame the messenger instead
it's only a lazy excuse equivalent to "fuck you", not the reason


what about nokosage?


>I consider this better since I don't want kissu to be about staying in a single thread but viewing the entire site
I do have a problem with implementation of that. Why do I get redirected to /b/ when I post in a /b/ thread from /all/? I should get redirected to /all/. Having to go back to /all/ every time after I make a post is a pain.


I think lip biting is the only sexually inviting thingie that works for women and (sometimes) men so it's like a blurred lines thing


because vichan wasn't made for an overboard. This is a forgotten feature on the new ui since I designed it specifically to work with an overboard. I should add this in as the 78th bug to fix. If you use vichan ui then it's tough luck..

It's noko sage so it takes out the noko and just leaves sage.

Even if it doesn't directly tackle the root issue, removing things around it helps deal with it and coerces someone who might ad-hom to focus on substance.

I like to see lots of different colors on the page and if people use noko, sage, email and default then it leaves a pretty rainbow of purple, green, blue and yellow across the screen.

Makes the posters contribute to the design of the site in a more impactful way. But in terms of actual usage, without a lot of people using noko in the first place it puts a lot of emphasis on the few that do. Maybe in a long distant future I'll readd it...


not to forget that it discourages people to use certain features because it degrades anonymity


I noko to stay in /all/


I see, I added in posting from /all/ in vichan so it must have been a simple mistake.


I was avoiding noko even in cases I wanted to use it because I didn't want it to change how my post looked. I appreciate this change.

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