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 No.6312[Last50 Posts]

Kissu has a unique UI. Love it or hate it, this is a big step in creating a unique identity for the site. For the next few weeks I plan to leave things as they are and gather up more bugs and issues with it.
What's required is more feedback on what you like and don't like. About Kissu, about software, about me. Everything is appreciated though I may not always reciprocate on your opinions.

Since last edition there have been no external conflicts. Legal concerns are always on my mind, but I have no reason to think that there will be any issues, minor changes to /ec/ that don't effect current users for example. Cool and Berun have handled most internal issues fine.

Current goals are an official site IRC, financial BS and continuous improvements on the Kissu-Fr front-end and Vichan+Hazuki backend.
Final goals will be the clarification of site objectives and social/software infrastructure.

This site's 1.0 phase(vichan amateur hour) is coming to an end. The Kissu 2.0 period is about building an identity on the internet. An imageboard as a real website and not something hiding in the corner is a very tenuous situation, many things can go wrong.



The thing that annoys me most about the new UI is that the notifications don't have a dismiss button. Can't say much more because I usually switch to the old quickly.


File:Screenshot_20210307-125332.jpg (404.51 KB,1080x1920)

borders off


File:Screenshot_20210307-125522.jpg (353.82 KB,1080x1920)

place catalog on top line


File:Screenshot_20210307-125633.jpg (463.86 KB,1080x1920)

centering of clickables


"submission in progress" not fully clear on mobile
Delete and report posts on mobile


dunno if it's in a screenshot, but the recent feed should close on clicking a url when in threads.


bottom form: spoiler function



I'm seeing posts disappear from the RSS feed after some time, is this intentional?


it's just vermin sperging dont worry carry on


Nah, it's been happening for the last few days. With the new UI, I should've clarified.


you mean it's lacking posts right?

the recent post feed is a set number of 60 posts,by default trans, ec and test are hidden. the more posts on hidden boards the less posts in the recent feed.

The new UI has this obstacle in the homepage and feed, I haven't thought of a way to solve it


>the more posts on hidden boards the less posts in the recent feed.
I see, that explains it. At the time of the /ec/ meta thread there were only like five posts in the feed.


yeah, the only idea that cmes to mind is creating multiple seperate feeds of 60 posts and letting the client merge them together


or an actual API that lets posters query the databas


Can I download the Miku cursor somewhere?




Much obliged


You can also take a look at >>>/test/2626 for the non-spinning pointer version.


Whoa, there are others there I didn't know about. Sweet!


The custom css needs to be updated to not be using temporary files from /test/


Oh, do you guys want to use stuff from it outside of Miku Day Hmm...


yeah, I put it into one of my github repos and am going to put the files into the /static/ folder when it goes down



I hope the comments are simple enough.
Insert this CSS in to the options -> CustomCSS fields on either UI


oops, forgot to revert the names


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was thinking that the sidebar has too much attention grabbing inside of it. It's distracting from the objective of the design where more attention is brought to the meat of a page rather than the meta, while giving users full control.

Fixing this might be doable with better font choices, text sizes and varied background along with the goal of seperating the small banners from the sidebar. It works well on the homepage however so the changes will only be on main pages.

https://puu.sh/HpVoB/7d556af2c5.png (hide pin replies)
https://puu.sh/HqiY3/6227f57135.png (start from timestamp)
https://puu.sh/HquMy/2c75e71de4.png (delete post on image hover)
https://puu.sh/HqIVL/715099ae63.png (indexOf('enter') may have overlaps)
https://puu.sh/HqLpZ/bc4014b2f4.png (duplicate information over forms)
https://puu.sh/HqMib/e172111984.png (hide hidden threads from feed)
https://puu.sh/HqNgg/dc236c4207.png (spacings)
https://puu.sh/Hr3eV/682d53e4e0.png (better dono pages)
https://puu.sh/Hr688/8e43477c46.png (did i write this already)
https://puu.sh/HriVa/5a07486e24.png (url -> file doesn't cause update)


Add a relative time option to KissuFR. The vichan interface already has relative time.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (344.92 KB,1920x1080)

Très bien, le magnifique


The New Reply field needs to have feature parity with the quick-reply box (preview, formatting options, etc). It'd also be nice if the fields "merged" like they did in the old interface when they're both onscreen at once.


I'll consider how to do these suggestions and the above.

The existing feature-set seems like it could be improved more. I think design is more problematic than feature depth, but if I can add both of these into it in one session then there's no reason not to.

Merging sounds more complicated than relative times. Feature parity should be in. There are a few other issues with that on mobile and desktop. I'm not sure if it really makes sense for queues to be in a static post form, but other aspects should be included. The post form was thrown in at the end of development because it was requested and I found that pages looked too empty without it. I suppose it should be improved.


Could you add the return button to the bottom of the new UI? It's slightly inconvenient to have to either have to scroll back to the top or use the top button just to get to the return button. I suppose people who use the catalog might miss the catalog button on the bottom too, but I can't speak for them. Also, I miss having a button to go back to the home page on mobile, and without the top banners, the only way to get back to the homepage seems to be editting the URL.


I suppose it's consistent to have what's on top at the bottom.

The sidebar can do most everything to do with page nav. that's the intention


Mobile is lacking in features though if that's where you're using it.

I should add a way into /all/ from there as well.

Since it will be the end of month until I start working on it again, you can switch to old style from the options if it gets too annoying


I'm strongly considering disabling the use of this UI by people without javascript. This will resolve some potential DoS problems and allows for more dynamic page behaviour. As a downside it just undoes some work i've done and I shelf, possibly open source, the React SSR server.


Thought about it for a bit and I think it will be best if cut out the SSR server that pre-generates React pages.

-Initially weaker devices will notice the impact of this, but the easier task of optimization on browser only JavaScript is going to be better than managing the problem of DoS on page generation. It should hopefully work out to be slightly faster.
-Browsers on stronger computers should notice a bigger increase as our tiny VPS is no longer generating pages for gamer rigs.
-Web crawlers may be effected most by this but most valuable traffic for imageboards doesn't come through search engines anyways.
-Users without JavaScript will be directed to use the old UI. Vichan's UIs will exist indefinitely, and any vichan replacement that gets cooked up will use the Vichan Twig templates or a version converted into a more modern templating engine, regardless the look won't change.

If I don't rethink this then the generation server will still exist in a much more limited role(possibly fully discontinued) and the previously existing code for SSR generation will be public, MPL2 liscence.


Are you going to keep the JSON in the page served so browsers don't have to wait for two serial requests for content?


It would be a reason not to ditch the server in it's entirety. I was thinking that everything would stay except the React generation.


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I updated Kissu's rules.

Global rules strictly enforced, board rules are typically guidelines.



>Grotesque and violent posts(realistic or fictional) will not be allowed on any boards
What specifically is meant by this? I assume it's still okay to discuss violence in anime or fantasize about being stomped to death by magical girls, so this could use some clarification.


trying the new UI again, notifications with no way to close them are still obnoxious


nothing has changed since march. I'm building up a list of things to fix.


Instead of chasing around design issues I'm building up a list of things myself and others have problems with in the design. At the end of March I'll correct this list of issues. If problems still exist I'll make another list. By doing this I'm hoping changes will have more focus and be less erratic... more likely to resolve problems then create new ones.

>Grotesque content(realistic or fictional, text or images) will not be allowed on any boards. This includes but is not limited to: guro, methods of suicide or plans to harm others


On the light theme the minimized navbar looks kind of ugly, and it seems to take up a lot of space, especially added to the left margin and contrasted with the lack of margin on the right.


That's better.


end of season posting slump.


It's my thought that tripcode methods are going to be reverted to old standard, but I'm discussing the merits of having generic tripcodes be compatible across sites.


Tripcodes are back to standard vichan style. They were certainly more readable, but in trying to use one I found that they're actually much more ugly visually.


The desire to get a good secure tripcode is ultimately highly infuriating compared to the older style where everything is naturally chaotic and strange strings of characters are expected. Trip impersonation is not a huge issue that requires a new solution.

I think that possibly it would be a much nicer idea to use color variance on trip-codes instead so that XO(a zero) is green while xO(a capital o) is blue


Mind you at that point we now run into the problem of color blindness and that there would also need to be a variance on light vs dark. Also two similar trips in same colors are going to get confused...

I take back the above post... it's much nicer to just remove confusing characters all together such as o and 0 or 1 and I...

I'll add this issue to my list




phonetic tripcodes need a rule based system to place characters and at this point you're weakening the trip's strength as a visible password. The random string of character approach is much more versatile. Still, it can be flipped on in the mod panel and it's on the github page for kissu so others can pick that up if they want to


problems with vichan.


Pretty sure that's supposed to be intended


weird, after posting with the form on the bottom i got a message saying my session crashed?
not sure what that's about but some features in the new ui seem to not be working now? such as the right click menu on the numbers, the floating quick reply box or the [Options] or [Article] menus in the sidebar.

P.S. misc. suggestions but you should adopt


Do you block cookies or run a private session? The current itteration of the UI heavily relies on data that can be passed on to the server. This is intended to be changed.

I feel like someone would have pointed this out to me, or myself noticing, otherwise.


it should give you a message if it crashes again, post a screenshot of that and I'll fix the broken line. Or I'll look at the bottom form submission and see if I put in any situations where I call a function/property on an undefined variable


will do after this message.

no i don't block cookies nor scripts from kissu itself


any extensions?


not sure why but it's working when i open a private window .... and disabling extensions didn't do anything on my current session


you must have broken the cookies somehow. Perhaps the name... I'll test what happens if I post like you did




Works on my end.

Are you using a specific browser+os combination?


also post me a screenshot of the dev console and show me the errors there


File:serviceworkerhighlightedin….png (19.49 KB,1246x41)




File:cookies--.png (95.71 KB,1286x198)


so no console errors after posting?


File:noredirectnofile.png (24.62 KB,872x133)

I'm getting these now but that first error (that I closed before taking note) said something about an out of bound error. couldn't quite remember


out of bounds error helps. Your configuration is what I used to develop it. If you're not getting it right now then alright I'll eventually find it.


I left the QR menu open on posting something in the lower menu and it removed a queue item so I think it's related to this.


edit: on submit from lower post form https://files.catbox.moe/43ebg4.png


can i get a version number of your firefox or something? it's handling regex in an unexpected way


Anyways, at there's a compatibility issue with my regex on some more rare configurations.

I'll look to standardize my regex and not use any shorthands.


86, 64 bit



alright, thanks for the help


When you are going to publish Kissu-Vi version 7, I believe you have the potential to further improve the Vichan engine.


I'm sure, but to what benefit.
my version of kissu is currently not designed to be used outside of kissu.

I published this simple repository which shows the changes I've made.


My primary bug list is going to be assembled tomorrow, which doesn't mean much more than is creating an image server for kissu is more useful than the feedback


Alright, that's 77 lines of issues



Also if not mentioned in the list, resolve unescicary images loading in catalog.
- gross https://puu.sh/HrZnS/dc675532fd.png
- Remove flag counter https://s11.flagcounter.com/more/CexS/
-https://puu.sh/HscWf/09d8dfab0b.png catalogs...


File:VMSzl8Z.gif (85.39 KB,467x370)

77 lines of bugs on the quaayy 77 lines of buuuugs!

you take one down, change it around, 78 lines of bugs on the quay!


I get back to my dev environment on the ~26th...


Note: Don't make this feature default
https://puu.sh/HsfjR/b3f9fde88e.png (maybe on mobile though)


Thank you.


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Note: translation and better ui toggle on vichan

you found how to turn it off right?


I knew how to, but I think changing it to opt in is a great change.


what do you think of how webm/mp4, mp3 and YouTube are given unique windows you can drag around?


It's fucking stupid and betrays the hypocrisy of a terrible website designer.


Those are much simpler to manage, on mobile chains cover the entire screen.
hey ur not me


Some things can't be said enough. Things like "
It's fucking stupid and betrays the hypocrisy of a terrible website designer."


What is this even trying to say


File:dc908cabb0.png (32.05 KB,415x271)

requires fixed width


There was an issue with poll's not having their poll show up on the vichan UI. Effecting most threads, but not all so there are some duplicates, but the bug is fixed.


Alright... time to stop looking for bugs and start fixing things..


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Fork of the notification library I've been using,
- Will add HTML insertion into the banners to maintain compatibility with vichan's error system
- Will add X's to the centre-right of banners so people can close them and ignore callbacks
- Integrate the kissu-fr .css changes to library allowing notifications to be top-center-wide
Misc. changes to fr-kissu unrelated to library
- Don't call notification errors if a thread is missing. Add error preview item. Prevents pic related shite error.


File:Screenshot_2021-03-26 Home….png (9.55 KB,306x908)

I can't believe kissu is fucking dead


sigh, it looks like I need to add isolated feeds


Verm, can you make it so I'm not pulled into threads when I reply to them from the index? It's a bit annoying to have to leave the thread to get back where I was, that I never intended to leave.


Or, at least make it optional somewhere. I'm sure some people may want a feature like that when they're reply to a particularly active thread, but it's an inconvenience when I just want to make a small reply.


File:Evauuwe.png (30.31 KB,1326x669)

going to put the misc item on hold. Seems low value for now.

yeah, this change would make sense. Dumping with noko off(outside of /ec/ because it auto-nokos) is kind of tard. This aspect is controlled by vichan so I'll check if there's an option to do with that, otherwise modify the behaviour


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2 bugs down
2 I want to finish today
84 remaining

I'll keep updating the site at the end of the day with these fixes as apposed to a large drop. Call the software version 3.0 at the end of the list.


Altered the way highlights are handled. Might break something I haven't considered.

Updating to Kissu-Fr 2.10.9. Fixes css typos, making alert notifications more user friendly and human intractable, already up is a change to vichan UI's hashes so that when switching between UI's you keep focus on a highlighted thread


It's in the plans that files on kissu are going to be split across two VPS servers. This one will take all the large files, the other will take all the small ones.

Doing this discussion boards will be given a larger page count that allows for discussions to be revistited and less time sensitive. Boards such as /ec/, /jp/ and the rest will still remain as 150 threads, /poll/ and /qa/ might go to 300 threads or more.
Main goal of this is to have kissu's discussions become live-archived content(such as a forum) where people will dig up month old threads through either web search engines or in site search engines.


File:MCXo6Ej.png (336.28 KB,1839x944)

a bit nicer


Hide it however you wish -- it won't change the fact xkcd is the root of all evil.




Did you not read the image?



8/88 done

mostly simple fixes.
>Remove flag counter https://s11.flagcounter.com/more/CexS/

Going to start setting up multiserver image storage.


Vermin stop changing URLs without warning! This includes the #anchors for posts. You broke all the scripts that parse quote links.
Besides, people should be able to link a post without worrying about the format changing on them.


Also, not sure if anyone used it, but you broke the ability to middle-click or control-click on a quote link to open a reply quoting the post in a new tab.


i see.

well converting from new to old works as well I guess.


files are going to be prefixed by two different subdomains


Thanks for the heads up. Will there be a way to figure out the subdomain from the JSON? Will the old URL redirect?


JSON will show the subdomain.

Media less than 1MB will be added to a new server as they get posted(luna.kissu). Existing media, thumbnails and media greater than 1MB stay here(some other subdomain or maybe nothing.kissu).

This split means that high priority and large files are given the US server and smaller ones are on a German server. This will work out so that North American clients have slower load times on small files, but EU clients have faster loads on more content.

This also opens up the chance to hold more pages on /qa/(more storage space) which makes larger threads more valuable to everyone.


With cloudflare's CDN acting how it's supposed to, it balances out to even load times anyways, but the main goal is to have more pages and expand the site's storage with what I already own.


Vichan wasn't made for remote file storage... I guess this is why people use cloud servers,


File:cf11cb7588840191aebf13de09….jpg (964.34 KB,2009x1328)

/qa/ has been given a near infinite number of pages
Storage is being split between two servers. If the taba server(luna) fills up I'll look for another option. Some shared hosting plans offer unlimited storage but they're unstable, low upload rates and are known to catastrophically fail. This is a long ways away anyhow.
Let me know if there are any thoughts or issues.


ok, it's a bit slow. I did a quick check about the SFTP protocol and it's half as fast as FTP or a standard upload. There has to be a better transfer protocol


ugh... SFTP(or SCP) is so slow that I have to lower the threshold to 100KB. Apparently this is in the implementation of openSSL.
>SFTP runs over SSH2 and is much more susceptible to network latency and client and server machine resource constraints. This increased susceptibility is due to the extra data handshaking involved with every packet sent between the client and server, and with the additional complexity inherent in decoding an SSH2 packet. SSH2 was designed as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, not for very high speed communications. The flexibility that SSH2 provides for securely packaging and transferring almost any type of data also contributes a great deal of additional complexity and overhead to the protocol.

SFTP seems like the wrong choice.


FTPS is what I'll see about changing to in the future


- Switch to better transfer( FTPS )
- Write script to move files to storage based on threshold


- Paged Catalog/Article (every 150 threads create a new page)
- Paged Threads (every 300 posts create a new page)


File:aaaaaaaaaaa.png (61.37 KB,724x766)

thumbnails aren't generating on my end
i can expand images to see them but only if they're on luna
artemis is borked


uh... hmm...


nevermind, i got around it


how did you do it in case anyone else asks


problem was caused by sophos
used a different computer


the subdomain is flagged? I don't particularly like artemis as a name for an imageserver


it's a handshake thing
i assume it's because it enforces a secure connection while filtering out important stuff, i dunno


luna should be more strange than arte... I'll change the name anyways since I don't like it, but I'm not expecting it to resolve anything


images that were posted before this will be called arte, new images, and ones from long before will be called haiji.


well now it works


>JSON will show the subdomain.
I don't see it.


I forgot to transfer over that file.

string|null location = "haiji" | "luna" | "artemis" | null
in null case can be omitted and still resolve properly or use "haiji" as it appears on pages


I've removed the floatbar entirely. Now on mobile is just a standard board list. I haven't yet gotten to the issue involving it, but the list should include the extra items and a link to /all/. On mobile the items need to be more spaced out so they'll probably be expanded on click or something


prevented spam on /trans/ or /test/ from heavily impacting the recent post feed and home page.

If there are 100 new posts on /ec/, there will still be items on the homepage+recent feed for people who have that hidden.


Why doesn't kissu have "save image with original file name" option? In fact, nothing but the original file name is shown on kissu! Need the option to save it as such.


What's the purpose of that?


So I can save images with meaningful filenames/filenames given by the uploader rather than "1234567891011.jpg".


File:FLCI0ZA.png (425.97 KB,1613x276)

Good idea, worth trying.

If you want the timestamp name you can right click and save, but then what's the point in the download button in the firstplace? It should be to automatically insert the fname.


actually, it's just dawned on me that adding a subdomain to the files has broken the download feature so I have to change it.



File:KBWe6F5.png (315.51 KB,1500x739)

feature done.

This is by far the stupidest security related feature removal, well deserved of the 666. I can't even properly explain why they did it, the exploit requires such a convoluted series of steps.


A quote from the above URL:

>When the user clicks such a link, the user will be prompted if they want to download. It seems very easy for the user to make the mistake of thinking that something on the original website is being downloaded, and not something from bank.com.

1 why are you thinking that is a security issue? The FF download dialog displays the domain and protocol to help user understand from where file is downloaded and make right decision
2 We can additionally display warning that download was forced by referrer page, not the http header.
3 Also we can check CORS http headers.


I'm sorry to bring this up again regarding cross-origin a@download links:

The case against allowing cross-origin downloads is centered around the premise that visitors of an [evil] site (eg, discountipads.com) could unknowingly download a file from a site containing their own personal information (eg, gmail.com) and save it to their disk using a misleading name (eg, "discount.coupon") AND THEN proceed to another malicious page where they manually upload that same file they just downloaded. This is quite far-fetched in my opinion, and anyone who would succumb to such trivial trickery perhaps does not belong online in the first place. I mean c'mon...Click here to download our special discount offer and then re-upload it through our special form! Seriously? Download our special offer and then email it to this Yahoo address for a big discount! Do the people who fall for these things even know how to do email attachments?

I'm all for browser security, but if the good people of Chromium have no problem with this I don't see why Firefox has to completely banish it. At the very least I'd like to see a preference in about:config to enable cross-origin @download for "advanced" users (default it to false). Even better would be a confirmation box similar to: "Although this page is encrypted, the information you submit through this form won't be" or: "This page is requesting to install addons" or: "Files downloaded from the web may harm your computer" or even: "The security certificate of this page is invalid" ...y'know what I mean? There are myriad ways to heighten the user's awareness and inform them this might not be safe. One extra click and a short (or long?) delay is enough to let them assess the risk.

As the web grows, and the use of CDNs grows, and the presence of advanced web-apps grows, and the need to manage files hosted across servers grows, features like @download will become more important. And when a browser like Chrome supports it fully whereas Firefox does not, this is not a win for Firefox.

In short, I think that mitigating the potential evil uses of @download by simply ignoring the attribute in cross-origin scenarios is a woefully ill-thought move. I'm not saying the risk is entirely non-existent, quite the contrary: I am saying there are plenty of risky things one does online in the course of his day...downloading ANY file is high among them. Why not work around that issue with a well-thought user experience?


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couldn't get to undoing the cookies today, but I revised the sidebar theme and created more distinction between the home page and the thread pages


Along with some quick changes that were recomended such as downloading with the filename when you click the save button and having the QR settings open.

Also going to make it obvious rich text is buggy


Think this looks better for Luna:

#qr-standard-comment, #qr-subject, #qr-name
color: white;
background: #313435;
background: #313435;
line-height: 2em;
text-align: center;
border: 2;


File:SnAZuBA.png (108.78 KB,838x536)

if I remove the grey borders around the comment, yeah. It looks better


File:NCZo5AE.png (46.84 KB,592x363)

The color adjustments make more sense

Even with a few modifications something seems unbalanced about the design.


There is still no subject option for replies.


File:7ytYSGW.png (43.64 KB,284x195)

you don't need it


Another issue: Control+clicking or shift+clicking a link to a thread or an image activates the Javascript instead of letting the browser handle it with opening a new tab / window. If you click something with a modifier key held down (control, shift, alt, or meta) the Javascript should bail out and let the browser handle it.


It might make sense to make the reply box at the bottom the same width as posts by default. That way you don't get the deceptive effect of paragraphs looking longer than they'll look on the page.


doing it on cites makes me think that there's something to refactor..
doing it on url's is easy.

A post does not have a default length? I think it's already proper sized.


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There is still no subject option for replies.


I'm not adding it because it's not needed and never used. Very few forums even have this functionality

1px solid #ccc


What do you want to use it for anyway?


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the most ancient power of hieroglyphs overwhelms mobile hardware


> pissmin I would like to report a bug, filling out the captcha to post doesn't respect noko when it goes through


There is still no subject option for replies.


I would even consider removing the post form at the bottom of pages because it seems to be the only way CP bots can spam on kissu now


You do send abuse reports to the redirect link hosts, to the file hosts serving his "offline forum" RAR, and to Wupfile, its host (via Cloudflare), DNS, and payment processors, right?


Ultimately it's the responsibility of a site owner to make sure certain content isn't posted on it.

I wouldn't put my faith on Eastern European and Russian companies to resolve any issues with spam on Kissu.


There's also excess files on Haiji imageserver bloating it's storage space, so if threads containing them get pruned then it's better for the site in the long run.

That doesn't need to be altered as yet.


No reason to not fight it both ways. The redirect link hosts and the file hosts where they stash that "offline forum" RAR don't want this stuff, and even if the company is beyond the reach of the law, they probably use payment processors who aren't.


Seems like /qa/'s index is broken again.

Going to start my idea of paging the catalog. Originally a low priority idea, but bugs are making it high. Will help with performance on mobile as well as the issue with palemoon not allowing me to insert 400kb into it's history stack.

> Paged Catalog/Article (every 90 threads create a new page)
+ Catalog items instead of repurposed threads
+ api/threads/qa/catalog/1.json
+ Props holds thread count
+ Reduce information in API(spoiler if not needed, reduce key names)
+ Pages use every catalog page and are ready to create a catalog of 90 items (pages in multiples of 6n use catalog n)
> Paged Threads (every 300 posts create a new page)
+ Folders for each thread(api/threads/qa/4165/1.json) (https://kissu.moe/qa/thread/4165/p1)
+ Add page navigation on thread
+ Default open should be to first page.
+ Opening a thread from a post should go to the page it's on
+ Expand should open last page and offer a page list

This change will allow for a board to hold unlimited posts and unlimited threads without degrading UI performance.


There is still no subject option for replies.


Will the original API still fetch the whole thread?


yeah. There won't be any database modifications. This is just a different way for the new application to read information.


There is still no subject option for replies.


new API and some features start working so strange when you add pages to things... It will have to be experimented with. A bit of a pain since I still have to get through 67 bugs people had with the UI already... will probably spike up to 90-100 with this feature addition.

I've drafted out the software into the code without trying to compile it. Upload will likely happen monday or tuesday


man, cites are so strange now.

I wonder if kissu should get a new server...


File:79076155_p0_master1200.jpg (424.56 KB,863x1200)

Fixed a variety of image upload bugs. Webp stopped working at some point, but it's back


Can /all/ be made infinite scrolling like it previously was?


Adding to that: I am not motivated enough to click off the site but I am less motivated to click onwards to page 2, 3, 4, etc.


I've thought about infinite, but I'm not sure where it is in the priority list. Catalog kind of fills the void there.

I'm putting the pagelist into the sidebar.


I think implementing a "Ctrl+Enter to post" is a good idea. Beats having to remove my hands from my keyboard and navigate my mouse towards that small Submit button every time.


I might undo unlimited thread sizes, but I think I'll continue with implementing pages to everything. I might just currate it so that it's a rare occurance that only happens when a thread gets above 300 replies.

There's also the palemoon problem where after a json file reaches 420KB is crashes that browser's kissu page.


I have to add a data field to cites otherwise it's too expensive.

<a data-thread-page="([0-9]+)"


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Site layout is completely out of whack and I have to zoom out to 60% to even see the left frame.


I suppose youre using a small screen. I guess mobile mode needs to trigger on wider displays


nevermind, it's this codeblock that's fucking it up


js-chans are literally unusable jokes wtf is wrong with you


To normal human beings without a large list of mental issues and political affiliations it's fine. To tor and proxy using scum perhaps it is a little bad, but I don't think anybody who runs a site even appreciates these kinds of people except perhaps extremists and pedo rings.


File:e40e872109ca99aa688751d0f6….jpg (116.07 KB,849x1200)

lumping everyone who prefer a webpage not slowing down their browsers and computers behind a series of derogatory labels is not nice


the children won't traffic themselves, you know


ya and I'm sure I appreciate someone like you lumping all software that use javascript into the same category.


they don't and i never said that
just opened a page with the new ui and went to about:performance, and among all the tabs opened from several websites, that page is the only one that's slowing down the browser


It would be very helpful to know if this is the admin or a member of the mod team speaking or just a random troll.


File:wm1ceef.png (25.49 KB,1831x110)

Truely we are aproaching the ends of times. Let us pray to stallman and reject javascript from our lives. Our computers were all made in 2001 and we still use Windows XP


you wouldn't have hide behind layers of irony if you have anything real to say
comparing it to youtube is also stupid, imageboard and should be only compared to other imagebaords


It's sarcasm. Learn the difference. If it runs fine on my phone, it runs fine on your poorly optimized freedom OS distro. Optimization is of course a thing to do, I want to do and I'm not doubting that, but you seemingly just want everything handed to you instantly with a work in progress software. With no invest met of your own to boot.

So have fun being forming your pedo ring or ISIS terror cell on the darkweb with some lynxchan thing. This isn't what kissu is going for.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (290.97 KB,1920x1080)

In other words he's working on it. Just uhhh, ignore the more abrasive parts of his personality.
It might help if you include numbers too instead of "it's slow"


He did include them >>6749
The feedback is good, the motivation is poor.


sorry, but i can't ignore that when he said anyone should be a part of an extremist pedo ring based on some completely unrelated preferences


They're not unrelated at all. Tor clients often disable javascript and proxies limit download rates. The people who complain the most about javascript bloat are the ones who are on "do not track" browsers or running through 20 VPNs and run into problems with downloads.


It just so happens to be coincidence that all of the shittiest people on imageboards are the kind who insist on bypassing any form of accountability and trying to get everything for free out of the sites they use.


i'd prefer not bringing politics into technical issues
aren't tor and proxies already banned here? if so why do you think people posting here use these?


This conversation was initiated by someone with a proxy >>6744
I can't eliminate them all and the automated system is busted right now and often results in false positives on cell phone networks. The bypass of these actions is the pass system that I haven't pushed it.


That's basically a non issue however because I fail to see anyone that I would actually like using zero-accountability options on an imageboard.


File:003aed20ca4930f0037359c3eb….png (323.05 KB,607x880)

If Vermin is to be spotted it is not always safe to approach as they are prone to biting. Always check with the handler to see if it's ok to go near them. If no handler is nearby, approach at your own risk.


but wouldn't you be up in arms about the death of imageboards if I both wanted to have some sort of financial incentive AND pushed for javascript!


I've figured out how to properly do paged threads on imageboards. My prior idea was to mimic forums, but I've got a way that uses existing concepts in the software so it feels more familiar.


You have to be a special kind of demented rice-poisoned fashion linuxer scumbag to conflate no javascript to pedophilia. This is precisely the kind of mentality the people consolidating their control over the entire internet want their cattle to have. It really is the crystallization of everything wrong with modern web design and computer coding. Making things inconveniently ``convenient´´ with absolutely no regard for optimization out of blind faith in Moore's law. It really makes me morbidly curious to find out what other magic straight out of a japanese existential horror film the future of technology has in store for us. The admin is an obtuse piece of shit who deflects all criticism and his shit UI design perfectly encapsulates his mentality. He's all that, but what am I for giving him a chance? At the very least, a sucker.


Well, can you name a single person who does not uses JavaScript and is not either a rapist or a murderer?

I'm going to leave things unoptimized until everything is finalized and adding more features would be pointless. Unless there's a big issue. This means resolving all the bugs previously listed and adding pages to things to drop the amount of download required


really though,
it works fine on my phone. I'm using it right now.

It's a Huawei P10 Lite and it's running fine. Eating my battery? Maybe... but it's smooth


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looks like I might not need this.


File:dicks.png (290.37 KB,499x488)

>To normal human beings without a large list of mental issues and political affiliations it's fine
dude what lmao
running js is literally executing arbitrary code. It's no different from running any random exe you find on the internet.
There is literally no benefit of using js. You don't control the application being used to view the site so you can't standardize what people see, so no matter what users will have a different experience. Making a given experience possible (that satisfies every aspect of what an imageboard is) to be accessed by users requires no js and the best version that can be served will always involve no js because what an imageboard is is fundamentally pretty light and doesn't require you to whore out cycles to the user's machine.
I really can't believe for a second that you're even slightly serious. What's next, you're going to tell me that commercial streaming services offer a superior experience to downloading an anime and just opening the video in your player of choice at your own convenience with the least possible overhead (i.e. having downloaded nothing but the video (and subs etc.) itself)?

Kissu has some decent posters entirely through no fault of your own, and entirely because some places with the same posters died. Those posters don't deserve to have you ruin their experience of the site for no reason.


>you're going to tell me that commercial streaming services offer a superior experience to downloading an anime and just opening the video in your player of choice at your own convenience with the least possible overhead

Did I forget to mention that I prefer streaming over torrenting because I don't want to download what I'm watching only to later delete it. There's no point in adding the extra step of initiating a download when a website will do that for you


Well it's not like you can't use kissu without js, he'll always support the old version of the site (even if it probably won't be updated)


>There's no point in adding the extra step of initiating a download when a website will do that for you
nigga what extra step? In either case you're downloading and then deleting the video. In one you're being served a whole bunch of other unnecessary crap and have a limited range of options, in the other you have access to every method of obtaining what you want that could exist.
Why the fuck are you not downloading an anime if you're posting on /jp/ anyway? How the fuck do you expect to take shots that'll be used in your posts?

>Well it's not like you can't use kissu without js
Well duh, because otherwise you wouldn't be able to use kissu.
>he'll always support the old version of the site
I very much doubt that. Besides the fact that he's a certified retard, it's been very strongly implied in every one of his posts in this thread so far that he's looking to make a break from functional imageboard software.


I just screencap my webplayer if I need to.
Consider the software an extra step of gatekeeping.
It's around forever. If I ever have the finances to remake Vichan in something time wasteful like Rust or C I'll include the Twig templates since it will be the only way to use this site without Javascript or Cookies. There's nothing to worry about unless I say I'm going to start removing Vichan which I don't have the time to consider.


>I just screencap my webplayer if I need to.


File:9VIVA4v.png (249.03 KB,685x396)

you got a problem with that?


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>nigga what extra step?
please dont do this. please dont bring this here


How funny, you can lock previews on the home page and reply to threads with it... you don't even need to navigate the site to post on it.


There is still no subject option for replies.


has anyone ever used the subject field for replies


File:save_as.png (143.48 KB,1173x380)

The save button saves the image with the shortened name.


I altered it directly from the minified js. Clear cache if no.

Probably won't be uploading any changes for a bit and will make small adjustments this way. Adding pages to things is too much of a change when placed on top of existing bugs


There is still no subject option for replies.


Finished off the pages alterations, but uploading it is on hold. When I start adding it I'll put it into the blotters/news. This final feature creates a large difference between how to use Kissu and a more standard imageboard. Basically, those who say that a spinoff must add something unique that has never been done before should be satisfied when these ideas are perfected.
Modifications should only effect the few threads above 150 replies, but catalogues will now consist of two pages minimum.

This should make catalogs and very large threads easier to load. Negative is that cites are more expensive. Future times may find a better way to do it.
Also I found a poor line of code on URLs that was likely slowing down page loads a lot.
Also contains some display/style fixes.

The plan is for me to sit on these improvements and feature until I do another set of bug fixes. This will allow me to catch any mistakes I made and improve the quality of it's initial release.
This is the last feature I'm adding. There are too many features that are poorly executed that need to be improved. The code is also hella ugly.


changes only effect the new UI. Nothing has been changed on old, except a few trivial background things.


File:Capture.PNG.png (48.73 KB,1920x270)

Its like you dont even care about my privacy :(


good find.


Page system added. Feature needs refinement and improvements. I think people should notice that it's much easier to load pages now... maybe not, but hoping so.


There is still no subject option for replies.


Looking like the paged system and a bugfix on URLs has fixed performance issues on mobile for a page of catalog.

I imagine people will have a smoother time dealing with it now.


There is still no subject option for replies.


it will not be


File:firefox_Ods8byQ5gG.png (99.36 KB,345x515)

Image hover could probably be tweaked to work better.



>Maximum file size: 12,582,912 bytes
why is the file size limit smaller than before? previously i could upload like 30mb


You seem pretty smart, so you might be able to guess the reason without asking me.

What were you trying to upload?


flac music files
i know you can see my posts, so just go to the music thread


just convert them to mp3 and upload them, what i always do, takes like 3 seconds


it's not only inconvenience, and you can see i'm not the only one affected by this
see that video i posted? had to reencode that just because it was like 200kb over the limit


not me >>6818
lossless files are going to eat away at the drive space. I've had to do a lot of work to stuff more into limited space. Let me think about it.


i set it back where it is before, but large files may be deleted on an arbitrary system of date and filesize if space is a concern.


Is there any reason to have flac audio files considering the limits of human hearing? Just convert them to 320 or 512 mp3 or something.


Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.


once a lossy conversion is done, the fidelity is irreversibly lost

take a look at this
this isn't imaginary situation, it already happened when people rip videos from site A and upload to site B, and that was ripped and uploaded to site C... each pass degrades audio quality and they add up to the bad quality audio commonly found in video sites


Fuck I never thought of the long term effects... going to download FLAC for everything.


Done along with other fixes

29 Done : 59 Remaining(minus resolved but not noted)


mobile bug
>TypeError: r.offSummary is not a function -- {"componentStack":"\n at ThreadWindow (https://kissu.moe/js-ui/ui-

transpiler dumb



didn't think I'd witness someone fall for rotational velociraptors in 2021


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but I really liked hiding in the corner
this site was so great because it was small and a qa clone even with a 4ch style interface but had a dedicated userbase


kissu's not a small imageboard by any means.


V3.0.7 (not up yet) notable changes

Further improve image hover
Allow for pages to be crawled and archived without any popups
NSFW check to make outside critics less angry
Further improve mobile and article layouts
Bug fixes


Updated. 33+1 done, 48 unfinished(minus resolved but not noted). Tomorrow the majority of bugs will be resolved.

I added in a fix that will prevent people from accidentally deleting posts on navigation.

The QR formerly carries across pages, but the post form and things in general don't stay after a refresh. To prevent this it warns you when you're going to discard data through a browser action.


There is still no subject option for replies.


File:IMG_20210415_074731.jpg (58.48 KB,1080x449)

there is no


V3.0.8 (not up yet) notable changes

Improve search to be cleaner and to include titles
Deletes and score changes will update on thread-update
Deletes on OPs will redirect to index.
>>6840 fix this issue on mobile
By on new users(options need to be reset for old) yen-text is a nicer color and applies to both Yuan and Yen.
Markup fixes

At this point more bugs have been resolve than opened


40+3 completed, 1 In progress, 37 >= unstarted


There is still no subject option for replies.





Well it doesn't exist anymore, so that makes sense


It's not just that otherwise I wouldn't post it.

Simple fix anyways


Fixed autobans, minor stylesheet changes


Cleaned up the bug list:

38+4 done, 10 in progress, 10 remaining


From what it looks like, I should actually be hitting the next milestone by the end of week..

After that I don't think there's anything left to do with the software


There is still no subject option for replies.


49+4 Resolved, 10 In progress, 0 remaining

Starting from an initial 80 issues, 17 of them were duplicate reports or features that are too specific. This means I will soon have resolved 63 problems people had with the UI.

Last 10 issues to add are on the tougher side. Might not be fully doable in a day:
> Reply needs to be better placed on some threads
> Using a file URL and then switching to a file doesn't result in an update
> Add a relative time option
> The New Reply field needs to have feature parity with the quick-reply box
> Add the return(and etc.) button to the bottom
> Mobile bug with thread targetting
> Hotkeys for markup tags
> Switch to a faster transfer protocol ( FTPS )
> Write script to move files to secondary server
> Similar thread bugs/improvements.


V3.0.10 will add:

Fixes to mascots overlapping with page contents
Hidden threads will effect similar items
Hidden threads/posts will effect the recent post feed(postponed idea)
Fix the styling on meta window popouts
Reduce the number of visible replies on stickies
Link cites between quick reply and post form
Improve the "do not throw away my post" system
Some mod comment things
Starting youtube videos from timestamps(and some issues with filenames in the QR bar)


Thinking about implementation, hiding threads from the recent post feed is going to be expensive without rethinking some things so I put it on hold until it becomes issue.

Last day of updates has some larger tasks such as file transfer protocols and adding relative time
There won't be any new features added after next update, but bug fixes always, layout alterations maybe. Bigger things to deal with and I'm happy with how it's turned out.


There is still no subject option for replies.


> Hotkeys for markup tags
While you're at it, maybe make hotkeys for posting (ctrl+return) and closing the reply box (esc) too?


what else is this possible in?


i see, ctrl+↵ is 4chanx, esc is generic.
Also uses alt


File:cf11cb7588840191aebf13de09….jpg (964.34 KB,2009x1328)

Switched uploads to the aux(luna) server to use FTPS instead of SFTP

Statistics of change as follows:
- SFTP Post completion times for this image
14 Sec, 15 Sec, 14 Sec
- Standard upload to main server:
2 Sec, 2 Sec
- Passive FTPS Upload:
5 Sec, 4 Sec, 4 Sec


similarly, more files will be uploaded to the second server since it can handle <1MB in a reasonable time


There is still no subject option for replies.


Notable changes,
- Relative time is now in post options
- Hotkeys(these can be seen by hovering over a markup item)
- Bring the upload progress bar and markup-tags to the footer form
- Bugs and layout issues

Combined list of everything I resolved in the past 2 and a bit weeks
There's still some things being evaluated and one item that needs to be fixed again. Seems pretty fine otherwise.

If there's any other issues people have with it (other than subject field) I'll hear them out.


The performance of the UI will be a bit reduced because I'm running console.log() statements in the code in order to catch some harder to find bugs, if I haven't noticed these issues by Thursday I'll take out the logs and things will perform better.

Edit: I forgot about the submit and close QR hotkeys, I'll add this. They weren't written down.


Hotkeys are overacting, give me a minute

Interaction hotkeys added.

Interaction Hotkeys

O : Open Options
Q : Open QR
Shift + Q : Open QR using thread number
Shift + Left Click: Hide Post

Posting Hotkeys

Ctrl + Enter : Make post

Markup Hotkeys

Alt + M: Custom Tag
Alt + T: Strikethrough
Alt + B: Bold
Alt + I: Italics
Alt + H: Heading
Alt + S: Spoiler
Alt + U: Underline
Alt + C: Code
Alt + J: SJIS
Alt + P: glowpink
Alt + L: glowblue
Alt + G: glowgold


There is still no subject option for replies.


I still don't understand what the custom tag is. Nor what SJIS is.


File:IMG_20210421_013436.jpg (94.84 KB,1080x580)

Annoying css

you can create your own personal markup
SJIS is for text art


There is still no subject option for replies.


.3 improves mobile usage of QR.
My last update should be tonight, done to API server for ban things.

Might need to improve the FAQ to explain how things work but that's not software... documentation rather


> you can create your own personal markup
How do I do that?


File:yETuDjz.png (144.72 KB,1324x626)

- Edit custom CSS options
- [s\ classname] text in here [/s]
requires CSS knowledge but you can do whatever you want pretty much.

I think I put up some changes to prevent setting opacity, because I wasn't sure whether I wanted custom markup to apply to every user or just make it personal.


It's a versatile feature, you can do basically anything with it such as tag your own posts with hidden meta data, create blinking text to remember which ones are yours...
The only thing I need to do is prevent URLs from being placed inside it because that could be used for spam.

How it's used is up to the user's creativity. However, these custom tags only effect the new UI. It's not set up to alter the vichan UI.
This is similar to the URL text block ability that the new UI has but the vichan one doesn't


There is still no subject option for replies.


Verm, why is the second catalog page 7 and not 2?


because it's index page 7


this allows you to transition between index and catalog without unintuitive things happening


You mean like skipping numbers when counting pages?


like, a page of catalog contains 90 threads, but 90 threads makes up 6 different pages. If you decide you want to go into the catalog on page 6 do you want to see catalog page 6 or catalog page 1?
I think it would be most intuitive that you want to go to the catalog which contains the threads you're looking at.


One more bug and then two requested feature alterations


There is still no subject option for replies.


File:tfdiyl.webp (53.91 KB,282x300)

>Everything I said has ground to stand on and Id go so far as to say they are objective fact. You are rice-poisoned because you place style (of particular bad taste) over functionality. Youre incompetent because your pathetic image board software is crawling with bugs (I had to type the ban url because your shit intrusive useless pop-ups open a tab to about:blank). Designer? I just put that there as a compliment. A three-year old at least has his life ahead of him to improve. Ill go ahead and add hypocrite to the word salad for touting your ill-fated venture into image board software development as an effort towards intuitive browsing, then making a grossly unintuitive catalog, awkward pop-ups for webm/mp4 that, depending on resolution, become too big to even position on ones screen while covering everything above and below them, and a gutted reply form for having "useless features" while adding plenty of useless features of your own (off-thread reply linking!), among so many other things Im beyond caring to list at this point. The honeymoon period has long ended and youve outed yourself as another small-time image board admin with big-time ideas who will eat himself whole once his amazing software fails to keep his website from marching towards stagnation. You came up all smug with futaba as an example to refute something as simple as no subject field for replies but the simple fact that their software is barebones and has hardly changed in almost twenty years flies straight past you. Astigmatic fuck. A "bigot"? Do you even understand the meaning of the words you say or are you picking words at random to sound smart? >One who is strongly partial to ones own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. The image board admin who cant handle one bit of criticism against the image board software that is perfect in his mind only. >A hypocritical professor of religion; a hypocrite; also, a superstitious adherent of religion. Weve already very clearly establish who is the hypocrite between you and me. >A person who is obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious or other creed, opinion, practice, or ritual; a person who is illiberally attached to any opinion, system of belief, or party organization; an intolerant dogmatist. "An intolerant dogmatist". Your actions speak for themselves. Ive seen the future of kissu.moe. Not because I have clairvoyance but because Ive seen it happen at least twenty times before. Youll fail to increase your userbase. Your image board software will grow bloated and buggier with every new line of code. You will ask yourself why. You love asking yourself questions. You are a very inquisitive, impartial mind eager for self-assessment. And for all those qualities, your self-assessment will be that you did nothing wrong. You will convene with your wise buddies, such as emotional blackmailer manic-depressive bro, sexually dysphoric shotacon and token niwaka and all of you will conclude the problem is the one other guy remaining in the site who isnt a mod. After you ban him, youll begin a long spiral into depression and apathy, at which point kissu will become a ghost town like /bun/ without any of the prestige or suffer deletion during a particularly strong fit of pre-midlife crisis. Or maybe your dream comes true and youll become a 4chan janitor! You already show the required skills of scouring 4chan for any mention of you and banning anyone who dares speak against your bullshit. Youre halfway out of that bench, kiddo! Like everything in your life, including the pathetic ban message your mind felt so clever in conjuring, it will be a swing and a miss. Does my prediction make you feel bad? Go to your forced-anonymous irc channel and have a chat with all your friends. Dont worry -- youre a hypocrite, so your perversion of anonymity will not weigh on your shoulders.

The hell is this ban appeal.


>The hell is this ban appeal.
Probably way more interesting than the ban message since you didn't post it as well.

Also mostly correct.


Going to finish off the last 5 listed issues. When that's done I figure I'll use the old UI for a day or two and see if that makes me pick up on any other issues.
People more interested in ranting than helping so I guess this will help notice some gaps/mistakes in usability.

rambling is interesting I guess


Is that the "you are a bad web designer" guy? He needs to chill but banning him isn't a good look even if it's just from /b/.


The position is not about me looking good, but the site looking good. Randomly jumping into threads that I have linked on github (>>6927) with really schizo tier posts is not helping the first impressions of users on the site.

His reaction to a temporary ban was to write an essay about how this site he's posting on will fail.


I'm all for removing EXIF data to prevent self-doxxing, but could you at least keep the rotation tags, or otherwise recognize them and rotate the image if the EXIF data is still going to be removed? Thumbnails get it, but expanded images very clearly do not.


I don't have any code in place to control tags yet. I fixed your image in the meantime


Can we have a paste image from clipboard feature?


No. I'm not adding new features anymore.



If I add every feature then it will never be done.


Just this one please? Every imageboard has this convenient feature, except kissu! I want to upload images to kissu without having to save them first!


what... do they really


Yeah. Even onee.ch which has like 2 users has it.


I guess it is a common enough feature, albeit I don't think it's used by many people, but it is easier and more reliable than URL uploading.




spent a day using the old ui and there's just a few things that I think the new one misses. The only tricky problem is speed of page loads because the javascript ui is more heavy to run.

The new ui has a big advantage of tying every board together. On the old UI I constantly was trying to figure out a way that I could keep track of all new posts with a single click. It's so much easier to use every board on the site with it and that was one of the things that I put the most effort into. Improvements to the QR are also important, but found that new UI posting vs old UI posting is mostly a matter of personal preference. I didn't feel as if the layout of items had much of an impact. I did feel a little off balance going from old to new, but my time spent on the old one wasn't long enough for me to understand why, probably another issue of personal preference.


In conclusion the new UI is very successful in my eyes. I'm going to add these last few features that have been pointed out in the past week and then I think I will end adding features.

I'm still not in the mood to start dev as yet so there are some features that could be brought up. Album art is something that has been brought up but I haven't thought about it probably a year and a half. Might add that to the list of last features.


vichan UI userscript only

Realized that I used hotkeys to insert some characters in the past... might be a good addition


funny, it actually does work on the new UI.


¥Happy to report that works on the old UI too.


Okay no.
It works on the old ui if you switch to the new ui back to the old ui.
¥Now to test if it works on the old ui after switching from the new ui


It does not.


I changed the hotkey to add a space after, so it will probably update when you restart your browser.

It's working on my machine regardless of what I do, both versions, full functionality.


yen has to be blue+red color


I've got room for 5 more issues. After tomorrow I go back to fixing 25 reports. Nothing more will be added to the software in May. Perhaps nothing ever.


>Nothing more will be added to the software in May. Perhaps nothing ever.
As in, "no more major changes" or "no more functional changes at all, just bugfixes"? Because I think the latter's kind of shortsighted. If it were me I'd still be open to making small tweaks if people wanted them.


I'm saying, don't ask for new features in the future because this is what we'll have, at least until something else comes up that calls for something new


File:h7Q7MHk.png (287.96 KB,811x804)

covered 12/30 issues

Buffer style exists to resolve some transition issues between mobile and full screen sheets


If there's still time to request changes now, I have a few more small things I'd like to see. They're all pretty minor changes that should, for the most, be pretty easy to implement, but they'd make the overall experience a lot nicer for me.

¥Porting the parts of the site that still rely on the old GUI (like the FAQ and rules pages) over to the new one.

¥A fully retractable sidebar. No weird column at the side, just the >> icon

¥Likewise, when the sidebar is retracted, links should show up at both the top and bottom of the page, not just the top

¥Links to rules and FAQ should be on every page, not just the frontpage

¥Sage by default. I know this one's kind of a long shot, but here's my reasoning: for a large number of kissu's users, sage basically is the default already. I think the thing people use most often should be the one enabled by default. It should also discourage new users from using it as a downvote


1- I don't wanna port it... that's too much work
2,3 - Plan to put in this CSS rule

.side-segment.closed.thread-page-layout {
border: unset;

4 - Going to be at the bottom of pages as well as on the homepage
5 - It's default enough because you don't want to change it when it gets stored after a post.


.side-segment.closed.thread-page-layout {
border: unset;


Speaking of sidebar toggle '>>'. When the side bar is expanded the '>>' follows with you as you scroll down but when the side bar is collapsed the '>>' moves to the top of the page. Just wanted to point it out.


>expanded the '>>' follows
'<<' follows


yes, that's intentional


File:ZcCIhcm.png (54.33 KB,474x341)

supporting custom and preset reverse image searches


.10 is mostly fixes, but it does add better control over reverse image searchs allowing for you to add your own custom reverse search


The remainder of tasks are all 3.x.0 tier.

Finally looking into how to add album art thumbnails from MP3
Better yen support
Reducing the amount of Exif tags stripped off with a config setting
Clipboard paste images
and some bug fixes both average and hard


File:Ow0h4kf.png (43.56 KB,1744x256)

Lots of people are saging


Gotta collect enough herbs for the kissu community summer potluck.


Retrieve cover art with one simple step:

ffmpeg -i "2 - Riot Orgel.mpga" -an -vcodec copy cover.jpg

Now how am I going to modify vichan to handle this...


File:2 - Riot Orgel.mp3 (8.51 MB)

so it will give default thumb if your audio has no thumbnail inside of it, otherwise it will use it


I decided to add the custom markup system to vichan. Reason why I didn't is because it will probably cause some problems for someone in the future, but it will probably cause more problems for others in the future to not do it.


File:b86htmb.png (460.97 KB,858x816)

which is better for video windows? Expanded window or thumbnail sized(probably a bit bigger) window people have to drag themselves?


I'm not sure which is "better", but what I do know is that I think the way video windows work right now is a little counter-intuitive. In contrast to the quick reply box and options menu, video windows stay in place and do not move while scrolling.


I'll have to think about that. They are very different



Added hotkey support for Yen
¥: Ctrl+\
Added support for clipboard pasting into both forms
Fixed bugs


If it were me I'd make it possible to switch between the two in options.


One of them has to be the default though unless you think the options should be fed through a random number generator giving everyone a different experience.






If you have a space after sage in the options field it bumps the thread.


File:b29d3b4003.png (1.76 KB,422x25)

You left out a bit of information there.

Deleting a post executes this block of code

// Update bump order
if (!$keep_order && isset($thread_id) && $reply_count < $config['reply_limit'])
$query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT MAX(`time`) AS `correct_bump` FROM `posts_%s`
WHERE (`thread` = :thread AND NOT email <=> "sage")
OR `id` = :thread', $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':thread', $thread_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
$correct_bump = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['correct_bump'];

$query = prepare(sprintf("UPDATE ``posts_%s`` SET `bump` = :bump
WHERE `id` = :id", $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':bump', $correct_bump, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':id', $thread_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));


NPFChan function doesn't account for multiple options on delete+restore order


apparently vichan just doesn't want to do codeblocks right(tab spacing) so I'm not going to help it out anymore.

Anyways, I changed the MySQL rule on delete to look at

$query = prepare(sprintf('SELECT MAX(`time`) AS `correct_bump` FROM `posts_%s`
WHERE (`thread` = :thread AND NOT email like "%%sage%%")
OR `id` = :thread', $board['uri']));
$query->bindValue(':thread', $thread_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
$correct_bump = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['correct_bump'];

which should be fine now


Odd, the multiple spaces show up in the JSON, and I don't see this problem of multiple spaces being condensed to one on other vichan sites. I tried looking through the vichan code for something that might be removing the spaces, but I haven't found anything yet. Are there any additional processing steps taking place on the vichan version of the site that might be condensing spaces?


Vichan's Twig templater broke in PHP7.4 and I didn't download their fix instead opting to work around it. It could be that it's removing excess whitespaces. It's also possible that it's hidden in the display.php file somewhere, but i removed any trim functions in there to no success.

Reminds me that I wanted to go up to PHP8 boasts a lot of performance gains.. I upgraded to PHP7.4 in preparation for this but who knows what kind of hell is going to break loose if I do that.


well, replacing \t with &#9; fixed it for now. I'll just wait and see if this creates any other problems and consider looking at it harder if the HTMLEntity aproach causes more problems


so basically, for anyone else who wants to copy the code block approach I'm doing;

$config['markup'][] = array("/\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is", function($matches){
return "<span class=\"code\">". str_replace([ "[", "]", "=", "*", "'", "\t" ] , ["&#91;" , "&#93;" , "&equals;", "&ast;", "&apos;", "&#9;"] , $matches[1] ) . "</span>";

You put this at the beginning of the markup array and it sanitizes any other markup that can appear within the block with HTML entities

Note: you should view this on the vichan UI because the NewUI has some funny things I do with [ and ]


Good to hear. Anything can be done about double = or double * inside code blocks, assuming that's still causes unwanted formatting?

if (i == 0 && r**2 == x**2 + y**2) {



what the hell... i fixed this i thought


oh right, fixing the former problem with HTML entities undoes the fix I did previously, dumb me


edditted to apply to kissu's markup


Also seeing issues with multiple code blocks:


Speaking of which, 4chan detects URLs that link to threads / posts on 4chan and converts them into quotelinks in the usual style. A low priority, but something that might be nice to have.


Exif stripping no longer effects orientation tags(on images anyways, not sure about video).
Doesn't look like I have a phone that's able to test it though.

Added some fixes.

I'll think about it


thanks for fixing!


Inline expansion for mp4s and webms doesn't work, when I click on one it takes me into a new tab.
vichan (old) ui, chrome 90.0.4430.93 on ubuntu 21.04


good report, fixed


File:98588f98e051cb01f63ad569d4….jpg (23.88 KB,287x285)

wow that was fast~
thanks for the speeedy response


Would it be possible to do something like this for repeated spaces? They're getting merged on vichan.


I have a bad feeling about it, but i'll try


didn't realize it but vichan has some SFTP functions built into it. Problem is that it's too slow so I would have had to rewrite it all anyways. Guess if I ever do a cleanup I'll put the functions into that file...


going to wipe /trans/ in an hour or so


other than a few odd bugs it's pretty much done. Software changes give kissu enough space to expand indefinetly


A minor thing: When a code block has a newline before the /code, there's an inconsistency in how it appears on vichan versus the new UI. The new UI puts a blank line at the end of the code block, whereas vichan does not.


for a reason I don't remember I changed it from inline-block to block

but looking at the post preview as I type this, there might still need to be some changes to code blocks


Images on the luna image server aren't working for me, the other one works fine. Might have something to do with the fact that I'm browsing from a VPN, maybe?


interesting. I'm not sure what's causing it, but it's like a bug someone had when using a phone app.

I'm going to try something and tell me if it fixes it.


That seems to have fixed it, thanks.




Yeah, it was from this IP.


I don't really have any great plans so I'm catching kissu up to 4chan's features. Zombie threads, the standalone flash player(ruffle) and the URL to Citation link features are all that comes to mind. Also fixing speed issues that seems to be results of some bugs, takes too long to delete and post threads.


File:ngrEBPB.png (421.41 KB,1192x717)

Ruffle player added to flash files
unfortunately most of the flashes on /f/ use a video codec or certain functions it can't understand


File:T6UJyRS.png (3.25 KB,250x64)

Also, while not exactly perfectly done, when you hide a bunch of threads or boards from /all/ it will adjust the thread list so you don't jump to empty pages.
Only applies per catalog page and there's a bug that isn't really worth fixing unless requested.


also going to put zombie on this so it gets bumped


I'm not a fan of stickies unless it's something that I want people to see every time they come in so this zombie feature means I'm going to not sticky this thread .

I'll also add zombie properties to the oyasumi thread and the 4chanX thread.


What's a Zombie?


it's undead. Can't die, can't be stopped.

unaffected by bump limits or being bumped off the catalog


Added URL to cite link conversion


File:(clipboard)1620730244476.png (5.75 KB,283x114)

Wanted to copy the post link but got pic related. Can't this be removed from the post ID (area) and added to the post body instead? Unlike the post ID, I don't think there's ever a reason to right click the post body.
Also, it (the menu) can't be toggled off without right clicking outside of its area. Maybe make it disappear when left clicked outside of its area.


File:(clipboard)1620730739110.png (156.33 KB,1115x612)

Don't know if its just for me but this pop-up is slow to show up. So much so that I didn't realize kissu had this pop-up until now when my cursor idled on the reply post link for a while!


custom context menus can typically be disabled by double right click.

I'm not sure why you need to right click that are anyways, but it can be pulled away from that are into the name and date


yeah, i can see why that's problematic.

The slow pop will be like that for now
no easy fix. it's loading a large json file. gzip could ve gone. possibly could be sped up,


not fine. I'm typing on my phone and you can't work around it without some more options to work around it.

Holding down on a backlink brings up the ctx menu which isn't very helpful


>custom context menus can typically be disabled by double right click.
Yeah. But that opens up the normal browser right click menu.
>I'm not sure why you need to right click that are anyways
Like I said, was planning to copy the link, to try >>7203.


yeah, I'll fix this.

The issue is both the way that canceling context menus requires you to not right click on the context menu afterwards
It's also because the number component of No. 7205 , 7205 doesn't actually have a URL associated with it.

So I'll look at this when I wake up later. Adding the URL to the number component, left click to cancel, and also removing context menus from the backlinks and No. component


Nice, thanks.



Client side for new UI only, I guess? On new UI:


The button to switch to the new UI doesn't work right when the thread URL on the old UI ends in .html, like


File:2021-05-11-093422_728x149_….png (16.75 KB,728x149)

Also I was wondering if the link conversion would mess that post up if it worked inside code blocks, but I got that instead.

Wait, maybe it's only for the new UI URL.
old: https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203
new: https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203
old: https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203
new: https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203



In that case, I cast my vote for thumbnail by default.


This is all the examples posted


old: https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203
new: https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203
old: https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203
new: https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203

old: https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203
new: https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203
https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312#7203 (old)
https://kissu.moe/b/thread/6312#7203 (new)


I changed how previews get closed. It seems a bit janky, but it might be that I'm too used to the old way of handling them. Let me know if you notice


never mind this, I found a good solution for fixing a preview problem


The last thing on the agenda is fixing some performance issues.

Deleting takes 20 seconds with API server, 5 seconds without.
Posting takes like 5 seconds with API server, 1 second without.
Has to be a problem with the API server somewhere. Too many database calls probably

This might truly be the last thing that needs to be changed or added to.


Right now, if I enter a thread on /qa/ from /all/ and make a post it spits me out to /qa/. How it should work is that it takes me back to /all/, which is where I came from.

I could easily see this being more trouble than it's worth, so it's not a big deal if you decide not to do it, but I'd love to see the latter behavior implemented.


It's probably not that hard. The last time I worked on issues related to this I didn't want to put in more time to do that, but probably can now.


glowpink looks terrible on light themes.




Looks okay here, but in OPs like >>>/jp/17223 on the light background it makes the text hard to read.


Image frame behaviour changed and can be modified in options >>7218
Also this thing >>7225

That's kind of the cost of pink. I made the glow colors text more white and I made the outline of the pink more dense to give it shape.
Unless I change the text to gray or the glow to be more purple it's sort of all I can do. If you have a color that works I'll try it.


Maybe we could give the text a pink background on the lighter themes?

Here's some CSS I was playing with:
background: #ff08c260;
border-radius: 4px;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px #ff08c260;


fair compromise


looks to be that I've fixed performance issues I was having.

At this point every issue brought to me has been covered. Feel free to bring more.


It was not fixed / To do(0):
Did i fix it...(0):
Will consider in future(2):


Clicking "next" for next page of threads I get: https://files.catbox.moe/yxupsx.png
Hovering over a post quote link I get: https://files.catbox.moe/vbebrz.png


yeah, I was adding an option for someone to disable the Ruffle Flash Player and I forgot to change the site name setting from localhost to kissu.moe

Should be fine if you refresh.


Expanded is much better for mp4's. >>>/jp/17276 just doesn't look right when it's ant-sized.


my plan will be to set the expansion as default but it will also grow the reply to match the expanded element. I think with that done it will have the classic setting and the pseudo-inline setting. Pseudo will be default


Renaming zombie into permanent. Also adding some style changes that were mentioned by proxy and bug bugfixes. >>7240 This too to make the video window system more inline like, yet still dragable.


Image expansion will now make the reply expand(vichan behaviour) except you can drag and resize the windows. Old method can be enabled.


increasing the similar items to 6. Might want to revise this feature in both UI and algorithm.


>Report queue (1)
>Board: /b/
Feedback #5: Software, Eating and People Verniy ## Admin [137.] 03/06/21 (Sat) 17:06:53 No.6312
>Reason:i saw on qa that you try and get people to kill themselves
>Report date:05/17/21 (Mon) 10:56:11



I've standardized the ban reasons to a set of dropdowns and additional custom messages. Makes it easier to know what got banned for what.

Also added additional illegal delete feature which performs every mod action on a given post before moving it into /trans/


Base reasons are:

Illegal content
Political content
Grotesque content
Harmful behaviour
Low Quality
Ban evasion


Also similar items has been expanded to 20, with rotator errors to get a 5 thread snippet


Page layout is broken on /all/ for some reason


It's better on /all/ but now it's broken on /qa/


i don't know what you're talking about


The sidebar gets offset for me on certain pages


i thought that might be what you meant. I can fix that.


I assume you have a small screen size


I made a few modifications(and other changes) to try and prevent this. Let me know if fixed



It's good on almost every board, but for some reason /qa/ is still broken. If it helps, I'm using pale moon 29.2.0 64 bit on windows 10


it turns out one of my fixes wasn't getting applied. I'll go over it in a bit.

What's happening is that the youtube thumbnails are pushing the sidebar offscreen. I reduced their size to prevent this, but another CSS rule is overwritting that on small screens.


Now it's broken everywhere!


should be broken nowhere now


Still is though. Pages are either two column, or have half their content and all the navigational elements missing with really weird formatting.


File:firefox_rZLZoVuhzF.png (498.4 KB,1902x1009)

>two column


That's what I mean. Usually there's only one column of threads.


Try pressing "Index"


You're in Article mode.


albeit, there are some problems with article mode, but it should be expected that sidebare+2x column isn't going to work on small screens


Oh shit, you're right, sorry. That did make me run into some article mode glitches though. On /all/, /qa/, and /spg/, things extend way too far to the left, to the point where I can't see the sidebar at all. Curiously, /spg/ starts normal but then gets fucked up as the page loads, and isn't as bad as the other boards. It also takes a weirdly long time to load compared to the catalog and index views; not to the point where it's unusable, but enough to make it noticeable.

As for the original issue, it's still a thing on /qa/, and I think it's actually worse than it was before.


File:ZDlyCW5.png (288.38 KB,546x995)

Article is in an odd place. It's hard for browsers to use multi-column layouts. Seems to be very performance intensive. I forgot about it to be honest, but there are some things to fix on it.

>original issue
I don't know what you're talking about
My tests are as it should be


The sidebar is off-center on /qa/. Maybe it's a me problem: I'll clear my cache and the like and see if that fixes it.


actually, i have found an issue, but i'm not sure what yours is so it might fix it or it might not


k , i fixed some problems specific to your browser


It works!


Changes to the CSS have appeared to break some hovering/floating features. Need to find out what's caused it


Turns out that setting <DOCTYPE html> on a page changes how CSS behaves so I have to change some of the features.

For now running on a version without the flag


File:FbcIO14.png (27.44 KB,1049x267)

Time spent improving these metrics has paid off on the homepage. The amount of effect it has on anything is questionable.


Load times have been a bit lower for me, if that means anything.


might also be that i've been updating so your browser caches are having to redownload... or maybe that I've set it so that font-awesome and certain other low priority sheets get loaded last


I kind of do notice a bit of a small load period, but I'm not sure if I'm just paying attention to it or if it's something new


File:(clipboard)1622268772391.png (9.31 KB,523x301)

Just noticed, "ctrl+enter" doesn't work here.


I just added it, but i did it in a lazy way.
If the QR form is open it will prioritize that


Going to make the hotkey logic more detailed(ctrl+enter).

As general FYI features for the site's software are done. Google page audits and user feedback shows there's nothing much to work on. So for software all I'll be up to is bug fixes, code cleanup and writting tools in Rust.


Would it be possible to add a hyperlink feature to the formatting options? Full-length URLs in comments can look quite ugly.


I'm not sure what you mean. https://x.y automatically becomes a hyperlink



If no submission forms exist will do nothing
If focusing on a footer form element and QR is open will focus on the footer form
If focusing on a QR form element and footer form exists will focus on the QR form
If Footer-Form and QR-Form exists and not focusing on anything it will prioritize QR form

or something like this... will submit the form you've selected or if nothing is selected will prioritize QR


explain what you'd want done to your post:


I mean having it so you can make arbitrary text into a link. So in that post having 'It's scheduled to just keep going without a break until at least episode 30' link to https://www.at-x.com/program/32085 without needing to include the URL as a separate line.



Had to switch to the new UI for it to display properly but yes, I mean like that.


yes, well I suppose you should use the new UI then.


i'll see if it's easy to add to Vichan, if it's not then you'll have to use the new UI


How many people actually use the new UI? I pretty much always stick with the website designs that I'm used to if I'm given a choice, but I have no idea if I'm in the minority on that.


you could start a /poll/ if you wanted to


I've thought of putting in statistics, but in the end it won't change what I do if only 1 person uses mine or 1 person uses vichan's.


You're in luck. The feature is now cross compatible.


Done >>>/poll/1491
Also the banners on the new UI seem to be broken for me for some reason (you can see what I mean on the image in that thread).





I've been having some trouble with cloudflare and SSL certificates on banners.kissu.moe and am a bit stumped on how to fix it.

The other idea is that an ad blocker is blocking it because the URL kind of looks like an advertisement.


File:UI.png (126.07 KB,2902x1954)

It does if I click that on the new UI. If I'm on the old UI it loads but there's still an error on the page.


i don't think old vs new UI should effect that. probably if you refresh it will be busted on both.

You can see on that /poll/ image that the banners aren't loading either way. This is a firefox specific issue that's hard to get. It's not giving any error messages either.


i think you can restart and it will fix it. I'll keep looking to see if anything strikes me as strange.


File:Ymlxrhr.png (54.59 KB,1011x503)

Actually what I did was I repaired(done by reinstalling) firefox.

I've changed the cloudflare SSL settings to Full rather than Full-Strict. I don't think it will change it but it might be fine now.


>probably if you refresh it will be busted on both
Oh yeah, you're right.
>You can see on that /poll/ image that the banners aren't loading either way
They do sometimes load, it just seems to be luck of the draw if they do or don't show up when I refresh a page. Seems to be the same on the new UI too.


File:1c55bf5083.png (99.88 KB,1167x700)

I'm not sure how to fix it yet and I don't know how some people get it, but if it didn't start happening in the last week then this will probably fix it.

Uninstall and instead of removing click refresh


There's an easy fix for this actually. Just go into about:config and disable this:


Starting a thread via /all/ takes more steps than it needs to. Rather than clicking next and going to a dropdown menu that lets you pick a board, the dropdown menu should be there the whole time.


Thanks, that seems to have worked. Having to reinstall all my extensions kinda sucked though.


did it do that... sigh..


don't like people reading my posts right away


I'm willing for a slightly less willingness to post than making the QR look ugly and then having to spend thoughts on how to un-ugly it.


I think the way it is now is pretty ugly tbh (to be honest)

An easy solution would be putting the dropdown menu you get after clicking "next" underneath the name and options fields but above the reply field. It fits in well but is also hard to miss.


File:(clipboard)1622343718806.png (85.01 KB,1655x498)

What happened to "hover to view image"? Before the full image, no matter how big, used to fit perfectly in my browser's height. Now the image's top is aligned with its thumbnail's top and the size isn't even adjusted anymore, so the image goes way beyond my screen.


i think that would look clunky.


File:c4102d8141.png (162.85 KB,947x591)

the size is adjusting, but the top alignment seems to be not working


File:75fc409ae7.png (322.75 KB,947x591)

there is no world where a thing like this works


File:0978967896.png (296.49 KB,947x591)

I meant more like this


well i'm working on fixing image hover so i'll look at what it looks like in practice


File:9jgOST9.png (57.14 KB,926x353)

i hate it


File:EnsjWEq.png (77.53 KB,1060x361)

even if I fix the colors a bit it's throwing in more visual clutter


I can see where you're coming from, but I still think it's better than what we have now, which is awful.


Why not put it above the other fields?


4chanX shouldn't be overriding stylesheets on the QR. I'll put in an !important to fix that


File:U97utoS.png (36.39 KB,458x371)

even less clear.

I put in the styles I was working on into the existing version and I'll think about the problem you're suggesting.


File:(clipboard)1622351880451.png (12.98 KB,405x298)

How about something like pic related?


no... i just don't like it placed in a form that i designed to be minimal


I personally think >>7344 is the perfect solution, but if you hate it that much I won't push the issue further; it's your imageboard after all, and at the end of the day it's a relatively minor thing.


It's not as simple as placing a dropdown somewhere on the existing QR, the entire QR needs to be adjusted in some way to incorporate it and I'm not sure how to make any of the ideas posted here look cleaner. The QR has limited space.. it's something that can't become bloated or it looks like a 2000's IE malware infested toolbar(or on the other end a Blender hotkey nightmare).

Basically what I meant in >>7329
>making the QR look ugly and then having to spend thoughts on how to un-ugly it.


My issue isn't that it's ugly, it's that it's objectively bad from a usability standpoint.

When designing something, you're supposed to have as few steps as reasonably possible. Adding extra steps when they aren't actually required adds needless confusion and makes the feature awkward and clunky to use.


yes, if our opinions were the same you would be right.


Minor thing, but it'd be more convenient if the formatting shortcuts placed the tags around the caret, rather than behind it like it is now.


they do though


i guess this is another waterfox/palemoon/pal issue. could also maintain caret position as well.


actually i never tested how the staged-post-submit thing works on palemoon


Actually no, the banners are broken for me again.


k, I'm trying a completely different way to serve the images.


Now they're broken for me, when they weren't before


I don't achieve everything on my first attempt because I am not an NGINX wizard.

Anyways, I changed how they were served banners.kissu.moe should still be broken but https://art.kissu.moe/storage/image/beR3EPrXcd72rXYh4gOjx5jV0KqoWJjd82DePfGi.gif should work.


The only reason that comes to mind why this is broken and not original.kissu, theatre.kissu, haiji.kissu or luna.kissu is because Laravel(or perhaps proxying) works in some way that defies conventional logic.

How the banners are being served now should make it more simple to handle.


i'll be uploading changes to the caret behaviour changing where the cursor lands after interacting and a bit of logic to prevent the QR from opening if you're focusing on the bottom form from No.xyz presses.

I have to make some other changes before I update to Kissu-Fr 3.7.0


Bit of a minor issue, but when toggling to the new UI while viewing the last 50 posts on a thread you get a 404 error since it redirects back to the last page you were on but the new UI doesn't have those pages (eg. https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312+50 is a valid page on old UI but not new UI). If you don't plan on adding the last-50 feature to the new UI I think it would make sense to simply redirect such pages to the correct URL for the thread (so in the previous example, redirect to https://kissu.moe/b/res/6312) rather than displaying an error.


I'm curious about the people who toggle between the two UIs regularly. I didn't expect that a group like this existed. What's the motivation?


anyways, i'll put in some redirect rules to solve a few of these issues


Made redirects when toggling between UI types

/b/res/6312+50 -> /b/thread/6312
/b/thread/6312/2 -> /b/res/6312

If this change has caused anything to break let me know


Clicking the post number in the new UI opens up a quick reply box without the post being quoted. Clicking the post number again quotes the post twice.


fixed, but i did it while tired and never know if it caused other problems.


this is the only reliable way to negate the error and I'm still not sure why or what sideeffects it has on browser security


update on this:
I fixed it by bypassing Laravel's artisan server and using NGINX entirely to serve the application.
If you disabled alpn I would re-enable it.

So banners.kissu.moe and art.kissu.moe shouldn't have any more disruptions


I've noticed that firefox has updated and the page generation has gotten pretty slow. I'll see about possible fixes


turns out it was a CloudFlare optimization that's supposed to help with loading JavaScript pages. looks like it made it slower


uploading various fixes


Found a few bugs with video frame expansion. Likely from the !doctype additions. Will put in a fix for that.


expansion issues fixed.
added a new rule to redirect /jp/index to /jp/ when going between UI


It'd be nice if return sent you back to the board you came from, rather than the board the thread was on.


it does that on the new ui i think


just tested, it does


Finished fixing some bugs.

I think I'll do this, but I thought that most people who would want this functionality would just press the back button... Though I have a mouse with thumb buttons so it might not be the normal way people browse.

redirects after posting send you to the original destination.


functionality added




Hey, verm, can you change it so that thread OPs can't be saged. I keep accidentally making threads with sage as an option, meaning they don't show up as activity in the little tab post updater.


What did he mean by "return"? The enter key?


File:13af219444.png (3.25 KB,204x94)



well... isn't that the point of sage...


It's counter to the idea of making a thread is my point. If you don't want your thread to be seen/noticed, why are you making a thread in the first place? The application of sage is counterproductive.


yeah, but also sage is counter productive because why post if it's not meant to be read.


Well, if you add anything, could you at least change the behavior of the submit button so that when a post is submitting you can cancel it by clicking submit again? I swear... everytime I hit submit, I notice a stupid spelling mistake and I'm unable to stop the post from happening unless I quickly manage to close the tab (which never happens).


sounds like a good feature


going to upload this in a sec then have a shower. if it breaks by then tell me somewhere and then i'll fix it.
Use original.kissu or the vichan layout if it does.


File:firefox_CpaTDrbdcW-1.jpg (108.15 KB,1536x864)

Looks like i made a mistake on the bottom footer form.


actually it kind of looks like i may not have implemented it right at all. I'll have to do a bit more testing


Though it could be that this is just inevitable. If you send the abort request by the time the message has reached the server and hit cancel it's going to go through no matter what.


That's how it works on 4chan with 4chanX. I can try and cancel the post as fast as possible, but with fast enough internet speeds actually cancelling is near impossible unless you do so within the same instant that you post. Even then, sometimes it's not fast enough.


there are ways to do this from the server, but I don't think it's possible for Vichan and PHP to achieve it. I'll keep it in my head if ever write an imageboard backend


some of the earlier pouts are unavailable with a 403 >>>/qa/44477
anyway we can get them unlocked?


im trying to find the broken ones and can't


from what i can tell everyone before >>>/qa/51166 doesn't open for me
thumbnails are fine but the full picture is a 403


there was a time I had to delete a bunch of images because of a bug and some of them got accidentally deleted


Just noticed same problem with videos.


you'll have to point out which one because as far as I can tell the problem doesn't exist


Oh wait, it was because the floating video window opens up in the post area. So I guess not really a "bug".


Not sure I follow.
There are two versions for how those videos display that you can set in the options. which post is causing the problems?


bug with captcha on mobile that i forgot about


I don't get how pages in threads work. I like the idea; it makes a thread load better and makes it easier to read through longer ones, but I don't get how it works in the context of kissu.


The recent set of 150 posts overflows into forum like pages.

So unlike on a forum, to get the most recent replies to a thread it by defaullt goes to the so called last page(R). If you want to see older posts you look at the 1st page all the way up to R


In other words, page 1 does not exist until R overflows


Okay, thanks.


well, there should be some better way to communicate it, but if it makes sense with a little bit of explanation then people will understand it eventually


File:kissu.webm (4.89 MB,1920x1080)

Its not limited to one post/video. What I was saying was clicking a video has the same "problem" as >>7331, specifically the alignment. In vid related, the video window opens up with its top aligned with the thumbnail's top.
>two versions for how those videos display
If you mean the "Original Frame Expansion" option then both of them have the same "problem".


strange bug noticed that replies can act as threads sometimes


The video covers the thumbnail and expands the area so it doesn't overlap the text(on original method it will overlap the text). It's how it does it so it allows for dragable video containers but also functions like someone would expect images to


Do you mean that the video frame is too high for the thumbnail? I can see it if that's what you meant


The boarder that gets drawn around replies when you hover over a link to them is practically invisible. It needs to stand out more.


Was there a change to the post function? I used to be able to drag and drop images from Hydrus onto the quick reply box or post form and it would attach the image to my post. I can't do that anymore. I'm on FF 89.


it's still working on my end. I don't think there's been anything changed for that


I think timestamped videos have stopped working


to add to the list of things, large video files have the progress bar go negative


to improve this

I guess I'll start making a complete bug list again.


its working for me now maybe im just dumb


could be a situational bug. hard to know. I don't use the feature much.

Did you drop it into the comment/body/textarea section or the Files button


i usually drop on top of the "No file selected" text.


I returned from a thread and it put me in the catalog view, even though I was using the index before. I've never had something like that happen before, so I wonder what caused it.


After that, it put me on /b/ in index mode, even though I came from /all/ using the catalog.


that's going to be browser or file manager related


The fish tail makes it hard to see on gentoochan stylesheet because of the transparency.


can you take a screenshot?


File:waterfox_23S8Vf0XPF.png (72.91 KB,381x216)

Nevermind, I see what you mean.
Hmmm... semi-transparent striped boxes... yeah this theme really wasn't meant to have anything under it.
Bleh. As a temporary solution (as this is a VERY temporary mermaid tail) you could add this to custom css:

div.post.reply, input, textarea {
background: rgba(200, 200, 200, 1);

You can change each of the '200' instances there closer to 255 to make the box lighter, or closer to 0 for darker.
You can also block the image url with an adblocker or something: https://luna.kissu.moe/test/src/1624657593506.png

Anything more involved isn't worth spending time on because it's not going to be there for very long. Sorry for the inconvenience since I didn't know there was a CSS like this.


I added an FAQ entry on pages.


Vichan's static pages look terrible... one of these days I'll need to restyle everything including new UI stuff


uploading some fixes for simple bugs. Have a few complicated ones I'm covering tomorrow or later today.


like last time(miku.custom.css), this sheet is available at https://github.com/ECHibiki/Kissu-Files/blob/master/laura.custom.css


File:90681305_p0.jpg (301.17 KB,1171x1280)

Oh yeah, sources for the art:
There's already hundreds of amazing works


Just realized that the banners are stuck on each board. I'm guess that's because the laura background stuff is a static template or something, but I'm not really sure why that would make the banner script stop working. Regardless of why they're not changing; they're not changing.


I kind of noticed that but my head never made the connection that something was wrong. They rotate on new post so I kept seeing it as the same thing and pushing it to the back of my head.

I'll look at that in an hour or so


oh... this has probably been happening for a long time then and it's only been noticed now.

I see what's causing it. I need to put in some server config rules.


rotation test


k, banners are rotating again


File:2021-06-27-050048_691x226_….png (27.21 KB,691x226)

There's an extra newline at the beginning of posts

and newlines are stripped out


File:17601ee439.png (39.24 KB,570x225)


File:2021-06-27-051045_479x333_….png (56.33 KB,479x333)


you and your dang boring white theme! it's ruining everything!


your browser is missing some edge case behavior for CSS Grids


Would it be easier for you guys if I use some sort of ID in this thread for a bit? It's probably easy to mistake who's cool and who's myself.


File:52d71b5e3f.png (278.87 KB,1920x969)

I've been attempting to resolve a bug on chrome where the text on the recent-post feed will end up looking like pic related.

My research has shown this is a chrome bug in rendering text with hardware acceleration. If I encounter it again I'll think up some work arounds, but it's so rare and might be specific to some graphics cards that I won't think about it too hard.



It's reading from storage to determine what the proper theme is so if you went into index on another tab and then closed it, then returned to the original tab.

It seems a bit suspicious though so I'll look over the code that handles site navigation


lamer css still present on some threads


Tried holding back a post and got the message saying it was cancelled, but upon clicking submit again, two posts were made:


Set yen text to color on vichan UI

There's no way to cancel a post if the server already got it and is processing. Doing this requires a different type of server than vichan.

I don't know which ones.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (386.27 KB,1920x1080)

Is it removed when you post in them?


What is someone (legitimate poster) doing spamming POST requests to /poll.php ?


yes, as soon as a thread updated it disappeared for that thread
anyway, it's all gone now


Just cleaned about 1.5GB of orphaned media off of the server


BMP preview renders correctly in the old UI, doesn't render in the new UI, and the file itself returns a 403.


Is there a better way to fetch the poll data?


just seemed suspicious. I'll undo the block soon


the poll data is on the new ui pages

But if you have some sort of program that's an acceptable way to do it.


File:catalog.png (1.4 KB,275x59)

this seems strange in the catalog, i understand that it skips to those pages but why not just 1 2 3 or have the catalog include all threads?


I wish OP search generated its own set of pages, as opposed to the way it is now where threads only show up if you're visiting the page they're on.


The main problem is the transition between catalog and index being seemless like in 4chanX.

if you're on page 2 of the index and switch into catalog mode the url will still be /all/2, but you're not trying to view catalog page 2, you're trying to view catalog page 1 so the user will be confused about where they are.
If a catalog includes all threads then you end up with a scenario where a catalog contains 300 threads and slows down your page loads.

So the solution I chose is to make it interval based rather than use an infinite scroll system. However, there could be a reason to add a hybrid system(my inspiration on a lot of the design choices, chan.sankakucomplex.com) does this hybrid approach, but I've just sort of run out of time to do time consuming modifications to the software and am trying to bug fix and optimize things.

It ought to be using https://kissu.moe/api/threads/all/catalog/full.json

It seems like a mistake on my part that I don't use full.json, but I might have been thinking that it's too expensive. In either case I think it should use full.json in the future.


I hate infinite scrolling. I most certainly wouldn't want it on kissu unless I could opt out of it.


Would probably be an opt in. There might be a nicer alternative that comes to mind anways.
I need to start drafting some plans for the month on various issues to do with kissu and self


Why not just have an expanding "Load more" option? YouTube does that with comments, for instance.


Not sure about taking UI inspiration from Google. They use infinite scroll in their videos anyways. Basically any post 2010s website UI has an infinite scroll somewhere in it. Vichan's /all/ is no exception to the trend.


That's basically the same thing as infinite scrolling as far as I'm concerned.


Posts showing (OP) when quoting thread OPs of threads other than the current thread seems wrong.



it is an op, but it's not the op


Dunno. I think it makes sense.


- I'll add a signifier to cites that go outside of the current thread
- Search is going to apply to an entire board. Searching on index or catalog will dump a max 90 threads for your search term on the page and remove the ability to navigate pages while you have a search term active.
- Also infiinitescroll by default to catalog to make it possible to ignore the potentially confusing catalog page system.

two other things in the works that are boring


I'll make an infinite scroll option to be enabled for index. I think catalog needs it by default however.

This means two seperate options for infinite scroll on index or catalog with catalog being on by default, index being off by default.


Searching from boards now checks on every catalog page. Some other small modifications to make searching less slow/laggy/unclear.


File:diktKMD.png (22.24 KB,567x344)

setup an easy way for me to modify the featured section on the homepage


If you think there are any nice threads that the homepage should promote, give them a link and I'll add them


File:Screenshot 2021-07-06 1959….jpg (257.2 KB,1440x632)

I don't know what caused it, but I just ran in to pic related.


I know exactly what it's doing, but I've never encountered that before.

Are you using a generic firefox or chrome?


Pale Moon on Win10.


actually I'm wondering why you have /spg/ in there


No idea. It's been like that for a while though.


The timestamp at the bottom of your screenshot says Jul 05, it's Jul 07 today and your screenshot timestamp confirms this.
The threads that are jammed at the bottom of the page are the things on page 17(though the sticky for spg is not in /all/ anymore).

Wonder if cloudflare or your browser stored a page that didn't make sense or my alterations to the search feature caused something to explode...

The questionable timestamp makes me think it was a cloudflare page cache that went wrong...


Is it still broken for you or was this a random occurrence? There shouldn't be any threads from /spg/ on /all/ unless you're looking at the end


It was a random occurence. Also I haven't been able to recreate >>7594


I think information from Jul 05 got served somehow. I'll keep it in my head


I made a few major changes to how things work. I've abandoned or postponned the idea of implementing infinite scroll in favor of these changes.
Browsers in the Firefox 60(I believe anyways) should work on Kissu now.

Catalog is now visibly page 1, 2 ,3 ... (N+1) but the URL works as an interval of 6 (N6+1) meaning catalog pages are easier to understand and URL confusing for the people who don't like mathematical sequences.

Catalog will jump to the given index page you are on. If you're on Page2 then the scrollbar will attempt to focus on the pages starting at page 2

Catalog and index sorting now apply to every catalog page, making use of the full.json file. If you sort by reply count it will grab from every page and as you navigate it will maintain the sort and full.json properties.





>Catalog and index sorting now apply to every catalog page, making use of the full.json file. If you sort by reply count it will grab from every page and as you navigate it will maintain the sort and full.json properties.
scratch that, it seems like there's an issue I missed

Edit: full board sorting will work if you navigate to a new page and then back to the original, but has an issue if you simply set it.

Resolved Kissu-Fr 3.12.4. Data was being fetched asynchronously

Notify me if anything else has broken


>I've abandoned or postponned the idea of implementing infinite scroll
Best news I've heard all day.
>Browsers in the Firefox 60(I believe anyways) should work on Kissu now.
Seems to work. Posting using the new UI on 61.0.1.


The feature will break too many systems to be worth adding. Full catalog searching is a small stepping stone, but likely infinite scrolling won't ever exist because it doesn't resolve a problem that simpler presentation changes can do just as fine at.


File:[FFF] Futsuu no Joshikouse….jpg (19.27 KB,266x538)

If you ask me, infinite scrolling doesn't resolve problems, infinite scrolling is itself a problem. (It also causes problems beyond its existence, such as how you can't report a post on original.kissu.moe/all).


i pledge not to ignore my ssl renewal warnings this quarter


Highlighting some text and clicking a post number pops up a reply box with that text already there and quoted. In a thread the quoted text has a newline after it so you can just start typing; but when you do this on an index there's no newline.


yay i did it.

k noted.

One bigger thing is on the table to create kissu's last reserves of disk space. Then the smaller issues such as this.


File:Wiujj21.png (68.8 KB,804x571)

So, crossthread linking is going to go from the current method seen on >>>/test/ right now is going to change to what's in the image


accidentally posted this in the wrong thread


Upgrades to site have been done, updating to 3.14.0 shortly


notes for the next update I'm working on

- 1-5 bug fixes
- Setting the UI to differentiate between a ban, warning and PM and general upgrades to that
- Update the system which hidden threads, scores and owned posts work
- Move prexisting files from boards onto the luna server to balance out the disk space and get a final idea of how the storage stand
- Make hidden boards work on the UI
- Update documentation on the FAQ

Aside from bugfixes, the future update will expand on existing features and resolve some of the issues that I had been ignoring for the past month or more.


>- Update the system which hidden threads, scores and owned posts work
This alteration is making major changes to how hidden threads work.
I'm expecting a lot of things to break when I finally get past all the red text and can compile the code.
I'll try and get it to be perfect, but it would be nice if people were to hide threads and tell me if it causes the thread to catastrophically crash.

It's also making large changes to your score and owned post history so there's a smaller chance that these things will be broken.


I've considered backwards compatibility, but previous history on owned posts, scores and hidden threads will be reset.


Updated to 3.15.0 who's major change is altering how stored post data is handled for client.
Modifications made it so that hiding threads hides posts from the recent feed
Some other features like making it possible to use bans for Warnings and PMs.
Posting works as it did before as long as you're not banned.

Issues to fix:
- Hiding is functional but has an issue
- Notifications don't seem to be working on owned posts
- If you're banned there will be a crash
- owned, score and hidden posts not cleaning up after post's expire for some reason
- Return links back to the wrong board sometimes
- Pointless console.logs to be removed
- Some video expansion oddities

Next batch of maintenance and features:
- Relocate source media from main server to secondary server to preserve file space.
- Hide secret
- Update documentation/FAQ to account for recent changes


fixed a few of the bugs that were really annoying me when I woke up... going to actually eat something and continue


wonderful, mobile bug is not detectable on anything other than mobile. Guess I will eat food later


i need a better way to test on mobile...


I'm using samsung internet, and webms don't work. It shows a giant transparent block of nothing with no sound.


Scratch that: only some webms don't work. Others are fine.


Which ones are working and which don't?


The ones in >>>/jp/20409 are broken. The ones in >>>/jp/20358 are fine, albeit a bit laggy (although that might just be my internet acting up).

I suspect it has something to do with sound. I'll try and find more sound webms to confirm.


what's your mobile browser?


nvm samsung internet is a browser


I think it has something to do with me moving that thread, but I'm not sure how that'd effect it.


I'm working on something else at the moment, I'll look at what's causing problems in an hour i guess.


File:Screenshot_20210716-200535.jpg (315.39 KB,1080x1920)

k, i can replicate


how odd, can't even save them correct


I'm not convinced that moving caused the problem, but if the guy can post the original before he moved it then it would help


File:4368709.550000029_Love Li….webm (1.7 MB,1920x1080)



k, so the webm just breaks on mobile in general.
I tried it on Steam and here, both cases only audio works.

I won't force people to upload files that work on mobile at this point in time, but I doubt that was anyone's intention for it to not work on mobile chrome and samsung


might have something to do a tag mismatch or something (i have no idea, i'm literally just guessing). The webm itself claims to have a length of 6 seconds, but only plays for 3.


It would be nice on /poll/ for the results to show how many total people voted on polls that allow multiple responses, so that one can see what proportion voted/didn't vote for each option.


3.15.6 update coming which resolves bugs in 3.15.0 and other problems I noticed unrelated to .0

Polls are often used for feedback on the site, in which case I can get that data for myself.
If polls were used for recreation I would have a stronger reason to do this.


have to bump the number a bit, will be offline for a minute again.


File:p9LJ93V.png (246.67 KB,803x782)

a bit more disruptive than i wanted, but I noticed a mistake in a feature I squeezed in

There's a scenario on small screens where the preview-post window will cover the cursor/thumbnail making it impossible to open. Resolved it by making each post into a big URL that you can click.


Final 3 tasks before I've done all upgrades that I would call Kissu-Fr 3.x.y -> v4.0.0:

- Write a script that will relocate haiji files over to luna to increase disk space
- Write a system to hide boards like xmas, secret and the 3 off season boards to not appear in the recent feed json, option boards or the overboard json. Certain boards should not be findable without URL or cite.
- Update documentation in the FAQ.. improve the style of FAQ pages to look less ugly.

- Additionally any extra bugs or issues I catch in the process of updating.


On desktop, >>7726 now breaks like it did on mobile but the sound still works.


Doesn't work. The message thing will say "post cancelled" it whatever but when you try posting again, there'll be the first version still there. Dunno if they appear at the same time, or if the message thing just lies.


The server can't forget the message if it got it after you cancelled.

I suppose it would be possible to tell you when you can no longer cancel.


It's not uploaded yet, but there will be a point in the upload process where it prevents you from cancelling. Unless kissu uses a different type of server it's not possible for me to cancel posts while they're being processed.


File:bXWdSR5.png (80.97 KB,1260x384)

Now on Ver4.0.0 which consists of vast improvements to Ver3.0.0 and not so much new functionality and layouts.

V4 will continue working on bugs and improvements to experience.

There will be a big file relocation tomorrow so while I intend to do a full backup, if I'm tard you might just want to archive anything you think is valuable

In regards to this you can see that it will tell you when you've passed the delete threshold


File:raw meat bunny ears.png (995.28 KB,1000x1200)

cancel might have a bugs to it though. It's hard to tell because my internet sends messages quickly


it annoying when I make new reply suddenly direct to catalog, not on thread


use the noko option


in ~30 minutes some old files will begin to dissapear as I do an automatic and mostly automatic DB update and transfer of files between servers


hate sage




Files relocated, so main server and second server both have the same disk space used. Hopefully this will last kissu until the servers roll over and I can get something else


Have some small fixes to upload.

Seems like I'm going to slow down work on the UI soon. No new features, small reworks of existing features and bug fixes. Probably cleaning up the code and making it easier to maintain.
I'd like to rewrite the backend eventually, but I think this is something that could get started in a year ~2022 around when the server is set to expire.

Thread will be remade soon to something for feedback and bug reporting rather than dev blogging.


>I'd like to rewrite the backend eventually, but I think this is something that could get done in a year.
Nice. Hopefully in something better than PHP?


Rust, but the language is above my skill at the moment.

The API server is in GoLang, Vichan in PHP. Go is an alright language, but everything about it has always seemed arbitrary most particularly the error handling and type handling. Feels like a language that's trying to please everyone and being mediocre all around.
Rust is a good language and scales well but it takes me too long to make something mediocre.


Using Rust feels like it will take a lot of wheel reinventing. Data will be transferred from MySQL to a read fast DB, features will have to be redone, security has to be secure, both UI have to be handled.

It's a major undertaking and it's not like kissu could start using a work in progress imageboard engine like the split old and new UIs.

There has to be a reason to do it basically and the reason and means to achieve the reason both don't exist as yet


GoLang has the same problem as Python, where it's very opinionated for no good reason, and a lot of said opinions are stupid.

The reason is that Vichan's codebase is abhorrent.


abhorrent yeah, but I understand everything about how it works and have made some security updates to it already such as moving the passwords that Vichan tells you to put into your code on a file that can't be requested. And updating the hashes to a modern standard.


That's fair


It only took 268 bug fixes/feature reworks, but I think it's reached a good point where it competes with the traditional imageboard design.


nice numbers to commemorate this accomplishment


File:1373242945790.gif (415.62 KB,300x250)





Post about it if an image you post get caught up in an image block.


Adding ~22,000 sock4 proxies to the ban list


Altered the PHP server configuration to better handle bot spam


File:1449040755545.jpg (183.69 KB,1044x504)

For whatever reason the [toggle-new] button on the old UI doesn't work properly when viewing >>>/qa/4165 (maybe something to do with it being a cyclical thread?). While it does change the UI, it doesn't take effect until you leave the page whereas everywhere else the change is instant.


The happenings thread is an exception case where the old ui is priority for ease of archiving


more technically, it's because the URL "/qa/res/4165" will always use old and "/qa/thread/4165" will use your choice. This means switching UI from that page is more difficult


Speaking of archiving, as far as I can tell there's no way to check the archives in the new UI.


I guess I can make the URL functional, but no one uses them and it took anyone about a year to bring this issue up.


https://kissu.moe/qa/archive/ will go to archive, it formerly was broken.


Added in a saftey feature to create hard limits on threads and soft limit on posts if there are no mods around


some more alterations to handle heavy site load better


UI v4.0.2 small css things


Ctrl+Return in the sage field (maybe even in name field) posts the post but shows the post posting was canceled.


neat bug catch


>sage field
Just realized I called the options field the sage field...


fixed it a bit ago but forgot to restart the server


wanted to finish a bunch of small tasks but binged 24 episodes of shinsekai yori and i've only slept about 2 hours...


At least binge a show that doesn't suck next time.


i liked it. It was an interesting take on romance, morality, politics and the ends justifying the means.


File:(clipboard)1627178430257.png (897.18 KB,797x697)

Hovered images are appearing aligned to the thumbnail's top instead of being centered on screen, again...


actually something even weirder is happening, it's not showing the dimensions of the image properly so it can't compensate.


File:Pj7DMa1.png (259.52 KB,879x639)

On the server which is receiving your post, it can't determine what the filesize is so the preview can't do what it does to fit it within the window.

What's the bot you're getting the iamges from?


>What's the bot you're getting the iamges from?
Oh hold on, I know what's happening, when it goes through captcha it can't determine image size properly


Oh yeah.
Its https://twitter.com/senrankagurabot
Though, I don't think its the bot since the problem doesn't exist >>>/ec/4743, but exists >>75596 and >>75597.


I know what the problem is now, it will just take a few minutes to figure it out.


I can't fix the ones that were already posted, but new ones ought to be fine now.

Also not sure if my fix caused other problems.
TDD really is a must for server development.


Seems like I'm only finding one or two issues with the UI a week now. Most of my problems are server side spam tolerance issues which I'm hoping to write a tool to better analyze this.

Currently on V4.0.4, hopefully sit there for a while for the laughs.


File:Screenshot_2021-07-27 jp ….png (309.33 KB,1903x1225)

Weird bug.


could you upload it somewhere so i can test it?



seems to be result of one of my modifications so I'll look into it sooner rather than later


File:oull13.webm (1.27 MB,450x560)

Doesn't look like it was directly a result of a mistake of mine, but I couldn't replicate it on other imageboards.

It was trying to get a thumbnail off of a webm frame that doesn't exist. Adding in a better fail case resolves it.


How funny, the sticky from /ec/ has disappeared from a bug in the API server.


When previewing your post, .jfif files don't actually show a preview of the image, but instead show that one template image of Di Gi Charat. JPGs work just fine, though. Even though a jfif is actually just a jpg.


Been making a spambot to test on this site... found an issue with antispam filters that doesn't stop bot spam. A well made attack could possibly use it

Yeah, it feels like that feature is still underbaked, generally speaking.


>it feels like that feature is still underbaked
Maybe just a little. I use it pretty often to make sure I did my formatting correct if I use something like blue. One simple thing that could be fixed is just making quote replies look the way they should rather than just being green.


Does copying a threads URL automatically convert it into a link? What I mean is turning https://kissu.moe/<board>/thread/<number> into >>/<board>/<number> or whatever? Also, cross-board linking should be explained in the FAQ, since it works slightly differently than on most imageboards.


why don't you just try it


Okay, I did. It works, but it doesn't show up in the post preview for some reason.


Because the conversion is done on the server, the preview is basically taking in API data that is used to create the threads and creating a custom post out of it. The URL cite-link conversion is done on the server and having that in the preview requires me to write some extra code I considered low priority.
There's actually a fair number of preview functionality(post previews and the now abandoned rich text functionality) that I considered not as important as improving how the UI works and getting onto optimization and security.


updated to 4.0.6 which fixes some issues with the cards that show up if you link this site from a chat platform with URL previews. Made it so that you can tab into the QR submit and file buttons since that was unclear.
Some mobile and summary notification bugs.

Also added JFIF to previews which someone should confirm for me.


Resolved an issue with user delete speed,
was very slow and is now back to being fast


Going to do a temporary listing of /test/ today or something so I can test how the site performs when getting a flood of posts and the capability of stopping bot spam under the assumption that none of the proxy/tor bans work.


I'm beginning some tests on the server so performance might be degraded


Test scenario: None of the anti-spam messures work
Result: MySQL will catastrophically fail

Reality will be that captcha, antibot and proxy bans will filter out spam, but it shows that the site performance will completely die at 4/r9k/ levels of activity.


>Reality will be that captcha, antibot and proxy bans will filter out spam,
from the looks of my current test my basic filters prevent spam from slowing down site use


In fact it does look like it could handle 11PPM after I changed the posts database's to use InnoDB instead of the Vichan preset of MyISAM.

I'll try the previous test I did earlier soon


File:(clipboard)1628082186640.png (2.79 KB,225x49)

I think there's a bug in the post counter. I was out for like an hour max, it's up to 202. I've noticed something similar previously as well, in a matter of minutes the post count had gone up to 30+.
Is this a bug or is kissu getting extremely active?


yes, I wrote myself a spam script to test how the site performs under heavy load and listed /test/ to get a real number.


see >>7904




Say if you notice it again later, I resolved some issues I had with handling bot spam so I won't be doing any floods again.




I think /test/ should stay listed. No real reason to keep it a secret I think, it encourages people to test out things on the site and play around with making posts.


Well, if /test/ becomes visible I need to move temporarily uploaded CSS stuff to a more... secret board. I guess it could work.


I don't mean it needs to be visible, but I think keeping it on the sidebar wouldn't hurt anything would it?


Uses up page space on something that no one cares about


File:waterfox_WYZReqRfFW.png (207.21 KB,469x910)

Well, there's space, but it does seem like an extremely niche use and a visible /test/ board on the sidebar when there's already a banner does seem kind of overkill.
It's hard for me to explain, but it seems kind of tacky, too.


looks like jfif isn't actually working so I'll fix that.

Aside from this:
I've been thinking and I'm probably completely done with the front-end software.

The only question is if it's worth spending more time on the previews. I'm tempted to say that it's not worth it for reasons.

The preview is something that works in most cases.
If I list the scenarios where it doesn't work right:

1) Youtube videos for images
2) Converting URLs into Cites
3) Video thumbnails
4) Handling CORS errors

However it's main usage is:
0) Verify that your markup tags have worked properly
This, it does fine.

But I do realize that I made a mistake with enabling JFIF and the size of the thumbnails is off. That will take only a few minutes to fix. So I'll see how many of these issues I can cross off in a day.
In order of priority: 2 , 1 , 4 , 3


File:(clipboard)1628297377023.png (99.84 KB,1346x450)

Don't know if this is intentional but the normal reply box doesn't update with the quick reply box.


And vice versa.


If it were me, I'd still try to get the preview feature as close to complete as reasonably possible.


Syncing post forms is not straightforward, but this might be something to try.

Finishing all of those should make it complete. It would be an act of correcting discrepancies between what gets posted and what gets previewed after that, which is up to users testing the program.


looked into how 4chan handles these sorts of text walls
going to replicate their decision to autoinsert <wbr>, but need to also change the UI to accept those tags


Added in word breaks tags, meaning text walls get formatted properly
Added form synchronization. Syncing up files between forms will require another person asking for it.

Updated catalog CSS to look nicer and changed something about catalog hiding.

Altered CSS of font awesome icons that can be placed into comments [s fa-anchor][/s]

Fixed simple preview bugs/weirdness(no new features yet)


Looks like I've done the first set of fixes.
Markup might be broke somewhere I can't see, the usual, so report bugs..

Inadvertently, because of the custom markup functionality I added kissu allows you to add font-awesome icons to your posts. Icons from this set are available for posting.
If you think emoji suck because they're too colorful and want something more plain these are available.

to input them create an fas or far(solid vs regular) and then place the icon inside them:

[s fas]
[s fa-2x]
[s fa-blind][/s]
[s fa-blind][/s]
[s fa-blind][/s]


apparently a bug that i'll have to resolve
&#93; is ]


kewl 





I said the &# 93; is a bug for ]


I don't have a degree in CS, I'm just a mere nuclear physicist.


The markup system is very free form, as a result if you input things wrong it might render the entire post as garbage.


oh, I thought that putting HTML entities into [code] wouldn't convert them but it did >>7947



yeah, [sjis] and [code] aren't doing what I want them to. There's a chance I can edit-fix it quick


Syncing is awesome! Thanks for finally doing it.


the text is good, but doesn't sync the files yet


><a onclick="return highlightReply('7959', event);" href="/b/res/6312#7959">>>7959</a>
[s fa-frown][/s]


i'm trying to test something while cool's stream is happening


resolved a bunch of markup issues (i think)

Last things on my list for today are the 4-5 preview additions.


I just noticed that you can't preview posts from the form at the bottom of the page. How much trouble would it be to add that?


uh, kind of. There's only one preview so the toggles need to be linked and there's also the question of who's file gets used since those aren't linked at the moment


File:nDxvNYI.png (238.17 KB,1026x642)

Updating the previews wasn't as hard as I thought.

Previews now handle youtube/nico thumbs, translate Kissu-URL->Cite link, Create a video thumbnail and create a preset image when loading fails(due to CORS errors and similar issues)


So with that out of the way, all issues have again been solved.


File:1628076812925.png (289.74 KB,1920x950)

siiigh.... the good old days...


File:1628076818815.png (369.61 KB,1346x882)

Remember when the UI didn't suck...




The current version's way better, what are you smoking?


is joke


I'm going to be creating a new dev thread since the site's software is stable for the foreseeable future and dev' isn't a major issue. I guess just a generic admin and dev QA thread.

On this I want to resolve an issue relating to >>>/poll/1554
This issue is backed by the reasoning behind prior creation of >>>/jp/

Thread perma status off


she has a big head lole


The rare bot spam

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