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File:2BD81656-C0BF-4C60-8551-E….jpeg (99.62 KB,500x500)


complaint: I hid a thread on index and it appeared in catalogue still >:/




File:C2637022-D5E5-42CC-85AE-A….jpeg (157.48 KB,957x957)

could not hide this post from within thread

how do u expect people to post here if they cant hide trash posts and not see trash threads in catalogue view


This is why UI-2.0 exists


is this a thirdparty script that i'll need to install in a thirdparty inbrowser scriptrunner in order to see?


no. it's full replacement, but still bering finalized. There's a trigger for it in the top bar(fr)


File:c7a1cacfac.png (294.66 KB,1920x965)


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