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File:1521788087935.png (77.05 KB,320x320)


Do you think we should do any outreach at 4/jp/ with all of that brouhaha going on? On one hand there's still some good people there, but on the other hand it's still 4chan so they're the minority




Lead them to ota


I don't believe advertising a chan makes it any better. Or in my case more profitable, but if you feel like you'd enjoy being around more people from /jp/ you can go for it.


I say do it if you're inclined. Worst case is they're not interested.


No... Worst case is if the link gets picked up by someone who then posts it in one of the vtubers threads, and then those people try to make Kissu a bunker and don't bother assimilating.


You're greatly overestimating the people who would come here from any advertising.


Indeed. Which is why it's a "worst case," not "the most likely case."


yeah but in that case you just expel the shitters


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We have moderation here you know. The mods don't just sit on their asses unlike the 4chan mods.


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I feel a little sorry for the good people who are still clinging onto 4/jp/ despite it now being nothing but a sea of generals and empty image dumps. I would like to reach out to them but the opportunity to naturally mention other imageboards rarely comes. And I'm not sure if the posters here are too keen on risking bringing over shitty posters to kissu, which there has been a surge of on 4/jp/ ever since vtubers took off in the west.

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