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File:#jp.mp4 (19.48 MB,1158x722)


Truly, IRC is the last bastion of old internet


what about usenet or anything on the internet that's not a part of "the web"?


It was more a jab at the statement than a statement


"last" implies uniqueness


usenet is super uncanny, people are still cutting their lines of text manually over there. I haven't tried a lot of subs but at least on comp.lang.lisp the few people that post are all weirdos


it really is


Trial 2


Most irc servers are dead though


>internet relic casket


Too green


It's not easy being green


Is the Rizon IRC channel for Kissu still active? I've been on other networks for a while. Thought about setting things back up on there even though I know it's mostly dead now.


I'm not a fan of IRC protocol nowadays. I want to eventually set up an integrated IM service for Kissu but I'm being kind of slow on rewritting our imageboard engine from Vichan which prevents a lot of that whatnot.

For now there is only Kissu.moe for everything Kissu


>>11425 There really should be a maintained way to communicate with others from here in a terminal. I don't live in a web browser.


Rizon is still there, but not terribly active. Discussion happens maybe once a month on average, but it's brief. The activity is still primarily in #qa on sageru, but has slowed down comparatively as kissu has gained in activity


well, the sockets would probably be usable from script or website, but I'd need to know a bit more about how you interface with IRC


something that I've considered as mostly pointless has been a desktop port of the UI for linux and windows... would that resolve these sorts of issues?


not that anon but i think that would be epic and for the win


I would love that.


i wonder if you could post from a terminal browser like lynx if you had a vip token


You can post from anything if you know how to send a POST request.


They were in their heyday too. That's what I thought looking at OP's vid, too much activity to be representative of ye olde irc.
I'd hit up the dcc bot for a batch of anime like a week later and there would be maybe a dozen posts from 300 idlers.

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