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File:1514203858702.jpg (144.09 KB,500x700)


hey friends i just made a new chan drop by and say hi sometime



File:file.jpg (125.64 KB,1280x720)

>catalog view isn't even working properly
come on dude


board advertisements go on /b/, so...


It's ugly as hell and it's full of w*jaks


A suggestion:
Don't advertise your IB everywhere or you will end up getting spammed by bored teenbros.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (271.47 KB,1920x1080)

I really wish people would understand that you need to create a reason for people to post on your new board. It's a nice project if you want to learn coding or something maybe, but there's likely hundreds of these bare-bones come-create-a-community-for-me templates out there...


I forgot to sage


fixed it for you


shinku is WORST doll


and it's dead


File:1366468029965.jpg (89.21 KB,661x452)







Je suis mort.


angel mort


what's the average chan lifespan anyways


I don't think averages are useful in this case. There are those that last between a week and a few months because they've got no community, the old ones that survive for ten-fifteen years, but those in the middle I'm not sure. Think it depends a lot on their situation.


>Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

>We can’t connect to the server at shinkuchan.cf.

>If you entered the right address, you can:

> Try again later
> Check your network connection
> Check that Nightly has permission to access the web (you might be connected but behind a firewall)


that's normal for minor imageboards

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