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File:761D6C06-94D2-422A-8CB7-26….png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB,1320x2000)


i hid a thread from index but it still appears in catalog. Is this an intended feature? cookies are enabled btw


we're talking about the newUI or vichan UI?


i was on the questions board


vichan's catalog might as well be piece of cardboard with pictures stuck onto it. It can't do anything.




File:97c5b779b519d630673e48dbf8….jpg (688.06 KB,875x1238)

how long until this problem gets resolved?

pissmin is too fast to be browsing from index


It works if you hide it with 4chan X.
On another note, I've noticed the NSFW thumbnail appears in the catalog as a regular spoiler thumbnail.


File:14cd29224e8aeb16e8cddf9c80….png (1.38 MB,1500x1943)

i browse just fine from the index, dont think it's too fast at all

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