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File:1552998865628.jpg (90.81 KB,475x475)


Can vtubers be banned already?
I am sick and tired of the posturing and the faggots who keep posting them as if to incite more /pol/-tier outrage. Almost all of their threads devolve into trash, about as bad as politics threads were, but there's far more of them.


File:[ANE] Denpa Onna to Seishu….png (2.33 MB,1920x1080)

When you assume their intentions so malicious and without gray, I can't see a way to defend them. Clearly action must be taken against these posers trying to incite outrage.


File:悪即斬.jpg (770.24 KB,1024x1448)



you sound like an absolute teen


History will do me justice.


As it stands most of the /pol/-tier kuso posts come from those bashing vtubers. Maybe instead of vtubers being banned, their detractors can be, since the threads wouldn't be filled with garbage if not for them.


i dont really see many vtuber threads and the ones that do pop up i havent seen turn into what youre claiming


thread theme


The use of /r9k/ lingo and things like /jp/res/9145 indicate that the problem is one of new population, or posters who have become too comfortable in showing their true colors.


kill all /pol/ teens


File:[Mori] Wakako-zake - 03 [0….jpg (188.66 KB,1280x720)

Don't quote my thread you tryhard newfag shitter. I don't have anything to do with this. Learn how to take a joke.


Someone sure is defensive about their shit sense of humor.


File:[Mori] Wakako-zake - 02 [0….jpg (166.11 KB,1280x720)

Someone asked me to post the memesub track in the other thread so I'm posting some screencaps instead. Are you sure it's not you who has a shit sense of humor?


File:[SubsPlease] Higurashi no ….jpg (109.76 KB,1280x720)

I very much dislike vtubers and I think the threads are naturally going to be low quality, but I don't think I can agree with banning them. How poetic it'd be if I need to especially monitor vtuber threads for kuso posts just like 4/jp/...


It's not about low quality, it's that the topic is highly controversial, inflammatory. Too inflammatory. From the thread on politics:
>The issue isn't really the material or the people, it's the context around content eliciting a certain reaction from people.


they're explicitly 2D and random. Politics doesn't have a place on kissu because it's not geared for commentary about the real world, but actors could be seen as a grey line between fiction and reality


but even then, kissu being a place with blog discussion does make it fine to discuss some real world topics


>they're explicitly 2D
How the fuck is a 3DP streamer 2D?


5 vtuber threads in the past week (4 on /jp), out of a whole shitload more of other threads. Also no /pol/-tier outrage in any of them.

Don't think there's any problems here.


Hm-MMM, H-H-H-HMMM, hmhmhm.


Andy alone freaking out while others throw peanuts isn't stoking /pol/-tier outrage, also >>5033








andy tier thread


so who is andy?


junko poster with a hardon for reddit and getting angry online


in my defense it was ntr shit and people unironically getting off to it.


People can get off to whatever they want


Yeah but it doesn't give them the right to flaunt it like it's morally acceptable to be a self-hating piece of shit.


Hello, I am from the future >>5032 was right.


haven't noticed any vtuber threads on kissu lately


I mean... It does seem at least slightly correlated. People did, and still do to a lesser degree now, get a little angry whenever vtubers get posted. Moreover, I think people have generally come to the conclusion that vtubers are fairly flawed for various reasons, which has soured people's opinion on them as well.

Even without being banned outright, they've mostly fallen into irrelevance on Kissu for these reason.


I think more of the reason is that with /vt/'s existence and gnfos changing. /vt/ did a great job of sucking up vtuber activity from everywhere else and gnfos did a great job at containing it on the spinoffs.


I don't think vtubers are posted on kissu any less now than they were before. They've always been rather rare, either because kissu users don't watch them or don't care to post about them on kissu.

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