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File:waterfox_ymC7cKEcWV.png (12.65 KB,430x140)


Do you use a listed CSS on kissu and are dissatisfied with the color of sage? What theme is it and what color do you think it should be?
I'm going through and correcting them, but some input from people that use the themes would probably be for the best.


>Do you use a listed CSS on kissu and are dissatisfied with the color of sage?
Dark-Kissu, nope.

>what color do you think it should be?
The light green that it is seems fine enough.


Sure, pick the one dark theme where it's working...


The one on dark and tomorrow should definitely be changed. It's pretty hard to read. Make it a lighter blue maybe.



File:xIViSTJui3.png (2.56 KB,377x70)

sage names are too dark, pic related is how the sage color is supposed to look like


i forgot to remove my test tripcode from the name field


File:o3k5ULraBu.png (14.45 KB,536x196)

almost forgot
this is what the sage color looks like on kissu rn with the tomorrow theme

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