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what's the overall ratio of sages to bumps on this site? it seems like so many people use sage for some reason


I don't think there's any easy way to track this... is there?


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about 1/3 of posts on /qa/ use sage




>it seems like so many people use sage for some reason
I've used sage by default for years, and it's because bumping a thread is disruptive. Putting something on the top of the board for a one-line throwaway post feels weirdly uncouth to me.


Bumping to see if things have changed


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more people sage, than posts on /qa/ in 2020


Slight increase, 1 sage per 3 posts in 2020 versus 1 sage per 2.9 posts in 2022. Unless I got it wrong.


sounds right


Kissu's changed.


Kissu... Kissu never changes.



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