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File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (182.67 KB,1920x1080)


So I have two issues: one is not being able to delete posts myself anymore and the other is the thumbnail of the webm not showing. What is causing these two things? I wanted to delete this post because the Rena didn't show but it gave me "wrong password" when I tried to: >>>/qa/57695 I didn't switch IPs or change the password.


By the way, that same webm showed on /jp/ some days ago, so the problem is recent: >>>/jp/8477


webm i fixed today. I didn't fully complete the spoilers apparently and was causing issues for webm

I checked your passwords in the database and it changed between the two posts you made. This might be a setting on your browser, but I'm also noticing that modifying the password causes some unexpected behaviour

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