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File:40EEE899-EC0C-484E-BBA2-C….jpeg (128.15 KB,1024x1024)


whats your problem just permaban me already


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (226.29 KB,1920x1080)



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my mobile data IPs are here >>>/qa/52439
rangeban 99.203 (me) permanently stupid gay moderation


I think if someone is being distracted from things they have to do by the site, it's nice to give them a ban if they ask for it. Just put something like "user requested a ban for themselves" as a reason and lift it immediately if anyone appeals.


Bans don't prevent people from viewing the site, though...


he wants a rangeban from his phone but that would mean possibly denying other users so there's no other option than for him to have self control.

I think there are some other reasons not to ban someone if they ask for it, but I'd have to strain my head to think about them.


why do u want 2 be banned


I stopped viewing kohlchan and 4chan after being banned though


I want less distraction. Imageboards are a bad influence


getting mobile IP rangebanned is a good thing. I dont want other people to end up like me. (addicted to imageboarding)


>that would mean possibly denying other users
Can't they simply request to be unbanned if that happens?


But you don't seem to understand,

You're posting on your mobile IP and if I did a real rangeban on that then I would prevent every person in that area from posting on kissu with a phone, for no reason.




and I mean, you've been banned from your residential IP so if that's not good enough then the problem is your end


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The 3day eternal purgatory


i dont thing that's going to helpe whateber problem u have made for urself


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there's something contradictory about trying to get banned to stop posting...

In the effort of getting banned you have to post a lot of stuff that make you seem like your worth banning, so in the end are you even quitting imageboards by doing this?


Ultimately it's just another form of procrastination.


procrastination, that's it


He can procrastinate his life away waiting for his bans to expire, in a way it's a worse fate than being permabanned.


guy can just say he's under the age of 18 and he'd get banned.


You're expecting too much thought from the mind of a teen

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