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File:26ec2076aa78c2bd23ad563d5f….jpg (897.09 KB,1080x1701)


~150,000 IPs are going to be banned by the end of the day, cascading into certainly some automatic rangebans.

If this results in false positives, submit a ban appeal and I'll work out the issues.


Likewise, I'll be seeing how much this slows down posting


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Unlike other vichan sites, I can whitelist you from bans if it's a tricky situation.


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im scared


shouldn't cause problems for residential and mobile IPs, if it does I'll remove them from the list since I don't want collateral damage.
The case of legitimate VPNs is a bit more tricky but I think the whitelist system I've set up can solve it.

Promoting an anonymous community as a fun site is tricky and takes a lot of force.


I post from a (paid) VPN, hope this doesn't affect me...


there's an insignificant number of abuse reports from that range, but if someone submits an appeal they'll get it unblocked anyways.

This is in a sense trying to preapprove proxy and VPN accounts beforehand


I guess it's not much of a concern for me then. I usually only post from my VPN when I forget to turn it off.

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