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File:a69a346f9c5b67b8f7efe559a6….jpg (125.6 KB,1000x707)


/vt/ when?


On Kissu? I think it'd be fine to just use /jp/, but if not, then it should be fine on the seasonal boards. Just don't make it a recurring general!


just use jp


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (264 KB,1920x1080)

You mean /poop/?


This was a joke, but now I'm actually starting to wonder about it...


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (194.43 KB,1920x1080)

No, there really shouldn't have a home for this on kissu. I've hated vtubers from the beginning and more people are starting to agree with me and the disdain will only grow. vtubers can stay on 4chan and social media where they belong


I'd vote to ban vtubers from kissu if only it stopped this massive natesnuking.


>more people are starting to agree with me and the disdain will only grow.
"Thing I dislike will become unpopular" is a weirdly common post template.


it happened


Damn same exact board name too


Clearly the only logical explanation is that the 4chan developer lurks here!


just use literally any other imageboard


They all suck, so does 4chan. /vt/ would not be a good fit for kissu.


given the effort extended to expunge us from 4/qa/ it's probably that the manager lurked here at some point


never ever

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