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 No.4243[View All]

Last issue established problems with Kissu's software and the need to expand into custom written user interfaces, moderation tools and customization of existing aspects.

As of this point kissu's experimental UI is in a beta state(all functionality planned out for the current revision, usable, but buggy and unstable).
The experimental UI's purpose is to bring a 4chanX like environment into kissu providing it with dynamic content that reacts to the user's needs and offers a more responsiveness to the board changes(notifications on site content and your own). A list of features will be set below in the next post.
What we have now is a server with read only permissions on the vichan database to create it's own API pages for the React front-end+server.
While it handles poorly on 800 post threads, this is likely due to poor optimization that I'll fix in the coming weeks. That being said, there is a huge improvement to viewing experience in music threads such as https://beta.kissu.moe/qa/thread/47339#qa-47339

Kissu was also targeted for the first time by script spammers with preexisting knowledge on the workings of Vichan, even going so far as to script spam my banner program with account generation. Though we managed not to cause any interruptions to people's activities on Kissu it required a lot of energy from the staff and required me to get a moderator in addition to Cool. This giving us 22 hour surveillance over the actions happening on the site.
I also felt that time was up for /megu/ which I was uncomfortable about. The new board /ec/ offers a more arguably cultured/artistic board devoted to cute and sexy image sharing.
In the future we will need more moderation tools and I think that the following 3 will put kissu into a state where it's in full control of it's own agenda.

The current three tools that I feel will help kissu and not be too hard to implement are:
- Perceptual hashing: http://blockhash.io/
This will target people's avatars and repetitive image spam. Cloudflare already provides this for child sexual abuse material(and even forwards offending IPs), but for our own purposes this is needed to put more stress on spammers obfuscating their images. In the very least, when combined with a captcha, their spam becomes less recognizable and more comedic when they have to put noise into it. Nonetheless, I think that it's worth pointing out that no captcha or spam gaurd is unsolvable and there needs to be other solutions.
- Archive Backups
The archive on kissu doesn't yet function as a backup because post information gets wiped when it gets knocked off of the pages. Though the archive isn't planned to be a feature of the experimental UI, it is still useful for moderation and restoration of the site after captcha breaking spam attacks.

Still, what if the spammer is completely automated, breaking the captcha, flooding every second, spamming every single thread on the site... then what?

A year ago I made the proxy scrapper program that searches pages for IPs and submits them into the ban table.
This is a solution that catches 1 or 2 ips every so often. But what if it needs to be expanded to eliminate large swaths of IPs and thuroughly deny access from any webserver proxy? Well, it might be worth considering how 4chan handles rangebans. A new function should be added to vichan whenever the system or mod bans an IP address that potentially eliminates subnets when a certain threshold of bans are hit. If the IP scrapper sees that a number of IPs are banned between it will make the decision that the subnet is unusable due to spam and automaticly issue a ban. Naturally this will cascade upwards to when a certain threshold is hit. This combined with filter rules for autobanning will create a system where script spammers are getting consistently shut out and maintain the speed of vichan which starts slowing down when the ban table hits 1000 entries.
In addition to this, it means that mods don't have to put in as much thought into combatting spam making it easier for these active users to contribute to the community and not police it.

-Real backups
Kissu needs an automated backup system. This is not complicated to do for the database, but images will take more effort. I could pay the server provider some money for this, but unless there is a crash, I'll find a manual system, or accept recommendations on this.

These will be done using Vichan since there will be way too much unnecessary wheel reinventing otherwise
692 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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There is, but you have to expand it


wrote down my similar thread procedures and datastructures and looks doable in 1.5 days.

before that add some fixes to another set of bugs.
-file-url on bottom post form,
-switch the reverse image-search to Yandex,
-sidebar scrolling heights across pages,
-some zalgo saftey on vichan and FrK,
-add SJIS and Code CSS to FrK.


all the bugs are fixed


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Not so fast, mister boat.
/cry/'s index wasn't updating, at least on my end. In either /all/ or the new UI the threads appeared, but with the old UI on kissu.moe they did not.
At least until >>>/cry/413 was posted, which is very strange.


This is a reoccurring theme in my work on vichan... i wonder if it's a php setting timing the execution out. I think I'll check on this theory.


i always run into the problem where if im looking at a thread in the index and hit reply, it will send me up to the New Reply box at the top of the page but since im looking at the index, it will be the New Thread box and I end up accidentally making a new thread.

I didnt think it was too big a deal but today it happened and i somehow managed to start a new thread on /jp/ without an image


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video games distracted me.

UI is finished on features. Upload and switch over soon. If you've already toggled into default UI then you'll get that one and won't be effected by any switches.


what waits after that is bug fixes, but likely no more major developments after this


Similar threads feature added in.
Some bugs, article positioning, centering images in containers, embeded vs blank thumb priority, wrap on mobile


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Nginx rules messed up. Site's working again


Updated site, set default UI to be the new one. If you already toggled into the old style you won't notice this.

Only thing remaining are bugs and compatibility. Not as high priority. Issues with the design can be given as usual but major changes and new features on top of what is already present are unlikely.


a few bugs on mobile that i can't write yet

QR position, highlight jump position, alt text bleeds on similar items, poll board name too wide


compilation of issues


-QR Position
-Highlight jump position
-Alt Text bleed in similar items
-Board Names which are too large to fit on one line
toggle hidden threads

captcha queues
Create multiple replies by selecting multiple images in files
Replace floatbar concept with startup window(combine news and motd, faq and rules)
allow URLs in startup news
windows need better styles
adjust scrollbar widths and colors

Figure out what causes the ban system to crash mysql
Rare situation where navigation doesn't build pages properly
Issue of reply/threads that don't get built on the new UI but are on Vichan, fixed?
More markup bugs
index counter bugs/poor design


So when will Posts Per Day (PPD) or Posts Per Hour (PPH) statistics for each board be displayed publicly?




Ok. But what's wrong with PPH/PPD statistics? Just curious.


Because i don't like measuring board speeds


Fair enough.


update to fix some mobile and general ui issues


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this should pop up every time you post


modified some spam settings


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The announcement text isn't centered when opening a thread.


added startup window with MOTD and news items, as a replacement for the floatbar that wasn't doing it's job well enough.

Also added sound effect on posting >>6201
(turn off in options, but going to change eventually).

It's that it gets knocked off by the tree-view toggle floating to the right.


Made it so that you have to toggle sounds on post.
Might not always stay as "yeah!", but it exists just to show off some things that the UI can do, since it's basically what some would refer to as a flash-player website now.

QR is modified inside of threads so that selecting multiple images will create multiple buds(aka new replies). Outside of threads and selecting one image it will function as normal. This replicates 4chanX behaviour and makes it easier to create post queues


This thread is soon to be retired, but linking the feedback here for now


Modified imageframe behaviour to be easier to use


Modified scrollbars on chromium browsers to be consistent against Linux Firefox

What's left is to fix some of the trickier bugs


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Has this been addressed?


It's well known that I can't spell

[expand] should also be adjusted to [Expand]


typo fix, some style issues, some other fixes


think i fixed a hard to replicate bug and another with similar items.


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someone pointed out a bug in IRC, but I'm not sure if he's still around so I'd like to know his useragent extention which caused this bug.


should imouto rescue club be taken off the front page


yeah, but it still works as a link, through errors of my own


changed featured,
fixed some markup bugs


I'm running out of bugs/issues. Considering I need followup on the crash that occurs on a user agent spoofer(well, this crash might not be all that bad considering this is often used by spammers) I only have a cosmetic bug left to resolve.


New interface is completely broken, at least on pale moon.


i see,

> SyntaxError: invalid regexp group


so two bugs to fix are this regexp error in palemoon and similar, and a problem with jump positions on mobile


Palemoon lacks some regex(look behinds aka. the ?<= pattern ).

Seems like I've fixed every bug someone's followed up on. I'll give it a few days for me to find anything else and stick a 3.0 version onto it.


Deleted threads sometimes still shows up on the board index, at least on Firefox 85. Not sure if this happens for Chrome or Pale Moon. The deleted threads disappear when a new post is made, reply or thread.


vichan index right?


Yes, vichan.


hey well, I fixed it but I have no fucking idea why the fix works and I'm basically going to say i don't give a shit about why it resolves it because vichan as a user interface is fucking terrible and you should be ashamed for liking it.




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Going to make a new thread soon.

The current issues/topics that decide the fate of kissu will be:
- Kissu-Fr style complaints and bugs
- Vichan/Posting issues
- I need to find a way to make a living without responding to random people's offers to put ads on this site or buy it.

Pushing issues of "kissu is too fast/slow" or "kissu is a more sterile 4qa" or "kissu needs to keep more people out" aside because mods/admins are supposed to I need to deal with my personal bigger picture . Big picture is if the new UI is working, the legacy components are functioning and am I able to continue devoting myself to kissu.


Why can't I add a title to my post?
Why did you remove a feature?
Why add the long reply form if it's the exact same as the quick reply and offers no other features?
Are you fucking stupid?
Why don't the quick reply and long reply forms sync as before?
Why did you remove a feature?
Why add the long reply form if it's the exact same as the quick reply and offers no other features?
Are you fucking stupid?
What's wrong with you?
What's your problem?
Why do you insist on doing things half-right?
Answer me.


Titles in threads has been removed since before UI was added.
Syncing won't exist unless I go into development again.

I don't think the lack of either warrants this kind of response.


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