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File:aeaae95340c359dadbfa20fe26….jpg (121.94 KB,743x1024)


First of all (this should come as no surprise to some of you), #jp, an IRC channel that is hosted on the same IRC server as one of our #qa channels, is filled with what we would consider "undesirable" users who post "undesirable" content. If a high standard of quality is to be kept on this site, "undesirable" users must be kept from posting.
The banner system that has been introduced on kissu.moe allows users an opportunity to advertise locations on the internet to other kissu.moe users. A banner has been created for #jp by a user, and this banner is currently active on kissu.moe.
Regardless of how #jp could influence the quality of kissu.moe, it would be unfortunate for one of our users to enter the mental asylum that is #jp. The users there are beyond redemption and would only insult any naive users of the banner system. Consequently, such a negative experience with the banner system would dissuade further use of it, meaning less clicks on banners that do not lead to #jp.
Now, if a user were to engage in #jp acively, he may return to kissu.moe, spreading the "undesirable" content that may be found there. This lowers the site quality and may be difficult to deal with, as users returning from #jp often flavor their posts ever so slightly, as to make their removal unwarranted.
That is all I have to say on this issue, thank you and have a good day.


Is it fine if it no longer directs to #jp?


it's already down


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (350.21 KB,1920x1080)



wanna mating press em all


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No, it is not. Any consequences mentioned in my original post still stand as users may search for "#jp" (the text that is flashed at the end of the banner GIF) and find the location of the channel on their own. You may say, "You have also mentioned #jp in this very thread. Does that also influence users to visit the channel?" My answer to that is, "No." In this thread we have discussed #jp as a channel which will only degrade the quality of the site, dissuading kissu.moe users from searching for its location.


>#jp as a channel which will only degrade the quality of the site
the banner has been up for a long time and I don't remember it degrading the quality of the site. and if people were to shitpost they would simply be banned?


>This lowers the site quality and may be difficult to deal with, as users returning from #jp often flavor their posts ever so slightly, as to make their removal unwarranted.


I think you forget #jp barely has 4 people talking at the same time at any time of the day. there might be 40 users in the channel but it frequently dies for hours
>as users returning from #jp often flavor their posts ever so slightly, as to make their removal unwarranted.
link those posts


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (337.46 KB,1920x1080)

I guess I'm just having trouble seeing the problem here. How many people are going to tilt their heads and write down an IRC address from an animated banner?
I'm not personally against removing the banner, but I'm just one guy and I didn't make it


if you think kissu shouldn't be associated with the channel then I think it's a good reason but you're making up stuff that literally doesn't happen


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Cute artist, I really like the line weight and bright colors


id rather remove whiners tbh


what was the jp babner


no idea. not up anymore


a gif of cromartie high school I think

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