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Was feeling that kissu was a bit slow these past couple days. However when I went to check my /all/ tab I keep open to track post counts it appears that the site is doing just as well as it usually is, only content is becoming more spread across the boards. It begs the question of how this look affects the site as a whole. So with that in mind I want to know what /b/'s opinions are on this matter. Is content being spread out a good or bad thing?

Personally I find it to be a mix of both since it has allowed for a more varied appeal for the site, but having some boards be not as fast may make it feel as though the site isn't as fast.


>>3967 shows that it does impact the impression people get from the site. I can't really say whether sticking to one board is a standard practice, but if someone does so then their experience on kissu is certainly going to be worsened. There's the /all/ message in red, though.
Now, if it has any other effect beyond that, I've no clue.


Wonder if there's a way to get people more to use /all/ on their first visit.


I believe this was one of the concerns raised in the /poll/ thread on the creation of a new board (/jp/) and "splitting /qa/." That splitting /qa/ and/or creating more boards without a rise in the number users would cause a halving of activity between boards precisely because post rates tend to remain steady globally.

At any rate, I'm not really convinced this is a bad thing. Prioritizing post rates over quality is a fool's errand. I'd much rather have a "slower" imageboard than attract people who care of speed only for speed's sake. People who care for actual discussion will stick around regardless.

I think that's looking at the issue backwards. If anything, users should view the respective boards first to understand their atmosphere and topic. Then, if they're longing for activity, they should consider using /all/.

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